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1、四、教具准备:1教师用PPT 2学生听读课件 3随堂小练习 五、教学过程:(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.Free talk 2.Talk about the giftsT:Sam s birthday is coming. So I want to go shopping and buy some things. A: Whats this ? B: Its What colour is it?(设计思路: 通过商店物品利用Whats this ? 复习文具、颜色、动物、食物类的单词。并通过这一话题引出本课主题 go shopping。(二)呈现新课 (Present

2、ation) 1.拓展听读:Theyre talking about something about gifts, listen and then tell me, what color does Sarah like?让学生带着问题听小对话,体现学生在老师的引导下的自主学习,学生通过这个拓展听读的环节,完成拓展句型的学习。) Salesperson: Hello! Can I help you? Sarah : Yes,. : I like pencilcase. Salesperson : What color do you like? Sarah: I like blue.( 设计思路:

3、听完该对话,让学生运用支架对所学内容进行操练。 )2、拓展听读:Question: What does Wu Yifan like?Look! This gift is for Sam. Wu Yifan: Nice!I want to buy a doll .How about this one? I like it.听完该对话,回答问题,用一首歌曲来巩固复习)3、拓展听读:How much are these apples and bananas?How about you? John: I want to buy some apples and bananas.Here you are!

4、How much?Tten yuan.听读完第三个小对话,用pairwork来巩固复习,学生对于数字的掌握比较好加之情景的创设,学生对拓展的How much?句型掌握起来比较容易,难度不大,很容易理解) 4、拓展听读。购物的Flash动画。通过学生感兴趣的动画,来复习巩固本课设计的拓展句型。Banana、pearOrange、apple综合输出:Role play fruitRedBlueyellowcolorOne、two、three、Four、five、sixRuler、Pencilcasedoll How much Go shopping Other things Model:Hello

5、! Can I help you? Yes,What do you like? I like _. A:What color do you like? B:Ilike _._ yuan.Homework:运用所学句型和同桌练习购物的对话。 Lesson2 How many plates? 教学设计教学目标:1、巩固数字1-10。2、听,说,读,写句型How many ?3、听、说、读拓展单词 Yo-yo, toy car。4、听说拓展句型How much?以及回答 yuan 。5、听说拓展句型How old are you? Im years old. 教学重难点:1对句型How many?.

6、进行学习,并能够在具体的语境中灵活运用。2能够理解和在实际情境中运用句子以及区分学习How many?How much?及其答语,教学资源:PPT以及多媒体教学资源教学过程:Step1: Warm-up.1、 Greetings.2、 Free talk.a、 Lead in.学生观看购物Flash,(设计意图:创设情境,为学生营造轻松愉快的教学气氛,抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参加活动。旧知导入新知,给学生一个言语交际的展示平台。Step 2: New presentation.1、 Teaching the new sentence: How many ?A、 T: Do you remem

7、ber “How many pencils are there in the shop?” Lets listen to reading1 and answer my question.B、 Teaching the new sentences.C、 Practice:A: How many ? 初步感知新知,通过听力材料的展示,对本课重点句型进行拓展、新授学习。How many ? 并进行相应的回答,即学习新句型,拓展toy caryoyo等,又对数字1-10进行巩固,词不离句,句不离词。2、 Teaching the new sentences: How much? T: I dont h

8、ave enough. Look, 1 yuan , lets count. How much? S: 1 yuan , 2 yuan 10yuan. (设计意图:通过听说学习,回答问题,培养学生善于发现问题,提出问题,解决问题的能力。B: Practice (use your own things): 通过前面的感知,师生示范说,生生两两说,最后进行两组反馈,即对新知识做了巩固,又加深了生的印象,还让生的表达交际能力做了充分的体现,并且培养了生的合作能力。C: I want to buy some rulers for him, lets ask the salesperson “How m

9、uch is it?”D: Reading2. Excuse me? Yes. What are these? They are rulers. How much are the rulers? Two yuan. 通过听、读巩固新授句型,并对新知进行How much?进行学习,巩固-复习,加深生的印象并为接下来的输出做好铺垫。3、 Teaching the sentence: Do you want to play with Bingbing? Let me introduce him to you. Listen and tell me “How old is he? Reading 3

10、T: Hello, Bingbing. B: Hello. I am 9. Look, What are these? They are erasers. Is it for me? Yes, of course. Happy birthday to you ! Thank you. You are welcome. Practice: I am years old.本部分是通过与学生的问答,进而进行新对话的创编,是对本课知识的梳理以及简单句型的拓展。达到理解,听懂、说出即可。4、 Lets chant. I am happy. I can jump. Lets chant it togeth

11、er. Jump! Jump! One, two, three! Three, two, one !Four and five ! Four and five !Jump up high! Jump up high!Five! Four! Three, two, one!Jump ! Jump ! Its so fun !通过图片模拟对话情景,帮助学生练习对话,通过Lets chant帮助学生巩固数字单词。5、 Sing a song : Happy birthday to you. ( 设计意图:歌曲的学习是激发学生的兴趣,劳逸结合。歌曲使学生的印象会更加深刻,大家一起动起来,引起生的有意注

12、意,并为下面的综合说做准备。 Its time for eat birthday cake, lets say: Happy birthday to Bingbing.6、 Reading 4. Just now, Bingbing made a wish, listen whats Bingbings wish?My birthday Today is my birthday. I cut the cake. My dad got me a truck. My mom got me a red book.I love my mom and dad.( 设计意图:通过前面的歌曲做铺垫,进行相应

13、的拓展,并为下节课的新授进行初步感知,并给学生一个过生日需要许愿的概念。Step 3: Dialogue.1、 T: Here are Bingbings presents show.Practice and act: Hello. B: Hi. They are What colour? Bye. B: See you.通过拓展听读,让学生在语境中进行感知和理解。同时拓宽学生的知识面,为语言的输出做准备。2、 Writing something about Bingbing: Fill in the blanks.Hello, I am _.I am a _. Today is my bir

14、thday. I am_ years old(岁). I have many presents(礼物). Look, I have _ _. They are _. They are _ yuan.3、 Topic: Introduce yourselves.For example: I am Bingbing. I am a boy. I am short. I am 9 years old. I like pencils.通过阅读增加学生的阅读量,知识量,并且训练生的大量听读、认读能力和对本课知识的综合学习以及知识的拓展延伸。尤其是Fill in the blanks达到听说读写全面检测的

15、效果,一句多得。而Introduce yourselves.达到综合输出,并给学生一个展示、输出的空间。 Sing a song :.Lesson3:Birthday party一、教学内容:1、复习巩固本单元的数字oneten.2、能够熟练掌握本单元句型How many.? Im .years old.3、拓展词汇:light the candles,made a wish,blow out the candles,sing a birthday song,cut the cake.4、拓展句型:What do you do on your birthday party? I . on my

16、 birthday party. What would you like? Id like .2、教学目标:1、能在老师创设的情景下听说认读本课数字110.2、能熟练掌握本单元句型并在交际中灵活运用。3、了解中西方文化中年龄话题的差异。4、基本掌握拓展内容的听说并学会初步运用。1、复习巩固本单元所学的词汇及句型。能够听,说,认读动词词组light the candles,made a wish,blow out the candles,sing a birthday song,cut the cake.四、教学难点:能够理解,听,说,认读并运用句型What do you do on your

17、birthday party? I . on my birthday party. What would you like?五、教具准备:人物头像卡片,单词卡片,PPT六、教学过程:Warm up.(课前问候)1、Greetings. Good morning. Good morning. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. How are you? Very well, thanks. And you? Im fine,too. What day is it today? Its Wednesday. Whats the weather like

18、, today? Its cold.2、Sing a song: Happy birthday!(歌谣是学生喜闻乐见的学习形式,生日歌曲简单欢快又符合情景,创设情境,激趣导入。3、Free talk: We are on Sams birthday party. I have a gift, can you guess“Whats this?”(Show a pig.)(复习巩固)Whats this?Its a .What colour is it?Its.(通过师生自由对话,温故知新,培养学生的语言交际能力。通过展示我的礼物将学生置身在真实的情境中,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,而且很自然的过渡到新

19、知的学习中,让孩子在不知不觉在进入新课。New presentation.1、Show a picture:Sam is on his birthday party, Wow,there are so many gifts,What can you see in the picture?I can see.How many are they?They are.Do you like.s S:Yes,I do./No,I dont.(以旧带新,利用学过的物品,颜色,数字引出新句型Do you like.s? Yes,I do./No,I dont.学生两两交际操练。2、T:Sam is very

20、 happy,now he is showing his gifts from his mom,please listen reading1.Reading1: My birthdayToday is my birthday.I cut the cake.My dad got me a truck.My mom got me a red book. 3、I love my mom and dad.(通过很自然的过渡语,创设情境,运用学生自读,学生听读的方式引出新词,轻松的进行学习,激发学生的积极性,提高学生的学习兴趣。3、Teaching the new phrases:light the c

21、andles, made a wish, blow out the candles, sing a birthday song, cut the cake.Look, They are Sams friends, Sarah, Mike and Miss White.They are talking about something.Please listen and read the reading and tell me what does Sarah do on her birthday.(1)Readig2:Chen Jie:Hello,Sarah.Sarah: Hello,Chen J

22、ie.I often light the candles,blow out the candles and cut the cake.ChenJie:Do you like cakes?Yes, I do. What does Sarah do on her birthday?light the candles,blow out the candles and cut the cake.(2)Reading 3:What about Mike?Wu Yi fan:Hello, Mike.Mike:Hello.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.How o

23、ld are you?Im nine years old.Do you like your birthday party?But what do you do on your birthday party?I often light the candles,made a wish,blow out the candles and cut the cake.What does Mike do on his birthday. light the candles,made a wish,blow out the candles and cut the cake.(通过介绍学生熟悉的课本人物展示两篇

24、阅读材料,学生较为感兴趣。同时本单元旧句型在其中便于学生理解文中大意,继而引出本课新知,降低了学生的理解难度提高学生的认知能力。(3)Reading4:What about Miss White?Miss White:Hello,Lin Xin.Liu Xin :Hi,Miss White.How are you?Liu Xin:Very well,Thanks. And you?Im fine,too. Oh,Its a secret.(秘密)I light the candle,made a wish,sing a birthday song, blow out the candles a

25、nd cut the cake.What does Miss White do on her birthday party?(本片材料用意和上两篇基本相同,但通过询问怀特老师的年龄透漏出的年龄秘密,将中西方文化的差异体现出来。 light the candles,made a wish,sing a birthday song, blow out the candles and cut the cake.(4)Learn the phrases.5、Work in pairsSo we can say on our birthday we often light the candles,made a wish,sing a bi

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