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1、11According to the recent research ,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily and effectA reason B impact C fact D cause12Every new has the possibility of making or losing money A event B venture C adventure D expedition13The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism

2、 the wildlife in the area A in B off C at D with14The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took pictures of them A many of B masses of C the number of D a large amount of15“I don t think its my that the TV blew up I just turned it on ,that s a11”said the boy A error B

3、mistake C fault D duty16One of the consequences of our planet s being warming up is a(n) in the number of natural disastersA result B account C reason D increase17. Life is tough in the city In order to lose their ,some people drink alcohol A temper B mood C consciousness D pressures18I don t mind p

4、icking up your things from the store ,the walk will do! me good A Sooner or later B Still C In time D Besides19The accident is reported to have occurred the first Sunday in February A at B on C in D to20 two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend A With B Besides C As for D Bec

5、ause of21He got to the station early , missing his train A in case of B instead of C for fear of D in search of22 I feel that one of my main duties a teacher is to help the students to be come better learnersA for B by C as D with23Tne environmentalists and wild goats on the vast grasslands was a go

6、od indication of the better environmentA escape B absence C attendance D appearance24In dealing with public relations ,we should make every effort to prevent the in personality A contact B contrast C connection D conflict25Chinese arts have won the of a lot of people outside China A enjoyment B appr

7、eciation C entertainment D reputation26Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within of little children A hand B reach C space D distance27 No one helped me, did it all myself A for B by C from D to28My parents will move back into town in a year or A. later B after C so D about29He suddenly s

8、aw Sue the roomHe pushed his way the crowd of people to get to her A across;across B over;through C over;into D across;through30一 I m afraid Mr Wood can t see you until 4 o clock 一 Oh 1 wont wait doubt B.after all that case this way31. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it

9、 has all over the country.A. companies B. branches C. organizations D. businesses专题二 冠词1The warmth of sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used A the;the B the ;, C ;the D ;2A bullet hit the soldier and he was wounded in leg A a B one C the D his3Jumping out of airplane at ten th

10、ousand feet is quite exciting experience A .不填;the B .不填;an C . an; an D . the ; the4One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain good knowledge of basic word formation A Bthe Ca Done5. The sign reads “In case of fire , break the glass and push red button .” A .不填;a B .不填;the C the; the D

11、 a; a6I earn 10 dollars hour as supermarket cashier on Saturdays A a; an B the; a C an; a D an;7When you come here for your holiday next time ,dont go to hotel ; I can find you bed in my flat A . the; a B . the ;不填 C . a: the D . a;不填8If you buy more than ten ,they knock 20 pence off Aa price B pric

12、e C the price D prices9 ongoing division betweenEnglish : speaking Canadiansand Frenchspeaking Canadiansis major concern ofthe country A . The 不填 B . The a C . An; the D . An;10When you finish reading the book , you will have better understanding of life A . a; the B . the ; a C .不填;the D . a;11Tom

13、ownsl larger collection of books than any other student in our classA . the;不填 B . a;不填 C . a; the D .不填;the12The most important thing about cotton in history is part that it played in Industrial RevolutionA.不填;不填 B . the ;不填 C . the :13It is often said that teachers have very easy life不填 B .不填;a C

14、. the ;不填D . the ;14I can t remember when exactly the Robinsons left city I only remember it was MondayA the: the B a; the C a; a D the;15After dinner he gave Mr Richardson ride to Capital AirportA the; a B a; the C 不填; a D 不填;16This book tells life story of John Smith , who left school and worked f

15、or a newspaper at the age of 16 the B . a; the C . the ;不填 D . a;专题三 代词1 Some of the wheat is from Canada What about ?_A another B the other C others D the rest2 The Parkers bought a new house but will need a lot of work before they can move in A they B it C one D which3 Meeting my uncle after all t

16、hese years was an unforgettable moment , I willalways treasure A. that B one C it D what4 Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we ve decided to stay for two weeks A another B other C the other D other s5. 一 There s coffee and tea : you can have .一 ThanksA either B each D .it6Susan,go and

17、join your sister cleaning the yard Why ?John is sitting there doing nothingA him B he C I D. me7. I like in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright A this B that C it D one8一 Do you like here ?Oh,yesThe air,the weather,the way of life Everything is so nice.A this B these C that D. it9 That s

18、 an unpleasant thing to say about your father aftet he s done for you.A something B anything C all D.that10 We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen So Peter made from some wood we hadA it B one C himself D another11 I had to buy these books because I didn t know which 0ne was the best.A both B none

19、 C neither D all12 I invited Joe and Linda to dinner ,but of them came.A neither B either C none D both13 There s cooking oil left in the house Would you go to the corner store and get ?A 1ittle : some B 1ittle ;any C a little ;some Da little ;any14 I have done much of the work Could you please fini

20、sh in two days?A the rest B the other C another D the others15 I will never know what was on his mind at the time ,nor will .A anyone B anyone else C no one D no one else16 I intended to compare notes with a friend ,but unfortunately couldn t spare me even one minute A they B one C who Dit17 一 One w

21、eek s time has been wasted I can t believe we did all that work for A something B nothing C everything D anything18 She doesn t know anyone hereShe has got to talk to.A anyone B someone Ceveryone one19 We haven t enough books for ;some of you will have to share.A somebody Banybody C everybody D

22、 nobody20 You will find as you read this book that you just can t keep some of these stories to You will want to share them with a friendA itself B yourself C himself D themselves21 Weve been looking at houses but haven t found we like yetA one B ones C it D them22 一 Victor certainly cares too much

23、about himself 一 Yes, he s never interested in what is doing A no one else B anyone else C someone else D nobody else专题四 形容词和副词1.一 Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday?AThey were not nervous at allB They were still young C They played naturallyDThey couldnt have done better2 I wo

24、uld be very if you could give me an early reply A. pleasant B grateful C satisfied D helpful3 The lessons given by Mr Smith are always and interesting Alovingly B lovely C 1ively D vividly4 He left in such a hurry that I had time to thank him A. almost B even C hardly D nearly 5 While a person is as

25、leep ,a pan of his brain is still Aactive B alive C awake Daware6.When you turn on the TV set , clear pictures will appear on the screen A rapidly B hurriedly C 1ately D immediately 7 It is generally believed that reaching is it is a science.A an art much as B much an art asC as an art much as D as

26、much an art as8 Boris has brains In fact ,I doubt whether anyone in the class has IQ.A a high B a higher C the higher D. the highest9 As far as I am concerned ,education is about learning and the more you learn.A the more for life are you equippedB the more equipped for life you areC the more life y

27、ou are equipped forD you are equipped the more for life10 Sugar is not an important element in bread ,but flour is .A unique B essential C natural D. adequate11 The secret of his success is that he does everything .A efficiently B curiously C anxiously D sufficiently12 The shopkeeper gave us weight:We got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos.

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