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1、as long as意为“只要”;in case意为“以免;万一”。3A.wheelchair BbusCtaxi DambulanceA根据第二段中的“Pushing her around”及第三段第三句“The moment I wheeled her back up to her room.”可知,此处指作者找来轮椅(wheelchair)推着老妇人去礼品店。ambulance意为“救护车”。4A.crowded BpleteCopen DclosedC根据下文“It was merely a 30minute wait”可推断出,商店还没有开门。故选C项。crowded意为“拥挤的”;

2、plete意为“完整的”;closed意为“关闭的”。5A.checking BdietingCparking DwaitingD根据上文“It was merely a 30minute wait”可知,商店还没有开门,所以她们去了等候区(waiting area)等待。故选D项。checking area意为“结账区”;dieting area意为“饮食区”;parking area意为“停车区”。6A.surprise BjoyCpride DanxietyB根据下文“She happily chose some window decorations.”可知,她高兴地选了些窗饰,说明能在

3、她脸上看到喜悦(joy)。故选B项。surprise意为“惊讶”;pride意为“自豪(感);骄傲”;anxiety意为“焦虑;不安;担心”。7A.smelt BtastedCspotted DpurchasedC根据下文“She asked me to push her _ that direction.”可知,老妇人在高兴地选了些窗饰后,发现了巧克力,因此,她让作者把她朝那个方向推。spot意为“发现;看出”,符合语境。smell意为“闻到;嗅到”;taste意为“品尝”;purchase意为“购买”。8A.up BtoCin DatC根据下文可知,老妇人为照看她的护士购买巧克力,因此,此

4、处指她在看见巧克力后让作者把她朝那个方向推。in that direction意为“朝那个方向”,故选介词in。9A.put away Bgive outChand in Dlook throughD根据下文“She _ decided on three different boxes.”可知,此处指作者帮助老妇人看了所有不同的巧克力。look through意为“浏览;翻看”,符合语境。put away意为“把收起来”;give out意为“分发;耗尽;用光;发出(光、热或信号)”;hand in意为“上交;提交”。10A.eventually BgraduallyCproperly Dhu

5、rriedlyA根据上文“I helped her _ all the different chocolate arrangements.”可知,她们在浏览了所有不同的巧克力后,最终决定购买三盒。eventually意为“最终地”,符合语境。gradually意为“逐渐地;逐步地”;properly意为“正确地;恰当地”;hurriedly意为“匆忙地”。11A.change BpenCcard DboxB根据空后“asked me to write the numbers 1,2, and 3 on the boxes”可知,她向收银员要了一支笔(pen),让作者在盒子上写1、2、3。cha

6、nge意为“零钱;改变”;card意为“卡片”;box意为“箱子;盒子”。12A.admitted BpromisedCsuggested DexplainedD设空后的“that the nurses were taking such good care of her, so she _13_ chocolates for each of the three shifts of nurses”是对她购买巧克力的解释。explain意为“解释”,符合语境。admit意为“承认”;promise意为“承诺;许诺”;suggest意为“建议;暗示”。13A.bought BorderedCmade

7、 DborrowedA老妇人是在礼品店看到的巧克力,根据上文“decided on three different boxes”可知,老妇人买了(bought)巧克力给照看她的护士。order意为“点,要(食物或饮料等);订购”;make意为“做;制作;使”;borrow意为“借”。 BpresentCprevious DnightB此处指她把巧克力给了当时当班的护士。present意为“目前的”,符合语境。next意为“下一个”;previous意为“先前的”;night意为“晚上;夜间”。15A.on purpose Bby chanceCin turn Din advan

8、ceC当班护士自己在拿之前给了作者一些。in turn意为“轮流”,符合语境。on purpose意为“故意地”;by chance意为“巧合;偶然”;in advance意为“提前”。16A.noises BsmilesCgreetings DjokesB根据常识,收到巧克力后,护士们应该是高兴的。smile意为“微笑”,符合语境。noise意为“噪音”;greeting意为“打招呼”;joke意为“玩笑”。17A.Witnessing BTaking advantage ofCRepaying DSearching forA根据语境,作者陪老妇人去了礼品店,陪她选购了窗饰和巧克力,又陪她把

9、巧克力分给了当班的护士,因此,此处指作者见证(Witnessing)了她的大方。take advantage of意为“利用”;repay意为“偿还”;search for意为“寻找”。18A.prize BriskCgift DstoryC根据上文who got so much pleasure可知,此处指有机会和从生活中获得很多快乐的人在一起这本身就是一份礼物(gift)。这也是文章主题的升华。prize意为“奖品”;risk意为“危险(性);风险;冒险行为”;story意为“故事”。19A.together BupwardsCback DdownA感恩以一种神奇的方式将人带到一起(tog

10、ether)。20A.respected BpraisedCadmired DvaluedD根据语境可知,此处指尤其是在一个健康是如此被高度珍视(valued)的地方。respect意为“尊重”;praise意为“称赞;表扬”;admire意为“钦佩;赞美;羡慕”。.语法填空湖北荆州高三质量检测)Mobile Payments in China A foreigner scans the QR code to pay for snacks at a shop in Hangzhou on April 14, xx. All vendors (小贩) support mobile payment

11、s, and consumers can scan QR codes to pay through WeChat Wallet or Alipay. Using mobile payments is not forced by the market regulator, but done _1_ (voluntary). “All use, and if you do not, it means a _2_ (lose)” A vendor said.The popularity of mobile payments in China also shocked neighboring nati

12、on Japan, when an online post stated a beggar even had to use the mobile payment QR code in China. It _3_ (grow) into a lifestyle choice of Chinese following the rapid development of mobile payment services _4_ (lead) by thirdparty payment panies so far.Mobile payments have not only bee popular in l

13、arge cities and urban areas, but also in the countrys county towns and rural areas. “It is troublesome to get lots of coins while buying vegetables, which are uneasy _5_ (carry),” said a user. “The services, either WeChat Wallet or Alipay, will record the trades, _6_ helps to know where money has go

14、ne.”According to iResearch, the market of mobile payments reached $5.5 trillion in xx, about 50 times the US market. Li Yi, a researcher, said _7_ rapid development was due to the weak sense of service in Chinese banks. “Globally, in places where traditional financial systems are weak, mobile paymen

15、ts are _8_ (develop) than those with strong ones,” he said. _9_, the popularity of digital payments has a potential risk in data privacy and financial security. To struggle _10_ this, the Chinese government has issued regulations.【语篇解读】移动支付使在中国的外国人可以扫描二维码支付小吃。移动支付不仅在大城市受欢迎、在小镇上或偏远地区使用也很频繁。然而数字支付的流行也

16、存在着数据泄密和对金融安全造成威胁。政府发布规章来对抗泄密的可能。1答案与解析:voluntarily考查副词。句意:使用移动支付不是市场调控者迫使而是消费者自愿的。副词修饰动词。故填voluntarily。2答案与解析:loss考查名词。大家都用移动支付,你不用就意味是一个损失。冠词后用名词。故填loss。3答案与解析:has grown考查动词时态。移动支付目前已经成为中国人的一种生活方式。根据so far判断用现在完成时。故填has grown。4答案与解析:led考查非谓语动词。快速发展的手机支付是由第三方公司支持的。题干中成长是谓语动词,和第二个动词之间没有连词,可以判断出填非谓语动

17、词,服务和领导是被动关系,填过去分词。故填led。5答案与解析:to carry考查非谓语动词。零钱带着比较麻烦。形容词后面用动词不定式。故填to carry。6答案与解析:which考查关系代词。微信或支付宝都有交易记录,帮助你知道钱的去处。“trade”是先行词在定语从句中做主语用关系代词which。故填which。7答案与解析:the考查冠词。移动支付的快速发展是因为中国各银行的服务意识差造成的。此处表示特指,特指移动支付的快速发展。故填the。8答案与解析:more developed考查形容词比较级。从全球看,传统金融体系较弱的地方移动支付更发达。be动词后用形容词,根据“than”

18、可以判断出填比较级形式。故填more developed。9答案与解析:However考查副词。然而,数字支付的盛行也有一定的泄密的潜在风险。上面都在讲述移动支付的优点,本段提到风险,因此是转折关系。故填However。10答案与解析:against考查介词。“对抗”是固定短语struggle against, 故填against。练习(二)卷强化增分组块专练练规范(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!)(限时:45分钟).语法填空Matt Damon, an American actor, filmmaker, and philanthropist, was born on Octo

19、ber 8,1970. He, along with his friend Ben Affleck, got attention in the movie industry with their Academy Awardwinning screenplay, Good Will Hunting (1997), _1_ he also starred in. He is _2_ of the top40 highestgrossing actors of all time. In addition _3_ the many awards Damon has received, includin

20、g Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards, he received a star on _4_ Hollywood Walk of Fame in xx for his work in the film industry.Damon has bee known for his versatility, starring in many successful films such as the rogue secret agent Jason Bourne in the Bourne series, a soldier _5_ (fight) in Fra

21、nce in Saving Private Ryan (xx), and an astronaut _6_ (trap) on Mars in The Martian (xx). He _7_ (win) further critical acclaim for his performances in dramas such as Syriana (xx) and The Good Shepherd (xx), as well as for his role as a villain in the crime drama The Departed (xx)Damon has also perf

22、ormed voiceover work and _8_ (establish) several production panies. He has been _9_ (active) involved in charitable work, including the ONE Campaign, H2O Africa Foundation, Feeding America, and With his wife, Luciana Bozan Barroso, he has three daughters and a stepdaughter from Barrosos p

23、rior _10_ (marry)【语篇解读】本文讲述了Matt Damon,一个演员,导演和慈善家的生平事迹。在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,故填which。one考查数词。One of the top40 highestgrossing actors意为“前四十个票房最高的演员之一”,填one。to考查介词。in addition to表示“除了”,填to。专有名词前要加定冠词the。fighting考查非谓语动词。“soldier”与fight之间为主动关系,用ing形式,填fighting。trapped考查非谓语动词。“astronaut”与trap之间为被动关系,用过去分词形式,填trapped。won考查时态。此处为一般过去时,用win的过去式,填won。established考查时态。此处为现在完成时,establish与“perform”为并列关系,用过去分词形式,填established。actively考查副词。active修饰动词“involved”,用副词形式,填actively。marriage考查名词。此处应填名词表示所有格,故填marriage。.短文改错师大附中一模)Nowadays Senior 3 students are general faced with a lot of pressure, wh

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