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本文(有关自信的英语名言Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Think, we are always confident their omnipotent. But just too confident.7、自信不是说有就有的。自信是一种长期的锤炼、积淀和修为。Confidence is not to say that there is some just. Self-confidence is a kind of long-term exercise, accumulation and.8、不是做不到而失去自信,而是失去自信后才做不到。Is not cant do and lose confidence, but lose confidence af

2、ter cannot do it.9、自卑是自己的影子,当我们头顶一轮自信的太阳,自卑就在我们的脚下荡然无存。Inferiority is the shadow of yourself, confident when we head round the sun, the inferiority is evaporated under our feet.10、自拍是一种自信的表现。看得出来现代人大都过度自信。Take is a sign of confidence. I can see you most modern overconfidence.11、他很明显一直自信于自己的所思所想,并随时准

3、备捍卫自己的思想。He clearly has confidence in his own thoughts, and be ready to defend their own thoughts.12、只有满怀自信的人,才能在任何地方都怀有自信沉浸在生活中,并实现自己底意志。Only people with confidence, everywhere have confidence immersed in life, and realizes own will.13、对自己自信是理所当然,对别人自信是自欺欺人。To oneself confident for granted, self-co

4、nfidence is deluding themselves to others.14、任性是自信的裙摆,奴性是自信的钟摆。虽然都自信,但裙摆是自由飘逸的,钟摆总是小心翼翼的。Willfulness is confident skirt, servility is confident the pendulum. Although all confidence, but the skirt is free flowing, the pendulum is always very carefully.15、什么自信之人,那样的人根本不存在,有的不过是能够假装自信的人。What confident

5、 person, that person does not exist, some is to pretend to be confident people.16、最初所拥有的只是梦想和毫无根据的自信而已,但是所有的一切都从这里开始。Originally have just dream, and unwarranted confidence, but all start from here.17、一个人缺少了自信,就容易对环境产生怀疑与戒备。A lack of confidence, easy to doubt and alert to the environment.18、充满自信的缺陷,远

6、比缺乏自信的美更富魅力。The defects of confident, far more charm than the beauty of a lack of confidence.19、我之所以非常自信,因为自信是免费的。I am very confident, because confidence is free of charge.20、成功的条件在于勇气和自信,而勇气和自信乃是由健全的思想和健康的体魄而来。The conditions of success is the courage and confidence, and courage and self-confidence

7、is of sound mind and a healthy body.21、没有自信,勇气,不可能有艺术。Without confidence, courage, there can be no art.22、只要你有自信,谁也无法让你觉得自卑。As long as you have confidence, no one can make you feel inferior.23、自信其实也就是拥有积极的人生观,充分相信自己,朝着自己的目标不断努力。Confidence is actually have a positive outlook on life, fully believe in

8、 yourself, continuous efforts towards your goals.24、我不是一个自信的人,但我却勇于自信。I am not a confident person, but I have the courage to confidence.25、一个人的自信心来自哪里?它来自内心的淡定与坦然。A persons self-confidence come from? It comes from the inner calm and confident.26、当你足够自信,全世界会为你让路。当你过于自信,全世界会因你堵路。When you are confident

9、 enough, the world will make way for you. When you are too confident, the world will be as your way.27、要让全世界认为你有一千个自信,就算在自己心里有一万个不自信!To make one thousand around the world think you have confidence, even if there are ten thousand not confident in his heart!28、外观的改变不能成为自信的源泉,只能是个幌子,自信的根本应该是内心真正的强大。App

10、earance of change cannot become a source of confidence, only is a guise, self-confident root should be a real strong inside.29、自信,我是命运的主宰者。The masters of self-confidence, is my fate.30、其实我也不知道自己为什么会那么的自信,但是自信了就是自信了。Actually I also dont know why I so confident, but the confidence is confident.31、凡事必须

11、要有统一和决断,因此,胜利不站在智慧的一方,而站在自信的一方。There must be a unity and determination, therefore, the victory is not on the side of the wise, and standing in confidence.32、自信虽好,过分自信就是自傲。单纯虽好,过分单纯就是愚蠢。Confidence is good, but overconfidence is arrogant. Simple is good, but simplistic is folly.33、缺乏一种自信的精神,这往往导致一些本来是

12、萌芽了的天才走向自我扼杀。The lack of a spirit of confidence, which often result in some was budding genius to kill myself.34、要有自信,然后全力以赴假如具有这种观念,任何事情十之八九都能成功。To have confidence, and then go all out - if has this kind of idea, any things nine times out of ten can succeed.35、自信与骄傲有异;自信者常沉着,而骄傲者常浮扬。Confident and p

13、roud of; Confidence is always calm and proud people often float.36、当你感觉颓丧遗失,能量低迷,旁人会认为不能委托给一个不自信的人。When you feel upset loss, low energy, people will think that can not be delegated to a not confident people.37、如果没有自信心的话,你永远也不会有快乐。If have no confidence, you will never have happiness.38、自尊不是轻人,自信不是自满,

14、独立不是孤立。Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not complacent, independence is not isolated.39、成功源于自信,自信源于实力!Success grows out of self-confidence, self-confidence stems from strength!40、自信心对我们的学习很重要。我们读书学习,需要有决心、有信心、有行动。Confidence is very important to our study. Reading and studying, we need

15、to have a determination, confidence and action.41、信心源于实力,实力源于自信,自信源于他信。Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from self-confidence, self-confidence comes from his letter.42、从自卑中间走向自信的人是真正的自信,从一开始就盲目自信的人其实没有自信。From inferiority to confidence among the people are the real confidence, from the s

16、tart, blindly confident people in fact have no confidence.43、自信和自负是有差别的,只是一字之差就是天壤之别。我特别希望我能够自信而不自负。Confidence and arrogance is little different, but there are worlds apart. In particular, I hope I can instead of self-sufficiency.44、因为年轻,所以自信;因为自信,所以年轻。Because young, so confident; Because confidence

17、, so young.45、自信是人类不可缺少的态度。自信能让爱你的人放心,让恨你的人担心。Confidence is indispensable to human beings. Confidence can let the people who love you rest assured, let those who hate you worry.46、自信与坚持都源于一颗沉稳、勇敢、乐观进取的心。Confidence and insist on comes from a stable, brave, optimistic and enterprising heart.47、自信是一根柱子

18、,能撑起精神的广漠的天空,自信是一片阳光,能驱散迷失者眼前的阴影。Self-confidence is a pillar, can hold up the spirit of the open sky, self-confidence is a piece of sunshine, to disperse the lost in front of the shadow.48、面对失败和挫折,一笑而过是一种乐观自信,然后重整旗鼓,这是一种勇气。Face failure and setbacks, smile is a kind of optimistic self-confidence, and

19、 then regrouped, this is a kind of courage.49、搜索引擎三大定律:相关性定律、人气质量定律和自信心定律。The three laws of search engine: correlation between law and popular quality law and the law of confidence.50、我们应该有恒心,尤其要有自信心。We should have the perseverance, especially must have the self-confidence.51、自信需要资本,而自信就是资本。Confiden

20、ce needed capital, and confidence is capital.52、一个有内涵的人,她从不缺少自信。因为是自信,成就了她的内涵。A connotation of man, she never lack of confidence. Because it is confidence, achievement of the connotation of her.53、人生没有失败,自信创造精彩。A life without failure, confidence to create brilliant.54、自信不是盲目的自大,不是自我的伪装,而是自己给自己的勇于战胜一

21、切困难的不竭源泉。Confidence is not blindly arrogant, not disguise themselves, but give yourself an inexhaustible source of courage to overcome all difficulties.55、自信是好事,但别太自信和膨胀。不要太疯狂。Confidence is a good thing, but dont be too confident and. Dont be too crazy.56、自信的人不一定能成功,但成功的人,一定都是自信的人。Confident people d

22、ont necessarily successful, but successful people, are all confident people.57、缺点让你弄丢自信,优点让你找回自信。Grace let you lose confidence, make you confident.58、自信是成功的第一秘诀。自我控制是最强者的本能。Confidence in yourself is the first secret of success. Self-control is the strongest instinct.59、自信不是学来的,自信一定是你自己的东西。Confidence

23、 is not learned, must be your own.60、勇敢有时候是理性制约下的一种镇定和自信,有德有仁的人才能真正做到心灵的勇敢。Brave sometimes is rational under the constraints of a calm and confident, have DE su can be truly brave heart.61、佩服或者崇拜别人的人,把自己的自信给了别人。Admire or worship of others, made their own self-confidence to others.62、从挫折中站起来需要的是自信,自信

24、就是信赖自己的有足够的能力。Stood up from the setbacks need is confidence, confidence is to rely on their own ability.63、总该学会自信的笑着,说着让人心服的道理。Total should learn confident smile, let the truth of the case.64、人因为没有自信而去相信神,却因为太有自信而把自己当做神。Because they have no confidence to believe in god, but because too confident to themselves as god.65、自信就是信自,自信是成功的前提,归根结底,自己还是缺乏自信。Confidence is the letter, which is the premise of success, at the end of the day, or a lack of confidence.

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