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1、时代杂志评选的过去十年最佳电影时代杂志评选的过去十年最佳电影 时代杂志评选的过去十年最佳电影 机器人总动员/ WALL-E (2008) 瓦力是个孤独的机器人,在人类搬到太空船中居住之后,他被留下来清理地球。每天在尽职于总也做不完的工作之余,他有着自己小小的乐趣:收集人类留下的不起眼的小财宝:一只塑料叉勺,一个魔方,一盘我爱红娘的老式录像带。这个敦实的机械小子满心都是爱(给他配上金属化声音的Ben Burtt是个天才的声音塑造师),因此当他遇到第一位女孩,一台叫夏娃的精致机器人时,他很自然地陷入爱河。导演安德鲁·史丹顿的这部爱情加奇遇的杰作,延续了皮克斯出品的电影风格,包括怪兽公司、

2、海底总动员、超人特工队、赛车总动员、美食总动员还有飞屋环游记。它可以作为过去十年间皮克斯的代表作,也可以用来代表在新的电影世纪中,给人们带来无穷快乐的辉煌的动画片业(不管是电脑制作的,还是传统方式制作的,或是定格方式制作的。) WALL-E (2008) A solitary robot marooned on Earth to clean up after the humans have gone tolive in a spaceship, WALL-E finds small joys in doing an impossible job welland salvaging the ki

3、tsch treasures a spork, a Rubiks Cube, a Beta tape ofthe movie Hello, Dolly! that humans have left behind. The boxy littlerobo-guy (metallic voice supplied by genius sound-sculptor Ben Burtt) has somuch love to give, its only natural that he should fall for the first femalehe meets: a sleek machine

4、named EVE. A romance and an adventure, like all Pixarmovies, director Andrew Stantons masterpiece here represents the decades fullPixar oeuvre, including Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars,Ratatouille and Up. It also stands in for all the glories ofanimation, whether CGI, traditiona

5、l or stop-motion, that provided the greatestmeasure of joy in the new cinematic millennium. <!-endif->魔戒三部曲/ The Lord of the Ringstrilogy (2001-03) “后来怎么样了?”过去的十年里,无论是书籍、电视连续剧还是电影,都目睹了英雄化叙事风格的复兴。有时电影是受票房的指挥而拍摄续集(比如蜘蛛侠和加勒比海盗),但是更常见的则是故事本身的生命力和复杂性,迫使观众去回忆一两年前的那集里某些故事情节。(在DVD时代,做到这点并不


7、把童话挖掘出更深意味的潘神的迷宫的导演)来导演霍比特上下集(魔戒前传)。 The Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-03) What happens next? In books, on TV series and in film, thisdecade saw the triumphant return of the heroic narrative. Sometimes, as in (Spider-Manand Pirates of the Caribbean, movies had sequels because the box officetold th

8、em to, but frequently the sagas were organic and complex, obligingviewers to recall story elements from episodes a year or two before. (You cando that in the DVD era.) We mean Harry Potter, Quentin Tarantinos KillBill, maybe Christopher Nolans Batman series and, above all, PeterJacksons 9 hr.-plus a

9、daptation of J.R.R. Tolkiens trilogy. The New Zealanderspent seven years on the project, chose and directed its perfect cast andorchestrated the luminous effects work, all to create a fantasy epic oftremendous scope, gravity and heart. Props also to Jackson for his WETA digitalshop, which helped bri

10、ng the creatures of Avatar to persuasive life; formentoring Neill Blomkamp on this years District 9; and for choosingGuillermo Del Toro, whose Pans Labyrinth found childrens fantasy in amuch darker shade, to direct The Hobbit, the two-part prequel to TheLord of the Rings. 唤醒梦中人/ Talk to Her (2002) 尽


12、号。他能够对她说话,是因为她无法开口回答。这部电影流畅而引人入胜,毫无压抑忧郁之感,有心碎也有救赎,甚至还有属于“法定强奸”性质的内容,影片中间对生殖过程有一段令人喷饭的讲解。唤醒梦中人是过去十年中,世界上最有活力的导演拍摄的最让人满意的一部电影。 Talk to Her (2002)The end of the decade has brought a spate of films about mourning: TheMessenger, Brothers, The Lovely Bones, even Pixars Up and PedroAlmodóv

13、ars own Broken Embraces, in which a film director still loveshis leading lady 15 years after her death. But the Spanish auteurs definitiveessay on grief, and the love that feeds it, is in this liebestod drama. Twowomen, the bullfighter Lydiaand the dancer Alicia, lie in comas in a Madridhospital. Tw

14、o men, Lydiaslover Marco and Benigno, Alicias nurse, sit in abject, adoring vigil,expressing their love by keeping them clean or just conversing. You could callthis the purest, most selfless form of love, or say that each man can idealizehis woman now that she has been petrified into her own icon; h

15、e can talk to herbecause she cant talk back. Effortlessly engrossing, never depressing, thefilm has heartbreak, redemption and what might be called statuary rape, plus ahilarious mid-movie explanation of the reproductive process. Talk to Heris the most satisfying movie this decade from the worlds mo

16、st vital filmmaker. 贫民窟的百万富翁/ Slumdog Millionaire(2008) 苦中作乐是许多优秀电影的特点。影片的故事不必有大量多愁善感的乐观主义,只需讲述为改变现实而奋斗的经历。假如你能讲得活灵活现,那么电影就成功了。这也是这部英印合拍的传奇故事的关键所在。影片讲述了一个男孩在极度贫困中与哥哥一起长大,因为爱上一个更不幸的女孩,他成为印度版“谁想成为百万富翁”节目的选手。西蒙·比尤弗伊的剧本以倒叙方式描写了这三个孩子的生活,折射出印度在过去15年之间纷杂动荡的历史。正如巨富与赤贫共存于孟买,丹尼·博伊尔的这部快节奏

17、电影,融入了对比鲜明的贫民窟传奇、爱情故事、社会记录和宝莱坞歌舞这些元素。而欧美观众包括电影学院也热情接纳了它。 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) To mine joy from misery: thats the gift of many a terrific movie. Its storyneednt truck in sentimental optimism, just a striving for transcendence. Andif theres verve in the telling, you have yourself a winner. Thats

18、 the key tothis Anglo-Indian melodrama about a boy who grew up with his brother in brutalpoverty, and whose adoration for an even unluckier girl lands him as acontestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? SimonBeaufoys script tells the three lives in flashbacks that illuminate I

19、ndias dynamicand troubled history over the past 15 years. As gaudy wealth and abasingpoverty coexist in Mumbai, so Danny Boyles zippy movie catches thecontradictions of slum drama, love story, social document and Bollywood musicalin its firm embrace. Audiences in Europe and U.S. and the Motion Pictu

20、re Academy gave it a big hug too. 卧虎藏龙/ Crouching Tiger, HiddenDragon (2000) 正如贫民窟的百万富翁一样,这部电影的导演也是在西方成名之后,又到亚洲寻找宝藏。不过对于李安来说,这至少算是返回故乡:他生长在台湾,后来才来到伊利诺伊州上大学,并靠喜宴和理智与感情获得声誉。通过与明星阵容(周润发,杨紫琼,张震和程佩佩)的合作,以及杰出武打设计师袁和平的加盟(他是本片中真正的“藏龙”),李安巧妙糅合了东方武术的灵巧与西方表演的强度,使得高雅的艺术和高昂的精神在精妙情节的起伏中完美结合。作为冲击力十足的好影

21、片,卧虎藏龙是历史上北美总收入最高的外语电影(如果讲阿拉姆语和拉丁语的耶稣受难记不算外语片的话)。 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) As with Slumdog Millionaire, so too here: a director who made hisreputation in the West plunders the genre treasures of Asia.At least for Ang Lee it was a homecoming: he was born and raised in Taiwan before going

22、 to college in Illinois and earningacclaim with The Wedding Banquet and Sense and Sensibility. Incollaboration with a starry cast (Chow Yun-fat, Michele Yeoh, Chang Chen, ChengPei-pei) and the superb martial-arts choreographer Yuen Wo-ping the moviestrue hidden dragon Lee created a blend of Eastern

23、physical dexterity andWestern intensity of performance, where high art met high spirits on thetrampoline of an elaborate plot. Both a powerful film and a terrific movie, CrouchingTiger became North Americas all-timehighest-grossing foreign-language release. unless you include theAramaic-and-Latin Th

24、e Passion of the Christ. 红磨坊/ Moulin Rouge! (2001) 在巴兹·鲁尔曼拍摄这部影片之前,音乐剧这种曾经辉煌的电影形式已经沉寂了二十多年。他用自己的想象力给音乐剧打了一针强心剂,而并不是简单地复原它。这部电影是第42街和茶花女的结合,里面由妮可·基德曼扮演的夜总会歌女,在观众头上荡着秋千唱“钻石是女孩的最好朋友”的样子,让人想起梦露和麦当娜。伊万·麦克格雷格扮演爱上这个歌女的穷作家,则活脱脱是个新的金凯利健壮潇洒,笑容灿烂,像一个美国人在巴黎那样念念不忘左岸,像雨中曲那样挥舞着雨伞。充满激情的合唱

25、队哼着“今晚和我去红磨坊”表演康康舞。一段类似“印度的春天”的歌舞,向印度宝莱坞音乐剧表示了充分的致意,眼花缭乱得令人晕眩。通过把浪漫与扭曲混和到一起,加上米高梅与MTV风格的歌曲,以及两位风华正茂的明星,鲁尔曼为我们创造了一部红色狂想曲,一部怀旧而又时尚的音乐剧。 Moulin Rouge! (2001) From left to right, John Leguizamo, Garry McDonald, MatthewWhittet, Jim Broadbent, Nicole Kidman and Jacek Koman in Mouli

26、n Rouge!Fox / EverettThe musical, that grand old film form, had been dormant for a couple of decadeswhen Baz Luhrmann, rather than just reviving the musical, attached it to thedefibrillator of his wild imagination. In this mash-up of 42nd Street and Camille,the nightclub chanteuse played by Nicole K

27、idman evokes Marilyn and Madonna asshe swings above the crowd warbling Diamonds Are a Girls BestFriend. Ewan McGregor, as the poor writer who falls for the courtesan, isa nouveau Gene Kelly a hunky Joe with a radiant smile, haunting the Left Bank like An American in Paris, twirling anumbrella a la S

28、ingin in the Rain. A sultry chorus line coos,Moulin Rouge-ez avec moi ce soir? and performs a tantric cancan. Anall-out tribute to IndiasBollywood musical a kind of Springtime for Hindu has enough eyecandy to give the viewer diabetes. Mixing the romantic and the grotesque, thesongs of MGM and MTV, a

29、nd two stars at the peak of their appeal, Luhrmanncreated a rhapsody in red, a musical that is both retro and now-tro. 拆弹部队/ The Hurt Locker (2009) 细心的读者会注意到,这10部电影里没有美国独立制片人的作品也就是属于桑丹斯类的那种紧贴现实、嗅觉灵敏的剧情片。我觉得它们中的大部分影片都过于孤芳自赏,而在结构上与电影技巧上又不够大胆。(但这当中不包括纽约浮世绘与鱿鱼与鲸,这两部非常好。)我希望能选到带有冲击力的自然主义影片,这就是为什么我选了拆弹部队。

30、它是一部惊心动魄的战争片,描写的是2005年一个美军炸弹拆除小分队在伊拉克的故事。马克·波尔的剧本张力十足,核心情节是一名言语不多的士兵(杰瑞米·雷纳扮演,非常出色)坚持做他的本职工作,也就是让巴格达的各个角落不要发生爆炸。这部电影在2008年九月的威尼斯电影节上首映,过了一段时间才在美国国内引起注意。到了年底,这部电影及其导演凯瑟琳·毕格罗广受评论家的褒奖。如果她最终能成为第一名获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的女性(并击败她的前夫詹姆斯·卡梅隆),那也是一件挺美好的事。 The Hurt Locker (2009) Jeremy Renner stars in

31、The Hurt Locker.SummitEntertainmentCareful readers will note the absence here of American independent films ofthe Sundance stripe those sensitive dramas in which an outsider connects withhome truths. I find most of them a little too aware of their worthiness, aswell as structurally and cinematically

32、 timid. (No, not you two, Synecdoche, New York and TheSquid and the Whale; you were swell.) I want my naturalism with a bang, andI got it with this scary, thrilling war movie about a U.S. Army bomb-defusingsquad in Iraq,c. 2005. Mark Boals taut script focuses on one GI (Jeremy Renner, superb) whotersely insists on doing his own thing, which is to keep little pieces of Baghdad from blowing up.First show

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