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1、Story 故事,楼层)7. What is the smallest bridge in the world? (世界上最小的桥梁是什么?答案 The bridge of a nose. (鼻梁)8. What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? (北极与南极的区别是什么?答案 A whole world. (整个世界。 a world of difference 天壤之别)9. What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory? (淘气的男孩为

2、什么想去钟表厂工作?答案 They want to make faces. (make face 做鬼脸,做钟表面)10. What bird lifts heavy things? (什么鸟能举起重物?答案 Crane. (鹤。Crane鹤,举重机)11. A ship can contain only fifty persons. Now there is already forty-nine person in it. At this time, a pregnant woman comes o and boards the ship. The ship sinks. Why? (有一艘

3、船只能容纳50人,现在已有49人。这时一位孕妇上了船,船就沉了。为什么?答案 Because is a pigboat. (那是潜水艇。pigboat,潜水艇)12. Whats the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?答案 he river bank.(河岸)13. What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨么月?) 答案 March (行军)14.What is higher without a head than with a head? 答案a pillow(枕头)15.What is dark but made

4、 by light?答案a shadow影子)16.What a room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?答 案a mushroom(蘑菇)17.What large instrument do you carry in your ears?答 案drums(鼓)18.What person ried to make you smile most of the time?答案a photographer(摄影师)19.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells

5、but not talk?答 案a clock(钟)20.What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?答 案a blackboard(黑板)21.What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?答 案a river(河)22.What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?答 案trouble(麻烦)23. What room has no walls, no doors, no windo

6、ws, and no floors?答 案A mushroom.(蘑菇) 24. What is smaller than an insects mouth?答 案Anything it eats. 25. What large instrument do you carry in your ears?答 案Drums, that is eardrums.(鼓膜) 26. Whats too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at all for three?答 案A secret. 27. What person tried to m

7、ake you smile most of the time?答 案A photographer. 28. What animal has a head like a cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isnt a cat?答 案A kitten.(小猫) 29. What surprising things happen every 24 hours?答 案Day breaks, but doesnt fall; night falls, but doesnt break. 30. What can hear you without e

8、ars and can answer you without a mouth?答 案An echo.(回声) 31. What do you know about the kings of France?答 案They are all dead. 32. What question can you never answer yes to答 案Are you asleep?33. Why do some old people never use glasses?答 案They must prefer bottles to glasses. 34. Why is the person wearin

9、g two coats while painting the house?答 案Because the instructions on the paint can say Put on two coats for best results.35. What two words have thousands of letters in them?答 案Post office.36. What do workers do in a clock factory?答 案They make faces all day. 37. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you

10、 take 2 letters away?答 案Sixty. 38. When do you go as fast as a racing car?答 案When you are in it. 39. How many sides does a house have?答 案Two - inside and outside. 40. What never asks any questions but always gets answers?答 案A doorbell. 41. Where did Columbus stand when he discovered America?答 案On hi

11、s feet. 42. When the boy fell into the water, whats the first thing he did?答 案He got wet first of all. 43. Who isnt your sister and isnt your brother, but is still a child of your mother and father?答 案I myself.44. What has teeth but cannot eat?答 案A comb. 45. What kind of man can raise things without

12、 lifting them?答 案A farmer. 46. Why does time fly?答 案To get away from all the people who are trying to kill it. 47. Name five days of the week without saying: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 答 案The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. 48. What an

13、imal eats and drinks with its tail?答 案All do. No animal takes off its tail when eating and drinking.49. What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?答 案A river. 50. What kind of dog never bite?答 案A hot dog. 51. Why does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?答 案Because

14、it cant sit down. 52. What did one invisible man say to the other invisible man?答 案Its nice not to see you again. 53. What wears a cap but has no head?答 案A bottle. 54. What rises in the morning and waves all day?答 案A flag. 55.How can you tell clocks and watches are shy?答 案Because they always have th

15、eir hands in front of their faces. 56. What is wind?答 案Air in a hurry. 57. What comes after the letter A?答 案All the other letters. 58. What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?答 案Teapot. 59. What word can you make shorter by adding to it?答 案Short. 60. What person does every man take his

16、 hat off to?答 案A barber. 61. Why does the boy carry a ladder to the school?答 案Because he wants to go to high school. 62. What can you swallow that can also swallow you?答 案Water. 63. Whats the difference between a hill and a pill?答 案A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down. 64. Why is

17、it useless to send a letter to Washington?答 案Because hes dead. 65. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?答 案Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 66. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running afte

18、r you?答 案Nothing. Because Im a woman. 67. What always travels on foot?答 案A shoe.68. Where can happiness always be found?答 案In the dictionary. 69. What is higher without a head than with a head?答 案A pillow.(枕头) 70. Why dont you advertise for your lost dog?答 案He cant read. 71. On which side does a bir

19、d have the most feathers?答 案The outside. 72. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?答 案Cool!73. What is never used until its broken?答 案An egg. 74. Whats a skeleton?(骨架) s a lot of bones without the person on them!75. What is dark but made by light?答 案A shadow. 76. What can you break with only

20、 one word?答 案Silence. 77. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?答 案The light. 78. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didnt give him a ticket. Why?答 案Because the truck driver was walking. 79. Where can milk be best stored?答 案In a cow. 80

21、. Which can move faster, heat or cold?答 案Heat, because you can catch cold easily. 81. Whats the hardest thing about learning skating?答 案The ice. 82. What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?答 案A map. 83. What can be measured but has no length, width or thickness

22、?答 案The temperature. 84. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?答 案It never eats. 85. Why is writing called handwriting?答 案If people wrote with their feet, we would have to call it footwriting. 86. If there were only three girls in the world, what do you think they would do?答 案Two of them would get toget

23、her and talk about the other one. 87. How many great men have been born in London?答 案None. Only babies. 88. When can you have an empty pocket and still have something in it?答 案When you have a hole in your pocket. 89. The greater it is, the less it can be seen. What is it?答 案Darkness. 90. The more yo

24、u take away, the bigger I become. What am I?答 案A hole. 91. Who may marry many a wife and stay single all of his life?答 案A priest.(牧师)【素材积累】 1、冬天是纯洁的。冬天一来,世界变得雪白一片,白得毫无瑕疵,白雪松软软地铺摘大地上,好似为大地铺上了一层银色的地毯。松树上压着厚厚的白雪,宛如慈爱的妈妈温柔地抱着自己的孩子。白雪下的松枝还露出一点绿色,为这白茫茫的世界增添了一点不一样的色彩。 2、张家界的山真美啊!影影绰绰的群山像是一个睡意未醒的仙女,披着蝉翼般的薄纱,脉脉含情,凝眸不语,摘一座碧如翡翠的山上,还点缀着几朵淡紫、金黄、艳红、清兰的小花儿,把这山装扮得婀娜多姿。这时,这山好似一位恬静羞涩的少女,随手扯过一片白云当纱巾,遮住了她那美丽的脸庞。

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