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牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 2《Fit for life》全单元教案Word文件下载.docx

1、易受、的;in the open (air)在户外,在野外;keep ones eyes open 留心;注意: lay open 摊开(书等);throw open 突然打开;大开;open fire on/upon at 向、开火2. thin v. :to make sth thinner e.g (1)It is reported that aspirin can thin blood and help reduce the risk of heart attacks (2)War and disease are the two main causes of thinning popu

2、lation.(3)Add more water to the mixture to thin it.3.purify v. :to make sth pure or cleanpure (adj) 清洁的,纯净的 pure water 纯净水Stopping pollution surely helps purify the air in the city4.note v.注意到;写下来take notes/a note of 记笔记;take note of 注意到,留意到;compare notes with sb与某人交流make notes of=make note of 记录5.r

3、ecipe: n. C 医 处方;烹饪法;(糕点等的)制作方法,诀窍(与for)连用Id like to have your for cookies. 你能不能告诉我制作小甜饼的方法。6.physician: n. 医师,内科医师physics: n. 物理学 physical: 物理学的, 自然科学的,身体的,物质的,自然界的 physicality: 肉体性 physicist: n. 物理学家7. bark: n.C 树皮,吠声 vt. / vi. 吠,咆哮,剥树皮 at 对叫,斥责 out 咆哮地说,吼出8.trial: n.试验;考验;审讯;审判a public 公审 a fligh

4、t 试飞 a match 预赛 bring a person to / up for 将付诸审判on 试验性的(地);试验结果;在审判中 and error 尝试错误的做事方法9. length: n. 长度;长; of 一根;一段 at 最后;终于;充分地;详细地at full 伸展全身 in 在长度上a (depth) of + 数词: 长度 / 深度110. contemporary: n. 同时代的人He and I were ies at school. 我和他是同期同学。adj. 当代的;同时代的 be with 与同时期的 literature 当代文学 after 按命名 na

5、me it 讲出来 by the of = d 以名字 by 名叫;凭名;用名 make a 出名;成名 to ones 属于自己 under the of 用名字 first 名 last 姓 in the of 以名义111. mass: adj. 群众的;大规模的;集中的; vt. 使集合 vi. 聚集a of (es of ) 许多;大量;大部分(后接可数名词或不可数名词)in the = as a whole 总体上;大致上Step 4 HomeworkAsk the Ss to keep the uses of the words in mind. Try to find the

6、common uses of some words to be mentioned in the next period.Ss read the new words and expressions.They opened the country up to trade 他们开放国家,以进行贸易。(1)When you search for information on the Internet, youd better note its sources.(2)Youd better note the time of reading each paragraph so that you can

7、improve your reading ability.他认为成功的唯一诀窍在于勤奋。He thinks the one for success lies in hard-work.Its 2,010 kilometers long. = Its 2,010 kilometers in length. 它长2010千米。鲁迅和胡适是同一时代的人。Luxun was with Hushi. We d him chairman. = We d him as (for) chairman. 我们任命他为主席。M7U29-2New words 22Get the Ss to grasp the us

8、ages of some important new words and expressions.A projector and slides预习要求Try to pronounce the new words Step1. Greeting and revisionAsk some Ss to review the common uses of some words learnt in the last period. Make some Ss make some sentences if possible.Step2. Explanation1.1.powerful: adj. 强大的;有

9、力的 more ; most powerless: adj. 无能力的 power: n. C,U 权力;势力(+ over);权限(+ to v);能力(+ of)力;动力;电力in 当权 take 当权执政 have over sth. 对有控制权 come into 开始执政,上台当权beyond / out of ones (s) = not within ones (某人的)力所不及的vt. 使有力量,供以动力,激励2.relief: n. U (痛苦等的)减轻,(债务等的)免除,救济,安慰relieve: vt. 减轻,解除,援救,救济,换班 ones feeling 发泄感情 o

10、neself 大小便d: adj. 放心的 sb. of sth. 从手中接取,解除某人3. arrangement: n. U 布置,准备(用作pl. 形式)arrange: v. 安排;排列;协商 a room / flowers / books 安排一个房间 / 摆放鲜花 / 摆放书本 (for) a taxi 安排一辆出租车 an appointment for sb. with sb. else 为某人安排与别人约会 arrange for sb to do sth4. pleasure: n. U 愉快,高兴,满足 C 乐事,乐趣,娱乐,消遣for 为了取乐 with 愉快的,高兴

11、的take (a) in doing sth. 以为乐,喜欢It is ones to do sth. 做某事是的荣幸(用于自谦)5. adjustable: adj.可调整的 desk 活动课桌 adjusted: adj.调整过的 adjust: vt.调整,调节,校准,使适合adjust oneself to 使某人自己适应于adjust to 适应,调节6. magic: n. U魔法,巫术,戏法do tricks 变戏法 ally: adv. 如魔法般地,用魔法地 ian: n. 善于变戏法的人,魔法师adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,不可思议 mirror 幻镜,哈哈镜,魔镜7. add

12、iction: n.沉溺,上瘾addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾 n. 入迷的人,有瘾的人He is ed to drugs. 他吸毒成瘾。 oneself to 沉溺于,吸毒成瘾 to 沉溺于,热爱8. pulse: n. C 脉搏,脉的一次跳动 The doctor felt her and wrote a prescription.医生为她诊断,开了药方。 feel ones 量脉搏9. insert: vt. 插入,嵌入 sth. in / into / between 插入物 10. point: n. 尖,尖端,点,小数点,要点,论点 v. 指,指向 out 指出 to / at

13、 指着11. fine: adj. 美好的,精美的, 细的,纤细的,纯粹的 (r, st)n. 罚款,罚金,晴天, 精细 pay a of 50 = pay a 50 50美元的罚款 vt. 罚款, sb. for sth. 为了而处某人罚金 sb. sth. 罚某人的Step3. HomeworkMake the Ss remember the important words and expression.The president has the to vote bills. 总统有权否决议案。He has the of helping you. 他有能力帮助你。The shortage

14、of dimmed the streets. 由于电力不足,街道昏暗。give a sigh of 宽慰地松了一口气send to refugees 送救济品给难民使我宽慰的是,他认识了学习的重要性。To my relief, he realized the importance of study.Ive ed for him to meet me.我已经安排他和我见面。He soon adjusted himself to her way of life.他很快地使他自己适应了她的生活方式。_ to surfing the Internet, he fell behind with his

15、lessons. A. Addicted B. Addicting C. being addicted D. To be addicted Key: A9-3Welcome1.Make students participate in a discussion.2.By talking and discussing, students spoken English can be practised.3.Improve the Ssreading ability by scanning the two texts in workbooks.How to get the Ss to express

16、their own opinions by talking and discussing.Encourage students to speak freely.Some pictures, slides, blackboardReview an unforgettable experience of seeing a doctor before.Step1. GreetingStep2. Brain stormingAsk Ss to answer the following questions:1. Do you like drinking milk?2. Which milk do you

17、 think is better, pasteurized(煮过的,加热的) milk or raw (生的)milk?T: However, no matter how good milk is, if we take too much of a good thing, we will feel uncomfortable. Do you know what kind of medicines or treatments we need when we catch a cold?Step3. Picture talkP1: 1.What does a chemist do? A chemis

18、ts job usually involves preparing and selling medicines.2. What qualities does a person need in order to be a chemist?P2: 1.Do you know the origin of acupuncture?Acupuncture has its origin in China beginning before 1000 BC.2.What can acupuncture do?Acupuncture can ( relieve body pains, help lose wei

19、ght, help quit smoking )P3: What are they doing?The doctors are performing an operation. During the process of an operation, the surgeons cut open a part of a persons body and remove or repair a damaged part.P4: 1.Do you have good eyesight?2. How can you protect your eyes?Step4: Discussion1. Have yo

20、u ever seen a doctor? If so, what happened?2. Would you like to do any of the jobs shown in the picture? Why or why not?Step5. Reading (workbook)Ask Ss some questions (passageA)1.Have you ever heard of a kind of terminal diseases called smallpox? What do you know about it? Is it deadly now?2.Can you

21、 name some other deadly diseases?Then ask the Ss to read passageA to answer the questions on page 114. (Some information about passageB)2. How often do you drink milk?3. What kind of milk do you like?4. Do you know how to let milk stay fresh?(After the Ss answer the above questions)Make the Ss go th

22、rough passageB to answer the questions on page 115.Ask the Ss to find out some language points in each paragraph.1. be deadly to 2. in the late 1700s3. bringunder control 4. try an experient on sb5. become ill 6.fight disease7 .as for 1.stay fresh 2. last up to3. pasteurized milk 4. raw milk5. recom

23、mend doing/that sb (should) do/sth to sb6. thanks toStep6. Homework1. Read the two passages once more.2. Preview the reading passage on page 18.Ss answer the teachers questions.Knowledge,carefulnesscommunication skills, enthusiasmSs answer the teachers questionsSs discuss with their partnerscancer,

24、leukaemia(白血病)Ss answer the questionsSs translate them into Chinese 9-4 Reading(1)1.Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the article.2.Arouse the Ss interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions.3.Develop the students reading ability-how to guess the meanings of new words.

25、1.Find the main points and express them.2.Understand the text.A tape-recorder, a projector and slides Collect the names of some common medicinesAsk some Ss to name the treatments learnt in the last period.What other treatments do you know? Can you name them?Step2. Lead-inPeople may take medicines wh

26、en they are ill. However, if they dont take the right medicine in the right way, they may not get better and even get worse.Have you ever got a fever? And what medicine do you often take when you get a high fever? Yes, they are two important medicines which can reduce fever. What else do you know about these two medicines? E.g How were they invented?Step3.Fast readingAsk Ss to scan the passage to answer the following

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