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1、调查结果显示了目前对旅游业容忍度,伴随着对日常生活干扰程度的日益增长的担忧以及一些关于旅游业创造就业机会和帮助保护胡同本质的能力的怀疑。根据关于地方识别的争论,调查对象区分胡同是作为一种建筑物集合还是一种社会实体。许多人注意到,建筑物和文物建筑保护并不等同于对一种生活方式的维护,但它是建筑遗产,吸引游览,旅游使建筑具有了商业价值,从而为今后的发展保留了原有的地方标记。定型数据表明,通过分区,旅游开发和维护社会形态之间可以出现折衷(Ryan & Gu, 2007)。首先是时间每日分区,游客在白天可以参观胡同,但是在傍晚或者深夜却不能。当然在一年中暖和的月份里,小巷成为当地百姓社会交往的中心。因此


3、知。在这个意义上说,一个对这种就业的吸引力的问题被证明是一个相关项目,对其他研究者而言除了问被调查者是否真地在本行业中就业才值得提问。如所建议的那样,年龄作为一个变量对地方依赖的性质作出如上概念化的理解有帮助。中国的年轻人,特别是在近几十年中,已经在迅速的经济和社会变革中社会化了,这些变革通常被认为是进步的。对他们而言,地方依附感不一定形成于物质匮乏的情境下或社会改革时期。实际上,变革可能是一个形成地方依附的先决条件,对变革而言地方依附是一种吸引力,而不是威胁。这些因素可能解释当数据运用到图4中的结构方程模型中估计拟合优度时的失败。同样,地方依附的讨论可以涉及到人格理论。凯利(Kelly 19




7、的社会经济变化相联系。Ryan和谷(2007)指出基于胡同的旅游业已经融入全球化过程当中,也有可能全球在地化。总之,本研究的原始构思可能是有限的,它非常注重评估居民对胡同的认同和对由旅游业引起的变化的反应。或许本研究应当置于一个更为广泛的框架内情境化,这在当代中国可能真的非常必要。因此,建议今后关于中国旅游业影响的研究应当考虑更为广泛的社会和经济问题。外文文献原文Place attachment, identity and community impacts of tourismthe case of a Beijing hutongHuimin Gu, Chris RyanIn terms

8、of destination development, the ndings represent the attitudes of residents towards tourism and place at a time when Shi Cha Hai hutong is moving from an involvement into consolidation stage of the tourism destination life cycle (., see Wang, 1997) and facing potential further tourism development pr

9、ior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The ndings show a current tolerance of tourism accompanied by a growing concern about levels of intrusion into daily life, and some skepticism about the ability of tourism to create jobs and help preserve the nature of the hutong. In terms of the debate about p

10、lace identication the respondents distinguish between the hutong as a collection of buildings and as a social entity. Many note that the preservation of buildings and built heritage does not equate to the maintenance of a way of life, yet it is the architectural heritage that attracts tourism, and t

11、ourism that gives commercial value to that architecture, thereby preserving the place markers for the future. The qualitative data show that a compromise between tourism development and the maintenance of social patterns emerges through zoning (Ryan & Gu, 2007). First there is temporal daily zoning

12、when tourists may see the hutong during the day, but are largely absent during the evenings and nights and when, certainly in the warmer months of the year, the alleyways become a centre of social interaction for local people. Thus, the current comparative absence of hotel building is a means of pre

13、serving the hutong as a social entity. Second, there is seasonality when levels of tourism fall in winter. Temporal zoning thus aids place attachment by generating increased tolerance for tourism by providing periods of respite from the pressures induced by tourism. From the perspective of the wider

14、 literature, the study shows how a strong sense of place and living heritage informs responses to tourism. In this specic context, this understanding of the hutong as a special location of architecture and social interaction had more of an impact than the issue of economic gain. This is contrary to

15、many ndings derived from the English-speaking world and is shown by the low overall mean scores allocated to the items measuring economic impacts. Yet, there is an important caveat arising from the distribution of scores on these items. Attitudes toward economic impacts did play a signicant role as

16、a discriminating variable in attitudes towards further tourism development. One reason for this was the differences displayed between two sub-groups, namely a difference partly based upon age and second the perceived attractiveness of a job within the tourism industry. In that sense, the asking of a

17、 question about the attractiveness of such employment proved to be a pertinent item, and for other researchers it may well be worth asking this in addition to asking whether the respondent is actually employed in the industry. The importance of age as a variable has, it is suggested, something to do

18、 with the nature of place attachment as conceptualized above. Younger people, especially during recent decades in China, have been socialized at a period of rapid economic and social change where change is often deemed to be progress. For them, senses of place attachment are not necessarily formed i

19、n a context of lack of infrastructure change or social evolution. Indeed, change may be a pre-requisite of forming place attachment, for change is an attraction and not a threat. These considerations might account for the failure of the data to produce estimates of good t when applied to the structu

20、ral equation modelling of Fig. 4. Equally, the discussion of place attachment can be related to theories of personality. Kelly (1963, ) refers to group expectancies and the manner in which the young adopt negativistic roles to be contrary to expected behaviours but wind up using the very same dimens

21、ional system his (sic) parents use. Thus, the younger person may express dissatisfaction with the status quo of the hutong, yet within their life experience of Beijing at this date, their experiences have been wholly experiences of change. Consequently, perceptions of change of the hutong and place

22、attachments may well be expressed in statements of ambiguity and inconsistency. In the qualitative study not reported here, examples of inconsistent attitudes and at times careful delineations of positive and negatives were found. For example, younger people would enjoy the night atmosphere of resta

23、urants at the lakes, but might complain of an inability to spend money thereso thereby enjoying a place attachment of being fashionable but equally feel in part excluded other than in a hanger on role. But hanging on in itself contributes to the summer sense of activity.As noted above, the high leve

24、ls of importance attributed to the architectural heritage of the hutong emerges as a strong contributor to place attachment, and the sense of being special by living in a special place. This nding also emerged from the qualitative data, but it also needs to be stated that identity efcacy and place a

25、ttachment is complex in the understandings of Chinese communal political processes. Examples were found where some respondents clearly stated that these issues were only matters for the government, and not for them, and the quantitative data clearly showed that some had reservations about future pol

26、icy. As Worden, Savada, and Dolan, (1987), Xie (2001), Wang, (2003) and Fan, Wall and Mitchell (forthcoming) among others comment, in China the role of government in the planning processes of tourism is wholly pervasive, thereby potentially complicating the role of self-efcacy as a contributor to se

27、lf-image as understood in the western academic literature. Future research that wishes to engage in place attachment and place identity as part of an assessment of the impacts of tourism on Chinese communities may need to consider this more explicitly. In this sense, future research should seek to c

28、larify more specically the relationships: (a) perceptions of the role of local government, (b) change induced by tourism and (c) place attachment and self-efcacy within the framework suggested by Breakwell (1986, 1992). In short, as this research project evolved, various limitations in the project b

29、ecame evident. Questions were primarily related to tourism-induced change, but the hutong is experiencing change as Beijing is also changing around it. The hutong is linked to the wider Beijing economy and the social, economic and political changes that are occurring are not solely due to tourism. T

30、his seems to imply a failing in not only the current research but also with past literature because by concentrating on tourism-induced change only research has failed to link tourism to the wider socio-economic changes that might also be occurring. Ryan and Gu (2007) argue that hutong-based tourism

31、 has become linked into a process of globalization, and possibly of glocalization too. In short, the original design of this research may be limited by the very focus it created on assessing resident identication with the hutong and reactions to tourism-induced change. Perhaps the project should have been contextualized within a wider framework, and this need may be particularly true in contemporary China. It is therefore suggested that future research into the impacts of tourism within China need to take account of these wider social and economic issues.

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