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1、 实验器材特制兔盒;刀片;25G针头;1ml注射器;20 ml 血液收集管;药铲;离心机以及塑料离心管;加样器及加样管;烧杯。 实验试剂 抗原;乙醇;20mM 磷酸缓冲溶液pH7.2。 福氏完全佐剂和福氏不完全佐剂: 福氏完全佐剂和福氏不完全佐剂的成分成分 完全佐剂 不完全佐剂 石蜡油 6 份 + + 无水羊毛脂 4 份 + +杀死的分枝杆菌 3-5 mg + -磷酸缓冲溶液 10 份 + +(福氏完全佐剂的制备:使用前在福氏不完全佐剂中加入适量杀死的分枝杆菌)【实验方法】 抗原的制备抗原制备的主要目的在于在免疫动物体内产生最强、最适当的抗体。由于纯化的抗原适合产生抗体,因此在注射前通常采用一

2、些经典的方法,比如柱层析、分级萃取、亚细胞分离等进行抗原的分离和纯化。如果多肽抗原在SDS/PAGE中为可见的单一带,抗原从凝胶中的抽提可作为纯化的最后一个步骤。 预放血轻轻的将兔子放在特制兔盒中,处于放松状态的兔子采血会较容易。按压兔子耳根部直至血管突出,然后将针头插入耳部血管的中上部,观察到进针后小心推出活塞收集血液1ml -5ml。结束收集后,退出针头并按压伤处以制止血流,再用乙醇消毒。取收集的血液在37C恒温箱中放置30分钟以防止激活补体系统,再将试管在4C放置过夜使血液凝固。用药铲将血凝块从管壁上拨落,将血液转移至塑料离心管中,4C,10,000g离心10分钟,收集上清液在4C保存。

3、 注射抗原 准备两只成年兔,将100g抗原/兔溶入1ml磷酸缓冲溶液中待用。在1ml福氏不完全佐剂中加入分枝杆菌制成完全佐剂,并加入1ml抗原溶液,剧烈震荡使之充分乳化,用3ml注射器抽取该乳化液,接上25G针头,排除注射器中的气泡。从笼中取出兔子放在平坦处,在4个不同的部位进行皮下注射,两处在后背,两处在大腿处。抚去注射处的兔毛并用乙醇消毒暴露的皮肤。捏出皮肤,将针头以相对皮肤15度的角度进针,进针深度为1cm-2cm,小心不要刺入肌肉中,在4个不同部位分别各注射约500l抗原溶液。注射结束后,将针在注射处放置几秒钟后再轻轻拔出,并用乙醇在注射处消毒。在4个部位重复上述操作。用相同方法免疫另

4、一只家兔。 每4-6周注射抗原,并在注射后的7天-10天按照步骤2收集血液。将收集的血液与注射前收集的血液进行比较,检查是否有抗体产生。待确定产生抗体后可大量收集血液,但每只兔子收集血液不能多于40ml以防止休克。 收集血液 将家兔轻轻放入固定架上,二甲苯涂于耳部血管的上中部,用刀片倾斜45在该处切出0.23cm-0.3cm的切口使血液能自由的流出。用消毒后的管收集滴出的血液,若在结束之前出现凝固可用温水轻擦切口处,再继续收集。收集适量血液后可用消毒后的纱布轻擦患处,轻按患处10秒-20秒确定血流停止后方可结束。 将血液在37C恒温箱中放置30分钟,再在4C放置过夜。C,10,000g离心10

5、分钟,收集上清液即为抗血清,可在-20C保存数年。【实验结果】利用蛋白质免疫印迹法或免疫电泳方法检查抗体产生情况。二、亲和层析法纯化抗体如图所示,亲和层析的高度选择性使得从某一初始材料中纯化,富集某一含量较低的目的蛋白成为可能,因此亲和层析是蛋白质分离纯化过程中最有效的方法之一。另外,如果配基与蛋白质的亲和能力很强,也可同时进行样品的浓缩。虽然多数情况下不需要将抗体与其他血清蛋白分开,但如果一旦需要,蛋白A亲和层析是一种非常有效的分离方法。蛋白A是从Staphylococcus aureus中获得,可与抗体重链的Fc片段相结合。现在已知蛋白A可与多种哺乳动物的IgG相结合也可与某些IgM和Ig

6、A相结合。如果将蛋白A与固相载体相连,例如sepharose CL-4B,这种填料可以成为分离和纯化不同类型,不同亚类抗体或抗体片断的重要工具。.实验仪器蛋白A柱(含10ml或5ml填料);泵;离心管;离心机;pH试纸;过滤器;玻璃柱。.实验试剂 TBS缓冲溶液:6.06g Tris (50 mM), 8.78g NaCl (150 mM)以及0.5g叠氮化钠(0.05%)溶于1L蒸馏水中,并用HCl调节pH 7.4。 中和缓冲溶液:121.2g Tris (1 M), 87.8g NaCl (1.5 M), 0.37g EDTA (1mM)及5g叠氮化钠(0.5%)溶于1L蒸馏水中,并用HC

7、l调节pH8.0。 洗脱缓冲溶液(pH2.7):将3.75g甘氨酸(50 mM)溶解于1L蒸馏水中,用HCl调节pH 2.7。 洗脱缓冲溶液(pH1.9):将3.75g甘氨酸(50 mM)溶解于1L蒸馏水中,用HCl调节pH 1.9。亲和层析的基本过程1. 配基与载体相连 准备蛋白A sepharose CL-4B亲和柱通常准备5ml或10 ml蛋白A sepharose CL-4B填料,在真空瓶中将等体积的填料和TBS缓冲溶液混合,搅拌。抽真空约15分钟以除去填料中的气泡,否侧在柱中形成的气泡影响柱子的容量和分离效果。将蛋白A sepharose CL-4B填料缓慢加入玻璃柱中,利用泵控制填

8、充速度为1 ml/分-2 ml/分,避免柱干,利用10倍于床体积并经过预冷的TBS缓冲溶液平衡柱子。 制备抗血清将抗血清放入冰水或4C冰箱中缓慢解冻以避免蛋白质的聚集。在蛋白质解冻过程中出现的聚集可通过37C预热而溶解。加入固体叠氮化钠至浓度为0.05%,4C,15,000xg离心5分钟,移出澄清的抗血清再经过滤器过滤除去多余的脂。 亲和层析将抗体用TBS缓冲溶液以1:5的比例进行稀释,再用过滤器进行过滤。以每分钟0.5 ml的速度将抗血清上到柱上,为保证抗血清与填料的结合,需连续上柱2次并保留上样流出液。用TBS缓冲溶液清洗柱子至A280nm0.008后加pH2.7洗脱缓冲溶液,以0.5ml

9、/min的速度洗脱至所有蛋白均流下来。用已经加入100ul中和缓冲溶液的1.5 ml EP管分管收集洗脱液,混匀后用pH试纸检查洗脱液的pH,如果pH低于7可利用中和缓冲液调至约pH7.4以防止抗体的变性。在柱中加入10ml,pH1.9洗脱缓冲溶液,按上述方法收集洗脱液至A280nm0.008。利用分光光度计测定各管中蛋白质的含量。若蛋白浓度低于0.5mg/ml可加入10%的甘油以便保存,将纯化的抗体分装后在2C8用含0.05%叠氮化钠的TBS缓冲溶液清洗柱子后将柱子储存在2C环境。利用SDS/PAGE检查洗脱获得的蛋白纯度并利用免疫电泳技术检查纯化后抗体的滴度。【注意事项】 叠氮化钠有毒,应

10、戴手套并小心操作 在纯化过程中,预冷的TBS缓冲溶液可减少蛋白质的非特异性结合和微生物的代谢。三、免疫电泳 免疫电泳又称为球蛋白电泳或免疫球蛋白电泳技术,这是一种能够判断血液中三种免疫球蛋白IgM, IgG, IgA含量水平的实验方法。在这项实验技术中,首先利用蛋白质的分子量和所带电荷的比值运用水平琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术将蛋白质进行分离,然后将特异性的抗体引入到与电泳方向平行的凹槽中,在抗原和抗体的扩散过程中,抗原和抗体适当比例的结合会导致沉淀的产生(如图)。0.85%盐不仅可以终止扩散过程也可用于洗去未结合的蛋白,抗原和抗体结合所形成的沉淀线即可以肉眼观察也可利用染色方法观察。免疫电泳技术不仅可

11、用于血清或尿样中单克隆抗体的鉴定,也可用于其它方面,比如免疫复合物的筛选、各种异常丙种球蛋白血症的识别和鉴定等。免疫电泳技术也是进行蛋白质常规评价的一种可靠,精确的实验方法,可观察蛋白质结构的变化和浓度的改变。 实验器材水平电泳仪;打孔器;滴管;电源;水浴(55C);蒸馏水;烧杯(400-600ml);加样枪(5-100ul)。 实验试剂 纯化的抗体;蛋白质混合物;1%琼脂。 Tris-巴比妥缓冲溶液:2.24g 巴比妥酸,4.43g Tris,0.053g 乳酸钙及0.065g 叠氮化钠溶于100ml 蒸馏水中。 电泳缓冲溶液:将Tris-巴比妥缓冲溶液与蒸馏水按1:4的比例混合。 准备琼脂

12、糖凝胶将琼脂和电泳缓冲溶液混合放入90C水浴加热至溶化,制成1%琼脂,将琼脂在冷却前铺在水平玻璃板上,待冷却至室温后,按图用内径4毫米的打孔器打孔及制作凹槽。40mm+- 电泳将用电泳缓冲溶液稀释的4%-5%的抗原用滴管小心放入小孔中,将胶板放入电泳槽中并用润湿的滤纸将胶板和电泳槽中的缓冲溶液相连。盖上电泳槽盖,接通电源,6V/cm通电至前沿移动约35mm,时间约为1小时,利用示踪染料判断移动距离。 扩散将胶板移出电泳槽并放在水平位置上,用滤纸润干胶板凹槽中的缓冲溶液,在凹槽中加入适量的抗体(0.2ml0.25ml),注意抗体不能溢出凹槽以避免污染.将胶板移至含有叠氮化钠且有一定湿度的盒内,加

13、盖密封后在30C水浴扩散至少10小时后,移至0.85%盐水中以终止扩散并洗去未结合的蛋白。观察抗原和抗体之间所形成的沉淀线,并进行记录。【思考题】 什么是抗原和抗体?并解释抗原抗体结合的特点。 简述免疫电泳的基本原理。Experiment 21 Preparation, Purification of Polyclonal Antibody and Immunoelectrophoresis【Purpose】 Understanding the basic acknowledge of antibody. Master the methods of preparation and purifi

14、cation of polyclonal antibody. Understand the procedure and basic principle of immunoelectrophoresis. Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody【Principle】If an antigen is injected into an animal, a number of antibody-producing cells will bind that antigen, albeit with varying degrees of affinity, and so th

15、e antibody which appears in the bloodstream will have arisen from several clones of cells, that is it will be a polyclonal antibody. Different antibody molecules in a preparation of polyclonal antibody will bind to different parts of the macromolecular antigen, which are called epitope and will do s

16、o with different binding affinities. The introduction of an antigen into the tissue of a susceptible animal results initially in increased proliferation of lymphocytes in the tissues of the reticule-endothelial system particularly the lymph nodes and the spleen. An animal will show different respons

17、es for a primary response and a secondary response as shown in the figure. Antibody is usually detected in the serum from around 7 days after the first injection and persists at a low level for a few days, typically reaching peak titer around day 10. Primary responses often are very weak, particular

18、ly for readily catabolized, soluble antigens. The response to the second injection of the same antigen is dramatically different, it shows a considerably increased rate of antibody synthesis compared with the primary response and the antibody persists for a longer period. The kinetics of the respons

19、e varies depending upon the antigen and the animal but the relationship between the primary response and the secondary responses is characteristic. The response to third and subsequent injections broadly mirrors that of the second injection. Higher titers of antibody are reached, but more importantl

20、y the nature and the quality of the antibodies present in the serum change. These changes are known as the maturation of the immune response and have considerable practical importance because they yield high-affinity antibody preparations. For rabbits, injections are normally given every 46 weeks.【M

21、aterials】 Animal:Adult rabbit. Apparatus:Strainer; razor blade; needle with 25gauage; 1 ml syringe; 20 ml evacuated blood collection tube; Spatula; Centrifuge and plastic centrifuge tube; Pipette man and tip; Beaker.3 Reagent Antigen; ethanol; 20 mM phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.2; Freunds co

22、mplete and incomplete adjuvant The component of FreundComponent complete adjuvant incomplete adjuvant Paraffin 6 share + + Dehydrated lanolin 4 share + +Dead mycobacteria 3 mg 5 mg + -PBS buffer 10 share + +The complete adjuvant must be prepared through adding dead mycobacteria in incomplete adjuvan

23、t just before you need it.Antibody level in serum【Procedure】 Preparation of antigenThe object of preparing the antigen is to present it to the animal in a form that will induce the strongest and most appropriate response. Usually, pure antigens provide the best case for the production of antibodies,

24、 so the purification of antigens is necessary before antigen injection. The standard techniques, including column chromatography, differential extraction, and subcellular fractionation are the most useful. If the polypeptide of interest can be seen as a unique band on a SDS/PAGE, then the gel can be

25、 used as a final purification step. Pre-bleedCalmly and gently place rabbit in a restrainer. If they are relaxed they bleed much easier. By pressing lightly on the base of the ear, the return of the blood to the body can be restricted and the vein will stand out straight. Insert the needle into the

26、top middle of ear vein, when the needle appears to be in the vein, gently try to withdraw the needle and collect blood. When you have the required amount of blood (1 ml 5 ml is sufficient for a pre-bleed), remove the needle and apply pressure to the wound. When the bleeding has stopped (10 seconds),

27、 sterilize the ear with ethanol. Remove the rabbit from the restrainer and place it in its cage. Take the collected blood and place at 37C for 30 minutes to inactivate complement, place the tube at 4C overnight to clot. Loosen the clot from the tube wall with a spatula and decant the blood into a pl

28、astic centrifuge tube, centrifuge at 4C 10,000g for 10 minutes. Collect the supernatant and keep at 4C. Antigen Injection For injection of two rabbits, antigen should be in 1 ml PBS. 100 g/rabbit of antigen is best, but you can use less and get good results. Prepare Freunds adjuvant by warming in a

29、beaker of warm water, injecting 1 ml of antigen solution into the adjuvant, and vortexing vigorously for 2 minutes to get a good suspension. Draw antigen/adjuvant solution in a 3 ml syringe. Calmly take the rabbit out of its cage and place it on a flat surface for the injection. Four subcutaneous injections are done, two on the lower back and two on the thigh. To inject, rub the hair away from the injection site and sterilize with a squirt of ethanol. Pinch the skin an

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