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1、(四)保险产品本身的损失;(五)产品退换回收的损失;(六)被保险人所有、保管或控制的财产的损失;(七)被保险人故意违法生产、出售的产品或商品造成任何人的人身伤害、疾病、死亡或财产损失;(八)保险产品造成的大气、土地及水污染及其他各种污染所引起的责任;(九)保险产品造成对飞机或轮船的损害责任;(十)由于战争、类似战争行为、敌对行为、武装冲突、恐怖活动、谋反、政变直接或间接引起的任何后果所致的责任;(十一)由于罢工、暴动、民众骚乱或恶意行为直接或间接引起的任何后果所致的责任; (十二)由于核裂变、核聚变、核武器、核材料、核辐射及放射性污染所引起的直接或间接的责任;(十三)罚款、罚金、惩罚性赔款;(




5、商品中发现的缺陷表明或预示类似缺陷亦存在于其他保险产品或商品时,被保险人应立即自付费用进行调查并纠正该缺陷,否则,由于类似缺陷造成的一切损失应由被保险人自行承担。五、总则(一)保单效力 被保险人严格地遵守和履行本保险单的各项规定,是本公司在本保险单项下承担赔偿责任的先决条件。(二)保单无效 如果被保险人或其代表漏报、错报、虚报或隐瞒有关本保险的实质性内容,则本保险单无效。(三)风险变更 保险期间,被保险人若生产、出售某种新产品或保险产品的化学成份有所变动,应在十天内书面通知本公司,并根据本公司的要求,缴纳应增加的保险费,否则本保险将不扩展承保该产品。除非经本公司书面同意,本保险单将在下列情况下

6、自动终止:1被保险人丧失保险利益;2承保风险扩大。本保险单终止后,本公司将按日比例退还被保险人本保险单项下未到期部分的保险费。 (四)保单注销 投保人可随时书面申请注销本保险单,本公司亦可提前十五天通知投保人注销本保险单。对本保险单已生效期间的保险费,前者本公司按月比例计收,后者按日比例计收。(五)权益丧失 如果任何索赔含有虚假成分,或被保险人或其代表在索赔时采取欺诈手段企图在本保险单项下获取利益,或任何损失是由被保险人或其代表的故意行为或纵容所致,被保险人将丧失其在本保险单项下的所有权益。对由此产生的包括本公司已支付的赔款在内的一切损失,应由被保险人负责赔偿。(六)合理查验 本公司的代表有权

7、在任何适当的时候对被保险人的房屋、机器、设备、工作和产品或商品的风险情况进行现场查验。被保险人应提供一切便利及本公司要求的用以评估有关风险的详情和资料。但上述查验并不构成本公司对被保险人的任何承诺。本公司的检查人员如发现任何缺陷或危险时,将以书面通知被保险人,在该项缺陷或危险未被排除并使本公司认为满意之前,对其有关的或因此引起的一切责任本公司概不负责。(七)重复保险 本保险单负责赔偿损失、费用或责任时,若另有其他保障相同的保险存在,不论是否由被保险人或他人以其名义投保,也不论该保险赔偿与否,本公司仅负责按比例分摊赔偿的责任。(八)权益转让 若本保险单项下负责的损失涉及其他责任方时,不论本公司是

8、否已赔偿被保险人,被保险人应立即采取一切必要的措施行使或保留向该责任方索赔的权利。在本公司支付赔款后,被保险人应将向该责任方追偿的权利转让给本公司,移交一切必要的单证,并协助本公司向责任方追偿。(九)争议处理 被保险人与本公司之间的一切有关本保险的争议应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不成,可申请仲裁或向法院提出诉讼。除事先另有协议外,仲裁或诉讼应在被告方所在地进行。六、特别条款下列特别条款适用于本保险单的各个部分,若其与本保险单的其他规定相冲突,则以下列特别条款为准。PRODUCTS LIABILITY INSURANCE CLAUSES. COVERAGEThe Company will ind

9、emnify the Insured in the manner and within the limit of liability specified in the Schedule against such sums as the Insured shall become legally liable to pay in respect of claims made against the Insured arising from bodily injury to or illness or death of or loss of or damage to property of one

10、or more persons using, consuming or handling the insured products or goods, or of any other persons consequent upon an occurrence taking place in the territory of coverage within the period of insurance caused by products or goods manufactured or sold by the Insured stated in the Schedule. In respec

11、t of any claim covered under this Policy, the Company shall in addition indemnify the Insured against the relevant legal costs payable by the Insured and other expenses incurred in the above mentioned occurrence with the prior written consent of the Company, but the total liability of the Company fo

12、r the sums of compensation and the legal costs and expenses shall in no way exceed the limit of indemnity stated in the Schedule. . EXCLUSIONSThe Company shall not be liable for:1. liability assumed in accordance with any agreement between the Insured and other parties, unless such liability would h

13、ave been attached to the Insured notwithstanding such agreement;2. liability assumed by the insured under any Labour Law or Workmens Compensation Statute;3. liability of the Insured to employees which is based on the relationship of Master and Servant;4. loss of or damage to the insurd products;5. c

14、osts arising out of replacement of recall of the insured products;6. loss of or damage to property belonging to or held in care,custody or control or the Insured; 7. bodily injury, illness or death or damage to property sustained by any person caused by products or goods manufactured or sold by the

15、Insured in willful violation of any law;8. liability arising out of pollution of any kind or description whatsoever such as atmospher, land and water caused by the insured products;9. liability for loss of or damage to the aircrafts or ships caused by the insured products;10. liability for and conse

16、quence arising directly of indirectly from war, warlike operation, hostilities, armed conflicts, terrorism, conspiracy insurrection, coup detat;11. liability for any consequence arising diretly or indirectly from strile, riot, civil commotion or malicious acts;12. liability arising directly or indir

17、ectly from nuclear fission,nuclear fusion,nuclear weapon,nuclear material,nuclear radiation and radioactive contamination;13. fines,penalties,punitive or exemplary indemnities;14. the deductibles stated in the Schedule or stipulated in the Policy to be borne by the Insured. . TREATEMNT OF CLAIM1. In

18、 the event of any claim recoverable under this Policy;1.1 on admission,rejection,offer,promis,payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf or the Insured or his representative without the written consent of the Company.And the Company shall be entitiled,if it sodesires,to take over an

19、d conduct in the name of the Insured the defence or settiement of any claim;1.2 the Company shall be entitled,at its own expense and for its own benefit,to lodge in the name of the Insured any claim for indemnity against any persons,Without the written consent of the Compant,the Insured shall not ac

20、cept the payment or arrangement of indemnity in respect of the loss or damage offered by any party held responsible for such loss or damage and shall not abandon the right of recovery from such party,otherwise,the insured shall be liable for any consequence arising therefrom;1.3 the Company shall ha

21、ve full discretion to conduct any iproceedings or settle any claim,and the Insured shall give all such information and assistance as the Company may require, 2. Bodily injury to or illness or death or or damage to property of more than one person arising from same lot of products or goods manufactur

22、ed,slod due to the same cause shall be considered as resulting from one occurrence. 3. The time of validity of a claim under this insurance shall not exceed a period of two years counting from the date of loss. INSUREDS OBLIGATIONSThe following Obligations shall be strictly fulfilled by the Insured

23、and his representative:1. The Insured and his representative, when applying for insurance shall make true answers or descriptions to the questions in the Puestions raised by the Company. 2. The Insured and his representative shall pay to the Company in due course the agreed permium in the manner as

24、provided in the Schedule and Endorsements. 3. Upon expiration of this insurance, the Insured shall furnish in writing with a statement of actual gross receipts by products or goods manufactured, sold by the Insured during the currency of this insurance as basis for calculating the actual premium.In

25、the event the actual premium is more than the deposit premium,the Insured shall pay the difference to the Company,if less,the Company will refund the difference to the insured.But in no case the actual premium shall be less than the minimum premium as required. The Company shall have the right to re

26、quire of the Insured at any time within the insurance period a statement of the entire amount of the total sales of products or goods manufactured, sold by the Insured during any specified part of the said period. The Company shall also have the right to authorize their representative to examine the

27、 bools and recorcds of the Insured and to verify the above relevant figures. 4. In the event of any occurrence which gives or might give rise to a claim under this Policy, the Insured or his representative shall:4.1 notify the Company immediately and, within seven(7)days or any further period as may

28、 be agreed by the Company in writing, furnish a written report to indicate the course, probable reason and extent of loss or damage;4.2 immediately give notice to the Company in writing whenever having knowledge of any impending prosecution in connection with any accident for which there may be liab

29、ility under this Policy,and forward to the Company every letter writ, summons or process or other court documents on receipt thereof;4.3 furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Company may require for supporting the claim. 5. if discovery of a defect in any products or goods ins

30、ured shall indicate or suggest that similar defect exists in other products or goods insured,the Insured shall,at his own expenses.investigate and rectify forthwith the defect in such other products or goods.Otherwise,all loss or damage arising out of the said defect shall be borne by the Insured. .

31、 GENERAL CONDITIONS1. Policy Effect The due observance and fulfilment of the terms and conditions of this Policy in so far as they relate to anything to be done or complied with by the Insured shall be a condition precedent to any liability of the Company under this Policy. 2. Policy Voidance This Policy shall be voidable in the event of misrepresentation, misdescription

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