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1、EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS SKILLS才艺人员雇佣合同This Employment contract is executed and entered into by and between:本合同由甲乙双方缔结:A. Employer:Address:P.O.Box No.: Tel. No.:甲方:雇用人: 地址: 邮编: 电话:B. Employee:Civil Status:Date & Place of Issue:Address:乙方:被雇佣人: 婚姻情况: 出生日期及地点: 地址:Voluntarily binding themselves

2、to the following and conditions:甲乙双方基于平等、自愿原则,缔结如下条约:1. Site of Employment1. 工作地点:2. Contract Duration commencing from the employees departure from the point of orgin to the site of employment.2. 本合同有效期限自 被雇佣人从本国离开前往工作地点起计算。3. Employees Position3. 被雇佣人职位:4. Basic Monthly salary4. 基本月薪:5. Regular Wor

3、king Hours: Maximum of 8hours per day, six days per week.5 正常工作时间: 每周工作6天,每天不超过8小时6. Overtime Pay:6. 加班工资:a. For work over regular working hours:a超过正常工作时间的加班工资:b. For work on designated rest days & holidays:b公休日加班工资:7. Leave with Full Pay:7. 全薪假:a. Vacation Leave:a. 例假b. Sick Leave:c. 病假:8. Free tra

4、nsportation to the site of employment and in the following cases, free return transportation to the point of origin: a. expiration of the contract; b. termination of the contract by the employer without just cause; c. if the employee is unable to continue to work due to work connected or work aggrav

5、ated injury of illness; d. force of majeure; and e. in such other cases when contract of employment is terminated through no fault of the employee.8. 交通费用:被雇佣人从本国到工作地点,交通费用由雇佣方承担;因下列情形,需返回被雇佣人本国的,交通费亦由雇佣方承担,具体情形如下:a.合同期满;b.雇用人以非正当理由终止合同;c.被雇佣人因工伤而无法继续履行工作义务的;d.不可抗力;e.非被雇佣人过错,但雇佣合同终止的。9. Free food or

6、 compensatory allowance of US $ , free suitable housing.9. 免费工作餐或津贴$ 美元, 免费住宿。10. Free emergency medical and dental services und facilities including medicine.10. 医疗:提供包括药品在内的免费紧急医疗和牙医服务和设备。11. Personal life accident insurance in accordance with host government and/or Philippine government laws with

7、out cost to the worker. In addition, for areas declared by the Philippine government as war risk areas. a war risk area insurance of not less than P100,000 shall be provided by the employer at no cost to the worker.11. 保险: 根据雇佣国政府或菲律宾政府的相关法律,为被雇佣人办理个人意外保险,费用由雇佣者全权负责。此外,若工作地点是被菲律宾政府指定为有战争危险的地区,雇用单位需对

8、为雇用人提供不低于100,000比索的战争险,该费用由雇佣单位全额支付。12. In the event of death of the employee during the employee during the terms of this agreement. his remains and personal belongings shall be repatriated to the Philippines at the expense of the employer. In the case the employees next kin and/or by the Philippin

9、e Embassy/ Consulate nearest the jobsite.12. 若被雇佣人在合同期间不幸死亡,雇用人全权负责将被雇佣人的遗体和个人财产遣返回菲律宾。送至被雇佣人的亲戚或者最近的菲律宾大使馆/领事馆。13. The employer shall assist the Employee in remitting a percentage of his salary through the proper Banking channel or other means authorized by law.13. 雇用人应协助被雇佣人通过银行或其它合法渠道汇一定比例的工资款。14

10、. Termination:14. 合同终止:a. Termination by Employer: The employer may terminate this Contract on the following just cause: serious misconduct. Willful disobedience of employers lawful orders, habitual neglect of duties, absenteeism, insubordination revealing secrets of establishment, when employee vio

11、lates customs, traditions, and lows of and/or terms of thi s Agreement. The employee shall shoulder the repatriation expenses back to the Philippines.a. 雇用人终止合同:雇佣方可以以如下正当理由终止合同:严重过失。故意违反雇用人的合法指令,习惯性的疏于职守,旷工,透露公司商业秘密,当被雇佣人违反 风俗、传统和稳定,以及本合同的条款,被雇佣人自负遣返回菲律宾的费用。b. Termination by Employee: The employee

12、may terminate this Contract without serving any notice to the employer for any of the following just causes: serious insult by the employer or his representative, inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the employee by the employer or his representative, commission of a crime/offense by the employ

13、er or his representative. Employer shall pay the repatriation expenses back to the Philippines.b. 被雇佣人终止合同:被雇佣人可以如以下正当理由在任何情况下直接终止合同:被雇佣方及其相关人欺凌,雇用人或其相关代表人对被雇佣人的残忍不公的对待,雇用人或其相关代表人的犯罪行为,在以上情况下,雇用人应支付被雇佣人返回菲律宾的费用。b.1The employee may terminate this contract without just cause by serving one (1) month i

14、n advance notice to the employer. The employer upon whom no such notice was served may hold the employee liable for damages. In any case, the employee shall shoulder all expenses relative to his repatriation back to point of origin.b. 无正当理由,被雇佣人需提前1个月通知雇用人,要求终止合同。雇用人若未收到任何通知,被雇佣人有权要求雇用人承担赔偿责任。在此种情况下

15、,被雇佣人需承担返回菲律宾的一切费用。c. Termination due to Illness: Either party may terminate the contract on the ground of illness, disease or injury by the employee. The employer shall shoulder the cost of repatriation.c. 因疾病终止:双方皆可以被雇佣人的疾病、受伤而终止合同。雇用人需承担遣返费。15. Settlement of disputes: All claims and complaints relative to the employment contract of the employee shall be settled in accordance with the Company policies, rules and regulations. In the case the employee contests the deci

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