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1、To bridge the gap between the theories of linguistics and the practice of foreign language teaching, APPLIED LINGUISTICS serves as a mediating area which interprets the results of linguistic theories and makes them user-friendly to the language teacher and learner.Applied linguistics is conductive t

2、o foreign language teaching in two major aspects:Firstly, applied linguistics extends theoretical linguistics in the direction of language learning and teaching, so that the teacher is enabled to make better decisions on the goal and content of the teaching. When faced with the task of designing a s

3、yllabus, the teacher has a number of choices. Should he set out to teach the language used in literary works, or that in daily communication? Should he teach the general system of the language, or a part of this system? What are the principles of compiling or choosing text book? What kind of exercis

4、es are most suitable? To answer these questions, the teacher is consciously or unconsciously using his understanding of the nature of language learning. Applied linguistics provides the teacher with a formal knowledge of the nature of language and language system, and thus increases his understandin

5、g of the nature of language learning. As a result, the teacher can make more informed decisions on what approach to take, hence what to teach.Secondly, applied linguistics states the insights and implications that linguistic theories have on the language teaching methodology. Once the goal and conte

6、nt of the teaching are settled, the teacher has to consider questions of how to teach. Should the teaching-learning process be teacher-centred, textbook-centred, or learner-centred? How should the learners errors be treated? What techniques should be adopted in the classroom? Since applied linguisti

7、cs defines the nature of language learning in connection with various linguistic theories, it helps the teacher to choose teaching methods and techniques. However, their relations have varied along with the development of linguistics and L2 teaching in the past 120 years.Applied linguistics, in its

8、narrow sense, refers to the study of second and foreign language learning and teaching. In its broader sense, it refers to the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical problems, such as lexicography, translation, speech pathology, ect. Applied linguistics uses information from soci

9、ology, psychology, anthropology, and information theory as well as from linguistics in order to develop its own theoretical models of language and language use, and then uses this information and theory in practical areas such as syllabus design, speech therapy, language planning, stylistics, ect.2.

10、 Various linguistic views and their significance in (relation with) language learning and teaching2.1 Stage I (1880-1940):implicit influenceIt is customary to assign grammars before the beginning of modern linguistics in 1916, generally considered to be marked by the publication of Course in General

11、 Linguistics by Saussure, the “father of modern linguistics. Linguistics was fully acknowledged as a science after World War II (Stern, 1983). However, modern L2 has a history of more than 100 years, long before linguistics obtained its scientific status. Logically speaking, linguistic theories coul

12、d not be systematically applied to L2 teaching when it was not a science itself. Therefore, before the 1940s, L2 teaching was primarily based on intuition of teachers about what was best for language teaching. Traditional grammar prevailed during this period. Theoretical linguistics did not exert an

13、 explicit and systematic influence on L2 teaching. A TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR is a pre-20th century language description which is based on earlier grammars of Greek or Latin. As a product of the pre-linguistic era, it lays emphasis on correctness, literary excellence, the use of Latin models, and the pri

14、ority of the written language.In language teaching, textbooks based on traditional grammars take prominent writers of the previous centuries as language models. They favor the past “purest” language form rather than the present “degenerated” form; they prefer the written language to spoken language;

15、 they concentrate on detailed points instead of the construction of the whole text. Under traditional language teaching, students learn to know many taboos. For example, in English one cannot use “split infinitives” or end sentences with prepositions, because these are not allowed in Latin grammar.

16、The traditional approach to language teaching involves the presentation of numerous definitions, rules and explanations, and it adopts a teacher-centered grammar-translation method, i.e. the main teaching and learning activities are grammar and translation study. In the view of many modern linguists

17、, such an approach is damaging to language learning. They argue that one should teach the language, not teach about the language. In communication, one should learn first to “speak” the language, not to “read” the language. Do you know the following sentences are incorrect according to traditional g

18、rammar and how to correct them? Who are you talking with? None of them were able to come. Will we get an answer soon? The two men looked at one another in surprise. Would you mind me sitting here? It is me here. Galileo said that the earth travels round the sun. Switzerland is between France, German

19、y, Australia and Italy. The fields turn greener. The city is very full of life. I want to visit with Tom.However, a group of scholars did show great interest in language teaching. Some tried out their insightful ideas in practice successfully, others largely carried out their discussions in words He

20、re are some such scholars and their efforts in the use linguistic theory in L2 teaching.2.2.1 Francois Gouins initial attemptFrancois Gouin, a French teacher of Latin, by contrasting his own unsuccessful experiences of learning German with his 3-year-old nephews successful experiences of learning Fr

21、ench, made a close examination of the secret of language learning and discovered that utterances and thoughts are related to each other. In other words, a verbal expression is used to express what a person has been thinking. Since thoughts occur in sequence, sentences spoken could also be in a serie

22、s. The key element in a sentence is the verb rather than the noun. His remarkable discoveries eventually resulted in a new teaching method entitled “Series Method” or “DIRECT METHOD”Direct method is a method of foreign or second language teaching which has the following features: Only the target lan

23、guage should be used in class Meaning should be communicated directly (hence the name of the method) by associating speech forms with actions, objects, mime, gestures, and situations. Reading and writing should be taught only after speaking. Grammar should only be taught inductively, i.e. grammar ru

24、les should not be taught to the learners The direct method was developed in the late 19th century as a reaction against the GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD.2.1.2 Henry Sweets linguistic approachUnlike Gouin, Henry Sweet (1845-1912) begun with linguistic thoughts and then applied linguistic theory to L2 t

25、eaching. Here are his principles of L2 teaching, resulted from a scientific analysis of language and a study of psychology. Careful selection of what to be taught Imposing limits on what is to be taught Arrange teaching content in terms of four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing Grad

26、ing materials from simple to complex.2.1.3 Harold Palmer as Father of British applied linguisticsPalmer (1877-1949) is often regarded as the father of British applied linguistics since he is the first person to explicitly made systematic and convincing arguments on the importance of linguistics in L

27、2 learning. According to his theory, language learning is to learn sounds, phonemes, letters, the origin of word, semantic meanings and syntactical units. Following what should be learned by the students, teachers should have a set of corresponding techniques to teach these different units.2.2 Stage

28、 II (1940-1960) :positive and powerful The period form 1940 to 1960 witnessed explicit, extensive and powerful influence of linguistics on L2 teaching due to the rapid growth of structural linguistics in America and the urgent needs of L2 teaching during the Second World War. Structuralist linguisti

29、cs describes linguistic features in terms of systems or structures. Dissatisfied with traditional grammars, structuralist grammar sets out to describe the current spoken language which people use in communication. For the first time, structuralist grammar provides description of phonological systems

30、 which aids the systematic teaching of pronunciation. However, like traditional grammars, the focus of structuratist grammar is still on the grammatical structures of a language. Structuralist teaching materials are arranged on a basis of underlying grammatical patterns and structures, and ordered in a way supposed to be suitable for teaching

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