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1、办成,做到;成功等。例如:He wants to make it as a writer.他想作为作家而一举成名。Can you make it tomorrow?明天行吗?Tell him I want to see him tonight, at my house if he can make it.告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。Practice:I. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue:1. Is there any _ on this laptop?2. Thats _ it can get.3. Can I

2、pay using a _ ?4. Well also _ a laptop bag and a mouse for you.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words and expressions:A. cheap B. include C. discount D. pay cash1. That store _ all its slow-selling goods.2. I was very lucky to get the book so _.3. Will you _ or charge th

3、e purchase?4. The price _ both house and furniture.Text:The Price SystemEverything has a price each commodity and each service. The different kinds of human labor have prices, usually called “wages”. Everybody receives1 money for what he sells and uses this money to buy what he wishes.If more is wan

4、ted of any one commodity,say,shoesa flood of new orders will be given for it. This will cause its price to rise2 and more to be produced. Similarly, if more of a commodity such as tea becomes available than people want to buy at the last quoted market price, its price will be marked down by competit

5、ion3. At the lower price people will drink more tea and producers will no longer produce quite so much. Thus, equilibrium of supply and demand will be restored. What is true of the markets for consumer goods is also true of markets for factors of production,such as labor and capital inputs4. If weld

6、ers rather than glass blowers are needed,job opportunities will be more favorable in the welding field5. The price of welders, their hourly wage, will tend to rise, while that of glass blowers will tend to fall6. Other things being equal, this will cause a shift into the desired occupation7. (204 wo

7、rds)New Wordspriceprais n. 价格,代价,价值systemsistim,sistm n. 系统,体系,体制,制度services:vis n. 服务,帮助;公共设施receiverisi:v vt. 收到,接受,得到,接待riseraiz vi. 升起,起身,起立,上升,上涨similarlysimilli ad. 同样地,类似于availableveilbl a. 可用的;通用的;可获得quotekwut vt. 引述,举证,报价markm:k vt. 标记 n. 痕迹;商标,目标competitionkmpitin n. C比赛;U竞争equilibriumi:kw

8、ilibrim n. 平衡,均衡,均势restorerist: vt. 恢复,使回复;归还inputinput n. 输入welderweld n. 焊工blowerblu n. 吹的人opportunityptju:niti n. 机会,机遇favorablefeivrbl a. 有利的,良好的tendtend vi. 走向,趋向;倾向;有助于equalkwl a. 相等的,均等的shiftift n. 移位,变化,移动desiredizai vt. 愿望,期望,希望;要求,请求occupationkjupein n. 职业,工作Notes:1 receive和accept的区别receiv

9、e用作动词,意为“接到”,指收到某物这一动作,本身有一定的被动性,不包含本身是否愿意接受的意思。He did not receive a good education at university.他没在大学受过良好教育。I received an invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept it.昨天我接到一份参加晚会的邀请,但我拒绝了接受。accept也是作动词,意为“接受”,指经过考虑,由主观意志来决定接受,动作者本身是主动的。He couldnt accept our suggestions but our gif

10、ts.他们不能接受我们建议但接受了我们的礼品。She was very glad to accept the invitation.她非常愉快地接受了邀请。2 rise, raise, arise的区别 rise vi.(一定是不及物的)意为“上升,上涨,起床,站立”。其过去式及过去分词分别是rose和risen。Our confidence rises. 我们的信心增强了。The sun rises from the east.太阳从东方升起。The flood has risen two feet. 洪水上涨两英尺。raise 只可以做及物动词,较常用到的词意为“举起”、“提高”和“饲养”

11、。They raise the flag every morning. 他们每天早上升旗。His speech raised my interest.他的发言激起了我的兴趣。We must raise the living standard of the people.我们必须提高人民的生活水平。arise发生;起因(过去式arose,过去分词arisen) Problems arose from the outset.一开始就产生了很多问题。Accidents always arise from the carelessness.许多事故都源于粗心。3 Similarly, if more

12、of a commodity such as tea becomes available than people want to buy at the last quoted market price, its price will be marked down by competition.同样地,如果某种商品(例如茶)的供应量超过了人们以最近市场牌价购买的量,那么其价格将由于竞争而下降。 形容词available有以下含义:1. 可用的,在手边的;可利用的The swimming pool is available only in summer. 这个游泳池只在夏天开放。2. 可得到的,可

13、买到的Is there water available around here?附近弄得到水吗?TV sets are available in any department stores. 电视机在任何一家百货公司里都能买到。3. 有空的,可与之联系的The principal is available now. 现在校长可以接见你。4. 有效的This film ticket is no longer available. 这张电影票不再有效。4 What is true of the markets for consumer goods is also true of markets f

14、or factors of production,such as labor and capital inputs.凡适用于消费品市场的原则,也同样适用于诸如劳动力、资本输入一类生产要素的市场。 be true of适用于,符合于,对适用A rule is true of all cases.一条适用于所有情况的规则。The food is good and the same is true of the service.吃的东西很好, 服务质量也不错. The same is true of the way of living of the Japanese. 日本人的生活方式也是这样。5

15、If welders rather than glass blowers are needed,job opportunities will be more favorable in the welding field. 如果需要的是电焊工,而不是玻璃器皿吹制工,则电焊工种的就业机会就会更多。 1. rather than而不是rather than 在句中起连接作用,连接两个平行结构,用以肯定前者,否定后者。它连接的平行结构可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。现分述如下:(1) 连接两个名词或代词 He is an explorer rather than

16、a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去野营。注意:rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。(2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。(3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动名词 We will have the meeting in the classroom

17、rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。(4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。(5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather

18、than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。如:Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。(6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。2. favorable有利的,顺利的,良好的,赞同的Most people were favorable to the idea.大多数人赞成这个主意。The conditions are favorable for opening a new business.

19、各种条件有利于开办新企业。6 The price of welders, their hourly wage, will tend to rise, while that of glass blowers will tend to fall. 电焊工的报酬,即每小时的工资就会趋于上升,而玻璃器皿吹制工的报酬,即每小时的工资就会趋于下降。 1. 句中的while用作等立连词,意思是“而”,“然而”,“则”,引导并列分句,表示两种不用情况或行为作对比。Some men are rich, while others are poor. 有人富,有人穷。We work for the people,

20、while they work for the bosses. 我们为人民而工作,而他们为老板而工作。The U.S.A. has immense mineral wealth, while Japan has comparatively little. 美国有丰富的矿藏,而日本的矿藏却较少。He observed that feather fell to the ground slowly, while stones fell much faster. 他观察到羽毛落地很慢,而石头落地则快得多。 2. tend to趋于,倾向Cheating in school tends to ebb a

21、nd flow. 学校中的作弊现象也往往有涨有落。Homes tend to use more electricity. 家庭用电有越来越多的趋势。7 Other things being equal, this will cause a shift into the desired occupation. 如果别的条件都相等,这就会导致人们向社会所需要的职业转移。句中Other things being equal,是分词的独立结构,在句中用作条件状语。分词独立结构在句中作状语,其逻辑主语与主句的主语通常都是不同的,分词带有自已的逻辑主语。分词独立结构作原因、方式、条件、伴随、结果等状语。其

22、表达形式为:名词 / 代词 + 分词。1) The meeting (being) over, we had an English Proficiency Test. 会议结束后,我们进行了英语水平测试。(时间状语)2) There having been no rain, the plants withered.因为一直没下雨,植物都枯萎了。(原因状语)3) Weather permitting, we shall go hiking this weekend. 天气允许的话,这个周末我们徒步旅行去。(条件状语)4) The naughty boy stood in the front of

23、 the snack bar, his face blushed.那个淘气的小男孩站在小吃店前,脸涨得通红。(伴随状语)5) All the money having been spent, we started looking for work.钱全部花完之后,我们开始找工作。6) He prayed silently, his eyes closed. 他闭着双眼, 默默祈祷。7) Class being over, the students went to the play-ground to watch the ball game.下课之后,学生们到操场去看球赛。注:现在分词表示主动,

24、逻辑主语发出、做出动作;过去分词表示被动,逻辑主语承受动作;分词的完成式表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。Practice:I . True/false statements:1) All human labor receives money for what he sells. ( )2) The constant supply of any one good will cause the price of the good to rise. ( ) 3) The producers will not produce as much of a commodity when its p

25、rice is going down. ( ) 4) What is true of the markets for labor is also true of the markets for consumer goods. ( ) 5) If glass blowers rather than welders are needed,job opportunities will be more favorable in the welding field. ( )II. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the word given in t

26、he brackets.1) _ had increased in the last few years. ( produce )2) My opinions are _ to his. ( similarly )3) The _ between manual labor and mental labor are diminishing. ( different )4) Prepare rooms for the _ of guests. ( receive )5) This is the only article that can _ with ours. ( competition )6)

27、 This new computer is highly _ because there are no competing products for it. ( market )7) They called the store to get a _ on the price of a new couch. ( quote )8) He did me a _ by helping me get a loan. ( favorable )III. Choose the best item to complete each of the following sentences:1) Although your offer for the house is $200 below the asking _, theyll probably accept for the sake of a quick sale. A. cost B. price C. value D. amount 2) The postal _ is very unreliable in this country because postmen are constantly on strike. A. information B. service C. management D. protection 3) I _

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