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1、be enchanted with 对入迷bring sth. to an end 解决某事end up with sth. 以作为结束、收场from beginning to end 从开始到最后armwith 提供;装备be capable of 能胜任做某事a mass of 大量(常加不可名)make provision for sth. 为某事作准备provisions for sth. 为某事而准备东西deviate from 偏离,背离feed on 以为主食;以为食be fed up with 受不了某事agree with 批准某人;赞同某事agree to do 批准做某事

2、agree on sth. 在某事上达到一致squeeze in 挤进去bridge the gap 缩小差距,减少隔阂be lying/standing idle 被闲置idle+时间段+away 虚度了某段时间deal with 解决,应付cope with 有效地解决in the manner of 以某种方式A is superior to B in sth. A比B在某一点更好vary in 在方面变化a variety of 各种各样for example=for instancestand for 代表conform to=comply with 遵守avail oneself

3、of sth. 某人运用某物be equivalent to 与某事是相等prevail upon/on sb. 说服某人be curious about 对某事较好奇coincide with 与相一致scores of 大量dozens of 许多 accord with 符合,与一致according to 依照,据某人所说concern about 担忧某事concern for 关怀care about 紧张take care of 照顾,注意care for 关怀,喜欢make(no)sense 有(无)意义be sensitive to 对某事很敏感、敏捷the absence

4、of sth. 缺少某物be representative of 代表某人或某事be sentenced to 被判处某刑罚give sb. a buzz (口)给某人打个电话puff sth. up/out 使某物膨胀或鼓起be puffed up 骄傲自满(=be conceited)mount to sth. 等同于某物be acquainted with 理解、熟悉某物require of sb. to do 规定某人去做accuse sb. of sth 由于某事控告某人excuse sb. from 使某人免于be composed of 由构成be exposed to 接触be

5、 supposed to 应当做propose to sb. 向某人求婚propose to do/that+虚拟从句/n. “建议去做、建议一件事”at ones disposal 听某人安排impose sth. on sb. 将某物强加给某人A is preferble to B A比B更好subscribe to sth. 订阅subscribe sth. to sb. 捐赠某物给某人hang up 闲逛,挂出take out a patent 申请专利steal over 悄悄弥漫,(感情)徐徐控制brood over 沉思某事a brood of 一窝wage war agains

6、t 向宣战keep abreast of 理解某事最新状况a herd of 一群a flock of 一群swarm into 蜂拥至furnish sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物all the rage 非常流行on the threshold of 在开端be diverse from 和某物不同convert A to B 把A转化成Bconvert sb. to A 使得某人皈依某教A come first A是最重要summon sb./oneself up使某人振作;鼓足勇气substitute A for B 用A代替Breplace A with B 用B来代替A

7、fit in with sb. 和某人合得来be fit for 对适当(a.)keep fit 保持健康/身材(a.)on the verge of 边沿pant for sth. 渴望某事back sth. up 把某信息备份back sb. up 支持某人(力挺)check in 办理(酒店、飞机等手续)check out 结账离开double check 重复检查slack off 在某事上松懈tack sth. on 附加某物offer to do sth. 建议做associate A with B 使A和B有关be associated with 与关于serve as “是”a

8、ttach great importance to sth. 以为某事很重要subordinate A to B 使A从属于BA is subordinated to B A从属于Bbe related to 与某事关于related to sth. /sb. 涉及某事/认同某人correlate A with B 使A和B有关联be relevant to 与关于ally A with B 联合A和Bin conjunction with 与结合/同步进行be determined to do 决心去做某事be sympathetic to 同情或赞同某人某事sympathize with

9、同情,赞同attend to sb./sth. 照顾某人或解决某人或某事pay attention to =attach importance tocontend with 与作斗争opt for sth. 选取某物opt to do sth. 选取去做一件事be enthusiastic about 对有热情,狂热be projected to 被预测会A is subject to B A从属于BA is subjected to B A从属于Bsubject A to B 使A从属于Breject sth. 回绝了某物submit sth. to 把提交上来submit to 屈服于,服

10、从于commit sth. to sb. 把某事托付给某人commission sb. to do sth.委托某人做某事commit oneself to sth./doing 承诺做某事be committed to doing sth. 致力于某事make a commitment 许诺devote/dedicate sth. to doing 奉献去做be devoted/dedicated to doing 专心于;致力于contrast A with B 把A与B对比in contrast to 与之形成对照by contrast 相反be absorbed in 被吸引;专心致志

11、于be indulge in/with 沉溺于be immersed in 沉浸在,专心致志地做某事 immerse oneself in 专心于be accustomed to doing 适应某事accustom oneself to doing 适应某事advocate doing sth. 倡导做某事an advocate for/of sth. 某事倡导者log in 登入likeness to sb./sth. 与某人、某物相似度confess to sth. 承认某事make confession 承认,忏悔assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证某事assure sb.

12、 that 向某人保证insure sb./sth. against sth. 给某人/某物上保险以防止某事take precaution against 采用防止办法去防止某事be bend on 决心去be famous for 以出名be bound up with 与紧密联系be bound to 一定会abound in 某物在某地很丰富abound with 某地某物很丰富blame sb. for sth. 由于某事批评某人range fromto 范畴是从到be located in 坐落于locate in 定在complain about 抱怨某事complain of 抱

13、怨(正式)、诉苦某事complain to 向某人或某机构抱怨、投诉fix on 盯着,注视fix sth. up 修理,改进,安排某事fall for sb. 爱上某人deem sb./sth. to be 以为某人/某事会deem A B 把A认作Bfind fault with sb./sth. 挑剔,抱怨break even 不赔不赚,收支平衡breakeven 不赔不赚,保本(加了“”就从名词词组变成了adj.词组)to and fro ad.来回地toing and froing ad. 前先后后地 n.折腾,曲折经历gear up for 全力以赴准备好某事in full gea

14、r 火力全开、竭力准备crack the nut 攻克难题pay off 偿清债务pay attention to 注意pay compliment to 夸赞pay tribute to 对致以敬意;夸奖pay sb. a visit 看望某人,去某人家set about doing 开始做某事set off/out 出发set up 设立,建立set sb. up 陷害某人sef free 释放set a fire 生火set a record 创造了记录settle down 安定下来settle in 定居于a shower of 大量shower sb. with sth. 朝某人狂

15、扔某物,大量予以某人某物shower sth. on sb. 大量予以某人某物wind up sth. 给上发条be found on/upon建立在;以为基本confine sth. to 把限制在defineas 把定义为at the cost/expense of 以为代价;牺牲某compensate for 为而补偿compensate sb. for 由于而补偿某人independent of 独立于而存在confront sb. with 使某人面对be confronted with 面对着,面临have affection for sb. 对某人有感情be affected b

16、y sb. 容易被某人影响be proficient in 精通、纯熟某事count on 依托sth. counts sth.很重要account for 解释,阐明;占据take into account 考虑到be accountable for 对有责任be obsessed with 对困扰;被迷住be in possession of 拥有某物boast about sth. 吹嘘某物proper to 某物/某人所特有limited liability company 股份有限公司be liable for 对有责任be liable to 倾向于be inclined to d

17、o 倾向于/乐意做某事oblige sb. to do 逼迫某人做某事be oblige to sb. 感激某人respond to 回答某人;对作出反映correspond to 与相符correspond with 与通信commence sth./doing 开始某事/做某事be indicative of 阐明某事undertake to do 承诺做某事take on 承担relieve sb. of sth. 减轻某人lease sth. to 把借给lease sth. from 从租借 let alone 更不用说bribe sb. into doing sth.买通某人做某事

18、reproach sb. for doing 由于某事责怪某人scold sb. for sth. 由于某事责怪某人be amazed at 惊讶于appeal against 对提出上诉appeal for 恳请;呼吁某事appeal to 吸引appear to/that 看上去/貌似an array of 一系列be arrayed in 身穿着A resemble B in sth. A和B在某方面很像inherit sth. from sb. 从某人那儿继承/获得某物inherit sth. of sb. 遗传了某人某特性be scheduled for 定于某个时间commend/

19、recommend sth. to sb. 推荐某物给某人be recommended to 被建议去做某事far from common 很少见have sth. in common 有共同点compare A to B 把A比作Bcompare A with B 把A和B对比in comparison with 和对比continue doing/sth./with sth. 继续做某事continue to do 接着做下一件事enable sb. to do 使某人能做某事in (the) charge of 掌管in sb.s charge 由某人掌管chargefor sth. 某

20、东西被收了钱charge into/up 冲进去/上去charge sb. with 为某事控告某人discriminate A from B 把A从B中区别出来discriminate between A and B 区别A和Bdisguise as 伪装成disguise to do 装作be dismayed by 被弄得很沮丧A displace B A取代了Bsb. be displaced by sth. 某人被某事赶走be distressed to 悲痛地endeavor to do 努力做某事an endeavor to do 为而做努力cast light on 启发,阐明

21、be eligible for sth. 符合条件be eligible to do 有资格去做be eliminated from 从裁减;排除have effect on 对有效果(较小)have influence on 影响(长期、深远)have impact on/impact on 对导致强烈影响impart sth. to sb. 把告知、传授给某人endow sth. with 捐赠;资助be endowed with 被提供、予以了integrate A with B 把A与B合并integrate A into B 把A融入B成为一体be perplexed by 被弄得很

22、困惑prohibit sth. 禁止某事prohibit/forbid sb. from doing 禁止某人做某事bid for 投标,出价in a bid to 努力求取long to do 渴望做某事long for sth. 渴望得到recall doing sth. 回忆起做过某事cite sth. as 引用一种东西作为(例子、证据)freshen up (洗脸、洗澡或换衣服以显得)容光焕发,焕然一新refrain from doing 不让自己做某事restrict sb. from doing 限制某人做某事strain to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事constrain

23、sb. to 逼迫某人做某事constrain sth. 限制某事restrain sb. from doing 不让某人做某事restrain sth. 抑制(某种情绪)with regard to 与关于regardas 把看待成regret that+从句 为感到遗憾,抱歉regret sth./doing 后悔某事/做了某事cheer (sb.) up (使)开心、振作render sth. into 把翻译成某语言render sth. to sb. 给提供surrender to 屈服surrender sth. to 把交给take revenge on 向复仇,报复reveng

24、e sb. 向某人复仇revenge sth. 为某事复仇revenge oneself on 替自己向某人/某事报仇assist do 协助某人做某事assist in doing 协助某事persist in doing 坚持做某事persist with sth. 坚持某事exert oneself to do 努力做某事compliment sb. on 赞扬某人某事be obedient to 对服从;孝顺abide by = conform to 遵守be particular about 对很挑剔be competent to do 有能力做某事be competen

25、t for 能胜任某事petition sb. to do 祈求某人做某事petition sb. for sth. 祈求某人做某事be flattered that/to do 很高兴去做be inclusive of 涉及在内confuse A with B 把A误认成Brefuse to do 回绝做某事refuse sth. 回绝某物blend A with B 把A和B混在一起emerge from 从显露,浮现deserve sth. 应得某物deserve to do 应得、值得去the preserve of sb. 某人独有特性reserve sth. for 为而保存某物b

26、e tempered with 被所缓和,调和convict sb. of 由于某事定某人罪convince sb. of sth. 说服某人相信某事convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人去做某事distinguish A from B 区别A之于Bfashion sth. into 把做成be fashioned from 用做成have a crush on sb. 暗恋某人be involved in 被卷入,涉及evolve into 进化成evolve from 从进化而来revolve around 绕着旋转;以为中心volunteer for sth. 自愿做某

27、事volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事salute to sb. 向某人致敬in pursuit of 为了追赶,追求toss sth. to sb. 把某物轻抛给某人toss a coin to 为而投掷硬币be secondary to 比某事是次要A is subsequent to B A发生在B之后arise from=result from 由引起arise in 浮现于identify A with B 把A看得跟B同样spare a moment to do分出时间做marry sb. 嫁/娶某人be married to sb. 与某人结婚carry out 执行;实现carry on 继续entitle s

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