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4、设备控制的直流驱动器在一个合理数量的作品文献当中能够被发现。在Kurnera的论文Dayananda and Jayawikrama,阐明斩波器与PC控制直流电机速度的协作使用性。软件被开发,输送至PC电脑,因此通过计算机调速的渠道把指令输送给斩波器3。使用独立的微型控制器可以在直流电机的速度控制取得很大的进展。Nicolai和Castgnct在他们的论文中阐述了一个单片机是如何被用于速度控制的。操作系统可以概括为:整流电压驱动形式,它是由斩波器的微型控制单元(MCU)产生的PWM信号。电机的电压控制是通过测量整流电源电压模拟到数字转换器而其它的微型控制器并相应的调整PWM信号占空比5。另一个





9、。对于不同的直流电机速度我们使用定时器/counter2(8位)生成PWM。在这里我们使用阶段正确的模式。再次,它有两种operation-inverted和non-inverted不同的模式。这里本文决定使用non-inverted模式。图1 电动机控制器部分图2 系统设计D.传感器设计另一个用于速度传感为目的性的电机被称为测速发电机。测速发电机是配有连接到终端的马达和电位计的装置。测速发电机根据电机的转速通过电位计使之电压降落。如果电机在低速运行时,它将提供一个较低的数值。当它运行到最大速度时,它会给出一个更大数值的电压。E.ADC设备ADC有n位分辨率,n可以表示为8、10、12、16甚

10、至24位。高分辨率ADC提供了一个更小的步长,可以通过ADC看出步长是最小的变化。AT-Mega-8有10位连续近似寄存器型ADC其具有6条多路复用通道。结果与讨论可以讨论如下获得的预期结果。A.斩波电路输出这是一个以晶体管我基础的一个固定频率脉冲产生的微型控制器。晶体管作为开关。电动机的输出电压取决于晶体管的时间数量。晶体管在更多的电压基础上会保持更多的时间。一个随心所欲的二极管被用于e.m.f保护其他部分。表1 在不同占空比下的电动机端电压D (Duty cycle)Voltage UsingVoltageEquation(V)Measured byMultimeter(V)0.11.23

11、传感器输出通过改变控制器寄存器OCR(输出比较寄存器)工作周期发现在不同占空比下的输出电压如图3所示。当占空比达到100%时,系统显示立即反应的最大电压输出。图3 占空比和输出电压通过单片机ADC的电位计压降。根据ADC的数值,单片机以决定是否将脉冲宽度增加或者是减少。图4 线路图结论介绍了基于单片机的直流电机闭环速度控制。通过测速发电机将会使用一个ATmega8L单片机实现控制永磁直流电机速度反馈。系统将友好的让用户可以任何的操作这个系统没有任何麻烦。具备液晶显示器是显示系统显示的条件。了解情况,用户可以在必要的时

12、候改变负载的数量。PWM Based Automatic Closed Loop Speed Controlof DC Motor Atul Kumar Dewangan1, Nibbedita Chakraborty2, Sashi Shukla3, Vinod Yadu4 1Department of Electrical Engg, BIT (Durg) 2 Department of Computer Science Engineering Engg, KGP (Raigarh) 3Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engi

13、neering KGP (Raigarh) 4Department of Electrical Engineering KGP (Raigarh) Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University Bhilai ,Chhatisgarh, IndiaAbstractAbstract- The electric drive systems used in many industrial applications require higher performance, reliability, variable speed due to its

14、ease of controllability. The speed control of DC motor is very crucial in applications where precision and protection are of essence. Purpose of a motor speed controller is to take a signal representing the required speed and to drive a motor at that speed. Microcontrollers can provide easy control

15、of DC motor. Microcontroller based speed control system consist of electronic component, microcontroller and the LCD. In this paper, implementation of the ATmega8L microcontroller for speed control of DC motor fed by a DC chopper has been investigated. The chopper is driven by a high frequency PWM s

16、ignal. Controlling the PWM duty cycle is equivalent to controlling the motor terminal voltage, which in turn adjusts directly the motor speed. This work is a practical one and high feasibility according to economic point of view and accuracy. In this work, development of hardware and software of the

17、 close loop dc motor speed control system have been explained and illustrated. The desired objective is to achieve a system with the constant speed at any load condition. That means motor will run at a fixed speed instead of varying with amount of load.INTRODUCTIONSpeed control of dc motor could be

18、achieved using mechanical or electrical techniques. In the past, speed controls of dc drives are mostly mechanical and requiring large size hardware to implement. The development has launched these drives back to a position of formidable relevance, which were hitherto predicted to give way to ac dri

19、ves. Some important applications are: rolling mills, paper mills mine winders, hoists, machine tools, traction, printing presses, textile mills, excavators and cranes. Fractional horsepower dc drives are widely employed -as servo means for positioning and tracking 1. Controlled rectifiers provide a

20、variable dc voltage from a fixed dc voltage. Due to their ability to supply a continuously variable dc voltage, controlled rectifier and dc choppers made a revolution in modern industrial equipment and variable-speed drives 2. Adjustable speed drives may be operated over a wide range by controlling

21、armature or field excitation.Transistor and thyristor along with various analog digital chips used in firing or controlling circuits have made dc drives more accessible for control in innumerable areas of applications 3. Recent developments in the area of semiconductor technology have made smaller,

22、faster microprocessors and microcontrollers available at reduced cost. 4 .The potential use of microprocessors to control some or all electronic functions justifies their use. The main objective of this work is to become familiar with the design and implementation of both software and hardware of a

23、microcontroller based closed loop speed control of DC motor and to give senses of occurring overload condition to the operator at overload condition. The purpose of a motor speed controller is to take a signal representing the required speed, and to drive a motor at that speed.RELATED WORKSA reasona

24、ble number of works have found in the literature, regarding the employment of solid-state devices for the control of dc drives. The paper of Kurnera, Dayananda and Jayawikrama, elucidated the use of chopper in collaboration to PC for the control of dc motor speed. Software was developed, fed into a

25、PC and consequently, commands were given to the chopper via the computer for control of motor speed 3.The use of standalone micro controller for the speed control of DC motor is past gaining ground. Nicolai and Castgnct have shown in their paper how a microcontroller can be used for speed control. T

26、he operation of the system can be summarized as: the drive form rectified voltage; it consists of chopper driven by a PWM signal generated from a microcontroller unit (MCU). The motor voltage control is achieved by measuring the rectified mains voltage with the analog to-digital converter present ot

27、her micro controller and adjusting the PWM signal duty cycle accordingly 5. Another system that uses a microprocessor is reported in the work of khoel and Hadidi a brief description of the system is as follows: The microprocessors computes the actual speed of the motor by sensing the terminal voltag

28、e and the current, it then compares the actual speed of the motor with the reference speed and generates a suitable signal control signal which is fed into the triggering unit. This unit drives an Hbridge Power MOSFET amplifier, which in turn supplies a PWM voltage to the DC motor 6.In this paper, a

29、 dc motor with fixed speed control system is presented, which has high precision, reliability and adaptability for different motor ratings with good speed response.METHODOLOGYA scheme that address on building up such a system as described above is presented in here. As the system is based on the spe

30、ed controlling of a DC motor, so the desired goal is to achieve a system with constant speed at any load condition. That means motor will run at fixed speed at any load condition. It will not vary with the amount of load. The software is made in such a way that even an unskilled operator can operate

31、 it. This system describes the design and implementation of the microcontroller based closed loop DC motor speed controller that controls the speed of a DC motor by using PWM and DC chopper.In implementing this work frequency, independent PWM output with variable duty cycle that can vary from 0% to 100% is generated. Furthermore, an LCD display was fabricated to display the output; this kind of setup provides a complete user interface unit. Hence the system is complete stand-alone and user friendly. In case of sudden load drops, the speed of the motor will be very high. As a result, output

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