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1、4交际教学法的教学目标;5交际能力的内涵;6不同学者对交际教学法的诠释;7交际教学中教师和学生的角色;8交际教学对学习材料的要求,“真实”材料的运用;9 交际教学课堂活动的安排,所采用的教学模式;10 交际活动的内容;11 根据自己的教材设计一堂交际教学课。Unit 3 阅读教学1“阅读”的内涵,掌握有关阅读的几种观点,包括心理猜测理论和互动阅读理论。2影响有效/流畅阅读的因素;3有关良好阅读者的研究;4阅读教学中学生动机的激发;5阅读教学模式:top-down approach, bottom-up approach 和interactive approach;各模式的理论依据,课堂操作方式

2、,优缺点等;6阅读的层次,包括read the lines, read between the lines 和 read beyond the lines (plain sense reading, deductive reading, projective reading)。能举例说明各阅读层次,如何开展教学活动培养三层阅读理解能力;7阅读过程:pre-reading, while-reading 和post-reading。各阶段活动如何开展,运用的是什么教学模式,可开展哪些活动。要求能够就具体材料设计出各阅读阶段的教学活动,写成教案,进而在班内演示,能充分讨论具体材料的各种可能性操作;8

3、阅读策略的培养,包括the Strategic Teaching Mode, the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach 和the Reciprocal Teaching Approach。Unit 4 听力教学1现实听与课堂听的不同,以及对外语教学的启示;2影响听力的因素;3听力教学中学生动机的激发;4听力教学模式:bottom-up approach,top-down approach 和interactive approach。掌握各类模式的操作方式;5听力教学的内容,如何教授和训练这些内容;6听力策略和听力教学策略有哪些;7听力材

4、料的选择;8听力教学活动的安排;9听力教学的过程:pre-reading, while-reading 和post-reading,各阶段的教学目的,操作方式和可采用的活动。要求根据具体学习材料写出每一阶段的教案并在班内演示,充分讨论各种操作方式的适用性,有效性等。Unit 5 口语教学1现实生活中的口头交际特点以及对外语教学的启示;2会话技巧及其培养;3口语课的教学内容;4口语课的教学原则;5口语课的课堂教学模式,包括3P模式和task-based approach;6口语课的课堂教学程序:presentation, practice 和production。掌握展示的内容、技巧方法和有效的

5、教学活动。要求能根据具体的学习材料设计各阶段的教案。英语教学法(下)Unit 6 写作教学1. “good writing”的6大特点; 2. 写作教学的原则;3. 写作教学的模式:结果定向(product-oriented approach),内容定向(content-oriented approach),过程定向(process-oriented approach)和交际定向(communication-oriented approach);4. 写作的基本要求;5. 过程定向写作模式的写作教学过程:pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing,

6、和second drafting;6. 写作与其它活动的结合。Unit 7 语法教学1显性语法教学和隐性语法教学;2、语法教学的原则(动机原则,效率原则,变化原则,全面原则,程序原则,交际原则和手段原则)是什么,在教学中如何体现;3、语法教学的模式:演绎教学模式(deductive approach)、归纳教学模式(inductive approach)和基于任务的教学模式(task-based approach) ;4、语法教学的程序:presentation,practice ,production和evaluation;5、阅读和听说课中的语法教学。Unit 8 词汇教学1. 词汇教学的

7、内容(意义,语法,信息和运用);2、单词的记忆方法以及对教学的启示;3、词汇的选择,即教学中词汇选择的标准;4、词汇教学的过程教学模式:“展示”“运用”和“测评”;5、词汇学习的策略和词汇记忆技巧;6、词汇教学中学生学习动机的激发;7、要求能根据具体语言材料撰写词汇教学教案,设计出词汇教学的活动。Unit 9 备课1. “lesson”所包含的内容(至少5部分);2、影响“教案设计”的因素(物理因素,人文因素和大纲因素);3、教案设计中应考虑的因素(至少8条);4、“教案”的组成部分;5、教案设计中对教材的处理;6、教案的两种格式:图表式和文字叙述式;7、教案的语言要求;8、将本单元教案的撰写

8、与听、说、阅读、写作等具体课型联系起来,要求根据具体的课程材料写出教案。Unit 10 and Unit 11 课堂管理(上)(下)1、影响课堂组织的因素;2、课堂组织的内容;3、课堂组织中教师的角色;4、课堂组织中课堂交互模式;5、教师指令给予的原则;6、课堂教学中教师如何“纠错”;7、如何创造舒适的学习环境及如何激发学生的动机;8、课堂教学中的提问在课堂组织中的运用,提问的策略;9、如何处理不守纪律的学生及学生之间的不平衡;10、应能举出课堂组织的各种实例,综合各个学生的意见,讨论处理方式的得体性,挖掘其对语言学习,语言教学,以及教育和心理学知识的运用;11、如何在教案中展示课堂组织的方式

9、。Unit 12 测试 1 测试类型;2 测试设计的基本原则;3 设计阅读、词汇、语法、听力、写作等各项能力的测试;4 阶段测试与教学的关系;5 学习进度情况测试。英语教学法(2)样题Section I. Basic Theories and Principles (30 points)Directions: Choose the best answer from . or C for each question. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1What kind of cohesive devices is used to link sent

10、ences through signaling relationships between sentences by means of anaphora or back referenceA. Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between or within sentences, such as apart from, in order to, since, however, not only, and but also.B. Grammatical devices that establish links to fr

11、om the cohesion of a text, such as it, this, the, here, that, and so on.C. Lexical devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymous words to link sentences together.2. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of the writing processA. Make decisions on the purpose, the au

12、dience, the contents, and the outline of the writing.B. Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/her writing and focus on the flaws likely to a

13、ppear in their drafts. 3. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, and transformation are mainly the type of exercises used in which writing tasksA. Controlled writing.B. Guided writing.C. Free writing.4Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the grammar is used by the peop

14、le rather than how it should be usedA. Descriptive grammar.B. Prescriptive grammar.C. Traditional grammar.5. When the students are given the structure in an authentic or near authentic context and are asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind of method their teacher is usingA. Deductive g

15、rammar teaching.B. Inductive grammar teaching.C. Traditional grammar teaching.6. In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the language freely and incorporate it into their existing languageA. Presentation Stage.B. Practice Stage.C. Producti

16、on Stage. 7. How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectivelyA. Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations. B. Pre-teach the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and group it. C. Put the new word in a list of unconnected words with illustrat

17、ions. 8. Which of the following techniques can best present the word “pollution”A. Show or draw a picture.B. Give a definition or an example. C. Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming.9. Whether two words go together with each other or not is an issue of whatA. Connotation.B. Register.C. Colloc

18、ation.10. Among the following factors that may affect a lesson plan, which one includes classroom sizeA. Human factors.B. Physical conditions. C. Syllabus and testing. 11. What are the most important parts of a lesson planA. Textbooks and classroom aids.B. Anticipation of problems and flexibility in

19、 dealing with them. C. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve them. 12. Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbookA. Textbooks usually are not well written. B. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs of their target students.C. Textbooks only cover a limited amount of l

20、anguage skills. 13. Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language, environment, organization and tools, which of the following elements can be classified under environmentA. Textbook, exercise book, teachers book, and blackboard. B. Interaction between teacher and st

21、udents.C. Arrangement of desks and chairs.14. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in which learning can take placeA. Instructor.B. Manager.C. Assessor. 15. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activities under which subcategory of classroom managementA. Peopl

22、e.B. Environment.C. Organization.Section II: Problem Solving (30 points) Below are five situations in the classroom. Each has a problem. First, identify the problem. Second, provide your solution according to the communicative language teaching principles. You should elaborate on the problem(s) and

23、solution(s) properly. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 16. In a writing class, the teacher asks the students to write an article about their hometown. To help the students, the teacher also provides a well-written article about hometown by a famous writer as a sample. Students are instructed t

24、o follow the style and the organization of ideas of the sample article. 17. In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of “some” and “any” in the following way:A. Explains the rules of their usage.B. Provides some examples to illustrate the usage of the two words.C. Ask the students to do patte

25、rn dills.D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.18. When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on the blackboard and asks the students to look them in dictionaries. Then the teacher explains the meaning of these new words in simple English, usually

26、by providing some examples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions for these words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shift their focus to the reading passage.19. When preparing a lesson, some teachers just rely on the teachers book. Before teac

27、hing a lesson, they will just look up the new words in the dictionary and copy paraphrases from the teachers book onto the students book. In class, they will just follow the instructions provided by the teachers book. 20. This is a traditional classroom. The students desks are arranged neatly in row

28、s and columns, while the teachers desk is placed in the front the classroom on a platform. The teacher comes into the classroom. All students stand up to greet the teacher and the teacher greets back. Then the teacher starts to talk and the students start to take notes. From time to time, the teache

29、r will ask some questions to the whole class, and those students who know the answers will respond. At other time, the teacher will point at an individual student and asks a question. The teacher also asks the students to do some readings or exercises quietly in class. As the students finish their j

30、ob, the teacher collects their work and tells them that they will get feedback over the next week.Section III: Mini-lesson Plan Read the two text below and complete the teaching plans. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.21. Please design a writing activity for a writing class based on the following instruction:Study the two texts, which are based on information given in th

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