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1、 it is thinking that makes what we read ours.A) rectifies B) prolongs C) minimizes D) furnishes8. While the development of the suburbs has created problems, it has also provided _ modern housing for millions of people. A) excessive B) immense C) memorable D) substantial9. She worked hard at her task

2、 before she felt sure that the results would _ her long effort. A) justify B) testify C) rectify D) verify10. Hunger could be his only for killing a living thing.A) sensation B) causeC) purpose D) motive11. I will _ my lawyer to write out the agreement. A) inform B) notify C) announce D) report12. A

3、 benefit performance is a performance for which a charitable organization has bought out at a discounted price and _ funds by selling tickets at a full price. A) furnishes B) raises C) accumulates D) contributes13. Although these people knew that their boss was in a difficult situation, they were st

4、ill _ him. A) sticking to B) sticking with C) sticking on D) sticking by14. The secret agent concealed his real mission, so many local people were_ into thinking that he was a good person. A) betrayed B) driven C) deceived D) convinced 15. The coming of the railways in the 1830s _ our society and ec

5、onomy. A) transferred B) transformed C) transmitted D) transported16. One day, you will have to _this foolish behavior. A) pay B) pay for C) pay back D) pay off17. The French pianist who had been praised very highly _ to be a great disappointment. A) turned up B) turned out C) turned in D) turned do

6、wn18. He has never done this type of work before; I am not sure how he will fit _ with it. A) in B) on C) into D) up19. She cut her hair short and tried to _ herself as a man. A) decorate B) disguise C) fabricate D) fake20. Your advice would be _ valuable to him, who is at present at his wits end. A

7、) exceedingly B) excessively C) extensively D) exclusively21. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution in the country, but halfway in her speech, she suddenly _ to another subject. A) committed B) switched C) favored D) transmitted22. On hearing the bad news, she sprang up _.

8、A) for a start B) with a start C) at the start D) from the start23. Wouldnt it be wise to _ the possibility of rain before planning the garden party? A) check in B) check through C) check out D) check on 24. It was such a solemn occasion that not even a child _ a sound. A) delivered B) uttered C) vo

9、iced D) spoke25. My father seemed to be in no _ to look at my school report. A) emotion B) mood C) attitude D) feeling26. His face _ with pain when badly hurt by the shopkeeper. A) contracted B) was twisted C) was twinkled D) twisted27. The naughty boy _ in his shoes when he saw the cane in his fath

10、ers hand. A) shivered B) trembled C) frightened D) feared28. The students couldnt _ what the teacher was trying to explain. A) grip B) seize C) grasp D) snatch29. The older New England villages have changed relatively little _ a gas station or two in recent decades. A) except for B) in addition to C

11、) except D) besides30. Having come from a _ society, Dick found it hard to adjust to a small town. A) abundant B) wealthy C) sufficient D) largeUnit 21. The republication of the poets most recent works will certainly _ his national reputation.A) magnify B) enlargeC) strengthen D) enhance2. Humidity

12、(湿度) is so intense in some parts of the tropics that Europeans find they are unable to _ it. A) maintain B) persist C) endure D) sustain3. The suspects fingerprints on the gun were the main _ against him. A) crime B) information C) conviction D) evidence4. Most people who travel in the course of the

13、ir work are given travelling _. A) income B) allowances C) pay D) wages5. Be careful with those fireworks; they are _ to go off unexpectedly. A) easy B) probable C) available D) liable6. He ran so fast that he was out of _. A) air B) oxygen C) breath D) wind7. When you go to the doctor he asks you t

14、o describe your _ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断). A) indications B) signs C) symbols D) symptoms8. In general , the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total _ for living expenses. A) acceptable B) available C) advisable D) applicable9. His inability to lea

15、rn foreign languages was a(n) _ to his career. A) objection B) defect C) obstacle D) depression10. The ratio of the work done by the machine _ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine. A) against B) with C) to D) for11. During the war she always kept a _ of tinned food in the hous

16、e. A) load B) substitute C) conservation D) reserve12. This machine works very well so long as no one _ with it. A) interferes B) disturbs C) upsets D) interrupts13. In Britain people _ four million tons of potatoes every year. A) consume B) swallow C) exhaust D) dispose14. Thats really typical _ Jo

17、hn. He says hell come but he never turns up. A) for B) of C) to D) with15. No effective _ has been found for this fatal disease which claims thousands of lives each year. A) settlement B) method C) remedy D) prescription16. She was _ what she had written so as to make the theme stand out more clearl

18、y. A) repairing B) revising C) remedying D) reforming17. The one pleasure that Einstein _ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others. A) resulted from B) stirred up C) turned out D) derived from18. The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded. A) consequently B) continuously C) const

19、antly D) consistently19. The present difficulties _ from our failure to deal with the problem when it first arose. A) step B) stem C) steer D) sponsor20. Universal peace would be _ to all mankind. A) beneficial B) valid C) advisable D) worthy21. The local government leaders are making every effort t

20、o _ the problem of poverty. A) loosen B) tackle C) remove D) encounter22. We have not _ information to state the exact damage. A) abundant B) sufficient C) plenty D) efficient23. The court considers a financial _ to be an appropriate way of punishing him. A) option B) duty C) obligation D) penalty24

21、. The explorers were told to _ themselves with everything they would need for the voyage. A) associate B) equip C) retreat D) feed25. What he _ was that you didnt tell the whole truth. A) referred B) implied C) inclined D) accorded26. He hopes to _ his paintings before the public in New York very so

22、on. A) exhibit B) expose C) express D) experience27. German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome _. A) relatively B) reluctantly C) respectively D) relevantly28. This vast stock of computerized images has _ the possibilities open to the artist. A) speculated B) sponsored C) generated D) m

23、ultiplied29. We dont know all the circumstances, so it would be pointless to _ on what happened. A) infer B) speculate C) guess D) infer30. This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to _ on it. A) cope B) complain C) comment D) confirmUnit 3 1. You must take the _ steps by your

24、self; after you have begun, I will help you. A) primitive B) preliminary C) primary D) practicable2. How can you best _ in your students the speech habits of the English language? A) civilize B) cultivate C) evolve D) train 3. After three hours of heated debate, the _ bill was passed by a narrow maj

25、ority . A) virtual B) universal C) controversial D) substantial4. Richards news report covering the conference was so _ that nothing had been omitted. A) comprehensive B) integrated C) redundant D) productive 5. Shaking hands when people meet each other for the first time is practiced as a _ way of

26、greeting. A) conventional B) conservative C) constant D) convenient 6. If you _ a magnet-needle, its two ends can point North and South, and so it can be used to determine directions. A) overtake B) fix C) highlight D) suspend7. I am afraid that you have to alter your _ views in light of the tragic

27、news that has just arrived. A) indifferent B) distressing C) optimistic D) pessimistic8. Stamping on any countrys national flag is an _ to its people. A) inflation B) ingredient C) insult D) invasion 9. When he was a young boy, a serious disease deprived him of the _ of hearing. A) organ B) possession C) conduct D) faculty 10. If you _ bright sunlight _ dry wood with a glass, it will start burning. A) expose to B) concentrate on C) aim at D) focus on 11.

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