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1、7get out of control 摆脱控制8as far as we know 据我们所知9break down 分解10bring . back to life 使复活句型搜索1.原句背诵What is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to be agreed.(P65)很明显,科学家们中有些非官方的惯例必须被授权。仿写背诵_ to all _ the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in Brazil.众所周知,2016年奥运会将在巴西举行。答案:Wh

2、at is known; is that2原句背诵If not, compulsory government regulations will have to control cloning.(P65)否则,强制性的政府法规将必须控制克隆行为。仿写背诵Please go again some day_.可能的话,请改日再去。if possible语篇理解A.Read the text on Page 6465 and tell the following sentences true (T) or false (F)1In 1953, Watson and Crick discovered t

3、he science of genetics.()2A clone is an organism which is identical to another one in every aspect.()3Many people will agree to obtain stem cells by cloning as long as the embryo isnt wasted.()1.F2.F3.TBRead the text on Page 67 and decide which is True (T) or False (F)1Dinosaurs died out before mosq

4、uitoes.()2Jurassic Park is only fiction.()3Cloning dinosaurs is possible.()1.T2.T3.FCRead the text on Page 69 and choose the best answers.1When was the book Brave New World written?AIn 1931. BFifty years ago.CIn 1990. DSix hundred years ago.A2In the novel how does the government control people?AThe

5、government uses many effective methods.BThe government uses powerful methods.CThe government is very strict.DThe government is very gentle.B勇敢的新世界20世纪西方世界最著名的一部小说叫勇敢的新世界。由一个名叫奥尔德斯赫胥黎的英国人于1931年创作的,它一问世就成为讨论的焦点。勇敢的新世界持续走红的原因是它描述了一个越来越可能成为真实的未来恐怖世界。勇敢的新世界的故事发生在600年后的未来。那时有一个世界政府。它的目标就是让人快乐,以便不再有战争或暴力。这



8、危险的人类,还是要一个被控制的安全社会呢?”今天,勇敢的新世界问世70多年后,这些问题已经变得比那时更为重要了。课堂合作探究破解重点词汇Lets go out for a walk, for fresh air is beneficial to your health.咱们出去走走吧,新鲜空气有益于你的健康。归纳拓展be beneficial to sb./sth. 对有益(to为介词)benefit v. 受益,有益于;n. 益处benefit from/by 从受益for the benefit of 为了的利益be of benefit 有益,有好处【即景活用】单句写作(1)阅读使我受益

9、匪浅。I have _ a lot _ reading.(2)父母的介入并不像想象的那样有益。Parental involvement is not so _ as expected.(3)工人们正在市里建造一座桥。这项工程对每个人都有益。Workers are building a bridge in this city. This project is _ to everyone.(1)benefited; from(2)beneficial(3)beneficial/of benefitThis medicine will cure your fever in no time.这种药很快

10、就能治好你的发烧。Is there a certain cure for cancer?有没有一种专门的抗癌药?cure sb. (of sth.) 治愈某人(的某种疾病);纠正/消除(弊病等)a cure for . 的一种治疗法curable adj. 可治愈的The doctor has cured many people of such a disease.那位医生使许多患这种病的人恢复了健康。A famous doctor is treating her for her illness.一位著名的医生正在为她治病。(1)科学能帮助我们治疗疾病。Science can help us

11、_ diseases.(2)那位医生尝试了许多方法给这个小女孩治病。The doctor tried many ways _ the little girl.(1)cure/to cure(2)to treat/of treatingThe police treated his death as a case of murder.警察认为他是被谋杀的。see/regard/think of/look on/consider . as . 把看作treat sb. well/badly 对某人好/不好treat sb. to sth. 款待某人吃某物treat sb. for sth. 医治某人

12、某病This is my treat! 这次我请客!(1)主人把我们招待得很好。We _ well by our hosts.(2)她请孩子们每人吃了一个冰激凌。She _ each of the children_ an ice cream.(3)老人把这个孤儿当成自己的孩子对待。The old man _ the orphan_ his own child.(1)were treated(2)treated; to(3)treats; asThe new paint is designed to resist heat.这种新油漆具有耐热性。He found it hard to resi

13、st buying these books.他发现见到这些书要想不买很难。resist sth./sb. 抵抗/反抗/抗拒resist doing sth. 抵抗、忍住做某事resistance n. (to) 抵抗力/性;对抗(力)resistant adj. (to) 抵抗的名师点津resist后常跟名词、代词、v.ing形式作宾语,而不跟不定式。(1)最近的作家们没能抵抗住诱惑。The latest writers have failed _ the temptation.(2)健康饮食能有助于增强身体对疾病的抵抗力。A healthy diet improves a bodys _ d

14、isease.(1)to resist(2)resistance toNow that you are grownup, you should not rely on your parents.既然你长大了,就不应该依赖你的父母。rely on sb./sth 相信/指望rely on sb./sth. to do/doing sth. 相信/指望某人/某物做rely on it that . 相信/指望You may not rely on the weather report.天气预报不足为信。You may rely on him coming on time.你放心,他肯定会按时来的。

15、You can rely on me to keep your secret.你可以相信我一定会为你保守秘密的。You may rely on it that he will come to meet you.你放心好了,他会来接你的。单句语法填空Children should not be encouraged to rely _ the electronic dictionary as it will make them lazier.onChildren under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.14岁以下儿童必须有成人陪同。accompany s

16、b. on a trip 陪同某人一起旅游accompany sb. to sp. 陪某人去某地be accompanied by 附有, 伴随company n. 公司;陪伴;一群人;宾客keep sb. company 陪伴某人in company with 与一起I accompanied him on the trip.我陪他一起去旅游。She accompanied her friend to the concert.她陪同她的朋友去听音乐会。accompany陪同,相当于go along with,而keep sb. company仅表示“与某人待在一起”。(1)天气特别糟糕,狂风

17、夹着暴雨。The weather is terrible, strong winds _.(2)伴随着音乐,孩子们跳起舞来。_ by music, the children began to dance.(1)accompanied by heavy rain(2)AccompaniedThe news knocked her out.这个消息把她击垮了。The movie just knocked me out.这部电影给我留下了深刻的印象。He knocked out five books a year.他一年写出了5本书。knock down 击倒,拆毁,降低knock about 漫游

18、,到处游荡knock at/on 敲击knock ones head on 头撞到Knocked down by a car, he spent a week in the hospital.被车子撞倒后,他在医院里度过了一星期。We were watching TV when someone knocked at the door.我们正在看电视这时有人敲门。这个老人被撞倒了。The old man was _.knocked downInflation has got out of control.通货膨胀已失去了控制。beyond control 无法控制in control of 管理

19、in the control of 被管理控制lose control of 失去控制under control 在控制之中under the control of 受的控制He was in control of the car.他负责这辆小汽车。They lost control of the forest fire.他们对森林大火失控。be out of control也可表示“失去控制”,但它表示状态;而get out of control一般表示动态变化。The situation was so bad that it was out of control.局势十分不好,失控了。Th

20、e teacher could not get control _ the situation.ofAs far as we know, he is an honest man.据我们所知,他是个诚实的人。“as far as”相关短语集结:as far as I am concerned 就我而言;据我所知as far as I know据我所知as far as I can remember 据我所能记得的as far as I can see 依我看as far as the eye can see 极目所至as far as it goes在有限程度上,就其本身而言as far as也

21、可写为so far as,意为“就的限度,在范围内”。As _ as we know, professor Chen is working on a new book and it will be published next month.farThe clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher could give him.那个聪明的男孩把老师所能教给他的所有知识都吸收了。absorbed adj. 精神集中的;专注的be absorbed in sth./doing sth. 专注于某事/做某事Time passes quickly

22、when youre absorbed in reading a good book.当你全神贯注地读一本好书的时候,你会觉得时间过得很快。In the following two hours he was absorbed_ the performance, because it turned out to be as wonderful as he had My bike broke down on the way home.在回家的路上,我的自行车坏了。Each lesson is broken down into several parts.每一节课都被分成了几

23、部分。break up 分解;结束;驱散;解散break in 破门而入,打断break into 破门而入,突然起来break out 战争爆发,争吵发生,(火灾)发生break away from 打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯break through 出现,突破You must break away from such bad habits.你必须革除这样的坏习惯。A.用break词组填空(1)The boy _ as he thought of his failure to sell all his papers.(2)A fire _ last night.(3)We were st

24、udying when a man_ the classroom.B.单句语法填空(4)How about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our car broke_ twice on the way.(1)broke down(2)broke out(3)broke into(4)downThey used artificial respiration to bring the swimmer back to life.他们用人工呼吸使游泳者苏醒过来。bring about 导致,引起,促使br

25、ing back 归还;使回忆;使恢复bring down 降价;使倒下(1)帮助孩子做作业的父母实际上可能正在降低孩子们的成绩。Parents who help their children with homework may actually be _ their school grades.(2)他想要恢复所有的旧风俗。He wants to _ all the old customs.(1)bringing down(2)bring back掌握难句解析1.What is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scien

26、tists has to be agreed.(P65)有一点很清楚,科学家中有些非官方的惯例必须被授权。(1)本句是“Whatclause is that .”句型,其中what引导的句子为主语从句,that引导的句子则为表语从句。What is the most important thing is that we should develop the students abilities to analyze and solve problems.最重要的是我们应该培养学生们分析问题和解决问题的能力。(2)what引导的句子不仅可以作主语,还可以作表语、宾语等。He is no longer what he was.他已经不是以前的样子了。在what引导名词性从句中,在从句中做主语、宾语或表语,指物、事,去掉what后句子不完整,而that引导的名词性从句,that在从句中不做成分,去掉t

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