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1、If you see any green in his eye, you are wrong. 如果你认为他幼稚的话,那你就错了。He was up to his neck in debt. 他负债累累(他债台高筑)。The enemy troops fled in disorder. 敌军狼奔豕突。The naughty boy was upsetting the other children, so I showed him the door.那个顽皮的男孩扰乱别的孩子,所以我就把他撵走了。He wouldnt have done it of his own will, but he wa

2、s argued into it by his wife 若不是妻子说服了她,他是不会自愿做的。Wherever she went she was attend on by a large number of followers and servants.不管她走到哪里,随从和佣人都是前呼后拥。 直译与意译funeral procession送葬队伍every now and then 时时刻刻crocodile tears 假慈悲-鳄鱼的眼泪handker chief手绢意译No admittance! 闲人免进It rains cats and dogs. 大雨倾盆Where there

3、is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成Justice has log arms. 法网恢恢疏而不漏The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters.有关提高税收的谈话激怒了许多选民。Will a duck swim? 那还用说吗?The peace and rest of the old Sunday morning were on everything except me. 昔日的星期天上午,一切都宁静祥和,惟有我烦躁不安Every dog has his day 人人都有得意的日子The opp

4、ressed people in the world would rather go through fire and water to fight against imperialists and colonialists than be turned round their litter fingers.世界上被压迫的人民宁愿赴汤蹈火与帝国主义和殖民主义作斗争也不愿任人摆布。It means killing two birds with one stone. 直:一石二鸟 意:一举两得 直+意:一箭双雕It goes very much against the grain with me

5、that the name of the witness should ever be suppressed.不发表证人的名字,实在大大违反我的本意。Carrot and stick 恩威并施(软硬兼施)Carry the ball 承担责任Pass the buck 推卸责任Give sb. a high-five 与某人击掌祝贺Truth lies at the bottom of the decanter. 酒后吐真言Why should I quarrel with my bread and butter 我为什么要砸我的饭碗哪?Barbara was born with a silv

6、er spoon in her mouth 巴巴拉出生在富贵家庭 词义选择 dictionThey dont know their right hand from their left 他们什么也不知道get in your blood 心甘情愿cost peals before swine对牛弹琴set a fire 放火lamination统治make paper 造纸make cloth 织布make a fire 点火make a promise 承诺make tea 沏茶make money 挣钱charge:To many local people, these castles r

7、epresent a hundred years of foreign domination. 对许多当地居民来说,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。An ambassador represents his government in a foreign country. 大使是驻外国的本国政府代表。The painting represents a storm at sea 这幅画描绘的是一场海上风暴的情景。The report represented truthfully the results of our researches. 这份报告如实陈述了我们研究工作的成果。This genera

8、l was charged with treason. 这个将军被指控犯了叛国罪The committee decided to put Professor Henry in charge of (taking charge of) the research work.委员会决定让亨利教授负责这项研究工作。As soon as the moment for the general offensive arrived, the soldiers charged the enemy position bravely. 总攻时间一到,战士们勇猛地向敌人的阵地冲去。She complained tha

9、t she had been charged too much. 她抱怨说向她收取的费用太高了This store will charge things you buy, and let you pay for them later. 这家商店将你所买的东西计入帐内,让你以后付款。Having charged the battery, he set the engine in motion. 电池充电后,他启动了马达。Dry:I want my martini dry 我的马蒂尼不加糖There are still some dry states in the United States. 在

10、美国尚有几个州禁酒。She prefers dry bread. 她更喜欢无奶油的面包。He gave us a dry lecture yesterday. 昨天他给我们做了一个枯燥无味的演讲。I am sure what he presented was a dry fact. 我确信,他所列举的是铁一般的实事。Go:Here is a pretty go. 这事真难办。He is itching to have a go at it. 他跃跃欲试。The old man is still full of go. 这位老人仍然精力充沛(生机勃勃)。These brightly colore

11、d stockings are all the go this summer. 这些颜色鲜艳的袜子今夏很流行。Good:It was a girl with good manners 这是一位举止得体的姑娘。These were all labeled as good eggs 这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。Dogs are often regarded as mans good friends. 狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。they are good Christian, good son or daughter, good husband or wife, who actually does

12、have a family to mourn their loss. 他们是虔诚的教徒,孝顺的儿女,尽职的丈夫,贤良的妻子,他们的家人也的确哀思绵绵地追悼他们。A 单复数的词义不同ninety 90nineties 90年代time 时间times 时代,倍数finding 发现,探索findings 研究成果,调查结果work 工作,功works 工厂,著作a broken man (在精神等方面)潦倒的人a broken soldier 伤兵broken time 零星时间broken money 零钱broken English 不标准的英语a broken promise未践之约a b

13、roken road 凹凸不平的路B 搭配不同heavy current 强电流heavy food 油腻的食物heavy line 粗线heavy rain 大雨heavy traffic 拥堵的交通heavy weathering严重风化soft music 轻音乐soft wood 软木soft drink 软饮料soft light 柔光soft fire 文火soft words 和蔼的话soft goods 纺织品soft water 软水soft pillow 软枕soft cushion 靠垫soft money 纸币 soft breeze 和风soft voice 低声so

14、ft hat 呢帽soft answer 委婉的回答 soft heart 慈心(一)根据词性判断词义:rightYour account of what happened is not quite right. 你对于发生的事情的叙述不太正确。adj.Go right on until you reach the church. 一直往前走,直到你到达教堂为止。adv.Its my right of way, so that lorry must stop or slow down until Ive passed it. 我有先行权,所以那辆货车必须停驶或减慢车速直到我走过去为止。n.Sh

15、e tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery. 她尽力为她丈夫被控抢劫一案申冤。v.runA trial run is needed before the machine is put into operation.在机器投入运行前要先进行试车。An intricate network of the computer system runs this modern petroleum factory. 电子计算机系统的复杂网络管理着这个现代化的炼油厂。They are loading the run goods

16、 into the hold. 他们正在把走私货物装进船舱。(二)根据上下文及逻辑关系确定词义contextWe can make out the meaning of the word from the context. 我们可以从上下文判断出这个词的意思。We should settle the disputes in the context of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.我们应当在和平共处五项原则的基础上解决这些争端。It is in this context that the tragedy of Sahara was b

17、orn. 撒哈拉悲剧正是在这种情况下发生的。We must operate within the context of the Olympian Spirit. 我们必须按照奥林匹克精神办事。In this context, Ive to call your attention to the fact that the peaceful trend in the Indo-China Peninsula is essential to peace in the world. 就此而论,我必须提醒大家注意这样一个事实:印度支那半岛局势的稳定对世界和平来说是至关重要的。delicateWhos g

18、oing to perform this delicate operation on the patients eye? 谁准备给这位病人做精细的眼科手术?She is in delicate health. 她身体虚弱。He has a delicate ear for music. 他对音乐很有鉴赏力。Thats a delicate diplomatic question. 那是个棘手的外交问题。in timeHe traveled to many places, and in time built up a lot of materials for his paper. 他走访了许多地

19、方,同时积累起许多写论文的资料。I know you think I am talking nonsense, But in time you will realize that was right. 我只知道你认为我在胡说八道,但你将来终究会理解我说的是对的。have a breakWe have been working all day, we must have a break. 我们干了整整一天了,必须休息一下。Suddenly the line went limp. “I am going back.” said Smith. “We must have a break somewh

20、ere. Wait for me. Ill be back in five minutes.” 引爆线突然耷拉下来。史密斯说:“我回去看看,一定某个地方断了线。等一下,我五分钟就回来。”(三)注意词义的褒贬性They incited him to go into further investigation.他们鼓励他作进一步的调查。The plotters incited the soldiers to rise against their offices. 阴谋家煽动士兵们造军官的反。It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was t

21、he future of Rommel and his Africa Corps. 当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的题目是隆美尔及其非洲军团的下场。They predicted the youth would have a bright future. 他们预言,这个年轻人会有一个锦绣前程。The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent. 敌人杀了我们的一个同志,我们宰一个敌特。An aggressive country is always ready to start a war. 一个好侵略的国家总是准备挑起战争

22、。An aggressive young man can go far in this farm.一个有富进取心的年轻人在这公司前途无量。Nations sometimes exploit their colonies, taking as much wealth out of them as they can. 有些国家有时剥削其殖民地,竭力攫取他们的财富。They exploit its rich resources in oil. 他们开发了富庶的油矿。Exercise oneNeeding some light to see by, the burglar crossed the ro

23、om with a light step to light the light with the light green shade. 夜贼需要一点亮光来辨识四周,于是轻轻穿过房间,去点亮带有浅绿色灯罩的灯。(be subject to 服从;受管制;遭受;从属于;有倾向的;易受的。)Accession shall be subject to approval of two-third vote of the Directors of the Governing Body.就任需得到董事会三分之二以上的成员同意。Subject to the fulfillment of other forma

24、lities, they shall be granted all necessary permits.在他们履行其他正式手续的条件下,可授予他们一切必要的执照。Payment are subject to change in keeping with inflation. 支付随通货膨胀的变化而变化。Before it begins to work, the yeast is subject to disruption caused by fluctuations in temperature.酵母在发酵之前,易受温度变化的影响而产生分解。第一章 第一节词性转换具有动作意义的名词转换为汉语动

25、词(由动词派生的名词/具有动作意义的名词)The economic environment is characterized by buyers, sellers, and competitors 经济环境的特点就是买、卖与竞争Laser is one of the most sensational developments in recent years, because of its aapplicability to many fields of science and its adaptability to practical uses 激光机可以用于许多科学领域,又适合各种实际用途,

26、因为成了近几年最轰动的科学成就之一Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe 火箭已经用来探索宇宙Construction 建设 great farmers 种地非常出色 condense 收缩 operation 操作动名词转换为动词Alternating current 交流电形容词转换为汉语动词(be+adj.构成复合谓语)They are quite content with the data obtained from the experiment 他们满足于在实验中获得的数据The steam

27、 turbine is less economical at cruising speed 汽轮机的巡航经济性较差Computer battles bugs 用计算机排除故障If low-cost power becomes available from nuclear plants, the electricity crisis would be solved 如果能从核电站获得低成本的电力,电力紧张问题就能得以解决We are all familiar with the fact nothing in nature will either start or stop moving of i

28、tself 我们都熟悉这样一个实事:自然界中没有任何物体会自行开始运动或自行停止运动Confident 深信 content 满足 uncertain 不能确定的(介词译为汉语动词)President Lincoln proposed to establish a government of the people, by the people, and for the people 林肯总统主张建立一个民有、民治、民享的政府This computer is of high sensibility 这台电脑有很高的灵敏度Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability 读数足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才He fel

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