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1、 must + 完成式”表示过去必定发生过的事情,是对发生在过去的一种行为的推测。 “should (或ought to) + 完成式”表示一个应该在过去做,而没有做的动作,它往往带有埋怨和后悔的情绪。注:表示瞬间行为动词come, join, finish, marry, return等不能和表示延续的时间状语连用, 只能用系动词加表语结构来代替。 He has been back for over a week. (不能用has come back) / I have been in the army for three years. (不能用have joined)。4. 现在完成进行时

2、: 现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去,通常与表示一段时间的状语连用。 All the morning, for hours, since this morning / They have been watching television for two hours. / He has been writing letters since this morning. 5. 过去完成时:1) 过去完成时,表示在过去某时刻或动作以前已经完成的动作.即”过去的过去”.常用的信号词有by(到时候为止), before等介词短语或用unless, when, af

3、ter, once, as soon as等连词引起的表示到过去某时间为止的时间状语来表示.2) 过去完成时常用在“no soonerthan” 和“hardlywhen (before)”等句型的主句中,从句中常用一般过去时。 By the end of last year, I had worked in this college for ten years. / No sooner had he finished his performance than the audience began to cheer. (He had no soonerthan) (他刚表演完,观众就喝彩)语态

4、注意事项:7. 有些动词以主动形式出现,却有被动含义。 如:The knife cuts well. / Nylon underwear washes easily. 尼龙内衣容易洗 / The novels written by the young man sell well. 那个年青人写的小说销路好 / This ball-pen writes in four colours. 这支圆珠笔可以写出四种颜色 / The note reads as follows”. 字条上写着:”8. 短语动词构成的被动语态中,介词或副词不可省略。如:More schools and hospitals

5、will be set up in the near future. / The old woman has been operated on. (这位老妇人已经动过了手术) / The purse was picked up and handed to the police. 此外,固定搭配 “动词 + 名词 + 介词” 习语中,介词也不能省掉。 Time must be made good use of./ Less clever children should not be made fun of.9. 如果宾补是不带to的不定式,在被动态中,主补的不定式必须带to.如:His pare

6、nts make him study hard. / He is made to study hard.10. 在want, need, desire, require和形容词worthworth + doing后,动名词的主动形式表示被动意义. 如:The house wants repairing (=to be repaired)./ The point deserves mentioning (to be mentioned). / The novel is worth reading.(=The novel is worthy to be read.= The novel is wo

7、rthy of being reading.= It is worthwhile to read the novel.) II. 虚拟语气1. 虚拟语气三大公式:条件句主句与现在事实相反If主语 + wereIf主语 + v-ed主语 + should (would, could, might) + v与过去事实相反If + 主语 + had done主语 + should (would, could, might) + have done与将来事实相反If + 主语 + v-edIf + 主语 + should doIf + 主语 + were to do主语 + should (would

8、, could, might) + doIf John were here now (= were John here now,) he would explain it. If you had asked me earlier, I would have told you. (=Had you asked me earlier, I would have told you.) / If it rained tomorrow(=If it should rain tomorrow = Should it rain tomorrow = If it were to rain tomorrow =

9、 Were it to rain tomorrow), I would stay at home.2.有时条件从句和主句时态可以不一致,这叫混合条件虚拟语气.如:If you were in better health, we would have allowed you to join them in the work. (如果你身体好一些,我们就会让你参加他们一道干这工作了).If you had taken the medicine (表示与过去相反,即:”要是你当时吃了的话”), you would be well now (表示与现在相反,即:”你现在已好了”). 含意是: You

10、didnt take the medicine, so you are not well now. If the criminal were honest, he would have confessed long ago.If the weather had been more favourable, the crops would be growing still better.如果过去天气好一些,现在庄稼还会长得更好.3. 在动词If only, wish, would rather, would sooner, as if (though)后的句子中谓语动词要用虚拟结构.If only

11、 Wish/ would rather / as if (though) V-ed (be用were)had been If only (=I wish) I had not cheated in the examination. / I wish I were as strong as you. / I wish I remembered the address. / He wishes we would try again. / I would rather they came tomorrow. He often talks as if he were my father./ He lo

12、oks as if he had been ill.(But he has not been ill) 注意:as if(though)不一定非使用虚拟语气。4. 主语 + V. + that 主语 + (should) do V主要有: 表示建议(propose, suggest, urge, advise, recommend, move), 表示要求(ask, require, request, demand, insist, desire, maintain), 表示命令(command, order), 表示安排(arrange), 表示决定(resolve, decide)等. I

13、suggestwe(should) setoffstraightaway. / The chairman proposed that we (should) discuss the question. / Most students insist that they (should) have more English lessons.(1)suggest表示“说明”时后面不用虚拟语气。/ suggest + doing sth. (2)insist, maintain 表示“坚持认为”时后面不用虚拟语气。表示“坚决要求”必须用虚拟语气。5. 在It is (was) + adj. + tha

14、t 主语 + (should) do adj.主要有:necessary, essential, important, vital, urgent, natural, desired, suggested, requested, ordered, proposed, desirable, advisable, strange等。It is important that theory (should) be closely combined with practice. / It has been decided that the meeting (should) be postponed ti

15、ll next Saturday.6. Its (high, about) time that we did (were) 的句型中要用过去时 It is high time (that) we began to work.7.句型:But for (=If it were not been for) + n., 主语 + should (would, could) + V / But for (=If it had not been for) + n., 主语 + should (would, could) have done But for your guidance (If it wer

16、e not been for your guidance), we would / should fail. / But for your help (= If it had not been for your help),I would have failed in the final exams. 8.lest(for fear that / in case) + 主语 + (should)doWe didnt tell the old woman the bad news for fear that she (should) break down. 9. 主语 + would (rath

17、er that)+ 从句主语 + V. 的过去式 + 其他成分We would rather that you told the old woman the bad news. We would you told the old woman the bad news.III. 情态动词1. neednt + 不定式完成式: 表示本来不必做而实际已经做的行为. You neednt have come over yourself. 你不必亲自来.2. 情态动词 + have done及其它1) could + have done表示与事实相反 2) might + have done表示未实现的

18、行为 3) neednt + have done表示做了不该做的事情 4) must + have done表示对过去行为的肯定推测 5) should + have done表示该做而未做到的事 6) should not + have done表示做了不该做的事 He could have helped me, but he didnt. 他能帮助我,但他没有. / You might have done the work better. 你本来可以把工作做得更好. / You neednt have come over yourself.你本来不必亲自过。/ It must have r

19、ained last night, for the ground is wet. / They should have made a good job of it. 他们本来可把工作做好。/ You should not have done such things. 你不该干出这种事情来.表示对过去行为的否定推测为cant have done, 而非mustnt have done.3. shall / should (ought to); will / would 1) shall在疑问句中用于第一、三人称单复数表示征求意见、表示询问和请示. 如:What shall I do now? /

20、 Shall we go for a walk? 我们去散步好吗?/ Shall he come tomorrow? 你要他明天来吗? 2) shal1用于二、三人称可表示说话人给对方”命令”、”警告”、”允诺”、”威胁”等概念.作:”必须”、”可”、”该”解.如: You shall have the book as soon I finish it. (允诺) / He shall do it, whether he wants to or not.不管他愿意不愿意,他必须做这项工作.(命令) / You shall not leave to the others. 你不可以将它留给其他人

21、.(警告) 3) should除了表示”应当”,”该”解之外,还表示推测:作”可能”、”该”解. 还表示出乎意外, 居然 竟然. 如:The book should be in the reading-room. / I never thought she should have done this. 4) will / would (1) 可用于各种人称表示”意愿”,”意志”和”决心”等。 I will do my best.(决意)/ Let her do that, if she will. (意愿) (2) 表示习惯性动作”总是”,”惯于”. 如:As soon as he gets

22、home, he will (would) turn on the radio. would在表示意志或向对方请求时,语气比will婉转,指的是现在时.如:Would you please pass me the book? 在日常生活中,I would like和I should like都可以说.。 I should (would) like to have a look at your coat.4. 可以看作情态动词的短语 1) used to + V表示过去经常; 而be used to doing表示习惯于 2) had better + V表示”最好是”、”不如之意 3) had

23、 rather + V than和would rather + V than表示”宁肯不愿”之意。 We would / had rather die than yield.IV. 非谓语动词一、不定式和动名词的区别:动名词表示:笼统、泛指的意思 / 抽象或经常性的动作 / 已成为过去或经验之谈不定式表示:一时性的具体的或特定的动作 / 现在或将来的动作Smoking is prohibited here. (抽象) It is not very good for you to smoke so much. (具体)Driving a car during the rush hour is t

24、iring. (经验)To study abroad has long been my dream. (一件尚未完成的事情)二、非谓语的句型(1) It takes sb. + some time + to do = sb. spend some time (in) doing (2) It is + adj. + for sb. + to do (3) It is + adj. + of sb. + to do (常用的形容词有:kind, nice, considerate, thoughtful, stupid, wise等.(4) It is + no use, no good, no

25、 point, a great fun, a real pleasure, a waste of time, a bore等名词 + (in) doing sth. 如: It is a great fun playing football./ It is a waste of time trying to explain./ It is no good helping him. / There is no point in talking with you.Whats the point of talking with you?(5) There is no + doing . (There

26、 is no表示”不可能”) There is no telling what he is going to do. 说出他要干什么是不可能的. / There is no saying what may happen. 说出要发生什么是不可能的. (6) have difficulty (trouble, fun, a hard time, a good time) + (in) + doing sth.(7)go + doing,表示短暂而又愉快的户外活动go + jogging(慢跑) /fishing / dancing/ skating / bowling(打保龄球)/ shoppi

27、ng / sightseeing / camping / surfing (冲浪)(8) be busy + doing = be busy with sth. 忙着做sb. spend time (money, energy) in doing sth.三、V1 + V2 的模式1. V1 + V2 (to do)afford负担得起 hope希望 pretend假装 appear似乎intend企图 promise答应 arrange安排 like喜欢 refuse拒绝 attempt试图 learn学会 try试图 decide决定 long渴望 want想要 desire欲得到mana

28、ge设法 wish希望 expect期望 mean打算fail未能 offer表示要 happen碰巧 plan计划2. V1 + V2 (doing)admit承认 imagine想象 appreciate赞赏,感激mind介意 avoid避免,避开 miss错过complete完成 postpone推迟,延期 consider考虑practice实践 delay耽搁,延误 resist忍住endure忍受 risk冒风险 enjoy享之乐,喜爱suggest建议 escape逃跑 insist on坚持excuse原谅 give up放弃 object to反对cant help禁不住 p

29、ut off延期等 He admitted having made mistake. / Would you consider going north this summer? / They have finished their studying.3. V1 + V2 (介词 + doing)succeed in 成功地4. V1 + V2 (to do 或 doing), 但语义不同(1) forget to do忘记要去做某事(此事未做) / forget doing 忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生) (2) stop to do停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 / stop doing停止正在或经常做的事(3) remember to do记住去做某事(未做)

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