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本文(浙江省绍兴县人教版九年级英语教案《Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands 》1Word文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

浙江省绍兴县人教版九年级英语教案《Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands 》1Word文档格式.docx

1、Before you meet foreigners, you should some customs. In this way, you can act politely and properly.Key pointsTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do.Difficult pointsKnow about customs of different countries.Teaching methods1Scene teaching method2Listening-and-answering activity to help t

2、he students go through with the listening material.Teaching tools 1.A tape recorder2.PPT课件Teaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review1.Yesterday we finished Unit 9. In this unit, we learned some ways of asking for information politely and express preferences. Make conversations with your

3、friends.A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that _.2.Write your own sentence:I like music that_.I like musicians _.Step II :New lesson1.Presentation:Step 1 1aThis activity introduces some target language.Let students read the instructions.Point to the two lists of words. Read each word

4、 and ask students to repeat it.Put up a map of the world on the board. Ask students to explain where each of the countries is.Suggested answers1Brazil is in South America, next to Peru.2The United States is in North America, next to Canada.3Japan is in East Asia, to the east of China.4Mexico is in N

5、orth America, on the south of America.5Korea is in East Asia. It is our neighbor.Look at the sample answer. Tell students to guess if they arent sure.Answers1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.aStep 1bThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Play the tape for the

6、first time. This time, students only listen.Play the tape a second time. Ask them to listen to the recording and check their answers to Activity 1a.Check the answers with the class. Invite a student to read the answers.Step 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read

7、 the instructions to the whole class. Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.Step III:Practice:1. In Japan, the people are supposed to _(鞠躬) when they meet for the time.2. Its not polite _(亲吻) the others in public in China.3. I was supposed to arrive at 8:00, but

8、I (到达) at 9:00.4. When we meet Americans for the first time, we should _(握手)with them.5. You must know some _(习俗) before you go to some foreign countries.Step IV:summary: In this class, weve learned some important words, such as bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands. Weve also learned the target la

9、nguage What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? TheyStep V:.homework:Review the target language.二次备课三次备课Bb design: Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section AThe First PeriodTarget Language: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first ti

10、me?教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:nit 10 SectionA(2a-2d)第 2 课时greet, be supposed toHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?When youre invited to a place, you mustnt be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes. That is, you should act according to your hosts customs.What are you supposed

11、to do when you meet someone?How to improve students1Listening method to improve students2PairworkCheck homework. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations according to Activity 1a. What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?1.(2a)This activity provides guided list

12、ening practice using the target language.Look at the picture and ask students to tell What is happening.Help students understand that the people are at a picnic.Read the instructions and point to the four mistakes on the list. Ask different students to read the mistakes to the class.Ask different st

13、udents to explain the meaning of each line in their own words. Listen to Maria talking to a boy about what happened at the picnic. She made several mistakes. Listen to the recording and check the mistakes she made.Play the recording. Students only listen the first time.Play the recording again. Get

14、students to check the mistakes Maria made.Check the answers with the class. arrived late_ ate wrong food greeted Pauls mother the wrong way wore the wrong clothes2.(2b)This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Go through the instructions with t

15、he class. Point out the blanks in the four sentences. Invite a student to read the first sentence.Play the recording again. Let students fill in the blanks with the words they hear alone.Correct the answers with the class.3.(2c)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Re

16、ad the instructions for the activity to the class.Look at the example in the box. Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.4.Role-Play conversationShow key points:expecte to do sthhold outTo ones surprise( )1.Jim stood up and shook hands_ both of )2.Chinesene

17、 C.on D.with( )3. John _ Beijing the day before yesterday.A. arrived at B. arrived C. reached to D. arrived in( )4. You _stand in line when waiting for the bus.A. mustnt B. cant C. are supposed to D. dont( )5. She _some _in her competition yesterday.A. has made; mistakes

18、B. made; mistakesC. had made; mistake D. was mistaking; In this class, weve learned key vocabulary greet and be supposed to, the target language How was the dinner at Paul What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?Ask students to write at least two sentences with the key structure in this cl

19、ass.Unit 12 Section A (2a-2d)1Target Language:2What are you supposed to do when Youre Youre not nit 10 SectionA(3a-4c)第 3 课时land, drop by, after all, relaxed, a bitCan you tell me the things Im supposed to do? integrating skills.Different countries have different customs. So you are supposed to do i

20、n Rome as the Romans do.1Fast reading to let students get the general idea of the text.Step RevisionT: In last period, we summed up the expressions for telling what you are supposed to do. Now Ill check your homework. Ill ask some pairs to act out the conversations before the class.Step 1. 3aThis ac

21、tivity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.Show the key words on the screen by a projector.Cali n.卡利(哥伦比亚西部城市) Colombia n. 哥伦比亚(南美洲西北部一国家)drop by 访问;拜访Lausanne n. 洛桑(瑞士西部城市)Switzerland n. 瑞士(欧洲中部国家)land n. 国家;国土after all 毕竟Read the words and have students repeat again and

22、 again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.Step2.3bRead the passage again and complete the chart.Look at the chart. Tell students what they will write in the chart.Check the answers.Step 3bGo through the instructions for the activity with the class.First practice this conversa

23、tion with a partner. Then talk about your attitude toward being on time and getting together with your friends.Step IV Grammar FocusReview the grammar box Get different students to say the questions and answers. be supposed to be expected to be important to1. When you go abroad ,it _ bring your pass

24、port. 2. After class,students_ clean the chalk off the blackboard. 3.If you visit the northern coast of Norway during the winter season, it _ pack warm clothes. 4.If there are people in the meeting room, you_ knock before entering. 5.In many eastern European countries, you _ take off your gloves before shaking hands. 1.key vocabulary 2.Grammar focusFinish exercise 4b in the textbook. What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? The first thing is

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