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1、 A. The man B. The woman C. Both of them()7. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. How to wash hair quickly. B. Saving water. C. The advantage of short hair.()8. What time is it now? A. 4:15. B. 4:45. C. 5:15.()9. Where is the woman going this weekend? A. To a concert. B. To a hospital. C.

2、To a museum.()10. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman refused the man this morning. B. The woman cant eat out with the man now. C. The man likes eating outside.()11. Who will probably lock the door? A. The man. B . The woman. C. Mary.()12. How does the man feel about the bus servic

3、e? A. Dissatisfied. B. Great. C. So-so.第三节(共1 3小题,每小题1分,满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答13至15三个小题。()13. What is Mary going to do tomorrow? A. Have a picnic. B. Do her homework. C. Play ping-pong.()14. What da

4、y is today? A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Friday.()15. Who might buy some food for Mary? A. Tom. B. Marys mother. C. Jack.听下面一段对话,回答16至18三个小题。()16. Whats wrong with the man? A. He is very tired and sleepy. B. He is worried about his exam. C. He is ill because of hard work.()17. What did the man do last

5、 night? A. He studied in the library. B. He went to a party. C. He met his study group.()18. What can we learn from the research study? A. 30 % of the student cant get enough sleep. B. One shouldnt study before a party. C. A good sleep is necessary after study.听下面一段对话,回答19至21三个小题。()19. What is the w

6、oman probably? A. A reporter. B. A writer, C. A teacher.()20. What does the man think of the environment nearby? A. Its becoming better. B. its becoming worse. C. Its becoming greener.()21. How many suggestions does the man offer? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.听下面一段独白,回答22至25四个小题。()22. How old was Rose

7、when she left college? A. 16. B. 17. C. 18.()23. What did Rose learn in the college? A. Computer. B. English. C. Typing.()24. How much would the office pay Rose in three months if she got the job? A. $30. B. $27. C. $20.()25. What can we learn from the passage? A. The manager was mean. B. Rose wante

8、d to get more pay. C. The manager would be glad after he heard what Rose said.笔试部分 二、单项选择(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)()26. I am really nervous about the speech tonight. ! You can make it. A. Of course B. Come on C. Thank goodness D. Well done()27. My English teacher is so nice. . He can make his classes in

9、teresting.A. Im afraid not B. So is she.C. Im not sure D. I cant agree more()28.Have you ever been to Shanghai? Of course. Actually, I _there for six years but now I live in Guangzhou. A. worked B. was working C. would work D. have worked()29. Where are the teachers now In the meeting room. They _ t

10、he meeting for 10 minutes. A. have begun B. have been on C. have had D. have been held()30. Shes brought you some eggs. As you know, she _ chickens.A. keeps B. will keep C. has kept D. kept ()31. Have you seen my toy car, Bill? Its my way, so I put it . A. in; away B. on; out C. in; out D. by; away

11、()32. Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers. , even if theyve learned a lot about grammar and known many words. A. Generally B. Simply C. Mostly D. Exactly()33. Does Mr. Smith still work here Ive come here many times, but I didnt see him once. He is always here;its _y

12、ouve never met himA. common B.strangeC.rareD. special()34. Whats the matter I dont want to you, but I cant find the key to the car.A. hurtB. alarm C. afraid D. nervous()35. Congratulations! Youve got the first prize in the English Contest. it be true Its unbelievable! A. May B. Should C. Must D. Can

13、()36.There was dead silence but for a fly_ against the glass. Oh, that was scary. A. makingB. fightingC. puttingD. beating()37. Whats your opinion? In my eyes, China will lead the world in the _ _ of science and technology.A. room placespaceD. area()38. He has asked three managers for a certain answ

14、er but _ has a different reply. A. each B. either C. none D. neither()39. Dont be late for school tomorrow, John. I wont, mum. Ive set the alarm clock to at 6 am.A. go out B. go awayC. go off D. go on()40. Could you tell me _ You will stay with an English family and take part in their daily life.A.

15、when I should pay for the course B. what the best part of the course isC. how long the shortest course lasts D. where I can go sightseeing after class三、完型填空My history teacher Mrs. Sherman in my 11th grade is a great influence on me. She was the person who helped me develop an interest in 41 . Most i

16、mportantly, she had faith in me, forcing me to 42 myself and helped me become the first in my family to attend a fouryear college.To 43 her, I say at the beginning of one of my books that it has been written for her. I hadnt seen her in nearly 10 years, but I knew: She changed my 44 I owed her forev

17、er. When she got word of what Id done, Mrs. Sherman reached out to me. I was 45 just to receive her email. Mrs. Sherman was a giant in my life. To see a note from her I feel like I was 17 again.After a few emails back and forth, Mrs. Sherman told me a secret: she was 46 , and she needed a new kidney

18、 (肾). 47 , I got in touch with Sheryl Sandberg, who was also one of Mrs. Shermans students and who is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Facebook and we started to search for potential donors(潜在捐赠者).One of my readers was thought to be a 48 . So, naturally, we started getting 49 . Then, a twist of

19、fate: Beth, the potential donor, was discovered to have a cancerous tumor (肿瘤) on her own kidney. We were 50 to learn this.Beth would need an operation, but she could be cured. She kept thanking me over and over for 51 her life. But we all know the 52 . Beth saved her own life by being so kind, and

20、volunteering to save the life of a 53 .Though were still looking for a donor match for Mrs. Sherman, we believe we will find one eventually 54 there are so many people out there who are 55 to do something good in this world.41A. learningBworking Cdesigning Dacting42A. help Brelax Cbelieve in Dturn t

21、o43A. encourage Bthank Csupport Dcomfort44A. habit Blife Cdream Dinterest45A. confused Bterrified Crelieved Dthrilled46A. old Btired Clonely Dsick47A. Immediately BSuddenly CGenerally DFinally48A. partner Bmatch Cconnection Dtarget49A. surprised Bsatisfied Cinterested Dexcited50A. embarrassed Bshock

22、ed Cworried Dannoyed51A. changing Bimproving Csaving Denjoying52A. secret Breality Csymbol Dtruth53A.stranger Bleader Cwriter Dreader54A. as Bif Cwhen Duntil55A. able Bquick Cbrave D. willing四、阅读理解AWant to stay away from colds Put on a happy face. Compared to unhappy people, those who are cheerful a

23、nd relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds, according to a new study. Its possible that being happy helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from New York University. “It seems that positive feelings may reduce the danger of illness,”said the studys chief researcher Sheldon Cohen. In

24、 an earlier study, Cohen found that people who were cheerful and lively caught coughs and colds less often. People who showed feelings were also less likely to tell their doctors that theyfelt ill. In this study, Cohens interviewed 193 adults every day for two weeks. During the interviews, the peopl

25、e told researchers about were given colds by doctors and had to stay alone in a room for six days. The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get ill. But for people who said they felt happy during the research period, their illness are less serious and lasted for a shorter

26、time. Cohen believes that when people experience positive feelings, their body may produce a chemical that helps fight illness and disease. So if you are worried about your health, look on the bright side more often.()56. Which of the following was NOT a part of the study? A. People talked about the

27、ir feelings every day. B. People were kept alone for six days. C. People were given colds by doctors. D. People were made to feel unhappy.()57. What did the study find A. People who felt happy never got ill. B. Peoples feelings didnt influence their health. C. People with good feelings became ill mo

28、re easily. D. People with positive feelings had less serious illnesses.()58. According to Cohen, which of the following may help fight illness?A. Eating. B. Laughing. C. Crying. D. Sleeping.()59. This passage is a/an . A. Advertisement B. newspaper report C. story D. scientists diary()60. What is the best title for this passage? A. Smiles can fight colds B. Cause of colds found

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