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1、引出话题逃生指导总结扣题。3词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:significant(显著的),firstly(首先), secondly(其次), thirdly (再次),keep calm(保持冷静),get into,be located,likely(可能的)等。4句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。非谓语动词:how to take safety measures,to protect yourself from falling objects,taking cover near windows,hanging objects, to be damaged,when overl

2、oaded(作状语);祈使句:dont be nervous and keep calm, stay there,never go to the stairs and never take the lift to go downstairs;定语从句:that might fall on you if outdoors;状语从句:if you are indoors; even if the stairs are not collapsed by the earthquake等;省略句:when overloaded by fleeing people。.单词荟萃1_ vi. (使)破裂;爆发

3、;突然发作_ (过去式) _(过去分词)2_n污垢;灰尘_adj.肮脏的;污秽的3_n休克;打击vt.& vi.(使)震惊,震动_adj.震惊的_adj.令人震惊的4_n电;电流;电学_adj.电的;用电的_adj.发电的5_n祝贺;(复数)贺词_vt.祝贺6_n骑自行车的人_vt.骑自行车7_vt.(使)惊吓,吓唬_adj.受惊的;受恐吓的_adj.令人恐惧的8_vt.表示;表达_n表达,表情9_ n裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决_n判断;评价10_adj.极度的_adv. 极度地.短语检测1立刻,马上_2结束;终结 _3掘出;发现 _4考虑得少,满不在乎 _5仿佛;好像 _6严重受损;

4、破败不堪 _7许多,大量的 _8以而自豪 _.佳句再现1In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were _ eat. 在农家院子里,鸡,甚至猪都烦躁不安,以致不吃食。2_ the world was at an end! 仿佛到了世界末日!3Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was _the first one shook Tangshan.接着在下午晚些时候,又一次几乎和第一次一样强烈的地震震撼着唐山市。4But the one million people of

5、 the city, _these events, were asleep as usual that night. 但是城里的百万群众没有理会这些事件,那天夜里还和以往一样安然入睡了。5_they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,哪里的一切都几乎被毁了。.课文回顾Something strange was happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. The water in the wells rose and fell. A 1._ (smell) gas came out

6、 of the cracks. The chickens and even the pigs were 2._ nervous to eat. 3._ (mouse) ran out of the fields, 4._ (look) for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds. At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976, some people saw bright lights in the sky. At 3:42 am, one of the 5._ (great) earthqua

7、kes of the 20th century began. Steam 6._ (burst) from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn 7._ (leaf). Two dams and most of the bridges fell. The railway tracks were now 8._ (use) pieces of steel. In fifteen terrible seconds a large

8、 city lay 9._ ruins. It looked as if the world was 10._ an end.单词点睛1 burstvt.& vi.(to explode;to come open or fly apart suddenly or violently)(使)破裂;突然发作 nC(a sudden outbreak or outburst; an explosion)爆炸;迸发;爆发burst into tears/laughterburst out crying/laughing突然大哭/大笑起来burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支【巧学

9、助记】温馨提示 burst into与burst out都有“突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况”的意思,但burst into后面接名词,burst out后面接动名词。【活学活用】(1)2018全国卷完形 When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears.当我把礼品卡给他,并且说他可以用它买他的家人所需要的任何物品时,他突然大哭起来。(2)At the news that my dad would be back from

10、 London this week, I felt as if my heart would _. 听到爸爸这个星期要从伦敦回来的消息,我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放了。(3)As the witness related, the car skidded, turned over and _. 据目击者描述,那辆汽车一打滑翻倒后就起火了。(4)It was not until I came back from the meeting that I found my house_直到开完会回来,我才发现有人闯入了我的房子。2 ruinvt. (to destroy completely)(使)毁灭;(

11、使)破产;毁坏 n毁灭;(the remains of something destroyed)(常用复数)废墟;遗迹;残余(1)in ruins严重受损,破败不堪bringto ruin 使毁灭;使没落fall in/into ruin 成为废墟(2)ruin oneself 自取灭亡ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康/声誉【易混辨析】damage,destroy与ruin这三个词都有“损坏,破坏”之意,具体区别如下:damage表示“损害,损坏”,通常指部分性的损坏,往往暗示损坏后价值、效率、功能等会降低,有时用于比喻用法中。Smoking will damage

12、your health. 吸烟会损害你的健康。destroy表示“毁坏”, 通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭, 往往暗示无法或很难修复,有时用于比喻用法中。The fire destroyed the building. 大火烧毁了大楼。ruin表示“毁坏,毁灭”,指彻底的毁坏、破坏,原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等。现多用于比喻用法中,在真正具体地摧毁或破坏某座建筑物时,通常不用ruin。Any kind of dishonest dealing will ruin his career.任何不诚实的交易都会毁了他的事业。福建卷阅读E Then make sure the people you sur

13、round yourself with are supportive. Dont let negativity ruin your motivation.然后确保你周围的人都是支持你的。不要让消极情绪毁掉你的动机。(2)Having gone through two world wars, the castle_经历了两次世界大战,那座城堡已经破败不堪了。(3)The project is totally _ by the flybynight undertakers.这项工程完全是被那些不负责任的承包商破坏的。(4)2018阅读E Many village communities feel

14、their countryside _by the powerproducing machines of wind farms.许多村落社区觉得自己的乡村正在被风力发电厂的发电机毁掉。(5)用damage,destroy或ruin的适当形式填空。The car was not _ badly in the accident, but five people were seriously hurt. She had no choice but to leave him. She could not let him _ her whole life.The Nazi wanted to _ peo

15、ples hopes, but in the end what was destroyed was the Nazis dream by the power of people. 3 shockn(the feeling of surprise when something bad happens accidentally)打击;震动;震惊 vt.& vi.(使)震惊;(使)惊愕;(使)触电(1)(be) a shock to sb对某人来说是一个打击a great shock to sb 令某人很震惊的人或事(2)shocked adj. (主语多为人)感到吃惊的,感到惊讶的be shock

16、ed at/by 被震惊be shocked to do sth 惧怕做某事(3)shocking adj. (主语多为物)令人气愤的,令人惊讶的温馨提示 shock意为“令人震惊的人或事”时为可数名词,其前可以与不定冠词连用。陕西卷完形 There was blood everywhere and the woman was embarrassed and clearly in shock.到处都是血,那位女士局促不安,显然她很害怕。(2)Its _ to him that his wife died in the traffic accident.他的妻子在车祸中丧生,这对他来说是一个巨大

17、的打击。(3)The end of the film was so _ that everyone was very much _ at it.这部影片的结局令人如此震惊,以至于每个人都感到惊讶。(4)It shocked Mr Adams to see his 13yearold son stealing money from his wallet.Mr Adams was greatly shocked _(see) his 13yearold son stealing money from his wallet.亚当斯先生发现他13岁的儿子正从他的皮夹子里偷钱时大为震惊。(5)Great

18、ly _ the sad news, he stood there, paralysed with fear.被这个不幸的消息所震惊,他站在那儿,吓得呆若木鸡。4 trapvt.使陷入困境;设陷阱捕捉(trapped, trapped) n陷阱;困境;捕捉器(1)be trapped in陷入trap sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事(2)fall into a trap (be caught in a trap) 掉入陷阱;落入圈套lay/set a trap (for) 安装捕捉机,设陷阱;设计陷害,设圈套浙江卷阅读C Humans are no less trapped

19、 by light pollution than the frogs. Like most other creatures, we do need darkness.光污染对人类的影响并不比对青蛙的少。和大多数其他生物一样,我们也需要黑暗。(2)_ in the mine for two days, the miners finally were rescued.在矿井里被困了两天后,矿工们终于获救了。(3)Think carefully before you answer his questions. You may_ giving away vital information.回答他的问题

20、之前要仔细思考。你可能会中他的圈套,把重要信息泄露出去。(4)Its a wonder that the worker _ underground for a week was found alive.那个被困在地底下一个星期的工人被发现还活着,这真是个奇迹。5 judgen法官;(one appointed to decide the winner of a contest or competition) 裁判员vt.& vi.(to form an opinion or estimation after careful consideration)判决;断定(1)judging from/

21、by根据来判断(2)judgesb/sthby/on 以来判断judgesb/sth (to be)n./adj. 判定为judge do sth 认为做某事是(3)judgement n. 判断,审判;判断力温馨提示 judging from/by置于句首作状语。v.ing形式不受主语的限制,构成独立成分。类似用法的词或短语还有:generally speaking一般来说;frankly speaking坦白地说;considering考虑到。完形 Very quickly, she learned to appreciate life rather than to ju

22、dge everything so harshly(评判). 很快,她学会了感激生活,不再那么刻薄地评判一切。s hard _ between the two handicraft articles; theyre both charming.很难判定这两件工艺品孰优孰劣,它们都很好看。(3)_ his accent, he must be from the south.从他的口音判断,他一定是南方人。(4)If he had played a part in the film, he _ to be the best actor this year.如果他当时出演了那部电影的话,他就会被评定

23、为今年的最佳男演员了。6 buryvt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏be buried alive被活埋bury ones face in hands 双手掩面be buried in (doing) sth bury oneself in (doing) sth 埋头于(做)某事;专心于(做)某事be buried in thought 陷入沉思温馨提示 表示“专心于,致力于”的表达还有:be devoted to; be absorbed in; be lost in; be occupied in; focus/concentrate on; fix ones attention on。江苏卷阅读A In the back country, bury your toilet waste in a shallow hole away from waterways.在落后的乡村,请把你的如厕废物掩埋在远离水道的浅洞里。(2)2018山东卷阅读C Mumbets tombstone stil

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