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1、 -yes, indeed.这难道不是个好天气吗,爸爸?是,确实是啊Lesson 2 Canyoutellmehowtogetto Nanjingroad?请问南京路怎么走?Man: Pardon me ,can you tell me how to get to Nanjing road?请问,能告诉我怎样去南京路吗?Boy: Sure, you can take bus number 21 ,or subway line 1 .当然可以,你可以坐21路公共汽车,或者1号地铁。 Which one is faster?哪条线更快一些? If I were you ,Ill take the

2、subway.如果我是你的话,我会坐地铁去。 Thank you .谢谢你。Girl: Excuse me , do you know where the museum is? 请问,你知道博物馆在哪儿吗? Easy, just go north on Shanxi road, its about 20 minutes from here, the museum is on the left. you cant miss it. 那还不容易。沿南京路向北走,从这儿大约走20分钟,博物馆就在左边。不会错的。 Thanks 谢谢。 Boy: You are welcome. 不客气。Bus公共汽车

3、,subway地铁,fast快,north北面,minute分钟1.Can you tell me how to get to能不能告诉我怎么去.?Can you tell me how to get to Nanjing Road?能不能告诉我怎么去南京路?Can you tell me how to get to Xinhua book store?能不能告诉我怎么去新华书店?Can you tell me how to get to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower?能不能告诉我怎么去东方明珠?Which one is faster?哪个更快呢?If I were

4、you, Ill take the subway.如果我是你,我就坐地铁.2.Ill take我会坐Ill take the subway.我会坐地铁.Ill take the taxi.我会坐出租车.Ill take the sight-seeing bus.我会坐观光车.3.Do you know where?你知不知道.在哪儿?Do you know where the museum is?你知不知道博物馆在哪儿?Do you know where Peoples Square is?你知不知道人民广场在哪儿?Do you know where I can find the neares

5、t subway station?你知不知道最近的地铁站在哪儿?Easy, just go north on Shanxi road,its about twenty minutes from here.简单,沿山西路,大约走20分钟.4. Thanks!谢谢!Youre welcome!没关系!5. Pardon me.抱歉,对不起.6. Excuse me,.对不起,.Excuse me ,but can you show me the way to Peoples Square?对不起,你能不能告诉我去人民广路.7. You cant miss it.你不会找不到的.Lesson 3 I

6、s Kevin home ? 凯文在家吗?一、情景对话Bird 1: Im bored. Is there any way I can have fun? 我觉得很无聊。有什么办法找点乐吗?Bird 2: Easy, Just watch! 容易啦。看着来! Ding dong ! Is Kevin home? 叮咚!凯文在家吗? Man:-Coming 来啦! Ding dong!-Coming来啦! Man- No. Hes Hes Hes Hes not in. 不他他他不在Bird 1&2: ha ha ha 哈哈哈 No, hes hes hes not in. Hes not in

7、. 不,他他他不在。他不在。 Bird: Hes not in. 他不在。 ha ha ha 哈哈哈二、单词Fun 快乐,娱乐,home家,easy容易的 ,way方法,方式,watch看三、Im bored, Is there any way we can have some fun?真无聊,你有什么好方法让我们开开心?1.Is there any way .? 有没有什么办法.?Is there any way we can have some fun?有没有什么办法能让我们开开心?Is there any way we can get there in ten minutes?有没有什么

8、办法能让我们在十分钟内到哪儿?Is there any way you can leave work early tonight?有没有什么办法能让你今晚早点下班?Is there any way I can help you?有没有什么办法我能帮助你?2.Is Kaven home?凯文在家吗?Coming 来了Is your fater in?你爸爸在吗?Is Tom around?汤姆在吗?be around来访Is anyone there?有人在吗?Hes not in!他不在家.3.Im so bored.真无聊.No friends,no TV. I am so bored.没有

9、朋友,没有电视,真无聊.4.Just watch!看我的!Ill show you how to do it,just watch!看我的,我会告诉你怎么做的!5.Sweet dreams! 做个好梦!Lesson 4 I dont like Peking Duck我不喜欢北京烤鸭 Hey, man, Is this your first time in Shanghai? Jeff:-Yeah do you like the city?-yes I do. how about Beijing?-I havent been there yet. Have you try Peking duck

10、?-yeah, its great . Hi, buddy, he said he likes Peking duck, How about you?Duck: Absolutely not, I do not like Peking duck.buddy 好朋友, yeah,是的,absolutely完全/绝对,duck 鸭子,city城市三、句型:1. Do you like?你喜欢 Do you like foreign film?你喜欢看外国电影吗? Do you like the Shanghai mesum?你喜欢上海博物馆吗?2. How about? .怎么样.?How abo

11、ut a cup of coffee?来杯咖啡怎么样?How about going to the international Conference Hall?去国际会议中心怎么样?How about taking a rest now?现在休息一会怎么样?3. I dont like . 我不喜欢I dont like chicken. 我不喜欢吃鸡.I dont like travelling alone.我不喜欢独自旅行.4. Its great. 太好了,棒极了。 I got a new job, its great.我有份新工作.太好了.5. Absolutely not. 当然不,

12、一点都不。Did you like the film? absolutely not.Do you think I can trust him? 你认为我能相信他吗?absolutely not.当然不能.Lesson 5 What a fat bird 好一只胖鸟 Hey, how are you guys doing?嘿,你们好!Bird 234: Fine , how are you. Im really bored.真无聊Im leaving.我要回家了See you around! 待会儿见!Bird 34: Ok, see you later! 好啊,待会儿见!Bye! 再见!Bi

13、rd 4: Sorry , I have to go now. I have a class this evening.抱歉,我现在得走了晚上我得上课 See you tomorrow. 明天见!So long! 再见! Take care! 保重! Its its getting late.天越来越晚了Im afraid I have to go now.我恐怕我得走了 Good night! Sweet dreams! 晚安!做个好梦! guy伙计,bored无聊,Class课,late晚,dream梦三、讲解:1. hey, How are you guys doing?嗨,你们好!2.

14、 -Im really bored, Im leaving.我真是无聊,我得走了3. see you later. 呆会再见See you tomorrow.明天见。see you nest Monday下周一见。see you next week下周见4.Sorry, I have to go now, I have a class this evening.抱歉我现在得走了,晚上我得上课。5.Its getting天变得 Its getting late。天越来越晚了its getting darker,天变黑了.Its getting too hot。天太热了6. Im afraid 恐

15、怕Im afraid I have to go now.Good nightI m afraid you are going in the wrong direction我恐怕你走错方向了。Im afraid I m not free tonight。恐怕今晚我没空Im afraid I cant go with you.恐怕我不能和你去了四、句型 1.see you around 再见 long. 再见 3.take care.再见,保重 4.good night 晚安 5. sweet dreams做个好梦Lesson 6 Mmmm, delicious! 嗯., 美味啊!Fro

16、g 1: Mmmm, delicious! Theres nothing like fresh mosquitoes! 嗯美味啊!没有比新鲜蚊子更好吃的了!Frog 2: Those mosquitoes really look tasty! 那些蚊子看起来很好吃. They sure are! You ought to catch some yourself! 没错. 但是你得自已抓.Theres plenty! 这儿还有很多! Can you give me a hand? 你能帮助我一下吗? Id love to.我很乐意.Kid, but Im kind of busy right n

17、ow! 小东西,可是我现在没空.Delicious 鲜美的,mosquito 蚊子,tasty 好味道的,plenty 许多,fresh 新鲜的1.There is nothing like. 没什么比得上.Theres nothing like fresh mosquitoes! 没有什么比新鲜蚊子更好吃的了!There is nothing like a hot bath after a long day. 忙碌了一天之后,没什么比洗个热水澡更舒服的了.There is nothing like a mothers love. 没有什么比得上一个母亲的爱.There is nothing

18、like a true friend. 没什么比得上一个真正的朋友.2.Look . 看上去Those mosquitoes really look tasty !You look excited. 你看上去很兴奋.She looks like her mother. 她看上去像她的妈妈.The carpet looks dirty. 地毯看上去很脏.3.They sure are! 没错!4.There is,are plenty 有许多.充裕的.There is plenty!Do you need more milk? 你还要牛奶吗?No, thanks. There is plenty

19、 in the fridge. 不, 谢谢. 冰箱里还有很多.There are plenty of books in the library. 图书馆里有许多书.四、句型:Give somebody a hand 帮(某人)一把Can you give me a hand? 你能帮帮我吗?Id love to. 我很愿意.Please give me a lift. 请让我搭一下便车. Id love to . 我很乐意.Lesson 7 I dont like the book 我不喜欢这本书Kevin: This ones a red-hot best seller! 这是一本最畅销的书

20、!Youve really got to check it out. 你可以去看看。I guarantee youll love it . 我保证你会喜欢它的!Jeff: What a great novel! I love it! 多棒的一本小说啊!我喜欢! This book is too long! 这本书太长了! What a bore! 这太叫人讨厌了!Bob: This book is utterly tasteless. 这本书一点没有味道。最畅销的,guarantee保证,novel 小说,bore 令人生厌的事,utterly tasteless 完全没有味道的,1.Red-

21、hot! 最热门的This ones a red hot best seller!This film is red-hot! 这是最热门的电影。That CD is red-hot! 这是最热门的CD 唱片 !2.I guarantee youll love it 我保证你会喜欢它的!I guarantee youll love Shanghai.我保证你会喜欢上海的I guarantee youll love singer. 我保证你会喜欢这个歌手的3.What a ! 多么!What a great novel !What a big city! 多大的城市啊!What a great b

22、uilding! 多么伟大的建筑啊!What a great idea ! 多棒的主意 !4.Too! 太!This box is too heavy. 这盒子太重了This test is too difficult . 这考试太难了This car is too expensive. 这车太贵了5.Utterly 完全,绝对,彻底Utterly useless. 完全没用Utterly charming 绝对迷人Utterly silent 绝对安静Lesson 8 Hes my favorite 我是我的最爱Fish: Hey, this is great! Woo-hoo! 嘿,这太棒

23、了! 喔呜! Hmph. I cant stand Elvis. 我受不了艾尔维斯. You must be kidding! Why not?你在开玩笑! 为什么不喜欢? Hes too boring . 他太无聊了. Hes so dull, it makes me nod off. 他是那么的乏味,让我犯困. Ok, so what singer do you like? 那好,你喜欢谁呢? The only kind of singer I like is one who wakes everybody up! 我喜欢那种能把所有人叫醒的歌手!Interesting 有趣的,pop m

24、usic 流行音乐,singer 歌手, wake up 叫醒,great 棒极了,This is great! 这太棒了!1.I cant stand! 我无法忍受!I cant stand Elvis. 我无法忍受艾尔维斯I cant stand the noise! 我无法忍受这噪音!I cant stand your sister! 我无法忍受你的姐姐!I cant stand spinach! 我无法忍受胡说八道!2.Its too,its so 太了!Hes too boring. 他太无聊了Its too hot! 天太热了!Its too salty! 这太咸了!Its so

25、interesting! 这太有趣了!3.What do you like ? 你喜欢什么样的?Ok, so just what singer do you like? 那好,你喜欢谁呢?What food do you like?你喜欢什么样的食物?What movies do you like? 你喜欢什么样的电影?What music do you like? 你喜欢什么样的音乐?You must be kidding! 你一定是在开玩笑!Are you joking ? 你在开玩笑吗?Nod off 犯困This music makes me nod off. 这音乐让我犯困。I always nod off during his lectures. 我总是在他演讲时睡着.Im so tired , Im about to nod off. 我太累了,我几乎睡着了.Interesting 有趣的,pop music 流行音乐,singer 歌手, nod off 犯困 你一定是在开玩笑!Lesson 9 Cheers! . HICCUP 干杯! Hey , dude! 老兄! How

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