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1、( )6. g bating with the teahers next Sunday?A. hat abut B. Lets . hy ntD.hy nt yu( )7. hats the weather like tday?Its_.A. rain B. windy . snw D.fg()8. yur grandpas is at hspitalh n!_ ?A.hats wrng with hi B.hat is that?.Its sunds great? D.Hw dangerus!( )9. -_ yu wrk ut the ath prble?-N, I _.A. D, ant

2、 B. an, ustnt . an, ant D. ant, ust( )10. The teahers desk is the lassr.A. in frnt f B. in the frnt f . in the frnt D. ahead( )11. -here are y trusers?- n the bed.A. Its B. Theyre . They were D. It was( )12.- _?-y telephne desnt wrk.A. an I help yuB. Is that right. h is itD. hats the atter( )13. r.

3、Li get a tiket _ speeding. A. tB. f. fr D. beause( )14.I frgt t bring y bk last Saturday, s I _ ne _Sandy, y friend.A. had; frB. gt; fr. brrwed; frD. tk; f( )15Last Saturday we _ a lt f flwers alng the streets.A.grw B.grew .are grwing D.grws二、完形填空(10分)ak is 1 Aerian by. He is ne f the best students

4、in his lass,he is 2 his lessns,and he an speak 3 hinese. But ak enys 4 day,he 5 his hewrk, instead(而是/相反) he went t a swiing pl. hen he was swiing, suddenly(突然)he heard a srea(尖叫). “Exuse e ,what an I d 6 yu,sir?”, he asked , “yes ,I wuld like sene 7 e hw t swi?” The an answered. “Really?yu

5、ant swi?k, let e 8 yu.,I sure yu an swi very well sn.”After a while(一会儿) ,the an uld swi. ak said t hi , “Lk, yu are a 9 an.” “Thank yu” “ 10 ”.( )1 A.a .x D.the( )2 A.bad in at . well in D . hard at( )3 A.little B.a little . a few D. a bit( )4 A.swi B.swis .swiing D. t swi( )5 A. desnt B.

6、desnt . didnt D.didnt d( )6 B.t . f D. with( )7 A . teah B.teahes .t teah D. teahing( )8 A .help B.t help . helped D. helping( )9 A.lever B.friendly . funny D. plite( )10 A.Thats right B.wele . Thats all right D. k三、阅读理解(40分)(A)T: an I put y ftball here?Peter: N, yu ant. here an I put y ftball?

7、 yu an put it behind the dr. an I park y bike in frnt f the lassr? hy nt? Lk at the sign., please. yes, I ust lk fr the right plae fr y bike. yu an park yur bike under that tall tree. There is nt a sign “Dnt park bikes there.”判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) 1. T an put his ftball in frnt f the dr.( ) 2. T

8、ant park his bike in frnt f the lassr.( ) 3. T an park his bike under the tall tree.( ) 4. There is a sign Dnt park bikes in frnt f the lassr.( ) 5. There is a sign under the tall tree.(B)T and David were in the sae lass. They lived a little far fr their shl. David had a bike, but T didnt. He had t

9、get up early in the rning. After breakfast he went t the bus stp quikly t wait fr the bus .T asked his father t buy hi a bike, his father said “ell, I an buy a bike fr yu next ter. ”T was happy, but he ust learn t ride. He helped his ther with the washing and leaning n Saturday. After lunh,he went t

10、 Davids he. rs. hite pened the dr, “an David e ut and play with e?” asked the by, “Srry, but he is sleeping nw.” answered his ther , “Then an his bike e ut t play.”T asked hpefully.( )6. David and T _A. lassates. B.pen friends .teahers different lasses( )7.The shl is_ heA.far away fr TsB. is ne

11、ar Ts . arss fr t Davids( )8.David went t shl_.A. n ft B.By bus .By ar D. by bike( )9.T helped his ther _n Saturday.A. d hewrk B. d se husewrk .read bks fd in the arket( )10.T wanted t brrw(借) Davids_A.bks B. bike .pens D. English ditinary()There are twelve nths in a year.The naes

12、 f the twelve nths are anuary, February, arh, April, ay, une, uly, August, Septeber, tber, Nveber, Deeber. Eah nth has thirty days r thirty-ne days. In a leap-year (闰年), February has twenty-nine days. A leap year es ne in fur years.There are 365 days in a year.There are seven days in a week. They ar

13、e Sunday, nday, Tuesday, ednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.The parts f the day are rning, afternn, evening and night.April, une, Septeber and Nveber have thirty days.All the rest have thirty-ne days, exept February alne.( )11. hih nth has twenty-nine days?A. Every nth. B. Every nth exept February

14、. February in eah leap. D. February in every year.( )12. Is nday the first day f the week?A. yes, it is. B. yes, they are. . N, it isnt. D. N, they arent( )13. hat day es after Thursday ?A. ednesday B. Friday . Saturday D. Tuesday( )14. Hw any days are there in a year?A. 7 B. 365 . 12 D. 29( )15. Th

15、e parts f day are _.A. rning, after, evening B. rning and night. rning, afternn, evening and night D. day and night(D)ne there lived a lin in the big untainHe was very big and strngHe ften ate the ther anialsEvery day he went ut t lk fr fdThe sall anials in the untain were all afraid f hiNear the un

16、tain there were fur bulls(公牛)They are friends, and they ften wrked and played tgetherThe tiger tried(尝试) any ties t ath(捕捉)the, but he uld nt d sEvery tie he ae near, the fur bulls std tgether t fight(战斗力) hiS he uld d nthing t thene day, the fur bulls had a quarrel(争吵)After that eah f the went his

17、wn wayhen the lin saw this, he was happyHe aught ne bull and ate hi up(吃光)Then he aught antherne by ne (一个接一个地)he aught all the fur bulls and the up( )16 hat anials were the stry abut?_A.Fur bulls B.A lin .A tiger D.Fur bulls and a lin( )17.hy were the anials afraid f the lin? Beause the lin _.A. di

18、dnt lve the B.wanted t eat the.wanted t play with the D.wanted t ake friends with the.( )18.hy didnt the lin eat the bulls at first?A. Beause the bulls were friendlyB. Beause every tie he ae near, the fur bulls std tgether t fight hi.Beause it was nt very hungry.D.Beause he didnt like t eat the.( )1

19、9. The fur bulls went their wn way beause_.A.they wanted t find fd B.they wanted t find their hildren.they had a quarrel D.they wanted t live in ther plaes(地方).( )20. The lin _at last.A. ate up all the fur bullsB.ate nthing.ate all the anials in the untainD.uldnt find the bulls四、完成下面的对话,每空一词(10分)A:

20、Hell! ay I 1 t Tby?B: Speaking! Hi, Tby! 2 is Tina speaking. hats wrng? I 3 yu yesterday, but yu were nt at he. here did yu g? I went t the aquariu(水族馆) 4 y parents. Really? 5 was yur trip? It was great,. e saw the dlphins shw. Theyre very wnderful. That sunds 5 . By 6 way, why 7 yu all e? h, trrw i

21、s y_9_. uld yu e t y birthday party? yes, Id 10 t. Thanks a lt.五、句型转换(每空一词)(10分)1.The teaher was angry beause T ae t shl late.(同义句转换)T was _ _ shl, s the teaher was angry.2.They were at shl yesterday afternn.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they yesterday afternn?3.hat d yu think f the fil? (同义句转换)_ d yu _ the fil?4. I

22、 was brn in 1990 in hngqing. (对划线部分提问)yu brn in hngqing?5.yu ant park yur ar here.(改为否定祈使句)_ _ yur ar here.六、情景交际。连接正确答语。(5分) ( ) 1. Hw d yu like hinese fd? A. I fell dwn.( ) 2. Did yu have a gd tie last Sunday? B. Three days ag.( ) 3. The ar hit e hard. . Very uh.( ) 4. yure fr anada, arent yu? D.

23、Gd idea.( ) 5. Shall we g fishing? E. ludy and ld.( ) 6. hats the weather like tday? F. yu need sething t eat.( ) 7. I a little hungry. G. N, thanks.( ) 8. uld yu like anther ake? H. I afraid hes ut at the ent.( ) 9. hen did yu have a eeting? I. Thats right.( ) 10. uld I speak t i, please? . yes, I

24、think s.七、书面表达(10分)下个星期六是你的生日,你准备邀请你的同学、朋友去你家,现在请你告诉他们你家的地址,及四周的环境。(可用 there be 句型)要求:语言通顺,字数在70个单词左右。参考答案1-5ABA 6-10BAB 11-15BDB1-5BBBD 6-10AAA(A)1-5FTTTF(B)6-10AADBB ()11-15BB (D)16-20DBBA1-10 speak;This ; alled;with ;Hw; interesting ;the ;did; birthday lve1. late fr were 3.Hw, like 4.when were 5. Dnt park15 AID 610 EFGBH略

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