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1、或来料加工processing with supplied materials货物/商品goods (import & exports goods, All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination)货物cargo散货bulk cargo, cargo in bulk空运货物air cargo海运货物sea cargo保税货物bonded cargo商品、物品commodity (commodity inspection)Merchandise 泛指商品,不特指某一商品物品Article(smuggled g

2、oods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)行李物品Luggage邮递物品Postal items包装packing重量weight毛重Gross weight净重Net weight皮重Tare货名/品名description of goods品名与规格name and specification of commodity货物型号/类型贸易方式mode (term ) of trade贸易条件terms and country贸易国name of trading country进口日期date of importation

3、价值 value合同总额/价值Total value of contract商品价值Commercial valueDuty-paying value完税价格Duty-paying value运输工具(船舶、航空器、火车、汽车)means of transport (conveyance) (vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle)数量quantity: For example- The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 5oo cases.价格price单价Unit price总价total price总价、

4、总额Total amount发货人consignor收货人consignee托运人shipper承运人carrier通知方notify party代理人agent代理agency装运代理人、发货代理人Shipping agent保险代理人Insurance agent装船,交运shipping/shipment运输单据Shipping documents装船日期,装运期Date of shipment联合运输Combined transport shipment港到港运输Port to port shipment运费freight运费Freight charges航空运费air freight

5、 charge运费率Freight rates杂费 extras付款payment付款方式Terms of payment即期付款immediate payment港口port货币currency商品编码 H.S. code /commodity code原产国及生产商country of origin and manufactures标记唛码Marks, Marking, Marks & No., Shipping Marks根据as per外贸英语知识辅导:海关、仓库基础英语customs broker 报关 行customs documents 海关 文件customs duty 关税

6、(=tariff)customs invoice 海关 发票declaration for export (E/D)出口申报单 (=export declaration)declaration for import 进口申报单(=import declaration)delivery order 提货单differential duties 差别 关税drawback 退税dutiable goods 应纳税的货物entrance fee 入港手续费evasion of duty 逃税excise duty 国内消费税exempt 免税fine 罚款free goods 免税品go down

7、仓库import tariff 进口税则most favored nation clause 最优惠国家条款national tariff 国定税率personal effects 私人用品preference 特惠,优先retaliatory duties 报复 关税slipping 移转smuggled goods 走私货specific duty 从量税storage 仓租tariff 税则,关税transit duty 过境税本人英语不好,进去这行之后发现好吃亏啊,需要好好学习一下,与我有同样困扰的也学习一下吧1. consumer taste 消费税2. confiscate 没收3

8、. credit 贷方4. client representative 客户代理人5. compliance area 海关守法范围6. charge 收税、收费7. disburse(pay out money) 支付8. debit(left hand side of an account ) 借方9. Foreign Trade Zone 对外贸易区10. fees 规费11. fill in 填写12. final clearance 结关放行13. final decision 最后决定14. fine 罚金、罚款15. fixed duty 固定关税16. General Cust

9、oms Administration 海关部署17. general deduction 一般减税18. inspect 检查,检验19. intergovernmental aid 政府间的援助20. declaration form 报关单21. dutiable goods 应税货物22. Duty Assessment Office 征税部门23. ensure 使必发生24. electronic invoices 电子发票25. establish the entered value 确立报关单价格26. economic interests 经济利益 27. EDI(Electr

10、onic Data Interchorge) 电子数据交换28. account for 占比率;报账29. assign 转让30. a brokerage firm 报关行31. a consumption entry 消费商品进口报关32. Automated clearing -house 自动化结算系统33. anti -dump 反倾销34. abate 减轻,撤销(法令等)35. accompanying article 携带物品36. accord to 给予37. according to 按照38. ad valorem duty 从价税39. bond 担保40. bul

11、letin 告示41. breach 违犯42. bonus 律贴43. bond 保税44. customs sub -office 海关分关45. conductive 有助于的46. consist of 由组成47. enterprise 企业单位48. enter in to 与订约,开始49. entrus t委托,信托50. entry 报关手续,报单,进入,入口51. forge 伪造52. joint control 联合监管53. joint venture合营企业,联合企业54. label 标签55. landing 降落,上岸,着陆56. levy 征收,抽税,征税5

12、7. monitor 监督58. make out 填写59. General lits(of cargo) 总货单60. general rules 通用规则61. general system of preferences 普遍优惠制62. general tariff rate 普通税率63. hand baggage 手提行李64. half - duty 半税65. high duty 高关税66. identify 认为一致67. in terms of(in respect to) 在方面68. in connection with 与相关的69. infringe 侵犯70.

13、pursue(have as an aim or purpose) 以为目的71. prior to 在之前72. perishable 除之外73. result in (bring about有结果)74. rest with 由负责75. regulatory audit 常规稽查76. reasonable 正当的77. intelligence 情报78. illegal 违规的,非法的,不合法的79. immigration 外来的移民,移居入境80. free alongside ship(FAS) 船边交货81. in dupicate 一式二份82. in the inter

14、ests of 对是有利的,为了的利益83. import taxes or duties进口税务局或关税84. make up 弥补,赔偿,补偿85. national statistics 国家统计86. national territory 国境87. neglect ones duties 玩忽职守88. occasion 是的原因89. obtain 得到,获得90. post entry review 出口后复审91. paperless summary program 海关无纸化报关程序92. proceeds 赢利93. statement(a brif record of a

15、 business account) 财务报表94. sanction 处罚95. statute 法规96. withhold 扣留97. with draw 取回98. willful failure故意过错海关业务英语 of exit出口地海关72.on board B/L(shipped B/L)已装船提单73.overweight超重74.payment of duty (dutyevasion)逃税75.packing list装箱单76.pappers单证、证件77.pkg.NO.(package number)件号78.places in bond存入保税仓库

16、79.places which call for concentrated customs operations海关监管区 on board sdowed (FOB stowed)船上交货81.quality质量82.quotation sheet报价量 officer(operator)报关员84.specification规格85.sales contract销货合同86.sales by sample凭样品买卖87.seller卖方88.severity to resistors(severe punishment to those who do not confess)抗拒从严89.Commodity export refund商品出口退税90.levy a fine罚款

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