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1、A. is B. are( ) 4. Have you got a schoolbag?A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I havent.三、将下列词语重新排列使它成为有意义的句子,注意首字母大写。1. is, there, a mouse, room, the, in _.2. fish, is, yellow, my3. Lisas, is, this, rabbit4. the, is, desk, yellow, blue, and四、根据上下文提示,完成列短文。Eight is a lucky(幸运的)n_Many Chinese people like this n

2、umber. I like this number, t_. For example(比如说). I have eight pens, eight rulers and e_ erasers. Pens are blue. Rulers a_ red. The c_ of the erasers is yellow. And my favorite p_ is the cat. I also(也) have eight small c_. Can you believe that?参考答案:听力材料一、A: What have you got, Tom?B: Ive got five penc

3、il cases. What have you got, Peter? Ive got ten pens. What have you got, Li Ming? Ive got eight books. What have you got, Arron? Ive got four rulers.二、1. Today is Friday.2: Look! There are four birds.3. There are two black cars.4. There are two rulers in the pencil-case.5. There is a pencil case in

4、the schoolbag.三、l. pencil case 2. schoolbag3. desk 4. Friday5. one-one-nine 6. window听力答案1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D1. Friday 2. Four birds3. two black cars 4. Two rulers5. A pencil caseA. 3 B. 4 C. 2 D.5 E. 1 F. 6笔试答案橙色的;橙子 门错误的星期日鱼请站特别喜爱的尺旗1-4 ABAA1. There is a mouse in the room.2. My fish is yellow.3. Th

5、is is Lisas rabbit.4. The desk is yellow and blue.四、number, too, eight, are, colour, pet, cats下学期期中考试三年级英语试题(附答案)1、听音,选出所听到的单词,涂黑字母序号(10分,每个2分)( )1.A.tall B .thin C. fat( )2.A.tiger B .lion C. monkey( ) B .basketball C. exercise( )4.A.swimming B. skipping C. riding( ) B. milk C

6、. pear二、听音,判断,与图片相符的涂“A”,不相符的涂“B”(10分,每个2分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )三、听音,选择答语,涂黑字母序号(10分,每个2分)( )1.A.Its doll. B. Its the ABC song.( )2.A.Theyre elephants. B. Its a tiger. X( )3.A.Yes ,I do. B. Yes, he does.( )4.A.Here you are. B. Thank you.( )5.A.No,she isnt. B. No, he isnt.四、听音,标号(根据录音内容将下列图片用

7、A、B、C、D、E标上新序号,并涂黑)(10分,每个2分)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )五、听音连线(10分,每条线2分)1. Tom A. rice2. Ms Smart B. noodles3. Amy C. milk4. Mr Smart D. fish5. Sam E .meat读写部分6、火眼金睛。找出每组单词中不同类的那个单词,涂相应的字母序号(10分,每个2分)( ) 1.A. banana B. pear C . short ( ) 2.A. pencil B. book C. school ( ) 3. A. dog B. lion C. play

8、( ) 4. A. class B. school C. pen ( ) 5. A. mother B. father C. teacher 七、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的涂A,不相同的涂B。(10分,每个2分)( )1.favourite baby ( )2.big like ( )3.does goes ( )4.colour home ( )5.ride tiger八、单项选择(18分,每个2分)( )1. Whats this? a tiger. A. Theyre B. Its C. Its( )2. Its _ elephant. A. a B. an C. t

9、he( )3. I _ apples A. like B. likes C. doesnt like( )4. This man tall.A. is B. are C.on( )5. Does your Dad like rice? No, he .A. doesnt B. do C. dont( )6. I on Sundays. A. watch TV B. watches TV C. watching TV( )7. Pass the rice, please. A. me B.I C. my( )8. your favourite song? Its the ABC Song.A.

10、What B. Whats C. Whos( )9.Ms Smart is _the phone with her friendA. at B. in C. on 九、完成对话。从方框中选择句子完成对话,涂相应的字母(10分,每个2分)A.I like basketballB. Good morningC.I like swimmingD. Its a footballE.I dont like footballPanpan : Good morning, Daming.Daming : _, Panpan. Look! Whats that? _. I like football. But_

11、. I like basketball. _,too. And I also like swimming. Great! _,too. Lets go swimming. OK!一十、 将句子与描述的图片匹配,涂相应的序号。(12分,每个2分) A B C D E F( )1.The panda is big. ( )2.The panda is short.( )3.The panda is fat. ( )4.The panda is tall.( )5.The panda is small. ( )6.The panda is thin.十一、选择遗漏的单词,完成句子,涂相应的字母序号。

12、 A. skipping B. lions C. tall D. black E. fat1.My name is Xiaoyong . My favourite colour is_ .2.A:What are they? B: They are_. They are big.3.A: Whats this? Its a panda. Its_ .4. This man is short. That man is_.5.A:I like skipping. B:I like_, too.三年级英语听力原文一、 听音,选单词(10分,每个2分)1.fat 2.monkey 3.basketba

13、ll 4.riding 5.orange二、听音,判断(10分,每个2分)1.I like oranges2.I dont like bananas.3.Its a ball4.Theyre apples.5.Its an pear.三、听音,选择答语(10分,每个2分)1.Whats your favourite song?2.Whats this?3.Do you like pears?4.Here you are5.Is Sam at home?1.I like football2.I dont like play basketball3.The boy likes riding his

14、 bike4.Do you like play table tennis?5.My family like morning exercises1、A:Do you like milk, Tom?Yes,I do.2、A:Do you like noodles, Ms Smart?No,I dont. I like rice.3、A:Do you like meat, Amy?4、A:Do you like fish, Mr Smart?5、A:Do you like fish, Sam? No,I dont. I like noodles.三年级英语参考答案一十一、 听音,选单词(10分,每个

15、2分)CCBCA一十二、 听音,判断(10分,每个2分) AAABB一十三、 听音,选择答语(10分,每个2分)BBABB CEBDA 1.Tom-milk2.Ms Smart-rice3.Amy-meat4.Mr Smart-fish5.Sam-noodles7、火眼金睛。CCCCC8、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的涂A,不相同的涂B。ABBBACBAA A AABC二、 完成对话。BDEAC三、 将句子与描述的图片匹配,涂相应的序号。DFAECBDBECA三年级英语试题(50分钟)题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、听录音,圈出合适的词汇完成句子。(10分)1. Mr Ro

16、bot,please the door.2. Dont in the library.3. Is this your ?4. pencil case is for you. 5. The bird is the tree now.二、听录音,判断所听内容与图意是否相符,用 或 表示。1. 2. 3.4. 5.三、听录音,给对话排序,用数字1,2,3表示。 (12分)( ) Wheres my puppy?( ) No, it isnt.( ) Yes, it is. ( ) How beautiful!( ) Is this your puppy?( ) Look, is that your

17、puppy?四、听录音, 找出歌谣中的物品,用“”表示,并将题目补充完整。(8分)五、将下列单词按照划线部分发音分类,写序号即可。(12分)1. _ _ _ 2. _ _ _3. _ _ _ 4. _ _ _六、从下列每组词汇中找出不属于同一类的选项。 ( ) 1. A. chair B. desk C. come( ) 2. A. eat B. shout C. sorry( ) 3. A. door B. doll C. window ( ) 4. A. brown B. bird C. blue( ) 5. A. milk B. mother C. father 七、根据情境,选择合适的

18、一项。(16分) ( ) 1. 你想赞美杨玲的新文具盒,可以这样说: A. How beautiful! B. Its a new pencil case.( )2. 你告诉老师小鸟在树上,可以这样说: A. Its a tree. B. Its in the tree.( ) 3. 你的橡皮找不到了,你可以这样问: A. Wheres my rubber? B. Wheres my robot?( ) 4. 你想问问那个是不是你的午餐盒,可以这样说: A. Is that my lunch box? B. Is this may schoolbag?( ) 5. 你看到苏海在图书馆里睡觉,你

19、可以这样说: A. Dont sleep in the library. B. Dont drink in the library.( ) 6. 刮风下雨了,妈妈可以这样对你说: A. Open the window, please. B. Close the window, please.( )7. 别人问你是否想要一个馅饼,你不想要,可以这样回答: A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you.( ) 8. 上课时,老师让你起来回答问题,她会这样说: A. Come in, please. B. Stand up, please.八、读一读,用钢笔将正确答案前的涂上颜色

20、。1. Whats that? 2. Is that your book?Its red. Yes, I am.Its a cake. No, it isnt. 3. Wheres the ball? 4. Dont shout. Its in the desk. Im sorry. Its my ball. Thank you. 5. Open the door, please. 6. Would you like a sweet? Thank you. Yes, please. Yes, Mr Green. No, it isnt.九、根据图片提示完成句子,每空一词。(6分)1. A: i

21、s the pen?B. Its the book.2. A: Look, the bird is_ the _. B: Thank you. 3. A: Dont . Im sorry.4. A: Is this your ? Yes, it is.十、Little Bee(小蜜蜂)正在和大家玩捉迷藏呢!根据短文内容的先后顺序给下列图片标序号吧。(4分)Hello,Im a little bee. Look, where am I? Yes, Im behind the pencil case.Lets go on(继续). Where am I, now? Ha-ha, Im in the

22、 pencil case. Now, Im on the pencil case. Hi, Im under the pencil case. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )听力文稿20172018学年度第二学期期中学业质量检测三年级英语试题听力部分1. Mr Robot,please open the door.2. Dont sleep in the library.3. Is this your lunch box?4.This pencil case is for you. 5. The bird is under the tree now. 1. Please look at the

23、 blackboard. 2. Dont talk. 3. Oh, thats my rubber. 4. The bird is behind the door.5.Stand up, please. 三、听录音,给对话排序,用数字1,2,3表示。1.Wheres my puppy?2. Is this your puppy?3.No, it isnt.4. Look, is that your puppy?5. Yes, it is. 6. How beautiful!听歌谣Open the window参考答案一、 2.sleep 3.lunch box 4. This 5.under二、1. 2. 3. 4.

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