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1、s that electricity generated at Niagara would one day power the streetcars of London and the streetlights of Paris.5. The airline company, following through on recent warnings that it might start reducing service, announced that it was eliminating jet service to nine cities, closing some unneeded op

2、erations, and grounding twenty-two planes.6. The list of animals that exhibit a preference for using either the right or the left hand (i.e., claw, paw, or foot) has been expanded to include the lower vertebrates.7. Obtaining an investment-grade rating will keep the countys future borrowing costs lo

3、w, protect its already-tattered image, and increase its ability to buy bond insurance.8. The Achaemenid Empire of Persia reached the Indus Valley in the fifth century B.C., bringing with it the Aramaic script, from which derive both the northern and the southern Indian alphabets.9. Records from anci

4、ent Athens indicate that each year young Athenian women collaborated to weave a new woolen robe with which they dressed a statue of the goddess Athena and that this robe depicted scenes of a battle between Zeus, Athenas father, and giants.10. Ancient hunter-gatherers developed instincts that stigmat

5、ized selfishness and encouraged voluntary cooperation, not only within the group but also with outsiders.11. Japanese researchers are producing a series of robots that can identify human facial expressions and then respond to them; the researchers primary goal is to create a robot that will empathiz

6、e with us.12. In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.13. Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until their last scheduled day in order to

7、collect, the automobile companys severance package is available to workers even if they find a new job before they are terminated.14. Having finally reached a tentative labor agreement with its companys pilots, the airlines board of directors must now determine how the airline can both increase prof

8、its and compete more effectively for customers than it did in the past.15. Even though sub-Saharan Africa often evokes images of drought and famine, researchers say that the area is the home of more than 2,000 grains, vegetables, roots, fruits, and other foods that could feed the continent and even

9、other parts of the world.16. In her later poems, Phyllis Wheatleys blending of solar imagery, Judeo-Christian thought and figures, and images borrowed from ancient classicism suggests her range and depth of influences, not the least of which is her African heritage.17. Rejecting the apprenticeship m

10、odel of training social workers in philanthropic agencies, twentieth-century reformer Edith Abbott was convinced that social work education belonged in the university, where students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues.18. Bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, whose repert

11、ory, views on musical collaboration, and vocal style influenced generations of bluegrass artists, also inspired many musicians, including Elvis Presley and Jerry Garcia, whose music differed significantly from his own.19. Although unhappy with the high rent her company was paying for its suburban of

12、fice building, the chief executive recognized that rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits. 20. The hognose snake puts on an impressive bluff, hissing and rearing back, broadening the flesh behind its head the

13、way a cobra does and feigning repeated strikes, but it has no dangerous fangs and no venom, and, eventually, if its pursuer is not cowed by the performance, will fall over and play dead. 21. When Nigeria achieved full independence in 1960, it had already established a federal political structure tha

14、t consisted of three regions based on the three major population clusters within its borders. 22. The company announced that its profits declined much less in the second quarter than analysts had expected and that its business would improve in the second half of the year.23. While they remove carbon

15、 dioxide from the air, conserve soil and water, and house thousands of species, forests also supply potentially valuable pharmaceuticals and, as sources of building material and firewood, provide employment for millions worldwide.24. Employment costs rose 2.8 percent in the 12 months that ended in S

16、eptember, slightly less than they did in the year that ended in the previous quarter.25. Often incorrectly referred to as a tidal wave, a tsunami, a seismic sea wave that can reach speeds of up to 150 miles per hour and heights of up to 200 feet, is caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic erupt

17、ions.26. The investigations of many psychologists and anthropologists support the generalization that there is little that is significantly different in the underlying mental processes manifested by people from different cultures.27. When Elizabeth Cady Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments

18、that was adopted at the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention in 1848, she included in it a call for female enfranchisement.28. Although eradicated in the United States, polio continues elsewhere and could be brought into the country by visitors.29. Pine trees thrive in relatively wet climates, wher

19、eas oaks prefer drier ones.30. Five fledgling sea eagles left their nests in western Scotland this summer, bringing to 34 the number of wild birds successfully raised since transplants from Norway began in 1975.31. According to some economists, the July decrease in unemployment to the lowest level i

20、n two years suggests that the gradual improvement in the job market is continuing.32. Initiated on Columbus Day 1992, five centuries after Europeans arrived in the New World, Project SETI pledged a $100 million investment in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.33. More than 300 rivers drain

21、 into Siberias Lake Baikal, which holds 20 percent of the worlds fresh water, more than all the North American Great Lakes combined.34. Hundreds of species of fish generate and discharge electric currents, in bursts or as steady electric fields around their bodies, using their power to find and atta

22、ck prey, to defend themselves, or to communicate and navigate.35. In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin usually suffices to block production of thromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interfere with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting.36.

23、 Thomas Eakinss powerful style and his choices of subject-the advances in modern surgery, the discipline of sport, the strains of individuals in tension with society or even with themselves- were as disturbing to his own time as they are compelling for ours.37. One report concludes that many schools

24、 do not have, nor are they likely to have, enough computers to use them effectively.38. Like Rousseau, Tolstoi rebelled against the unnatural complexity of human relations in modern society.39. The Sports Medicine Programs of the Olympic Training Center, a complex where final tryouts are held for at

25、hletes representing the United States in the Olympics, are geared toward enhancing the performance of athletes and preparing them for international competition.40. Aware of the connotations of the numbers 1 and 2 and the letters A and B, companies conducting consumer taste tests of foods or beverage

26、s typically choose numbers such as 697 or 483 to label the products.41. The budget for education reflects the administrations demand that the money be controlled by local school districts, but it allows them to spend the money only on teachers, not on books, computers, or other materials or activiti

27、es.42. As a result of a supernova explosion, every human being on Earth was bombarded on February 23, 1987, by about 100 billion neutrinos; fortunately, neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that interact very weakly with matter.43. A one-million-year

28、-old skull bearing traits associated with both Homo erectus and Homo sapiens has been found in the Afar region of Eritrea, indicating that modern humans developed much earlier than previously thought.44. Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have succeeded for the first time in mining hea

29、t from the Earths interior to produce energy on a commercial scale, enough for generating electricity efficiently and for heating factories and homes.45. Applying a new method for analyzing the chemistry of tooth enamel, scientists have examined molars of prehuman ancestors and determined that their

30、 diets were more varied than had been supposed.46. The continental United States receives an average of 30 inches of precipitation a year; transpiration from soil and from plants returns approximately 21 of the 30 inches to the atmosphere, while the balance of 9 inches contributes to the flow of streams and rivers.47. Although 1998 saw several new ventures

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