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英语新人教必修3课堂导学Unit 3 The Million Pound BankNote文档格式.docx

1、我们应该在学校集合。(4)表示即将发生用be about to,不使用表将来的时间状语。Be quiet,the film is about to begin. 安静,电影马上就要开始了。(5)表示安排或者计划好的将来的行为,可用go,come,leave,start,arrive等动词的现在进行时表示一般将来时。The man is coming here in ten minutes. 那个人10分钟后要来这儿。应用探究单项填空(1)Look at those black clouds,It _ soon.Lets go to the room.Sure.If only we _ out.

2、 raining;didnt to rain;wontC.will rain;havent going to rain;hadnt been 解析:天要下雨,不是有计划的,B、C两项不可用;答语的第二分句表示后悔,意思是“要是不出来该有多好”,用虚拟语气,故选D项。答案:D(2)I _ swim when I saw a sign written by the police that meant children under 18 are not allowed to swim without the adults guidance.A.was about toB.

3、wouldC.was going toD.was to本句的主要意思是“正当我要游泳时,我看到了”。B、C、D三项都表示过去将来时,但A项表示更近的将来,意思是“正要、即将”,所以选A项。A(3)If a man _ get success in the future,he must devote himself to what he going toD.should第一分句的意思是说一个人在将来要成功(可能成功)的话,该如何去做。这里并不是纯粹的表示将来,而且表示一种职责可能会做到,只有B项满足这一含义。故选B项。B美诗欣赏BeautyBeaut

4、y is in seenIn the sunlight,The trees,the birds,Corn growing and people workingOr dancing for their harvest.2.Good morning,sir,would you please come in?Permit me to lead the way,sir.早晨好,先生,请进。先生,请让我来带路吧。permit v. 许可,准许;相当于allow。常有下列用法:permit do sth.,permit+n./pron./doing。We dont permit smoking

5、 in the meeting room. 我们不允许在会议室抽烟。Will you permit me to buy this kind of books?你能允许我买这种书吗?permit也作名词,意为“通行证、许可证”;permission许可。Do you pass the driving test and get a permit?你是否通过了驾驶测试并拿到了驾照?You may have my permission to the church. 我允许你到教堂去。填空填入正确的动词形式 (1)The lake is a very dangerous for young childr

6、en,of course I dont allow anyone _ (swim). (2) We dont permit _ (play) basketball in the playground between six and ten in the morning.(3)Today the patients can have the doctors _ (permit) to go home.(4)Time _ (permit),well go to have a picnic at the top of the hill. (5)You cant enter a military bas

7、e without a _ (permit). (1)to swim(2)playing(3)permission(4) permitting(5)permit3.As a matter of fact,I landed in Britain by accident.实际上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。by accident相当于 by chance,意思是“偶然、无意”。He was fined for exceeding the speed limit by accident . 他因无意中超速被罚款。accident 指意外事故或者偶然发生的事件,一般指不幸的事故,特别是车祸、灾害等。inci

8、dent 多指较小事件、小插曲或者人生中所遇到的虽然小但是有较深印象的平凡事情,也可以指外交和政治方面的重大事件。incident也可以为形容词,意思为“常见的;附带的”,后面跟介词to。event重大的、引人注目的事件。occurrence 表“事件”,通常指日常生活中发生的出乎意料的事情。例如:He told me an incident that took place on his first day. 他告诉我他第一天所发生的事情。The reporters cover the events every day. 记者每天采访事件。As is well known to all,hea

9、d injury is _ to the motorbike _.So it is necessary for the motorbike driver to be careful when incident;incidentB.accident;accidentC.accident;D.incident;在摩托车事故中,常有头部受伤的事发生。incident此处为形容词,意思为“常见的、附带的”;accident 指意外事故,一般指不幸的事故,特别是车祸、灾害等。完成句子A:In some big cities during cold winters,many ag

10、ed people die from the polluted air by chance.B:In some big cities during cold winters,many aged people die from the polluted air .by accident4.Now,if youll excuse me,I think Ill be on my way.好了,如果原谅我,我想我应该上路了。excuse v.原谅(人、行为),宽恕,后面跟名词作宾语。excuse 常有如下用法:excuse+sb./sth.+for doing sth.或者excuse ones do

11、ing sth.。excuse n.辩解,辩白,借口。后面跟介词for作后置定语。He made a good excuse for breaking the regulations.他违反规定,却提出堂皇的理由辩解。A bad excuse is worse than no excuse.与其作差劲的辩解,不如不辩解。I will excuse your hurrying to leave the classroom.这次我原谅你匆忙离开教室。The Chinese teacher excused him for being late.=The Chinese teacher excused

12、 his being late.语文老师原谅他的迟到。Excuse me for hurting your finger by accident. 原谅我碰巧弄伤了你的手指。表示“对不起”的几种形式:Excuse me用于要走开、插话、问候或表示异议的场合;I am sorry表示自己有过失、用于道歉时,比I beg your pardon更灵活,更具有诚意;Please forgive me是书面语,很正式,一般用在对方情绪难以平息的时候。选择根据故事语境选择短语:Excuse me?I am sorry.Pardon?(1)An little girl comes to the city

13、for the first time,and she loses her way to the bus station.Luckily she sees a policeman standing on the road.Then she comes near and says,“_,can you tell me the way to the bus station,please?”(2)In the shop,an old woman buys eggs.She asks:“Whats the price?” “Four yuan one jin.”says the shop assista

14、nt in a low voice.“_ Please say again,there is something with my ear”.“Four yuan one jin.”the shop assistant says in a so high voice that the other people all watch them two.(3)Little Jim broke the bottle.An hour later,mother came in and asked “Who did it?”Tom said “_.It is I who did it.”(1)Excuse m

15、e(2)Pardon?(3)I am sorry5.I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which accounts for my appearance. 我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。account for对做出解释;做某事的解释;解释某事物的原因。Please account for your own behavior. 请你对自己的行为作出解释。by/from all accounts 根据大家的说法make much/little/no account of对非常重视/轻视/忽视on account

16、of为的理由,为的缘故on no account决不take.into account对加以考虑介词填空(1)Recent pressure at work may account _ his strange behavior.(2) _ no account must you be able to give the police an accurate description of the young fellow working in my company.(3)The late headmaster did not take our basic needs _ account.(4)Wh

17、at a surprise!The train was late.You see,it is snowing.The train were delayed on account _ the snow.(1)for(2)On(3)into(4)of6.Mr Adams,not until 2 oclock.Promise?亚当斯先生,两点钟以前不要拆信,答应吗?promise vt.允诺,承诺;预示He has promised to behave better henceforth.他答应从今以后要表现得好些。This year promises to be another good one

18、for harvests .今年看来又是一个丰收年。promise n.诺言,预兆,预示注意:promise表“许诺、诺言”时,是可数名词;表“希望;预兆,预示”时,是不可数名词。promising有希望的。(1)A:I made my promise that I help him no matter what happened.I _ _ help him _ happened.(2)A:They are a group of writers of promise in this area and they will go to Beijing for the further study.

19、They are a group of _ writers in this area and they will go to Beijing for the further study. (1)promised to;whatever (2)promising7.Well,to be honest,I have none. 哦,老实说,我一分钱都没有了。to be honest是不定式,但是有时不定式在句子中作为独立结构出现,用来说明说话人的态度。一般来讲,人们已经把这些不定式作为固定词组、固定搭配来运用。To be honest,Miss Wang love you all the time

20、 even if you desert her. 坦白说,即使你抛弃王小姐,她仍然一直爱你。To be honest,he stole your book.老实告诉你,他偷走了你的书本。to tell you the truth说句老实话To tell you the truth,I dont think the film is good.说句老实话,我认为这部电影并不好。to be fair说句公道话To be fair,it is not all his fault.说句公道话,这不全是他的错。to be frank坦率地说To be frank,you are lying.坦率地说,你在

21、说谎。英泽汉(1)To tell the truth,if you trust him,you will certainly be taken in._(2)To be honest,Id rather you came to do some shopping.tomorrow than today.(3)To be fair,it is your bad temper and that caused the terrible quarrel.(4)To be frank,try to make use of every opportunity offered to you.(1)说句老实话,

22、如果你相信他,你肯定 受骗 。(2)坦白说,我宁愿你明天而不是今天来买东西。(3)说句公道话,是你的坏脾气惹的祸。(4)坦率地说,好好利用你遇到的一切 机会 。8.Oh,this is silly. 哎,这太愚蠢了,太可笑了。silly adj.傻的,愚蠢的This may sound like a silly question,but what is the point of this exercise?也许我问得很傻,可是,这种运动有什么意义?foolish,silly 和stupid三个词都含有“蠢”之意,但略有不同,概括起来,相当于汉语中的“愚蠢、傻和笨”;其中stupid意思最强,指

23、智力、理解力和学习能力差,虽然有时与前两词通用;silly指头脑简单、傻头傻脑、可笑;foolish最普通,以上几种情况都可以使用,如:You are foolish to do it.做这种事是愚蠢的。(1)You _ child,how lovely you are!你这傻孩子,多么可爱啊!(2)He is _ in learning English.他学英语很笨。(3)You are _ to throw away such a good chance. 你真蠢,丢掉这么一个好机会。(1)silly(2)stupid(3)foolish 谚语Chiefly the mold of a m

24、ans fortunate is in his own hands,no matter he is clever or silly.一个人,不管是否聪明,他的命运,主要由他自己创造。9.It is well-known that many Americans like to eat a lot.Well,we will have to take a chance. 许多美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。哦,我们要赌一把了。take a chance冒险Everyone in the classroom likes to take a chance.在教室里的每个人都喜欢冒险。Taking c

25、hances give us too much pleasure.冒险给我们很大的快乐。要注意下列短语:by chance偶然地,无意地 chance将听天由命 stand a good chance大有希望take a chance=take chances碰运气,投机have the chance of.有的可能性I _ a chance to get permission from Mr Wang.For I think there is no chance of in doing it.A.take;;succeedingC.take;

26、;take a chance的意思是“侥幸,冒险去干某事”,a chance of.意思是“有机会”后跟动名词succeeding,也满足succeeding in doing sth.这一句型,故选C项。C How lucky my brother is!He have a chance to visit the most beautiful city in France.He has a chance _ _ the most beautiful city in France.of visiting10.All right,Horace.Ill take care of this. 霍勒斯,行了,这儿由我来照应。take care of固定短语,照看,照料,处理。Who is taking care of the dog whil

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