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测试题届高三语文第一次月考试题扫描版 19.docx

1、测试题届高三语文第一次月考试题扫描版 19广西南宁市第二中学2019届高三英语第一次月考试题(扫描版)四省八校双教研联盟2019届高三第一次联考英语试题参考答案听力:15 ACBAC 610 BCBAC 1115 BACBB 1620 ACAAC阅读理解:A篇:BDD B篇:BACC C 篇:ACDD D篇BAAC完型:41-45 BACDC 46-50 DDCBA 51-55 ABCAD 56-60 BBADC七选五:CDGFA语法填空:61 to cause 62 However 63 struck 64 as 65 where 66 eruptions 67. probably 68 a

2、 69 causing 70. will happen 短文改错:1.which who 2.resulted resulting 3.lead led 4.On In 5.was blinded was 去掉 6.Her organization His organization 7.near nearly 8.operation operations 9.As resultAs a result 10.more less参考范文:Dear Peter,Im happy to hear from you. Knowing that you want to know about our tab

3、le tennis club, Id like to tell you something about it.Consisting of more than 200 pingpong lovers, our club enjoys a wide popularity in our school.The players are divided into different groups. Normally skillful players act as coaches to train the beginners after school. Besides, we schedule colour

4、ful activities. Friendly matches between schools are often held, from which we have made many good friends. To our honor, the best players are chosen to take part in kinds of competitions held in our city on behalf of our school and have won many medals. Sometimes we even gain the opportunities to l

5、earn from famous players like Zhanjike.Not only can playing table tennis build our bodies and train our brains, but also make our school life colourful. Welcome to visit us. Yours, Li Hua参考答案解析阅读理解A篇【语篇导读】本文为说明文,题材为应用文信息类。本文向读者介绍了五种天然快餐食物对人体健康的作用。 21.B 事实细节题。由第三段中的This trace mineral contributes to a

6、 number of important functions in your body, including healing scratches and scrapes.从这句话中可知被树枝划伤,应该吃腰果 。 22. D事实细节题。由第四段中的Walnuts contain the all-important Omega-3fats, which are turned into fatty acid that assists with brain cell repair.从这句话中可知吃胡桃将会对脑部严重被撞击的人有好处。 23. D 推理判断题。从第二段中得知消费偏桃仁与减少心脏病发的风险

7、有关;从第三段中得知腰果能治愈刮伤;从第四段得知胡桃有助于脑细胞修复;从第五段得知南瓜籽具有健康免疫功能,预防季节性感冒;从第六段得知葵花籽有很强的抗炎效果,推出文中提到的五中食物的共同之处是对人类身体有医疗功能作用。B篇【语篇导读】本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事类。本文向读者叙述了在 Shields Mountain上发生了一场大火。山上的出租屋房东Matthew Layton 和Brian McGee 不顾个人生命及财产的安危,竭尽全力帮助山上的游客都安全离开了Shields Mountain的故事。24. B 事实细节题。从第三段的He made it about halfway up t

8、he steep, winding, heavily rutted path before his front-wheel-drive car gave up. He called McGee, who drove down in his pickup so they could fight the fire together.这句话中得知Matthew Layton的车不能到达山上,是Brian McGee开着皮卡车接他上山的,说明在前往山上时McGee帮助了Matthew Layton。 25. A 释义题。 从文中最后一段中的“I wasnt worried about the prop

9、erty damage when I saw those families trapped on the mountain,” he said. “I knew I was going to help them.”“当我看到那些家庭被困在山上时,我没有担心财产损失”“我知道我将帮助他们”可知,当时Layton是很镇静的。26. C 推理判断题。从文中第三段的He drove to the cabins, only to find a cop blocking all traffic. Layton turned around and headed for a dirt-and-gravel b

10、ack road. He called McGee, who drove down in his pickup so they could fight the fire together.由于发生火灾很危险,警察拦住了通往山上的车辆,然而Matthew Layton 却打电话给Brian McGee接他上山一起救人,可知Matthew Layton是无畏的;从“I wasnt worried about the property damage when I saw those families trapped on the mountain,” he said. “I knew I was g

11、oing to help them.”“当我看到那些家庭被困在山上我没有担心财产损失”可知Matthew Layton是无私的。27. 主旨大意题。文中叙述了在 Shields Mountain上的出租屋房东Matthew Layton 和Brian McGee 在山上发生大火时,不顾个人生命及财产的安危,竭尽全力帮助山上的游客安全离开Shields Mountain的故事。这正好反映了文章内容“大火无情,人有情”。C篇【语篇解读】本文为新闻报道。在伦敦暴力犯罪达到新高,文章分析了原因及应对方法。28 A 推理判断。由第一段第二句For the first time in modern his

12、tory, the citys murder rate in the months of February and March outnumbered that of New York City可以推出。29 C 推理判断。由第二段最后一句In London, this increase has greater impact on young men from minority groups可以得出答案。30 D 事实细节题。由第三段整体可以得出答案。31 D 事实细节题。由最后一段可以得出答案。D篇语篇解读:此文章讲的是在职场中一种现象,合作过度带来的是女人负担过重,与此对比是男人更专注的是

13、个人工作,对于合作不那么关注。 32 B 推理判断。由第二段可以推出答案。33 A 推理判断。由第三段最后一句This can have negative consequences on their careers because they risk appearing scattered, late, and unprepared.可以推出答案。34 A 写作手法。由全文理解可以得出答案。35 C 主旨要义。由全文理解可以得出答案。七选五【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,阐明一位公正的人应具备怎样的品质。36. C 过渡句。上文提到:a mensch通常被认为是一位好人。下文提到:他也是一位受尊

14、敬的人。C项符合语境。“mensch”的除了指好人,还有更深的含义。37. D 细节句。本段的大意为帮助他人。前文,伸出援助之手,考虑支持某人,可能会帮助他人学习新知识。故D选项符合要求,意为你也有可能能帮助班上的新同学。38. G 细节句。上文提到:丘吉尔曾经说过“态度是件小事,但却意义重大”。下文提到一位公正的人做事不求回报。所以G选项符合题意。一位公正的人不仅乐于助人,而态度。39. F 细节句。 本段的主旨是成为一位和平使者。下位提到:这一原则的例外就是针对真正邪恶的人,例如希特勒。所以F符合题意。一位公正的人甚至会对敌人表示同情。40. A 主旨句。本段中提到我们要慎重对待自己,如果

15、你的明天不比今天好,那么明天对你还有什么意义呢?因此A符合语境,意思为努力做得更好。完形填空【语篇解读】本文为记叙文,作者记录了一位勇敢的母亲,从儿子溺水阴影中走出来,并尝试着帮助更多人避免溺水事故的发生。41. B 从下文看,儿子是突发意外的“突然”死亡,而“fast”是“死的快”的意思。42. A 根据下文,孩子的死亡是促使母亲采取行动帮助别人的动力所在,所以用motivate。43. C 从下文的beach trip知道他们在度假。44. D 从上下文可知,他们是与别的“families”一起度假。45. C 从上文的every year得到答案。46. D 大人们都“认为”Levi和其

16、他孩子在一起看电视。47. D 这个3岁的小男孩“不知怎么地”溜出门,下了楼梯,进入了.48. C 根据上下文,小男孩是溺水而亡,所以只有pool符合情况。49. B 朋友们都“尽力”救Levi,但是没有成功,所以只能选择“tried”而不能选managed。 而A、D意思不符合。50. A Levi“最终”还是在第二天凌晨死去。51. A 52. B 正如“任何”家庭在经历如此难以预料的“痛失(亲人)”后都会有的悲痛.53. C 这个田纳西的妈妈决心把孩子的事故和别人“share”,(让更多人了解从而避免此类事故的发生)。54. A “建立”网站用build up。55. D 网站提供阻止其

17、他人溺亡的“建议”。56. B 网站介绍了一款“被设计” 用来帮助阻止溺亡的救生工具。57. B 从下文中的“constant watching”来看,对孩子的看护要“每时每刻,一直”。58. A 从like后列举的词汇看,他们都是为预防溺亡设置的“屏障,障碍”。59. D constant watching是避免溺亡“最重要的”方法。60. C 妈妈说,我不能让Levi起死回生,如果躺在床上痛哭能使孩子再回来,我愿意永远不“离开”我的床。语法填空【语篇解读】本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了印尼的自然灾害频发,尤其是地震频发的原因及地震给当地带来的危害。61 to cause 考察不定式作后置定语

18、。didnt have the potential to cause a tsunami,意思是“没有造成海啸发生的潜在可能性”。62 However 转折关系。63 struck 考察谓语动词,不规则动词过去式。64 as 考察固定短语as well as, 表“和,以及”。65 where 考察关系副词引导的定语从句,先行词Pacific Ring of Fire指地点,在从句中作状语。66 eruptions 考察名词,volcanic eruptions表“火山爆发”作of 的宾语,与后面 earthquakes, floods and tsunamis是并列关系,所以用复数。67 p

19、robably 考察副词,副词修饰整个句子。68 a 考察冠词,a 修饰名词 threat。69 causing 考察非谓语动词,causing作结果状语。70. will happen 考察时态,根据句意,“科学家不知道下一个这样大的地震将在什么时候、在哪里发生。”所以用一般将来时。改错【1】 考查关系词。定语从句的先行词为Englishman,在定语从句中作主语。【2】 考查分词。result from意为“由造成”,与前面的blindness构成主动关系。【3】 考查动词的时态。由前后文语境可知应该用过去时,故需用该动词的过去式led.【4】 考查介词。“在世纪年代”应该用介词in,为固

20、定用法。【5】 考查动词的语态。疾病使人变盲,为主动。此处的blind为动词,意为“使变盲”。【6】 考查代词。根据上下文指代一致,John是一位男士。【7】 考查副词。near作为形容词意为“近的,亲近的”作为副词意为“接近,在附近”; nearly是副词,意为“差不多,几乎”。【8】 考查名词。三百多万眼部手术应为复数。【9】 考查冠词。As a result意为“因此” 为固定短语。【10】 考查逻辑。根据上下文的语境,数百万的人已经被治疗了,因此失明越来越少。听力原材料Text 1W: Theres no school today. Many students have gotten

21、the flu, (1) so the headmaster decided to close the school for the rest of the week.M: Good. Hopefully, this will prevent our own children from getting sick. Text 2M: The rain has stopped. You should see the sky this evening. Theres a huge rainbow!W: I didnt even know it was raining. There were no c

22、louds in the sky before I fell asleep this afternoon.(2)Text 3 W: Lets watch some funny videos tonight. M: Im in the mood for a scary movie. (3)W: Im never in the mood to get scared. How about an action film? Text 4M: The shopping mall closes at 10:00. Its 9:30 now. (4) Hurry up, or I wont be able t

23、o buy a shirt for my interview tomorrow!W: Oh, I wish we had gotten here at 9:00! Text 5M: Madam, what can I do for you? W: Id like to have a glass of wine and a bacon and eggs with buttered toast.(5)M: Coming right up.Text 6M: I need to improve my Spanish quickly. Any suggestions?W: There are conve

24、rsation classes at the community center. Anyone can join.M: Perfect. What day?W: Saturday mornings at 9:00. M: Thats terrible. I cant get up that early. (6)W: Well, if you need to practice before your trip to Spain, you should try hard to make it.(7)M: I usually stay up late with my friends on Frida

25、ys. W: You can sacrifice some fun if this trip is important to you. M: Youre right. I want to get the most out of it that I can. If I dont remember much Spanish, I will have a hard time meeting new people and going to places.( 7)Text 7M: Hi, Rachel, what are you doing tomorrow?W: Im going on a mount

26、ain hike. Why do you ask?M: I wanted you to take care of my dog while Im at school.(8)W: You go to school on Saturdays?M: Well, I have to take a subject test. If I pass with a good score, I wont have to take some basic courses at university. Ill be able to start at a more advanced level instead. (9)

27、But my dog is young and Im afraid to leave him home alone for most of the day.W: I think I can help out. I can take your dog hiking with me.(10) Im sure hell love to run around on the paths. Does he listen well?M: If you use the right words, hell do anything you say. Ill teach you the commands he kn

28、ows. Text 8W: Where is your favorite place in the world?(11)M: Well, Im not like you. I havent really gone far away. W: Really?M: Yes. Ive grown up here in Shanghai (12)and my grandparents live in a small town. Besides these two places, I havent been anywhere except to Hong Kong once. I think I like

29、 my grandparents home best. W: Why? M: There is a big yard that I have played in since I was a baby. Because I live in a busy city most of the time, I have always loved visiting the peaceful countryside. What about you? Which place do you like best?W: Since my parents have an import company, Ive gon

30、e with them on many of their business trips. M: Where did you go? W: Ive visited Germany, Australia, the U.S. at least ten different countries. I think I like India the most. My parents are originally from Chengdu, so I love hot food. And India is known for its very hot sauces. I feel like Im in hea

31、ven when Im there!(13)Text 9 M: Did you hear what Professor Wang said today?W: All homework for the term is due on Friday. The review session is on Wednesday,(14) and the final exam is on Monday. M: No, no. I mean what he said about the new science discovery.W: I wasnt paying attention. I was too co

32、ncerned about getting information about the test.(15) Did he say we can bring a sheet of notes with us? M: I forgot. All I could think of was the news about the dinosaur bones.W: Arent you worried about preparing for the test?M: Not really. Didnt you listen to the teacher? He said students who are in

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