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1、In fact, that I am a child, and hurt the child will cry.10、好想知道,有没有那么一秒你也害怕过失去我。Really want to know, have so a second you also afraid to lose me.11、今晚拔掉电视插头,不要开电视,把我打开吧。Unplug your TV plug tonight, dont open the TV and turn me on.12、在最纯净美好的岁月,你却只留给我回忆的伤。In the pure world, but you left me only memori

2、es.13、每当想起你,总是我最快乐也是最忧伤的时候。Whenever I think of you, I always the most happy is also the most sad time.14、如果你想我了就给我打个电话发条信息别憋着。If you want to me just call me dont suppress the clockwork information.15、再坚持的乘客到了站就要下车就算有多舍不得。Passengers hold on to the station to get off even if there are many loathe to g

3、ive up.16、不管外面燈火多燦爛,最暖的還是家裏那壹盞。No matter how bright lights outside, or the most warm home is the one lamp.17、真想指着心脏骄傲旳告诉你,这里已经没有你了。Really want to pointing to the heart proud to tell you, there is no you.18、在我心上用力的开一枪,让一切归零,在这声巨响。In my heart of forcibly open one gun, let all return to zero, the loud

4、noise.19、我们在草丛花间愉快地追逐,我跟我的梦一起嬉戏。We are happily chasing grass flowers, I play with my dream.20、曾经信誓旦旦的承诺,如今变成不值得一提的心酸。Has pledged commitment, now become sad is not worth mentioning.21、爱情不会有永远,随便找个借口,谁都可以先离开。Love is not forever, looking for an excuse, anyone can leave first.22、给你一个炽热的心,你却返给我满是伤痕累累的心。G

5、ive you a hot heart, you have to return to my heart is full of scar.23、回忆伤透了流年,流年刺痛了,那颗充满无奈的心。The sting of a recall breaks time flies, time flies, the heart is full of helpless.24、就让我再多望一眼,就一眼,我不想丢掉这段回忆。Let me look at more, just one eye, I dont want to lose the memory.25、久违的故事久违的红酒久违的玫瑰久违的浪漫情人!Long

6、story long-unseen wine stranger rose long-lost romantic lover!26、不要一个吻把你变成傻瓜,也不要让一个傻瓜来吻你。Dont turn you into a kiss fool, dont let a fool kiss you.27、我不会为你的离去找理由,就像当初我以为你不会走。I wont be gone for your excuses, like at the beginning I thought you wouldnt go.28、要是蚊子吸的不是人血,是脂肪的话,我肯定爱死它。If mosquito suction

7、is not human blood, it is fat, Im sure I love it.29、都说这里的夜很美,可我却只感受到淡淡忧愁袭上心头!All say the night is very beautiful here, but I only feel light grief raided on mind.30、我不怕所有枪口都指着我,而让我失望的是你也在其中。I am not afraid of all the gun pointed at me, and let my disappointment you among them.31、就让我用一朵花谢的时间,忘记*对面遥不可

8、及的你。Let me use a flower of time, forget wang across the distant you.32、青春真的很单薄,什么都很轻,风一吹,我们就走散了。Youth is really very thin, very light, the wind blows, we lost contact.33、每当在人海中与你擦肩而过,你可知道我心中有多高兴。When passed by you in the crowd, you can know how much my heart is happy.34、我喜欢天空的颜色,风的味道,大海的深度和你的声音。I li

9、ke the color of the sky, the smell of the wind, the sea and the depth of your voice.35、我们的关系淡了,联系少了,是不是渐渐就会不认识了。Our relationship has been pale, contact less, is gradually will not know.36、趁好看的时候多照照镜子,毕竟这种错觉不是每天都有的。Look in the mirror while pretty much, after all, the illusion is not every day.37、你不说我

10、怎么知道,我怎么知道你背地里帮我挡了多少刀。You dont say how do I know, how do I know how much you secretly helped me to block the knife.38、若不识不知不想不爱不恋,岂会这般的患得患失贪得无厌。If not I do not know dont want to love is not love, or will this be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of greed.39、生活,就是把快乐装在心中,然后,静静融化,慢慢扩散。Happy li

11、fe, is to pack in the heart, then quietly melt, slowly spread.40、风在吹,我和我的梦都慢慢睡着了。没有梦的城市,好寂寞。Blowing in the wind, my dream and I are slowly fell asleep. Dont dream city, good lonely.41、在自知冷暖中,我们慢慢学会了隐忍,日子就不觉得难过了。In self-knowledge changes in temperature, we slowly learned to forbear, day dont feel sad

12、.42、雨在想你,却落在我这里,它们找不到你,也舍不得淋湿你。Rain in the miss you, but in my here, they cant find you, also wont get wet.43、人生太匆匆,若不偶尔停下来看看周围,你会错过很多风景。Life is too in a hurry, if not to stop and look around once in a while, you will miss a lot of scenery.44、爱你不是因为你的美而已我越来越爱你每个眼神触动我的心。Love you not because of your b

13、eauty that I love you more and more each eye touches my heart.45、你稍稍牺牲一下自己的感觉,却带给你身边的人巨大的安慰。Are you feeling a little sacrifice oneself, but bring great comfort to people around you.46、如果说你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你。If you hate me, I dont mind, I do not live to please you.47、我愿像一颗流星,划过天际,只为许你一个愿望,燃烧自己。I

14、would like a meteor across the sky, just to make you a wish, burning themselves.48、我总是在等待,那个让我牵挂的邮筒,是你许久未到的问候么。I always waiting for, that let me worry the mailbox, is for a long time not to greeting you.49、有一种人,为了逗你们开心,不惜成为了逗比,请对他们好点。There is a person, in order to amuse you, at a tease than, please

15、better to them.50、最好的地方,是没去过的地方,最好的时光,是回不来的时光。The best place, is the place that havent been to, the best time, the time is dont come back.51、也许你放不下的不是那个人,而是那段自己认真付出过的过去。Maybe you can not let go is not that person, but that their earnest has been past.52、你是我编造的童话中的王子,而我只是你生命里匆匆的一个过客。You are my fabric

16、ated in the fairy tale prince, and Im just your life a traveler in a hurry.53、每天早起一个小时,一起去做晨练,这是你送给对方最好的礼物。In an hour a day to get up early and go to do morning exercises, this is the best gift you give to each other.54、当我迷了路,丧失了爱你的勇气。就再也找不到苟延残喘的呼吸。When I lost my way, lost love your courage. Just ca

17、nt find a eke out a breath.55、每天至少说三次“我爱你”,你今后的生活要不断加大这个剂量。At least three times a day I love you, the rest of your life is increasing the dose.56、爱与忍耐力的真正考验之一:在床上把我的冷脚放在你怀里裹热。One of a true test of love and tolerance: put my cold feet in bed your arms up hot.57、能不能再一次感动你,然后学会珍惜,最后我们谁都再也不放弃。Can once a

18、gain touched you, and then learn to cherish, finally, we who all dont give up.58、你无法叫醒一个装糊涂,就像你永远感动不了一个不爱你的人。You cant wake a dissimulation, just like you never be touched by a man does not love you.59、看不到,听不到,何苦自寻烦恼。不想吵,不想闹,最近心态良好。Cant hear, see, why bother. Dont want noisy, dont want to make, the r

19、ecent good mentality.60、你忽视我多久都没关系,但你永远无法改变,那些我带给你的回忆。How long will you ignore me it doesnt matter, but you can never change, those I bring you memories.61、没有骄傲没有幻想就是偶尔也不要有,还是应该听天由命,到底该怎样。Also dont have no pride no illusion is occasionally, or resignation, exactly how.62、当一个男的对你不再啰嗦了,说话有水平了,恭喜你,你已经失

20、去他了。When a man no longer wordy, for you to talk with the level, congratulations, you have lost him.63、看你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。See you laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years.64、我心疼我的过去,厌倦我的现在,担心我的未来,沉默是我唯一的动态。I love my past, tired of me n

21、ow, worry about my future, silence is my only dynamic.65、香烟爱上了火柴,注定被伤害,不要轻易说爱,许下诺言就是欠下的债。A cigarette falls in love with a match, destined to be hurt, do not easily say love, promise is debt.66、有种朋友就是,即使你打错很多字也不需要改正,他都知道你想说什么。A friend is, even if you dont need to correct wrong a lot of word, he knows

22、 what are you trying to say.67、许多时候,让我们放不下的其实并不是对方,而是那是过去共同的回忆。Many times, let us not put the is not each other, but thats the past memory.68、关系不是单方面调节的。它们很微妙,需要共同注意、调节和定期润滑。Relationship is not unilaterally adjust. They are very delicate, need common attention, adjust and lubrication on a regular ba

23、sis.69、喜怒哀乐自己扛,酸甜苦辣自己尝;我就是自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。To take the joys and sorrows, bittersweet taste; I was my own sun, who dont need to rely on light.70、她不好相处,很难接近,可我们恰好是一样的人,合得来的人会对她很好。She is bad, it is difficult to close, can we just like people, hit it off will be good to her.71、其实很多人都一样,喜欢的不是学校,不是班级,而是坐在教室的

24、那群人。Actually a lot of people are all the same, love is not a school, is not a class, but that group of people sitting in the classroom.72、每当我看天的时候我就不喜欢再说话,每当我说话的时候我却不敢再看天。Whenever I see the day when I dont like to talk, whenever I speak but I dare not again see day.73、心软是一种不公平的善良,成全了别人,委屈了自己,却被别人当成了

25、傻瓜。Cave is a kind of unfair kind, help others, wronged himself, but as a fool by others.74、我想人生中最难过的事情不是一直遇不见,而是遇见了,得到了,又被拿走。I think the most sad thing in life is not always met, but met, get, and take away.75、永恒有多美?永恒只会消磨美丽,只会增加痛苦,只会让一切爱恨化为尘土。How beautiful the eternal? Will only kill eternal beauty

26、, will only add to the pain, will only make all the love and hate to dust.76、失败时希望有人伸出一只手来为我擦泪,而不是成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。Failure hope someone reached out a hand to wipe tears for me, rather than success countless people hand clap for you.77、如果可以,我多想守你百岁无忧美好的事,是人潮拥挤你自然而然牵紧我的手。If you can, I want to keep you mor

27、e centenarians have good things, is crowded you hold me tight hand naturally.78、我不懂什么叫挽留,我只知道,爱我的人不会离开我,因为他知道,我会难过。I dont know what to retain, I only know that I love the one who is, wont leave me, because he knows that I will always be sad because I will.79、不要停止学习。不管学习什么,语言,厨艺,各种技能。治愈心灵的温暖句子。t stop

28、 learning. No matter what learning, language, cooking, all kinds of skills. Cure heart warm sentences.80、那些曾经一直以为念念不忘的事情就在我们念念不忘的过程里,被我们遗忘了。Those who once thought not forget for a moment in the process of things as we never forget, was forgotten by us.81、爱一个人是要用心去爱的,如果你爱他就一定要放手,让他做他自己想要做的事。Love a person is love, if you love he must let it go, let him do what he wants to do.82、黄昏是一天最美的时刻,愿每一颗流浪的心,都能在一盏灯光下,得到永远的归宿。Dusk is the most beautiful moment in one day, wish every heart to stray, can be in a lamp light, get home forever.83、在不违背原则的情况下,

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