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1、 with choirs and orchestras. Oxford Times has ever commented that the choir “performed with confidence, producing a sound that was consistently pure and vibrant and that “under Burtons decisive conducting, every entry was watertight,diction was impeccable,and every phrase packed with feeling”.对!在199

2、0年到2001年间,含唱团的指挥由杰里米?萨莫里担任。在2002 年的时候,詹姆斯?伯顿就被任命为合唱团的音乐总监了。他与含唱团和乐队 的合作极富灵性,也因此而闻名于世。牛津时报曾经发表评论称,合唱团 的表演11充满自信,音色纯净而富于生气”,在伯顿精准的指挥下,整个表 演滴水不漏,发音无懈可击,歌声饱含感情”。 W: That is it! Your comment is very apt.确实是这样!这个评论十分贴切。 However, Schola Cantorum also did a good job! It is the most dynamic and successful ch

3、amber choir in the University of Oxford. The choir has toured extensively, and owned a high international reputation.不过,牛津大学含唱团也表现得不错!它是牛津大学最活跃、最成功的室内含唱团。该含唱团做了大量的巡演,并拥有极高的国际声誉。 Really? Which countries did the choir tour of?是吗?它都到哪些国家巡演过? A great many, such as Mexico, Argentina, Spain, France, Japan

4、 and South Africa. Since appointed Music Director of the choir, James Burton has given concerts with the choir all over the world. Schola Cantorum has given ground-breakingconcert tours of Mexico and Argentina respectively in 2021 and 2021.非常多,比如墨西哥、阿根廷、西班牙、法国、日本和南非。自从被任命为 合唱团的音乐总监后,詹姆斯?伯顿就带领含唱团在世界各

5、地演出。含唱团分 别于2021年和2021年在墨西哥和阿根廷进行了具有突破性意义的巡演。 Wow! What a marvelous choir it is!哇丨真是一个了不起的含唱团啊! Yeah! Its continual success stems from a long line of eminent conductors including Andrew Parrott, Nicholas Cleobury, Ivor Bolton and Jeremy Summerly. Moreover, the choir also has worked with many eminent

6、musicians including Leonard Bernstein, Gustav Leonhardt,Sir Colin Davis and Sir Neville Marriner, as well as Britten, Tippett and Stravinsky in performances of their own music.是的!它的不断成功源于多位著名指挥家的指挥,包括安德鲁?帕洛特、尼 古拉斯?克留贝利、艾弗?博尔顿和杰里米?萨莫里等都曾担任过含唱团的指挥。 此外,含唱团还与很多位知名音乐家含作过,包括雷昂纳德.伯恩斯坦、古 斯塔夫?英昂哈特、科林?戴维斯爵士和内

7、维尔马里纳爵士,还有自己作曲的 布里顿、蒂皮特和斯特拉文斯基。 I dont think working with so many renowned conductors and musicians is the major reason for the choirs success.我想含唱团成功的主要因素并不是和这些名指挥家和音乐家的含作。 Well. you are right to a certain extent. The choir inherited the Oxfords traditional classical chorus with a history of more t

8、han 800 years. It has achieved professional level in performing well known works.哦.一定程度上来说你是对的。含唱团传承了牛津大学800多年来的古典 含唱传统。它在对著名作品的演绎上已经达到了很高的专业水准。 I agree with you. The choir really gave a wonderful performance in China, though Vm a layman.我赞同你的观点。含唱团的表演确实非常精彩,尽管我是个外行。 It also continues to work closel

9、y with composers in the performance of new music. In 2021, the choir performed The Oxford Blues Service, the work of modem composer Roderick Williams, which was live broadcast on BBC Radio 3.它还不断与作曲家密切含作表演最新的音乐。2021年,英国广播公司第三广 播电台直揺了牛津含唱团演唱的牛津蓝调巴士,这是现代作曲家罗德里 克?威廉姆斯的作品。 The choir pays more attetion t

10、o the search for breakthroughs and innovation of its style continuously, performing lots of new works of modem composers. No wonder it can make such great achievements!将很多现代音乐家的新锐作品纳入其演出曲目中,含唱团在风格上不断寻求 突破和创新。难怪它会取得如此大的成就丨 A: Quite right! In April 2021,Schola Cantorum celebrated its 45th birthday wit

11、h a performance of Bachs Mass in B Minor in Oxfords Sheldonian Theatre.含唱团完全正确!在2021年4月含唱团成立45周年之际,并且在牛津谢东 尼奧剧院表演了巴赫的B小调弥撒。 45th birthday? When was it founded? 45周年?它什么时候成立的? It was established as early as in 1960, and it held its 50th anniversary reunion concert on May 1st this year.它早在1960年就成立了,今年

12、5月1日它就举办了 50周年重聚音乐会。 Well, the concert must have been very ceremonious,right?那这个音乐会应该很隆重吧? Yes. Schola Cantorum was joined by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and over 100 former members for its 50th anniversary reunion concert.是的。当时,启蒙时代管弦乐团将和牛津大学合唱团一起为其50 II年重聚 音乐会演出,百余位合唱团前成员也来参加了演出。 Wha

13、t a pity! We didnt go to the concert.真遗憾!我们没能亲临现场。 J: Hi, Nick! I havent seen you for a long time! 你好,尼克!好久不见! N: How are you? Jane! N:是啊!你还好吗?乔恩! J; Im fine! What are you doing now? 我很好!你在做什么呢? Oh! Im watching the rebroadcast of the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race. The race is so wonderful! It looks

14、 like a dead heat between the two teams. 喚!我正在看牛津剑桥赛艇对杭赛的重擋。这场比赛太精彩了!看起来两队 的实力不相上下。 However, the Cambridge Rowing Team won victory in the end. 是啊!不过,最后还是剑桥赛艇队获胜了。 Have you watched the live broadcast of the race? 是吗?你看过这场比赛的直播吗? J: Remember that Im an out-and-out rowing fan! 当然!别忘了我可是个十足的赛艇迷啊! Its my

15、 fault. You come from Britain, the birthplace of rowing. It is said that the boat race was first held by watermen providing ferry and taxi service on the Thames in london,right?不好意思我忘了。你来自英国,而英国又是赛艇运动的发源地。据说, 划船比赛是由在伦敦的泰晤士河上摆渡的船工们首次发起的,是这样吗? According to the record, in the 17th century, the professi

16、onal watermen on the River Thames frequently held boat races, so as to win prizes.The prizes were often offered by the London Guilds and the Livery Companies. The rowing race was first contested in 1715 to celebrate the crown of the King, which is still held annually in London. During the 19th centu

17、ry, rowing races were to become numerous and popular, attracting a large amount of people to take part in. 是的!据史料记载,17世纪泰晤士河的职业船工们经常为了赢得奖金而举行 划船比赛。奖金通常由伦敦行业协会和 伦敦同业公会来支付。1715年为庆祝国 王加冕,人们举办了第一屆赛艇比赛,这项赛事直到现在还每年在伦敦市举行。在19世纪的时候,赛艇便开始快速发展,从而吸引了大量的人参与。 Well, when did the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race beg

18、in? This is the 156th of competition, that is to say it is been held since 1854,right? 那牛津剑桥赛艇对抗赛又是什么时候开 始的呢?这是第156次比赛,那就是说它是从1854年开始的吧? Actually not. The first Boat Race was in 1829 and it has been held annually since 1856,with the exception of the two world wars. 事实上不是的。第一次对抗赛是在1829车举行的,从1856车开始它才

19、每车 都举办的,两次世界大战期间除外。 I see. How is the crew of the rowing team chose? Take the prestigious Oxford Uiversity Rowing Team as an example!我明白了。那赛艇队的队员们是怎么选抜的呢?就拿著名的牛津大学赛艇队 来说吧! Strictly speaking, the crew of the team must be excellent students of each college of the University of Oxford. Almost all colle

20、ges of the University have their own Boat Clubs, such as the University College Oxford Boat Club, the Balliol College Boat Club, the Hertford College Boat Club, and so on.严格地说,队员们必须都是来自牛津大学各个学院品学兼优的学生。牛津大 学几乎每个学院都有自己的赛艇俱乐部,像大学学院牛津赛艇俱乐部、贝利 奥尔学院赛艇俱乐部和赫特福德学院赛艇俱乐部等等。 Rowing is so popular in Oxford Unive

21、rsity! However, why should be excellent students? This is a sport competition!赛艇运动在牛津大学很受欢迎啊!可是,为什么必须要选品学兼优的学生呢? 这是一项体育竞赛! There are no sporting scholarships at Oxford, so in theory every student must obtain a place on their academic merits. The Cambridge University is the same case. In July 2021,th

22、e Boat Race organising committee refused to let a Cambridge student enter the competition. The reason was that he didnt complete his academic course, as he returned to the German national rowing team to prepare for the 2021 Beijing Olympics.牛津大学没有运动奖学金,所以在理论上每个学生都必须要在自己的学术领 域有一技之长。剑桥大学也是一样的。2021年7月,

23、赛艇对抗赛组织委员会 就曾拒绝让剑桥大学的一名学生参赛。原因是那名学生回到德国国家赛艇队 去准备2021年的北京奥运会而没有完成他的学术课程。 It means that every crew member in the rowing team is successful in his academic studies!多可惜I那就是说,赛艇队的每位队员都是学术上的佼佼者啦! Thats right! Evidence suggests that participants in the boat race are indeed academically capable,for example,

24、the 2021 Cambridge crew contained four Ph.D students.可以这么说!有证据表明赛艇对抗赛的参赛者们都确实有很高的学术水平, 例如:2021年剑桥赛艇队的队员中有四个博士生。 The team members are really laborious. They not only have to make an academic achievements, but have to attend training for the rowing team.队员们真是太辛苦了。他们既要在学业上有所成就,又要参加赛艇队的训练。 Right. Althou

25、gh the contest is between amateurs, the training scheduals each team undertakes are very gruelling. Generally each team trains for six days a week for six months before the event.的确是这样。虽然这只是一项业余选手之间的竞赛,但是每个队的训练日程 都非常紧凑。一般情况下,在比赛之前每个队都会训练6个月,毎固6天。 Thats incredible! How can the crew make a compromise

26、between academic study and rowing?简直难以置信!队员们如何能兼顾学习和赛艇呢? Its really a problem. Maybe the University should establish sporting scholarships to support the traditional boat race.这确实是一个问题。也许学校该设立运动奖学金来支持这项传统的赛艇运动了。 I do think so!完全赞成! L: Are you interested in politics, Thomas?你对政治感兴趣吗,托马斯? T: Yes, I th

27、ink so.是的,我很感兴趣。 Why? Its so complicated and far from us. I always thought that most people are not very politically aware. They often dont understand the issues completely.为什么?我觉得政治很复杂,离我们的生舌又远。我一直以为大多数人都不 关心政治,不能完全理解政治的含义。 Thats true. But its a little strange because the media often reports on pol

28、itical events. You can read about them in the newspaper or hear them on TV. And for me, paying attention to politics is a way to pay attention to my country. For instance, we vote for the party, which we believe in, to make our country better.这倒是真的。不过奋怪的是媒体对政治的报道很多,你在报纸和电视上常常 都能看到政治新闻。我认为,关心政治就是关心国家,比如说,我们投票给 自己信任的政党,希望他们把国家治理得更好。 Well, I agree with you in that point. Have you ever belonged to a political party? L:恩,我同意你的观点。你加入过某个政党吗? No, I havent,but Im thinking about joining the Conservative Party. Have you ever heard of this party?设有,不过我正在考虑加入保守党,你听说过这个党吗? Ye

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