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1、中央杏仁核central area中心区;市中心区central bay明间central water海洋 中央水central frame车辆 中间框架central storage中央存储器网络短语:Central bankers central bank国际清算银行central hellow内部中心孔洞central element中心元; 中央成分; 中心内容;roasted centrally烘培central console中央控制台central pyrexia中枢热central gas-supply中心供气central bank中央银行; 中央; 央行; 中心银行;英语例

2、句库1.The hotel islocated between Dam Square andCentralStation.1.这家旅馆位于达姆广场和中央车站之间。2.International Truckage from China toAsia.2.中国大陆至中亚五国间的国际公路联运;3.Francescentralbank would hold the line.3.法国中央银行不会退让。4.The avenues converge at asquare.4.道路汇聚在中央广场5.Centralheating is bad news for indoor plants.5.中央供暖系统不利

3、于室内植物的生长。6.Alienation is amotif in her novels.6.疏离感是她小说的一个重要的主题。7.Our apartment is veryfor the shops.7.由我们的公寓到商店购物很方便。8.Commitments play arole in multiagent coordination.8.摘要在多主体合作时,承诺发挥着中心作用;9.This hotel is equipped with aheating thermostat.9.这家旅馆装有中央空调温度调节器。10.This is thecity of the whole area.10.

4、这座城市是整个地区的中心城市。11.The shops are in aposition in the city.11.商店都开设在城市的中心。12.Social anthropology isconcerned with the diversity of culture.12.社会人类学主要关于文化多样性。13.They beamed the program to the countries ofAmerica.13.他们向中美洲国家播送这套节目。14.The citypublic square is hung with coloured flags.14.市中心广场上挂着各式彩旗。15.H

5、e asks questions that are germane andto the issue.15.他问了一些与论点有密切关系的重要问题。16.Visual field testing showed bilat. upper-nasal constriction and relativescotoma.16.视野有明显的鼻侧上部缺陷。17.Neotropical Zoogeographic region consisting of South andAmerica with tropical Mexico.17.新热带区的包含中南美洲与热带墨西哥的动物地理区。18.The formati

6、on of polyhalide depends on the combination ofhalide ions.18.多卤化物的形成取决于中心卤化物离子的结合。19.Thecharacter of the novel is a sort of underworld figure.19.这部小说的中心角色是个黑社会人物。20.The armadillo is found in the American South and in20.犰狳生活在美国南部和中美洲地区。21.In the meantime, thebank also cuts the reloan and rediscount r

7、ates.21.同时,下调中央银行再贷款、再贴现等利率。22.Centralauthority has been progressively weakened since the outbreak of the civil war.22.内战爆发后,中央权威已经逐渐被削弱。23.Conclusionneurocytoma should be considered when a mass originates from the septum pellucidum.23.结论起源于侧脑室透明隔的肿瘤,应考虑到中枢神经细胞瘤的可能。24.Supporting the Razorback footba

8、ll team wasto the idea of being an Arkansan.24.作为一个阿肯色州人,核心概念就是要支持野猪队。25.Economic activities of the satellite are closely geared to those of thecity.25.卫星城市的经济活动与中心城市息息相关。26.Fenfluramine Hydrochloride is an appetite inhibitor, a major role in thenervous system.26.盐酸芬氟拉明是一种食欲抑制剂,主要作用于中枢神经系统。27.Pollen

9、 tube entered one synergid, and released two sperms between egg andcells.27.精子脱掉细胞质鞘后,形成精核与细胞质体;28.First, there was krumping, the spasmic, freestyle hip-hop dance out of SouthL.A.28.Kranking先是有了krumping,一种即兴的,痉挛似的hip-hop舞蹈,在洛杉矶中心南部兴起。29.A brilliant green blister beetle(Lytta vesicatoria or Cantharis

10、 vesicatoria) ofand southern Europe.29.斑蝥,西班牙芜菁一种亮绿色芜菁(西班牙绿芜菁或芜菁花萤属),产于欧洲中部和南部30.Aring creates an ovular oculus which is the center-point of the space.30.一个中心环状横梁在整个空间的中央建造了一个圆形舞台。31.The topography force influence on the typhonicintensity and unsymmertrical structure is very evident.31.地形的强迫作用对台风涡度场

11、的中心强度和非对称结构有明显的影响;32.The maquiladora-product assembly-industry in Mexico andAmerica is competitive today thanks to high U.32.分部门的市场份额损失情况进一步说明了中国对拉美制造业构成的挑战。33.The male palpus is simplified, having only a singletegular process, probably the conductor.33.雄蛛触肢简单,仅具一个中瓦状中突,可能是引导器。34.A band of light rai

12、n and showers extended from the Canadian border toTexas.34.从加拿大边境到得克萨斯州中部有一片小雨和阵雨区。35.Conclusion The damage of strabismic amblyopia. in theregion was larger than in peripheral.35.斜视性弱视波形异常程度与弱视程度无关。36.Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis(SSPE)is a serious disorder ofnervous system caused by defective

13、 measles virus.36.亚急性硬化性全脑炎(SSPE)是由缺陷型麻疹病毒引起的严重的中枢神经系统疾病。37.Objective To investigate the clinical features of primary angiitis of thenervous system (PACNS).37.摘要目的探讨原发性中枢神经系统血管炎(PACNS)的临床特点。38.The structure shows a distorted trigonal bipyramidal configuration with five-coordinations to atin atom.38.

14、结果表明,化合物中锡原子呈五配位畸变三角双锥构型。39.In 1977, Jean Bedel Bokassa crowned himself Emperor of the bankruptAfrican Republic.39.1977年,普卡隆自我加冕为中非共和国终身总统,加冕仪式花了国家每年收入的四分之一。40.The flat isheated.40.这套房间是集中供暖的。41.Vardar Valley wines come from the Tikves Vineyards ofMacedonia, where quality grapes are grown.41.沃尔泰葡萄酒来

15、自马其顿中部,盛产优质葡萄的泰克沃斯葡萄产区。42.In particular, I will consider the identity-politics issuesto gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, or transsexual.42.我特别会探讨围绕男同性恋、女同性恋、双性恋、变性的或跨性别人群的中心问题,就是身份危机的问题。43.Antiseptic solutions forneuraxial blockade: which concentration of chlorhexidine in alcohol should we use

16、?43.中枢神经阻滞时溶解于酒精中的防腐剂氯己定浓度应该为多少?44.The solemn statement of thegovernment on this issue was featured in full in the newspapers.44.各报全文刊登了中央政府对这个问题的庄严声明。45.Objective To investigate methods for the diagnosis and treatment of primary angitis of45.目的研究中枢神经系统原发性血管炎(PACNS)的诊断与治疗方法。46.The patient was though

17、t to have a transcortical motor aphasia with a rightseventh nerve palsy.46.考虑患者是皮质联接障碍型失语并伴有右侧中枢性面神经瘫痪。47.Electronystagmography revealed multiplesigns, and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials were absent on the side of the lesion.47.前庭诱发肌性电位检查,右侧正常,左侧呈阴性。48.The senescent chondrocytes were distribu

18、ted in thezone whereapoptotic morphological characteristics obviously appeared, such as pyknosis, karyorrhexis.48.气管软骨中央带多见衰老的软骨细胞,并见明显核固缩、核碎裂等细胞凋亡形态学特征。49.ThePeoples Broadcasting Station49.中央人民广播电台50.A tall, coarse plant(Inula helenium) native toAsia, having rayed yellow flower heads. The roots are

19、 used medicinally.50.欧洲南部终年草本植物,有窄叶子和黄花,黑色胡萝卜似的根部可食用。51.Salt profits acted special function in conflict among three sides such as Nanzhao,Government of Tang and Tufan.51.盐利在南诏、唐中央政府与吐蕃三方矛盾斗争中起着独特作用。52.Alzheimers disease(AD)is presenile dementia,it is a neurodegenerative disease of thenervous system,

20、and the mechanism of it is not clear.52.阿尔茨海默病即老年性痴呆,是一种中枢神经系统退行性疾病,发病原因尚不清楚。53.British politician and diplomat who negotiated the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (850) guaranteeing Anglo-American protection of an isthmian canal in53.布尔沃,威廉亨利利顿厄尔:(80-872)英国政治家和外交家,代表谈判签订克莱顿-布尔沃条约(850年),保证英裔美国人对中美洲地峡河道的保护权54.O

21、ne of the 24th batch students, who was awarder the honorary title of “Sea-Air Soldier” by theMilitary Committee.54.王伟二十四期学员,被军委授予“海空战士”荣誉称号。55.We firmly believe that Xiangcheng Senior Middle School, the brilliant pearl inlaid inPlains, will shine more and more resplendently.55.我们深信,襄城高中这颗镶嵌在中原大地上的明珠

22、,定会放射出更加璀璨夺目的光芒。56.Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop foreyesight, view is narrow.56.汞中毒眼部出现汞中毒性晶状体变化,视功能损害为中心视力下降、视野缩小。57.Incontinentia pigmenti is a rare genodermatosis that usually affects female infants.The associated ab

23、normalities involve ocular, dental, skeletal andnervous systems.57.色素失禁症是一种罕见的皮肤遗传疾病,通常发生在女性,除了皮肤以外还可能出现眼睛,牙齿,骨骼,以及中枢神经系统的异常。58.Physical examination, audiometry, electronystagmogram and vestibular evoked myogenic potential showed right stronger vestibular function than left, andvestibulopathy was im

24、pressed.58.理学检查、听力检查、眼振图及前庭肌性诱发电位显示右侧前庭功能较强,应有中枢性前庭神经元之功能障碍。59.Ginger contains spicy ginger oil, zingiberol, gingerone, zingiberene and gingerol etc. which can relieve the cerebral cortex, heart andnerve.59.姜含有辛辣姜油、姜醇、姜酮、姜烯、姜酚等。对大脑皮层、心脏、中枢神经有良好的舒缓作用。60.In this paper,rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a curvic beam attached with arigid body undergoing spatial large overall motion,is investigated.60.研究带中心刚体的作大范围运动的空间曲梁的刚-柔耦合动力学。

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