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专题专项集训十 完形填空之记叙文体二Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、5A.story BquarrelCwhisper Dconversation6A.stand up Bstand goodCstand guard Dstand behind7A.charge account Bpiece of paperCgrocery list Dcredit card8A.weighs BsaysCis written Dis made9A.her name Bher addressCsomething Deverything10A.ears BhandsCheads Deyes11A.up and up Bupside downCdown and down Dins

2、ide out12A.mustnt BcantCneednt Dshouldnt13A.refused to put Brefused to sellCstarted putting Dstarted taking away14A.balance Bwork Cbreak Dread15A.began Bdecided Cstopped Dcontinued16A.since Bif Cuntil Dwhen17A.amusement BexcitementCamazement Ddisappointment18A.bought Bcharged Cadjusted Dgathered19A.

3、leader Bprayer Cexpression Didiom20A.choices Bneeds Cdebts DpuzzlesB兰州一模)One evening I was on my daily evening return from London to my home.I had got into the_1_of sitting in the last carriage at the platform, _2_I could get off near to the station exit at my end.Just before getting off the train,

4、I found a purse.I opened the purse and thought this must be my_3_day, for the purse contained some 80 in cash.Looking further into the purse, I found credit cards, house keys and a name and address.My first_4_when seeing the cash was to pocket it and throw the other_5_away.Now I am not a basically_6

5、_person, but had developed a hardened_7_over the years that most people were dishonest in some way.My own personal_8_had been that whenever I lost anything of_9_, that was the last I ever saw of it.And since I was a constructive worker at that time, I had been the_10_of a great deal of stealing duri

6、ng my working life.Almost as I read the name and address, I had a picture of that woman being_11_with terror when she realized she had_12_her purse and could not get into her home, had no money, and would have thought of some_13_on her credit cards, not to mention the trouble of _14_all the cards.At

7、 that same moment I decided to_15_the purse over to the train guard.So I told him I would like to see it_16_to its rightful owner.He told me it would be sent to the lost property_17_ .I arrived at my station and started to walk the fiveminute_18_to my home all the while feeling very _19_with myself

8、that I was going to bring a great deal of_20_to someone I did not know at all.1.A.queue BaddictionChabit Dtrouble2A.but Bso Cand Dor3A.bad Bbusy Csad Dlucky4A.thought BsightCexpression BpoundsCcontents Dkeys6A.kindhearted BdishonestCskillful Dknowledgeable7A.relation BinterestCinflu

9、ence Dattitude8A.experience BhobbyCappearance Dinformation9A.privacy Beffect Cvalue Dbeauty10A.reporter Bvictim Cwitness Dsuspect11A.moved BrecognizedCpunished Dstruck12A.robbed Bmissed Clost Dregained13A.counting BspendingClooking Dliving14A.discovering BprovidingCcancelling Dsearching15A.hand Bfin

10、d Cthrow Dhold16A.replaced BreturnedCrecycled Dregistered17A.carriage Btrain Coffice Dstation18A.stop Broad Clift Djourney19A.pleased BashamedCannoyed BtreasureChappiness DsupportC洛阳高三一模)What a great mother! Mom was a teacher most of her life.When she wasnt in the_1_, she was ed

11、ucating her own_2_or grandchildren: correcting our grammar; starting us _3_collections of butterflies, flowers or rocks; or inspiring a_4_on her most recent “Book of the Month Club” topic.Mom made learning_5_.We all like this method.My three brothers and I were_6_about her suffering in her later yea

12、rs.At eightyfive, she suffered a stroke(中风) and she went steadily_7_after that.Two days_8_she died, my brothers and I met at her nursing room and took her for a short ride in a wheelchair.When we_9_the staff to lift her limp body back into bed, Mom fell asleep.Not_10_to wake her, we moved to the_11_

13、end of the room and spoke softly.After several minutes, our conversation was_12_by a muffled (模糊不清的) sound coming from across the room.We stopped_13_and looked at Mom.Her eyes were_14_, but she was clearly trying to communicate with us.We went to her_15_.“Whrrr,” she said _16_.“Where,”I asked.“Mom,

14、is there something you want?”“Whrrr,” she repeated a bit stronger.My brothers and I looked at each other and_17_our heads sadly.Mom opened her eyes, sighed, and with all the energy she could_18_, said.“Not was.Say were!” It suddenly_19_to us that Mom was correcting brother Jims last sentence.“If it

15、was up to me .”Jim_20_down and kissed her cheek.“Thanks, Mom,” he whispered.We smiled at each other and once again shook our heads . this time in awe of (对肃然起敬) a remarkable teacher.1.A.classroom BhouseCoffice Dhospital2A.friends BclassmatesCstudents Dchildren3A.out BatCon BquarrelCdir

16、ection BslowCfast Dhard6A.brave BupsetCsurprised BuphillCback Ddownhill8A.after BsinceCbefore Duntil9A.left for Bwaited forCthought about Dcomplained about10A.expecting BpretendingCwanting Dknowing11A.near BfarCold Dnew12A.interrupted BkeptCdisturbed Dtroubled13

17、A.watching BexplainingCcrying Dtalking14A.closed Bopen Ctired Dweak15A.face Bside Croom Dbody16A.angrily Bfirmly Cweakly Dstrongly17A.kept Bnodded Cused Dshook18A.gather Bstart Csend Dstop19A.appeared BreferredCoccurred Dhappened20A.broke Bbent Ccalmed Dput答案语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。Lucy的丈夫病重,家里生活窘迫,不得已向杂货店老板J

18、ohn赊账,可是遭到了嘲笑和拒绝。在一位顾客的担保下,John才同意赊账,然而只会赊给她同杂货单相同重量的货物。Lucy在天平上放了一份向上帝的祈祷,John不断地向天平上增加货物,天平始终无法保持平衡。1选B根据该句中的“asked”和下一句中的“She softly explained that her husband was very ill.”可推知,由于她的丈夫病得严重,她问杂货店老板是否可以让她赊欠一些杂货。B项意为“是否”,符合语境。故B项正确。2选C根据上文中的“a grocery store”可知,这是一家杂货店,由此可推知,她要赊欠的是杂货。故C项正确。A项意为“水果”;B

19、项意为“药片”;D项意为“玩具”,都与语境不符。3选D根据下文中的“and requested that she leave his store at once”并结合选项可知,John嘲笑她,并让她立即离开。D项意为“嘲笑”,符合语境。A项意为“关心”;B项意为“羡慕”;C项意为“相信”,都与语境不符。4选A由上下文语境可知,Lucy打算赊账,所以此处指她会很快还钱给John。A项意为“钱”,符合语境。B项意为“食物”;C项意为“ID卡”;D项意为“账号”,都与语境不符。5选D根据上文可知,Lucy向店主John乞求赊欠杂货,而John不答应并嘲笑她,由此可知,他们是在谈话。D项意为“交谈”

20、,符合语境。A项意为“故事”;B项意为“争吵”;C项意为“耳语”,都与语境不符。6选B根据本句中的“walked forward and told”所表达的语境以及下文中的叙述可知,这位顾客告诉店主说他将为她的家人所购买的杂货担保。B项意为“担保,保证真实”,符合语境。A项意为“站起”;C项意为“站岗”;D项意为“后援”,都与语境不符。7选C根据下文中的“well, put your grocery list on the scales (天平) .”可知,John同意了Lucy的乞求,在问她是否有杂货清单。C项意为“杂货清单”,符合语境。A项意为“账号”;B项意为“纸张”;D项意为“信用卡”

21、,都与语境不符。8选A根据该句中的“the scales (天平)”可知,John告诉Lucy,不管杂货单称重多少,他都赊给她同等重量的东西。A项意为“称重”,符合语境。B项意为“说”;C项意为“被写”;D项意为“被做”,都与语境不符。9选C句意:Lucy犹豫了片刻,随后拿出一张纸,在上面飞快地写了一些东西。C项意为“一些(东西)”,符合语境。A项意为“她的名字”;B项意为“她的地址”;D项意为“一切东西”,都与语境不符。10选D根据该句中的“showed amazement”和下句中的“Staring”可推知,看着天平,店主和这位顾客的眼睛里都露出了惊讶之色。D项意为“眼睛”,符合语境。A项

22、意为“耳朵”;B项意为“手”;C项意为“头”,都与语境不符。11选C根据该句中的“amazement”和该段最后一句中的“the scales would hold no more”可推知,此处指放上杂货单后天平一侧越压越低。C项意为“越来越低”,符合语境。A项意为“越来越高”;B项意为“颠倒”;D项意为“彻底地,里面翻到外面地”,都与语境不符。12选B句意:看着天平,店主慢慢地转向顾客说:“我无法相信!” B项意为“不能”,符合语境。A项意为“禁止”;C项意为“不需要”;D项意为“不应当”,都与语境不符。13选C根据下文中的“put more and more groceries”可知,店主

23、开始将货物放在天平的另一端。C项意为“开始放置”,符合语境。A项意为“拒绝放置”;B项意为“拒绝销售”;D项意为“开始拿走”,都与语境不符。14选A根据天平称重原理及下文“put more and more groceries on”可知,天平不能保持平衡。A项意为“平衡”,符合语境。B项意为“工作”;C项意为“打破”;D项意为“阅读”,都与语境不符。15选D根据下文中的“.put more and more groceries .hold no more.”可知,天平无法保持平衡,所以他继续在天平上增加货物。D项意为“继续”,符合语境。A项意为“开始”;B项意为“决定”;C项意为“停止”,都

24、与语境不符。16选C根据语境可知,店主继续将货物加在天平上,直到天平托盘装不下为止。C项意为“直到”,符合语境。A项意为“自从”;B项意为“如果”;D项意为“当时候”,都与语境不符。17选C根据最后一段中的“It was not a grocery list”可知,那不是一份货物清单,因此这令店主感到惊讶。句意:最后,他从天平里抓过这张纸,充满惊奇地看着。C项意为“惊奇”,符合语境。A项意为“愉悦”;B项意为“兴奋”;D项意为“失望”,都与语境不符。18选D句意:他把他放在一起的杂货给了她,默默地站着。D项意为“积聚,聚合”,在此处指堆放在天平上的那些杂货,符合语境。A项意为“购买”;B项意为“收费”;C项意为“调整”,都与语境不符。19选B根据下文中的“Dear Lord”可知,这是向上帝的祈祷。B项意为“祈祷”,符合语境。 A项意为“领导”;

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