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1、2. visitor A. basin B. measure C. thirsty D. cousin 3. society A. science B. convenient C. field D. believe 4. bench A. school B. machine C. march D. character 5. unite A. bridge B. unit C. service D. price第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.(基础题) Whats going on? _ A. No, we wont go on. We need rest.B.

2、The Times Theatre is on fire.C. Im going on telling the story.D. How about some ice cream?7. 2010全国卷Im afraid Mr. Harding_see you now. Hes busy.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt8.2010石家庄质检1Giving children pocket money as a gift during the Spring Festival is a common _ in China.A. sense B. practice

3、 C. deed D. habit9. (基础题)_you dont like him is none of my business.A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether10.(基础题)Lei Feng is always ready to help others when they are in trouble and he never _ their request.A. turns up B. turns over C. turns in D. turns down11.2010石家庄质检1 It is in the Future Mall where yo

4、u bought a coat _ her sister works.A. which B. when C. where D. that12.2010上海春卷 It is said that two man-made structures are clearly visible from space. One is the Great Wall of China, and is Japans Kansai International Airport.Aanother Bother Cthe other Deither来源:学。科。网13.2010上海春卷 We on our project d

5、ay and night in the past two weeks.Ahad worked Bhave worked Cwill be working Dhas been advised14. 2010上海春卷 as an Olympic event, a sport must be played in at least 75countries on at least 4 continents.ATo accept BHaving accepted CTo be accepted DAccepting15.(基础题)In the face of _ failure, it is the mo

6、st important to keep up _ good state of mind.A. /; a B. a; / C. the; / D. /; the16.(基础题)Nowadays a lot of adults go to evening schools _ further education.A. after B. in C. for D. on17.2010全国卷 Linda makes sure the tables_before the guests set B.set C.are set D.are setting18. 2010石家庄一模 Fr

7、om the school name on the package,we guessed that it might belong to a student of our school.A. to mark B. marking C. marked D. having been marked19. 2010石家庄一模The other day he ran across one of his friends on the street,whom he for ages.A. hadnt seen B. didnt see C. hasnt seen D. doesnt see20. 2010全

8、国卷Is it all right if I keep this photo?_.A. No,you dont B. No,it shouldnt C. Im afraid not D. Dont keep it第三节(基础题)完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Mother came from our home village. She stayed with us for ten days. When she was 21 to leave, she wante

9、d to buy us something 22 a present. “Youve got 23 ,”she said, “but you seem to have got 24 . The TV set is yours, but the people who walk back and forth in it are all 25 ,even murderers, corrupt officials and thieves come in and 26 it from time to time. The radio cassette player is yours, but its al

10、l others who 27 in it. The books on the shelf are yours, but they are all 28 by others. The fridge is yours, but all the year round its 29 frost that comes from God knows where. 30 they make your life easy and comfortable, 31 of them belongs to you in the real sense of the world.来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K 32 t

11、he day she was to leave for home, she got up early in the morning and 33 back a pickle(泡菜) pot from the market. “ 34 some pickles in it,” she said, “and have something 35 suits your own taste.” Since then pickles of our own 36 had been added to our diet. When we had guests, we often had pickles 37 w

12、ine. Slightly intoxicated(excited greatly), everyone would say, “A country flavor(特别的风味), not bad. Not bad, a country flavor. ” 38 we had something to our own taste. When we looked at the 39 ,it was standing quietly at the corner. Amid the hustle and bustle of our 40 life and in the apartment of rei

13、nforced concrete, the pot stood there by itself, brewing an old and simple flavor.21. A. on B. about C. for D. of22. A. since B. because C. as D. for23. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything24. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything25. A. murderers B. thieves C. actors D. stra

14、ngers26. A. out B. out of C. into D. along27. A. sing B. dance C. plays D. act28.A. writing B. written C. read D. reading29. A. full B. filled of C. filled with D. full with30. A. As B. But C. Because D. Though31. A. no one B. none C. neither D. either32. A. On B. In C. During D. Of 33. A. took B. b

15、rought C. fetched D. carried34. A. Do B. Cook C. Make D. Prepare35. A. what B. / C. that D. as36. A. smell B. sound C. feel D. taste37. A. to go with B. went with C. to drink D. drinking38. A. But B. So C. And D. Or来源:学科网ZXXK39. A. pot B. TV set C. radio D. shelf40. A. ordinary B. usual C. every day

16、 D. everyday第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A 2010陕西卷 Ask Dr. JeffersThis month Dr. Jeffers is answering questions about the human brain and how it works.Dear Dr. Jeffers, One of my colleagues, Felix Moeller, told me that scientists are learning to use

17、computer to read minds. Is there any truth to this story?Jane Leon, New York, USADear Ms. Leon,Well, a lot of researches are being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and corresponding computer programs havent been able to actually read thoughts. In one experiment, test

18、subjects(受试者)were connected to scanning equipment and shown two numbers on a screen. They were then asked to choose between adding or subtracting(减)the two numbers. Using this method, researchers were able to follow brain processes and make the correct assumptions(假设)70 percent of the time. Its not

19、quite mind reading, but its certainly a first step.Dr. J.My three-year-old son loves it when I dig my fingers into his sides and tickle (胳肢)him until he laughs uncontrollably. The other day I noticed him trying to tickle himself but he couldnt do it. Why not?Glenn Lewis, Vancouver, CanadaDear Mr. Le

20、wis,Its because of how the brain works. The brain is trained to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore. It causes us to ignore physical feelings we expect to happen, but it causes a mild panic reaction when there is an unexpected feeling. For example, you dont notice how your shoulder feel

21、s while youre walking down the street. But if someone comes up behind you and touches you lightly on the shoulder, you may jump in fear. Its that unexpected part that causes the tickle reaction.41. What can we learn from the answer to the first question? A. Some equipment is able to read human minds

22、.B. Some progress has been made in mind reading.C. Test subjects have been used to make decisions.D. Computer programs can copy brain processes.42.People laugh when tickled by others because the feeling is _. A. unexpected B.expected C. comfortable D. uncomfortable43.Who has got a little child accor

23、ding to the text?A. Ms. Leon. B. Mr. Lewis. C. Mr. Moeller. D. Dr. Jeffers.44.According to the text, Jeffers is probably _. A. a computer programmer B. a test subjectC. a human brain expert D. a medical doctorB2010四川卷I grew up in a house where the TV was seldom turned on and with one wall in my bedr

24、oom entirely lined with bookshelves, most of my childhood was spent on books I could get hold of. In fact, I grew up thinking of reading as natural as breathing and books unbelievably powerful in shaping perspectives (观点) by creating worlds we could step into, take part in and live in.With this unsh

25、akable belief, I, at fourteen, decided to become a writer. Here too, reading became useful. Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he ag

26、rees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world. He cannot write without loving to read, because only through reading other peoples writing can one discover what works, what doesnt and, in the end, together with lots of practice, what voice he has. Now I am in colle

27、ge, and have come to realize how important it is to read fiction (文学作品)As a law student, my reading is in fact limited to subject matterthe volume (量) of what I have to read for classes every week means there is little time to read anything else. Such reading made it all the clearer to me that I liv

28、e in a very small part in this great place called life. Reading fiction reminds me that there is life beyond my own. It allows me to travel across the high seas and along the Silk Road, all from the comfort of my own armchair, to experience, though secondhand, exciting experiences that I wouldnt nec

29、essarily be able to have in my lifetime.45. What can be inferred about the author as a child?A. He never watched TV.来源:B. He read what he had to.C. He found reading unbelievable.D. He considered reading part of his life. 来源:学科网46. The underlined word “voice” in the second paragraph most probably mea

30、ns “ ”.A. an idea B. a sound qualityC. a way of writingD. a world to write about 47. What effect does reading have on the author?A. It helps him to realize his dream.B. It opens up a wider world for him.C. It makes his college life more interesting.D. It increases his interest in worldwide travel.48. Which of the following can be the best title of this text?A. Why do I Read?B. How do I Read?C. What do I Read?D. When do I R

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