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1、_ A.This is my new friend ,Amy. BShe is Amy .3.你想知道照片里的男士是不是对方的爸爸,你应该问:AIs this your mother ? BIs this your father ?4.你想告诉别人这是你爷爷,应该说:AThis is my grandfather. BShe is my grandmother .5.你不认识篮球场上站的那个男孩,你会问朋友:AWhos that boy ? BWhos that girl ?5 It is_. Abrown Bred Corange6 This Mike. Aare Bis7 Look the

2、 classroom. Is it big?atanto8 Look my elephant.A. at B. in C. on9 -Sit down, please!-_.A. OK B. Thank you10- Im sorry.- AThank you. BThats OK.11第一次见到刘涛,你可以这样问候:_ AGoodbye! BNice to meet you.12We _English. Asay Bspeak Ctalk13你将和朋友分别,应说:_ BHello!14Sorry, I left my homework at home. Never mind. _ it he

3、re tomorrow.ATake BBring CCarry DSend15Look _the mess!Ain Bat Con二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16请在横线上按照顺序,正确书写五个元音字母。 _ 17小朋友快来试一试吧!(把字母组成与图片相符的单词写在下面的括号里)18用手写体正确抄写下列单词,注意书写格式19写出下列单词的英语单词20看图写词:_21朗读句子,排列顺序。( ) Here you are.( ) Bob, heres some hamburgers for you. ( ) Any more?( ) Im big Bob. I like hamburgers.(

4、) Thank you. Can I have some Coke?( ) No, no, thanks( ) Thanks.22填空题根据给出的大写或者小写字母写出相应的大小写。1. W _ u _ V _ 根据图片,填上合适的单词。2.How many flowers? _ flowers.填上合适的单词。3._ _ umbrellas? Two.写出所给字母的左邻右舍。4. _ Ss _ _ Vv _ 填上合适的介词。5.Uncle Li is _ a van.根据图片的提示填单词。6.There are _ chicks.23把单词补全完整。a_e a_ y_u y_s n_t r_g

5、h_ g_ _d mor_i_g n_i_ _ li_t_n24看图选择合适的单词。(1)_(hand/face)(2)_(ear/eye) (3)_(doctor/teacher)(4)_(cool/warm) (5)_(stomach/shoulder) 25数字排序。seven three two six nine ten one four_ 三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26把单词与图片连起来1. dog 2. apple 3. banana 4. catA B C D 27根据图片,将图片与词汇连接起来。 A. the window B. the door C. the book D.

6、 the mouth E. the pencil box 28看图匹配。连线 desk A. chair B. school C. book D. 29认一认,连一连1. Anoodles Bplane Ckite4. Dcake30找出图片所对应的字母,并连线。Ii Hh 四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31将下列句子译成汉语。(1)This is my English teacher.(2) Im a boy.(3) Its on the desk.(4) Point to her nose.(5) Its blue.32翻译日期。33补全单词1. p_ _ 钢笔2. pen_ _l 铅笔3.

7、pl_ _se 请4. ru_ _r 尺子5. z_ _ 动物园34根据提示写单词。(1)黑板 _(提示:labkcobrad)(2)门 _odor)35根据汉意写单词。(1)春季_(2)炎热的_(3)雪人_五、我是小法官(判断题)36判断对错题。1. tall的反义词是short。( )2. Look! It is a mouse.3.x、y、z这三个小写字母都占中间一格。4.What is it?Its a bird.( )37判断下列字母的大小写对应是否正确:38判断下列单词是否属于同类,是的画上不是画上。39看图读句子,图片与对话内容相符的打“”,不符的打“”。( )(1)A:Good

8、 evening!B:( )(2)Good night!( )(3)This is my pencilbox.Its nice.( )(4)Nice to meet you.六、阅读理解40阅读理解Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USAWu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sundays and Saturdays. Peter likes Chin

9、a and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play ping-pong ball after class. Wu Dong and Peter like making things. Now they are making a model plane. They like flying model planes on Sunday mornings. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little

10、 English. They teach each other.1Where does Wu Dongs friend come from?AHe comes from the UK. BHe comes from the USA.CHe comes from China. DHe comes from Canada.2How many days a week are they at school?ASix. BSeven. CFive. DFour.3What do they do after class?AThey play ping-pong ball at home. BThey pl

11、ay ping-pong ball at school.CThey make things at home. DThey make things at school.4What do they teach each other?AWu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese.BWu Dong teaches Peter Chinese and Peter teaches Wu Dong EnglishCWu Dong teaches Peter to play tennis.DPeter teaches Wu D

12、ong to make a model plane.5Which one of the following is NOT true?APeter doesnt like China and Chinese food.BPeter likes playing ping-pong ball and making things.CPeter speaks good English and Wu Dong speaks good Chinese.DPeter and Wu Dong dont go to school on Sundays or Saturdays.41根据短文内容选择下列文具的颜色, 将其字母标号写在题前的括号里。Hello! Im Lily. I have a pen. It(它) is black. I have a ruler. It is green. My pencil box is red. I have a yellow bag and a white eraser.( _) 1. ) 2. ) 3. ) 4. ) 5. Ared Bblack Cyellow Dwhite E. green

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