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1、If 主语 +动词过去式(be的过去式用were); should动词原形;were to动词原形should (would, might, could)+动词原形1. 与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式 (be的过去式用were), 主句的谓语用should (would, might, could)+动词原形。If it were not raining, we should go for a picnic.如果现在不下雨的话,我们就出去野餐了。(事实是:天在下雨,我们不能出去野餐。表示愿望。)If he came here, he might be able to

2、help you. 如果他来这,他就能够帮助你了。(事实是:他没来这,他不可能帮助你。表示对他的良好印象。2. 与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句的谓语用had+过去分词,主句的谓语用should ( would, might, could)+ have 过去分词。如:She would have gone to the party if she had been invited. 要是当初她被邀请的话,她就会去参加这次聚会了。(事实是:当时没有人邀请她,因此,她没有来参加聚会。表示后悔。If she hadnt called me, I would have overslept this

3、morning. 今天早上,她要是不叫我的话,我就会睡过头了。她今天早上叫我了,我没有睡过头。表示感激。3. 与将来事实可能相反的虚拟条件句,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式(be的过去式用were);were to动词原形,主句用should (would, might, could)+动词原形。如:If I were to be twenty years old next year, I would take the course of French.明年我要是二十岁,我就会学法语。我现在已经老了,明年我学不了法语了。If it should fail, I would try again.要

4、是失败了,我会再试一次。有可能失败,可我会再试。表示未知。虚拟过去式有时并不表示“不大可能实现的假设”,而是表示一种希望或不希望发生的动作。If we caught the early train, wed get there by lunch time.假如我们赶上早班火车,到午饭时间我们就会到达那里了。(表希望)If we missed the train, we should have to wait an hour at the station.假如我们赶不上这班火车,我们就得在车站等一小时。(表不希望)4. 混合型的条件句当条件从句与主句所表的时间不一致时,虚拟语气的形式应作相应的调

5、整。主句和从句的谓语动词并不相互呼应,这种条件句叫混合条件句。较多见的混合型条件句是从句用过去完成时(指过去行为),而主句用一般时(指目前状态)。He would pass the test if he had taken my advice如果他听了我的劝告,他现在会通过考试。If I had spoken to him yesterday, I should know what to do now. 假如昨天我对他说了,现在我就知道该怎么办了。You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. 假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好

6、得多。如条件从句用if I were.,主句则可用表任何时间的虚拟形式。If I were not busy, I would have come.假如我不忙,我就会去了。(were表过去)If I were you, I would go.假如我是你,我会去的。(were表现在)二. 连词if的省略如果虚拟条件句的谓语部分有were,had和should时,可省略if,把were,had和should放到从句主语前面去,多见于书面语。Had you not helped me, I should have failed.要是没有你的帮助,我就失败了。Were you in my positi

7、on, you would do the same. 假如你处在我的地位,你也会这样干的。Should they attack us, well wipe them out completely. 假如他们进攻我们,我们就把他们彻底消灭干净。三. 含蓄条件句虚拟条件句中的条件从句有时不表出来,只暗含在上下文中,这种句子叫做含蓄条件句。含蓄条件句大体有三种情况。1) 条件暗含在短语中。But for your help we couldnt have succeeded in the experiment. 如果没有你的帮助,我们的实验是不会成功的。(暗含在分词短词but for your he

8、lp)What would I have done without you? 如没有你,我会怎么办呢?(条件暗含在介词短语without you 中)It would be easier to do it this way. 这样做会比较容易。(条件暗含在不定式短语 to do it this way中)This same thing, happening in wartime, amount to disaster. 同样的事,如发生在战时,就会酿成大祸。(条件暗含在分词短语happening in wartime 中)He must have the strength of a hippo

9、potamus, or he never could have vanquished that great beast. 他一定是力大如河马,否则他绝不会击败那只庞大的野兽。(暗含条件是连词or)Alone, he would have been terrified. 如是单独一人,他是会感到害怕的。(暗含条件是alone)2) 条件暗含在上下文中。You might stay here forever. 你可以永远待在这儿。(可能暗含if you wanted to)We would have succeeded. 我们本来是会成功的。(可能暗含if we had kept trying)Y

10、our reputation would be ruined. 你的名誉会败坏的。(可能暗含 if you should accept it)3) 在不少情况下,虚拟式已变成习惯说法,很难找出其暗含的条件。You wouldnt know. 你不会知道。I would like to come. 我愿意来。四. 不用if引导的条件从句虚拟条件句中的条件从句除用if引外,还可用when, unless, lest, suppose, as if, for fear, in case, on condition 等词语来引导。The peasants prepared to feed the ci

11、ty when it should be freed. 农民已准备在这座城市解放后供给粮食。Lest you should not have heard all, I shall begin at the beginning. 我怕你没有听全,所以我再从头开始讲一遍。Unless I were well, I wouldnt be at school. 除非我好了,否则我不会上学。Suppose you were given a chance to study in America , would you accept? 假如给你一个到美国学习的机会,你会接受吗?(suppose 或 supp

12、osing =what if)Supposing it were so?(=Supposing it were so,what would happen?要是这样的话,会怎么样呢?He can use the bicycle on condition that he should return it tomorrow. 如果明天能还回来,他就可以借用这辆自行车。In case I forget , please remind me of my promise 如果我忘了,请提醒我的诺言。Susan is walking slowly ,as if she were tired. 苏珊走得很慢,

13、就像是累了似的。与if一样,上述词语所引导的条件从句亦可用直陈语气,表可能实现或发生的事。五. 习题1If he had not missed the train, he _ by then. Amight get Bmight have got Cgot Dhad got 2If I _ out of my ink, I would have finished writing the paper. Adidnt run Bshouldnt run Chavent run Dhadnt run 3I would have gone to the meeting,if I _ more time

14、Ahad had Bhave had ChadDwould have had4I could have done better if I _ more timeAhave had Bhad Chad had Dwill have had5If I _ you,I wouldnt return the callAbe Bam Cwas Dwere6 _ today,he would get there by FridayAWould he leave BWas he leavingCWere he to leave DIf he leaves7If I had hurried,I _ the t

15、rain Awould catch Bcould catchCwould have caught Dhad caught8If you had been with us,you _ our excitementAhave understood BunderstoodCwill understand Dwould have understood9Without your help,we _ so muchAwill not achieve Bdidnt achieveCdont achieve Dwould not have achieved 10If he _the storekeepers

16、scissors, he would have forgotten to buy a pairAwould not seen Bhad not seenChad seen Dhas seen11But for water,it _ impossible to live in the desertAis Bwas Cwere Dwouldnt be12 _ it_ for your help,I couldnt have made any progressAHad;not been BShould;not beenCDid;not been DNot;be13Long _ the Party!A

17、lives Blive Cwill live Dshould live14If only I _ my car!Ahadnt lost Bwould not loseCdidnt lose Dhavent lost15 _ I be free tomorrow,I could go with youACouldBShould CMightDMust参考答案1.B 2. D 3A 4C 5D6C 7C 8D 9D 10B11D 12A 13B 14A 15B解1. 对过去事情的假设,要用would / might have done sth.来表达。2. 根据would have finishe

18、d可以推断应该是过去时,可以推断从句应该用过去完成时。5. 对现在的假设,如果是动词be,一般用were的形式。9. without, but for都是暗含条件的短语。它可以转换成条件句,即If we had not had your help,是对过去情况的假设,所以应该选D。虚拟语气练习题1.I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _ the book from which it was made.A. have read B. had read C. should have read D. are reading2.You are late. I

19、f you _ a few minutes earlier, you _ him.A. come; would meetB. had come; would have metC. come; will meet D. had come; would meet3.The two students talked as if they _ friends for years.A. should be B. would be C. have been D. had been4.It is important that I _ with Mr. Williams immediately.A. speak

20、B. spoke C. will speak D. to speak5.He looked as if he _ ill for a long time.A. was B. Were C. has been D. had been6.If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child would not _.A. have laid there for two hours B. have been lied there for two hoursC. have lied there for two hoursD. have lain there for

21、 two hours7.I wish that I _ with you last night.A. went B. could go C. have goneD. could have gone8.Lets say you could go there again, how _ feel?A. will youB. should youC. would you D. do you9.I cant stand him. He always talks as though he _ everything.A. knew B. knowsC. has knownD. had known10._ t

22、he fog, we should have reached our school.A. Because of B. In spite ofC. In case of D. But for11.If you had told me in advance, I _ him at the airport.A. would meet B. would had met C. would have met D. would have meet12.Mike can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he

23、_ me how.A. teaches B. will teachC. has taught D. would teach13.I would have told him the answer, had it been possible, but I _ so busy then.A. had beenB. wereC. was D. would be14.Hes working hard for fear that he _.A. should fall behind B. fell behind C. may fall behindD would fallen behind15.If it

24、 _ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.A. had rainedB. would have rainedC. have seen D. rained16.He suggested that they _ use a trick instead of fighting.A. should B. wouldC. do D. had17.My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he _ there.A. not went B. wont g

25、oC. not go D. not to go18.I would have gone to the meeting if I _ time.A. had had B. have hadC. had D. would have had19.Would you rather I _ buying a new bike?A. decided againstB. will decide againstC. have decided D. shall decide against20.You look so tired tonight. It is time you _.A. go to sleepB

26、. went to sleepC. go to bed D. went to bed21.Why didnt you buy a new car? I would have bought one if I _ enough money.A. had B. have hadC. would have D. had had22.If she could sew, _.A. she make a dress B. she would have made a shirtC. she will make a shirt D. she would had made a coat23._ today, he would get there by Friday.A. Would he leave B. Was he leavingC. Were he to leave D. If he leaves

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