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1、 the consequences in terms of cost, quality, time to market, customer satisfaction, compatibility, etc. any surprises for the customer/user (both positive and negative) for the operation. 对操作方式进行概括一个例子: Another example: Operation 产品包需求:从中国偏远地区进行紧急呼叫。用户希望在旁边有其他人呼叫时能在中国偏远地区进行紧急呼叫而又不掉线。Place urgent cal

2、ls from remote areas of PRC. Caller (user) wants to place urgent call from remote areas of PRC in the presence of other callers, without call dropping, etc.1.1.1 对操作方式进行概括过程如下 Operational Profile:1) 操作环境或上下文,从顾客/用户角度考虑操作。 Context or operational environment and the operation from the customer/user vi

3、ew. 呼叫人可能在偏远山区快速移动,可能在大客车上,车上还有很多人也在打电话;电池可能不足,等等。 Caller may be moving at high speed in remote hilly areas, may be in a bus with numerous other callers; battery may be weak, etc.2)顾客/用户对操作期望。 Customer/user expectations for the operation. Classify the expectations as mandatory, competitive or nice t

4、o have. Example: Mandatory: Caller places call and is connected within five rings Competitive: Caller connected within three rings Nice to have: Caller connected within one ring将期望划分为强制性、具有竞争力或者最好。比如:强制性:呼叫人呼叫,在振铃五次内接通具有竞争力: 在振铃三次内接通最好: 一次振铃便接通3)操作在以下方面受到限制:成本、体积、重量、功率、冷却、环境、制造、服务等。 Constraints on t

5、he operation in terms of cost, size, weight, power, cooling, environment, manufacturing, servicing, etc. 呼叫人不愿为被提供紧急呼叫便利而另外付费,也不愿为支持紧急呼叫功能手机而额外付费,并且希望电池使用时间越长越好。因此,也许必须使基站具有支持紧急呼叫额外功能。内部限制是,原有基站已经占用所有可用功率,因此在基站上补充新功能要求进行重新设计。 Caller is not willing to pay a premium for the convenience of placing urge

6、nt calls. Caller is not willing to pay more for the handset and want the power to last as long as possible. Therefore, additional functionality to support urgent calling may have to be implemented in the base station. Internal constraints are that the base stations are already using all the power av

7、ailable, so implementing additional functionality in the base stations requires redesign.4)在实际系统操作时尽量考虑这些限制因素。要注意考虑对成本、质量、上市时间、客户满意度、兼容性等方面影响。 Actual system operation that is possible taking the constraints into account. Make note of the consequences in terms of cost, quality, time to market, custom

8、er satisfaction, compatibility, etc.例如:必须对基站重新进行设计来支持增加功能,这样一来便会增加成本,要求运营商们(顾客)对现有基站进行升级会增加成本负担,而他们必须将这些负担转移到呼叫人那里。 Example: The base stations have to be redesigned to support additional functionality, increasing costs and requiring providers (customers) to upgrade existing base stations, imposing a

9、 cost burden which they have to pass on to callers.5).顾客/用户对操作任何吃惊反应(正面以及负面)都要重视。. Make note of any surprises for the customer/user (both positive and negative) for the operation.如果需要为此项服务而额外付费(因为运营商产生了追加成本)话,呼叫人会很不愉快。如果呼叫人在边远地区能够很稳定地进行紧急呼叫话,他们便会很高兴。而运营商对于必须升级他们基站则会很不愉快。 Callers will be unhappy if t

10、hey have to pay more for the service (because of the additional costs to providers). Callers will be happy if they can place urgent calls reliably from remote areas reliably. Providers will be unhappy about having to upgrade the base stations.1.2. 确定设计需求 在完成对操作方式概括后,在表1帮助下,依据操作方式把产品包需求分解为设计需求,并详细列出每

11、个设计需求可接受参数范围。应当将产品包需求分解为不同种类设计需求,包括如下各部分:w功能w环境w性能w强健性(鲁棒性)w可靠性w可维护性w可用性w安全性w重量w电源w尺寸大小w可运输性/可移动性w灵活性w其它Decompose the offering requirements into design requirements based on the operational scenarios and specify the acceptable parameter ranges for each design requirement using the following Table as

12、 an aid. Offering requirements should be decomposed into Design requirements of different types including:FunctionalEnvironmentalPerformanceRobustnessReliabilityMaintainabilityUsabilitySecurityWeightPowerSizeTransportability/MobilityFlexibilityetc.为了实现可追溯性,已经分解描述设计需求应当与特定产品包需求建立明确联系。 Design requirem

13、ents that are already stated at the decomposed level should be clearly associated with specific offering requirements for traceability purposes. 1 产品包需求到设计需求映射产品包需求设计需求操作方式需求分解为设计需求参数范围(规格)从顾客/用户/内部角度描述产品包需求明确描述期望操作方式、期望结果、上下文关系、环境和限制把产品包需求分解为设计需求并进行合理分类,类别可参照下面例子详细说明产品包需求参数和可接受范围此项应出自已确定下来、按优先程度分级产

14、品包需求功能环境性能强健性(鲁棒性)可靠性安全性重量电源其它Offering RequirementsDesign RequirementsOffering RequirementOperational Scenario Requirements Decomposition into Design RequirementsParameter Ranges (Specification)State the offering requirement from the customer / user / internal viewDescribe and clarify the desired op

15、erational scenario, desired outcomes, context, environment and constraintsDecompose the offering requirements into design requirements and place in the appropriate categories such as those given below.Specify the parameters and acceptable ranges for the offering requirementsThis should come from the

16、 consolidated and prioritized offering requirementsFunctionalEnvironmentalPerformanceRobustnessReliabilitySecurityWeightetc.举例:EXAMPLE:1.1 将批量机密数据实时传输至200英里外远端局数据必须能传输到/或从远距离地点,中间可能有小山阻挡。数据包括大包和小包,最大包容量达10Gb。数据可昼夜随时传输。功能.:I.1. 1.1 带有用户提示传输功能 选择要传输数据II.确定目地III.开始传输IV.终止V.取消传输环境:1.1.2 在极端环境下操作温度: -20C

17、 到 50C 湿度:较潮湿 灰尘:振动:震动: 3g其他 性能:1.1.3 在电源冲足支持条件下 可连续进行大量包传输。1.1.3 在20-25W有效发射功率条件下,提供10-15MHz链路,可最高达20分钟不断链强健性(鲁棒性):1.1.4 I.传输异常中断 II.错误检测及恢复III.传输确认等1.1.4不许一个字节错误发生可靠性:1.1.5 连续地操作就绪1.1.5 不折不扣24 小时 / 365 天连续操作安全性:1.1.6 支持传输机密数据1.1.6 使用 PRC-XXX协议等1.1.7 在路况不好地区迅速移动时,重量较轻易于携带1.1.7 总重(包括电池)不到2公斤1.1.8 电池

18、供电和太阳能供电 等等1.1 Transmit confidential bulk data in real time to remote station upto 200 miles awayData has to be transmitted from/to remote sites which may be obstructed by hilly terrain. Data consists of both small and large packets upto 10Gb.Data may be transmitted at any time of day or night.Funct

19、ional:1.1.1 Transmit function with user prompts a. Select data for transmissionb. Specify destinationc. Initiate transmissiond. Terminatee. Abort transmissionEnvironmental:Temperature: -20C1.1.2 Operate in extreme environments to 50C Humidity: wet Dust/dirt:Vibration:Shock: up to 3gPerformance:1.1.3

20、 Operate with sufficient power continuously enough to transmit large packets1.1.3 Provide 10-15 Mhz link with 20-25 W effective radiated power for upto 20 minutes continuouslyRobustness:a. Transmit Abort b. Error Detect & Recoveryc. Confirm Transmission etc.No single byte errors allowedReliability:1

21、.1.5 Continuously operation-ready1.1.5 24 hours / 365 days operation; no compromiseSecurity:1.1.6 Support transmission of confidential data1.1.6 Use PRC-XXX protocol etc.1.1.7 Light weight to be carried while moving quickly through rough terrain1.1.7 Less than 2kg total including batteryPower:1.1.8

22、Battery power and solar power operation1设计需求合理化 Rationalize the design requirements对上面表格中设计需求进行如下合理化工作:1) 按照下表将设计需求进行分类2)把相互支持需求合并为一项需求3)处理互相冲突需求 - 分析它们优、劣势,重新进行优先排序或者采取折衷方案4)对含混不清需求进行澄清 - 由外部和内部人员进行5)整合冗余需求6) 将不需要需求转入点子库7) 修正产品包需求和设计需求表Rationalize the design requirements from the above table as fol

23、lows:1) Categorize the design requirements into the categories in the Table below2) Combine mutually supportive requirements into a single requirement3) Resolve conflicting requirements - look at pros and cons, reprioritize or compromise4) Clarify the confusing requirements - ask external and intern

24、al parties for clarification5) Consolidate redundant requirements6) Transfer the unecessary requirements to the idea bank7) Revise the Offering Requirements and Design Requirements Table1 设计需求合理化相互支持相互冲突含糊不清冗余不需要SupportiveConflictingConfusingRedundantUnnecessary例子: 在20-25W有效功率条件下,提供10-15MHz链路,可长大20分钟不断链1.1.3 在限制重量范围内不能提供所需功率“迅速移动”和“道路状况不好地区”是什么意思?同 1.2.310.用户不重视

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