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高一外研必修4 Module 4 Great Scientists公开课教案文档格式.docx

1、When and where was he born?Why was he famous?Where did he live and work?What did he discover / invent .?Talking about numbers5,000,000 five million47.5% forty seven point five percent4/5 four fifths词汇1. 四会词汇biochemistry, biology, botany, genetics, zoology, staple, producer, leading, figure, educate,

2、 agriculture, breeding, species, yield, original, publish, sterile, breakthrough, support, production, convert, export, hybrid, agricultural, replace, quality, quantity, diagnose, victim, brilliant, career, brief, partly, physical, graduate, personal, rocket, explode, explosion, escape, straight, cl

3、ear2. 认读词汇cosmology, motor neurone disease, relativity, millennium, gunpowder, arrow3. 词组bring up, as a result of, cash crop, best-seller, earn ones living, come to power, be known for语法1. Revision of the passive voice Rice is grown in many other Asian countries. Researchers were brought in from all

4、 over China.2. by + -ing form He thought he could produce more rice by crossing different species of plant. You can get a good job by studying hard.重点子1. In the rice-growing world, the Chinese scientist, Yuan Longping, is a leading figure. P32 2. He thought there was only one way to do this-by cross

5、ing different species of rice plant, and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants. P323. As a result of Yuan Longpings discoveries Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990s. P324. 2/3 of the worlds population regularly eat r

6、ice. P35.5. Moving in a wheelchair and speaking through a special computer, he has become the voice of science. P37III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析本模块以Great Scientists为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生通过了解古今中外不同领域的科学家的生平经历以及他们的卓越贡献,阅读袁隆平和Stephen Hawking的事迹,使学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。并根据学生的已有知识,指导学生发表对伟大科学家的了解和看法,通过进一步讨论使学生树立为了全人类的发展而努力的远大

7、理想。能根据关键词写出伟大科学家的事迹,并能够准备出一位著名科学家的传记。 1.1 INTRODUCTION以四幅著名科学家的肖像画引导学生就本模块话题展开讨论,通过学生的讨论,激发学生对本模块的中心话题产生兴趣;但第一、三幅,特别是第三幅人物肖像辨认难度较大,老师可引导学生从二、四幅开始由易到难讨论,必要时可给出人物的相关信息让学生依据获取信息去判断,推测。Vocabulary是根据英文释意在语境中掌握和运用词汇、术语。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 此部分描写了“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的生平和主要事迹, 并阐述了他从事这项工作的重要性和所取得的成就:缓解了中国在内的很

8、多国家的饥饿问题,培育出了高产、周期短等优点的杂交水稻, 是人类农业史上非常有意义的重大突破。使学生通过阅读学习逐步领悟到:通过个人的不懈努力、在政府和同事的帮助下是完全有可能为全社会和整个人类的发展做出伟大贡献的。从而激励他们树立远大理想,从我做起,从今天做起,奋发图强。但阅读后面的相关理解题太少且深度不够,应根据学生水平适当补充。 1.3 GRAMMAR 1: Revision of the passive voice让学生依据例子判断、归纳每句被动语态的时态,从而注意时态和语态的结合。然后以连词成句和完成句子的形式反复操练,以达到熟能生巧的效果。 Exx. 1&2 on P85是相关练习

9、。此语法比较简单,可依据学生水平和掌握程度大胆增加、删减。 1.4 GRAMMAR 2: by + -ing form 此语法比较简单,by和动名词短语一起在句中做状语,一般表方式,很常用的结构。 Exx. 3&4 on P85是相关练习。可主要留做课下作业,课上只需稍做解析、鼓励学生造例句即可。 1.5 FUNCTION: Talking about numbers 学习并练习各种数字的读法。Ex. 12 on P89是相关练习。 1.6 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY此类任务型训练题,在听说读写综合提高的同时,培养了学生的创新意识和实践能力。并注重指导学生听的技巧,学会依

10、据题干确定重点、捕捉相关信息。 1.7 READING AND WRITING 阅读关于Stephen Hawking 的文章,排列段落的顺序并确定每段的主题;然后依据给出的的摘记写出三段介绍Albert Einstein的文章。指导学生在读和听的输入性学习之后,完成写的输出性应用练习。 1.8 PRONUNCIATION 练习单词特别是长单词的重音。让学生反复跟读、相互纠正,发音的标准化的培养是高一的重要任务之一,功夫应当用到平时,让学生尽快具备准确拼读、预习生单词的能力 1.9 SPEAKING 指导学生两人一组讨论著名的科学家或发明家,讨论的对象自选但内容已经界定:出生时间、地点;工作、

11、生活地点;为何著名;重要发明、发现。旨在激发学生相关话题的背景知识,并训练其语言表达能力,而且能够在交流中喜欢相互学习,进一步扩大知识面。 1.10 EVERYDAY ENGLISH 对阅读和听力中出现的日常用语根据英文释意在语境中掌握。 1.11 CULTURAL CORNER 阅读一篇关于火箭发展史的文章,使学生不但了解火箭的发展历程,而且激发他们的民族自豪感和爱国主义热情。鼓励学生借助手头工具了解更多的火箭知识,以及“中国航太之父”和“火箭之王”钱学森这位伟大的科学家,学习他的爱国、敬业精神。 1.12 TASK 指导学生两人一组思考、讨论谁是你最敬佩的科学家,并准备此人的传记材料,尽可

12、能的录制成广播节目,也可作为作业下节课请几个同学当众播报。 2. 教材重组 2.1 口语 INTRODUCTION, SPEAKING和Ex. 13 on P 89 in Workbook涉及到本模块话题和功能句,可激活学生的背景知识,激发他们的学习兴趣,可以整合在一起上一堂口语课。 2.2 精读 READING AND VOCABULARY与Reading in Workbook都是关于袁隆平的生平和卓越贡献,可整合成一节精读课。但应该恰当处理后者,仅作为背景材料课前预习时处理其相关练习。 2.3语言学习 Grammar 1、 Grammar 2和FUNCTION三部分整合在一起上一节语言学

13、习课。 2.4 听力 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY, PRONUNCIATION和 Listening in Workbook可上一节听力课。 2.5泛读 Exx. 1、2 & 3 on P37和CULTURAL CORNER 及关于火箭的课外阅读材料,上一节泛读课。 2.6 写作 Exx.4&5 on P37以及Writing in Workbook要求学生根据所学知识和给出的摘记写出Albert Einstein和 Madame Curie 的传记。时间允许可将TASK在课上处理,也可留做课下作业。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st period Speaking 2n

14、d period Reading (I) 3rd period Language study 4th period Listening 5th period Reading (II) 6th period Writing (以上课时分配与教材重组,仅供参考,教师可因时因地因人而异,不必拘泥于此。)IV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语biochemistry, biology, botany, genetics, zoology, gravityb. 重点句子Ne

15、wton was born in England in the 17th century. He discovered the law of gravity.2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Enable the Ss to talk about great Scientists and their achievements: What is his / her name?What did he / she discover or invent?When did he / she discover or invent it?b. Enable the Ss to understa

16、nd some scientific terms by matching them and their definitions.c. Enable the Ss to write some facts about a famous scientist.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Learn how to talk about great Scientists and their achievements.Teaching important point 教学重点Teach the Ss how to describe a famous scientist.Tea

17、ching methods教学方法a. Pairs work and group work;b. Discussion. Teaching aids教具准备A computer, a projector.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Warming upT: Boys and girls, look at my mobile phone and the computer in our classroom. What do you think of their development in the past ten years?Sa: They

18、both develop very rapidly. Computers used to be so large, expensive and different to use that only government and industry experts could use them. But nowadays, it is widely used all over the world by ordinary people. Sb: Cell-phones have been popularized in the last five years so that almost all th

19、e adults around us have one; Even some students own cell-phones. I think its very convenient and useful. Quite right. What do you think made them develop so fast?Ss: Science and technology. Yes. But who make science and technology develop? Scientists!Step II Leading in Thats the point. Today well co

20、me to Module 4 Great Scientists. Turn to Page 31 and look at the pictures in it. Lets talk about them in pairs. Before talking Id like to show you a table to help you.Who is he /she?Whats his / her nationalityInventions /discoveriesWhen did they invent/ discover?Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4

21、Maybe you are not familiar with all these figures, so firstly choose the easier ones to talk about. Now work in pairs.Step III Talking There is no doubt that the second one is Madam Curie who was born in Poland and later took the French nationality. She is best well-known for discovering the radioac

22、tive elementpolonium named in honor of her motherland in 1898. Yes. She was a great woman scientist and the only person to win Nobel Prizes twice. She is respected and admired by people all over the world because she would like to share her discoveries with the whole scientific world. I read in a bo

23、ok that Madam Curie encouraged the usage of X-rays for medical treatment.Sc: I can recognize the fourth figure is Elbert Einstein, as Einsteins shaggy-haired face was very familiar to ordinary people. He was born in Germany on March 14th, 1879. And his most famous theory is relativity that was first

24、 published in 1905.Sd: Yes. You are quite right. But I dont know who the first scientist is. Obviously, he is a Chinese. Is he Li Siguang, Qian Xuesen or Qian Sanqiang? Im not sure. Neither do I. Do you know anything about the third one? T: Whod like to talk about the first scientist? Volunteer! No

25、one? Ok. Ill describe him in English; At the same time you try to guess who he is according to what you hear. Are you ready? Yes. The first scientist is a great Chinese scientist who was born in Shanghai in 1911. He is regarded as “father of Chinas aerospace” and “king of rockets”. Qian Xuesen! Sure

26、! Youve got it. Qian is one of the pioneers of Chinas space science. A world-famous expert on aerospace rockets and aerodynamics. Qian played a leading role in the research, manufacture and testing of carrier rockets, and guided missiles and satellites, thus making great contributions to the develop

27、ment of Chinas aerospace industry. Due to research and development led by Qian, China successfully exploded its first atom bomb in 1964, launched its first man-made satellite in 1970, fired its first transcontinental ballistic missile toward the Pacific in 1980, and launched its first manned spacecr

28、aft on Oct. 15, 2003. Do you admire him very much? Yes! Who can tell us why you respect him?S1: Because he has made great contributions to the development of our country and he is a patriot(爱国者). In 1955, six years later after the founding of New China, Qian Xuesen managed to return to our motherlan

29、d, giving up the American comfortable life and advanced experimental conditions. Its said that the great scientist led a very simple life. He set a good example for all Chinese. His devotion to science and his patriotic feeling make him not only a great scientist but also a great man. Thank you very

30、 much. You have done a very good job!Would you like to know something about the third scientist? Of course! Now listen to me carefully. His most famous saying is “Give me a lever(杠杆) long enough and a place to stand, and I will move the world.” Who can tell us his name?Se: Archimedes! A great mathematician!

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