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1、Cget overDget on with3.Take your raincoat _ it should rain.Ain caseBin case ofCin the case ofDin case with4.It is essential that mankind _ ways and means to protect the environment.AadoptBhave adoptedCwill adoptDwill have adopted5.I hope to get my wife _ on the next trip to Europe.Ato have come alon

2、g with meBto come along with meCcoming along with meDwith me to come along6.I visited the house _ Shakespeare lived.AthereBwhereCafterDin7.Victory is just _Around the comerBat the comerCin the comerDwith the comer8.We all know the troth that _ there are air, water and sunlight, there are living thin

3、gs.Ain whereverBthat whereverCwhereDthat9.If I (were) you, I (would) buy the book, (regardless of its price), to read (it).AwereBwouldCregardless of its priceDit10.In the (nineteenth) century, people (lived in) the northern area grew (their) crops on river (bottom lands).AnineteenthBlived inCtheirDb

4、ottom lands11.I (would rather) you (dont) (make any comment) (on) this problem.Awould ratherBdontCmake any commentDon12.In 1968, Amy because (one of) the American (women) (received) the Nobel Price (for) Literature.Aone ofBwomenCreceivedDfor13.(A number) of these (who) (study) engineering is improvi

5、ng (steadily).AA numberCstudyDsteadily14.He (lived) in Beijing (since) 1980 to 1997, but he (is now living) (in) Shanghai.AlivedBsinceCis now living15.(Mother) couldnt risk (to left) Baby (alone). She (should stay) with it.AMotherBto leftCaloneDshould stay16.Janson (he) was an idealist (who) refused

6、 to make any compromise (concerning) the (establishment) of the association.AheCconcerningDestablishment17.(A paragraph) is a portion of a text (consists of) one or more (sentences) (related to) the same idea.AA paragraphBconsists ofCsentencesDrelated to18.(The metal) aluminum (has been) (first) iso

7、lated (early) in the nineteenth century.AThe metalBhas beenCfirstDearly19.Many countries face some serious problems of land use, _result from population growth and the demands of modem technological living.Awhich mostBmost of whichCmost whichDof most which20.The fact remains _we are behind many othe

8、rs.AthatBwhyDhow21.Playing table tennis is her_.AhobbyBcareCsportDhabit22._your help we were successful.AAccording toBBut forCOwing toDAs for23.Mary has just called and asked _to have lunch with her tomorrow.Ayou and IByou and meCI and youDme and you24.We agreed to his suggestion that a bridge _acro

9、ss the river.Abe builtBwas builtCshould buildDwould be built25.It _John and Kate who helped me the other day.AisBwasCareDwere26.Youre not a freshman, are you _, I am a second-year student.AYes, Im notBNo, I amCNo, Im notDYes, I am27.George did _than anyone else.Amuch workBmore workCwork muchDwork mo

10、re28.Tom looks so pale today. He _ill.Amust beBhad to beCshould beDshall be29.Forty percent _stopped smoking in that company.AhasBisChaveDare30.Mr. Smith _working till he was seventy years old.Akept upBkept onCkept toDkept out31.It is nice to go for a walk _a summer evening.AonBduringCinDat32.I am u

11、sed _my sleep interrupted.Ato haveBhavingDto having33._, electrons are still smaller.AAs atoms small areBAs atoms smaller asCSmall as atoms areDSmaller atoms as are34.Would you mind _ alone at home tonight, TomAleavingBbeing leftCto leaveDto be left35.He _ a cold last week.Ahad caughtBcaughtChas cau

12、ghtDhas had36._ he come, what you say to himAIf, willBShould, wouldCWhen, wouldDWould, do37.He _back and he left a note for you.AcameCwill beDis being38.She sat there with nothing _ except play with her cat.Ato doBdoingCdoneDto be done39.It _ nearly every, day here this mouth.ArainsBis rainingChas r

13、ainedDhas been rained40.I havent seen him for quite a long time, but his parents _ him sometimes.Astill sawBstill seeChave still seenDhas still seen41.Tell me since when he _ in your school.AtaughtBhas taughtCteachesDhad taught42.Welcome to my birthday party, but you neednt _ any present.AbringBbrin

14、gingCbroughtDhave brought43.When we _ the museum is not decided.AvisitedBvisitCwill visitDvisiting44.I should _ him up to tell him the information.AcallBcallingCcalledDhave called45.Mary _ in bed all day because she had a fever.AlayBhas laidChas lainDlaid46.Why hasnt he come _on time, we will have t

15、o put off the trip.AIf he doesnt comeBIf he wonCIf he shouldnDIf he hadn47.Some warm-blooded animals _ hibernate.Aneed notBdoes not needCnot needDdo not need48.I _ my work by this time yesterday evening.AdidBwould doChad doneDwas doing49.The passage focuses on _.Awild and farm birdsBa fin virusCbird fluDinfected birds50.Some officials believe bird flu spread to Africa mainly due to _.Athe trade of farm birdsBthe waste and liquids of infected birdsCthe fact that sortie people touched sick birds or any infected part of sick birdsDthe virus changed and started spreading in some new forms

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