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1、tooths C.toothes D. teeth8.There are workersinthe factory.thousand thousandsthousand of 9.WuDongwon thegirls racethe schoolsportsmeeting lastweek.100metres 100-metresmetre 100-metre10.Howmany canyouseethepicture?tomatos tomatoestomato tomato11.Lucytried herbesttofindagoodjobcity, butshe had no troub

2、le B.idealuck D. time12. foreignersvisitthe GreatWallevery year.ThousandsThousand Thousands Thousand of13.Whereare thestudents?They arein Room8 8Room 14.your forbeinglate again?idea B.key C.excuse D.news15.feeltired.havesomuchworkto doand donttimemyself.Youshouldtake , B.exercise C.les

3、son D.16. Canlittle insheep dogs C.pigs D.horses17. ontable.a glasswater B.milkC. two glasseswater D. a glassoranges18.Thesing “NUSINESS HOURS”be seenin a .shop B. school C.park D.museum19.Ask the boynot tomakeany .cantfall asleep.voice B. sound C.noise D.singing20.Twelve werehurt, butno lost inthat

4、accident.person,life B.people, livespeopeles,lives D.persons, life21.The aregoing tofly toHarbin.Germen B. Germany C.Germanys D.Germans22.Agroup of aretalkingwith two Frenchmen,Germans B. German,FrenchmenC. Frenchmans,Germen D.Germans,Frenchmans23.Please helpmovetablein.Butthere is not enough for it

5、.place floor D. ground24.Look, these eating grass onhill.sheepis B.sheepsisare D.25. Myfathertoldme justnow.piece of news B.pieces ofnewstwo news D. twonewses26. May1is Day.WorkPeoples B.Working peopleC. theWorkingPeoples D. the Workers27. eatlot ofrice.Japanese B.Japan peoplepeopleJapanese D

6、.Japaneses28.Here comethree womanteacher B.womenteacherteachers D.teachers29. turn green in spring.Leaf B. Leaves C. Leave D.Leafs30.Tablesmadewood B.somewoods C.wooden D.woods31.If thesetrousersare toobig,buy asmaller set piece D.pair32.Father wentto hisdoctor for about hisheart trouble.anadv

7、ice advice C.advices D.advices33.We know travelsnotso fastas light.sound B.sounds C.sounds D.sound34.Will youmake with Tom?friend friend C.friends D. thefriend35.Joan is MarysandJacksister B.Mary andJackssisterC. Mary andJack sister D. Maryssister36. Mr.Smithhas and hequite able topay for thehouse.m

8、illiondollars B.millionsdollarsC. millionsdollar D.37.The whole tripcost about three thousand dollars.Smiths B.SmithsSmiths D.38.Afterthey had sleep.a night good B.nightsnight D.39.Yesterday wevisited a friend ofmy uncles B.unclesuncle uncles40.This ismy dictionary.sister Mary B.sisters Marysis

9、ter Marys D.sisters Marys41. Missis a friend of mothers B.motherC. Marymothers D.mothersMary42.a useful bookfor mathsteacher B. mathssC. maths teachers D.43.Helpyourself tosome please.fishes fishmeat D.fishs44.stampcollectorsourclass.a number numbernumber of number of45.We had for dinner yest

10、erday evening.chick B.chicken C.hen D.cock46.Wouldyou please show methe way to shop?shoes shoesC.47.Iveforgotten both ofroomnumbers B.roomsnumbers D.48.We must for the oldonthe C. seat D. place49.Shetallest of family.anyallsistershersisters D.other sisters50. roomis very nice.TomsJim

11、s B.and JimTomand Jims D.Jim51.September 10TeachersB.TeachersTeachers Teachers52.In Harbin Daily Paper, theresarticle(文章)written by,Tom todays,TomsToms 53.What wehaving today!fineweather B.a fine weatherC. fineweathers D.fine a weather54.are therethese ?tomatoes,photoes B.tomatoes, photo

12、stomatos,photos D.tomatoes, photo55.Liu Meiis a girl,she isa goodstudent.sixteen-years-old B.sixteen-year oldC. sixteen-year-old D.sixteen-old-year56.The trousers onthe chair Mr.Greens.are C. was D.57.Isthisan car?Chinese B.English C. Japanese D.Shanghai58.Thoseboysare a American AmericanC. Americas

13、 D.Americans59.Do you like colourthese clothes B.theseclothes clourC. these clothescolour D.clothes of60.teachers rooms B.the teachersroomsC. the teachersroom D. thethe teachers61.your teacher a man,a woman B.menora mana woman D.man62.wonderful! The ishouse, glass house,glasseshouses,glass D. houses

14、, glasses63.June 1 is Child B. the Children Childrens D.childrens64.get onbus,becausethereit.any rooms B.nolittle room D.few room65.The vegetablemarket walkfromschool.a quarterhours B.a quarter-of-an-hoursC. aquarterhours D. a quarter-of-an-hours66.wantwithyou.a friend the friend D.friends67.Have yo

15、ugot ?enough thebreads B.enoughbreadenough ofbread D.enough the bread68.Its about walkmyhometo the park.hours B. two hours two hoursD. twohours69. Mr.hehad got to do atmoment.enough thing B. enoughenough D. thing70.not feeling verywell now.headache B. aheadache the headache D.cold71.booksthe classro

16、omand Dick B. Jimsand DicksC. JimsDick D.72.Near ourschool theretwo shoeshops B.shopsC. shoesshops shops73.Everyone is speaking who hasgiven hislife toour country.praiseof B.praise of D.the praise for74.When Mr. Browncameyesterday,his family havingsupper.C. was D.75.yourfather?At Blacks Blac

17、kBlacks D.the Mr.76.Here is for B.a piece ofso gooda news D.many good77.will giveyou a . Have good journeyhome.monthstime B. two-month timemonths time D.month78. cold weather itwaswhenwere inEngland!B. What an C. How D.What79.There abagapples onground.are C.were D.80.We metEngland.Japaneses

18、 B.Japanese D.Japan81.Three years sincebrother joined thearmy.haspassed B.have passed C.passed D.passes82. 4000 dollars D. does83. two minutes left.are B.have D. has84.havent gotwith me.change changes D. pays85.There isnt glass.a lot ofwaters B. muchwatermany water86.had for breakfast.three piece ofbread B.three pieces ofbreadC. three piece ofbrea

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