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1、(2).Historical(3).plant(4).Sugar(5).fall(6).production(7).potato(8).corn(9).profitable(10).BrazilPART II PROOFREADING AND ERROR CORRECTION1.let改为let alone2.face改为surface3.planet改为which planet4.删除quite 或 fairly5.out改为outer6.删除away7.and改为but8.quater改为quarters9.when改为until10.fewer改为lessPART III READING

2、 COMPREHENSION16.A17.B18.D19.B20.D21.A22.D23.C24.A25.B26.D27.C28.C29.C30.C31.B32.D33.B34.D35.B36.D37.D38.C39.C40.APART IV TRANSLATIONSECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHIn Paris, a variety of drinking and buffet parties offer a good opportunity for making friends. On such occasion, strangers meet to know ea

3、ch other. If they are Asians, they, usually respectfully with two hands, present their calling cards to the other person before they speak, which seems to be an indispensable formality. However, Frenchmen usually do not present their cards initially. When they meet, they greet each other or even cha

4、t zealously about one topic and then excuse themselves. Only when they take interest in each other and hope to keep in further contact, will they exchange calling cards. It seems unnatural for them to present their calling cards before they speak to each other.SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE竞选本应是容易的。这些

5、人都是跟随里根多年, 而跟随共和党更久的久经沙场的老手。他们熟知总统的竞选政治策略, 不亚于任何人。竞选的形势非常有利, 有许多好消息可以利用:美国国道太平, 国内经济 竞选的关键因素 -在经历了衰退后已开始强力回升。而且, 竞选经费非常充足, 有足够的钱组成一流的竞选班子, 支付巡回演说和电视宣传的费用。最重要的是, 他们的候选人是罗纳德里根。他是位极具个人魅力且交际本领极强的总统。自肯尼迪以后, 没有任何一位总统能像里根这样提出更为广阔的国家前景:美国将成为一个军事力量得以恢复、个人创造力得以发挥、联邦政府更为精简的国家。PART V WRITINGIn Support of Dormit

6、ory PoliciesIn recent years, there arises a bad tendency on Chinese college campus. Some students ignore the sanitation and quiet environment of their dormitory. Many students are disturbed and annoyed by this. Due to such bad results, there is an upsurge of idea of making dormitory policies to curb

7、 these indecencies. This idea will be welcomed because it is for the sake of our health and the satisfactory study environment.To make such policies is very important to maintaining our health. Frankly speaking, the dormitory on campus is a little bit small for seven or eight students. After one nig

8、hts sleep, the air in the dormitory is very bad, especially in winter. Anyone who likes cleanness will not want to go back to his dormitory. If such a condition lasts, especially in summer, many kinds of disease will appear. Can we imagine a student always with illness will continue his studies or s

9、tudy well? Of course not. At this point, all of us should pay enough attention to the sanitation in order to complete our college studies and get good marks.To make such policies is indispensable to create a peaceful study environment. Dormitories are for rest and sometimes for studies. When we come

10、 to our college, our primary purpose is to gain more knowledge to equip ourselves. However, some freshmen are disappointed at the environment of the dormitories, ignoring others, some students will play music or listen to music at any time, even at night. This seriously disturbs others. The result i

11、s that they cannot concentrate on their studies or feel sleepy. Music should not be prevented for young people, it should be listened to at proper time, considering the interest of other people.For the sake of students health and creating a satisfying environment for studies, some policies should be

12、 made to ensure their college studies. I believe such policies must be in everyones favor.参考答案(1997)1.B2.D4.D5.A6.A7.C8.B9.A10.C12.A13.C14.C15.B(1)limited(2).bank(3).purchases(4).bill(5).necessary(6).regular(7).place(8).emergency(9).overspread(10).payments1.can改为must2.not改为not to3.of改为about4.删掉to5.t

13、herefore改为but6.raise改为rise7.as改为as if8.make改为perform9.the改为a10.post改为posture16.C17.A19.C21.C22.B24.B25.D26.A27.B29.B30.A33.A34.A37.C38.B40.DMy advisor was an Asian American. He indulged himself in smoking and alcoholic drinking and was hot-tempered. But he appreciated the diligence and the sound bas

14、ic knowledge of students of Asian origin very much, and shared their sentiments (understood their feeling). Therefore, of the six students who were permitted to study in his laboratory, only one was from Germany, the other five were all from Asia. He was so straight forward as to put up a note on th

15、e door of his lab, which read: “Research assistant in this lab must work seven days a week, from 10 a.m. to midnight every day, and must spare no effort (go all out) in work hours.“ He was well known throughout the campus for his strictness and severity. During the three and a half years of my work

16、there fourteen students entered his lab, but only five left with a doctors degree. In the summer of 1990, irrespective of others advice, I forced myself to receive his assistance and began my hard journey for schooling. 观看歌剧是件昂贵的事。昂贵是必然的。然而昂贵的东西并非富人所独有,除非我们放弃社会赋予的选择权。我们有权做出选择去创作歌剧和其它昂贵的文化形式,使那些单凭个人的

17、能力无力支付的人享受得起。问题在于我们为什么要这样做?没有人否定食物、住所、防御能力、健康和教育是必不可少的,即使在史前的山洞里,人类伸出手来不仅是为了吃、喝、战斗,他们还作画。文化的冲动,即通过想象和表达去显示和探索世界的渴望是最根本的东西。在欧洲,这种渴望已通过音乐、绘画、文学和戏剧的名著得以实现。这些名著对我们付出的所有努力进行了检验。它们成了人类的思维和想象力所能达到程度的试金石它们包含着人与人之间能够传递的最深刻的信息。Sowing the Seeds, Nurturing Growth and Harvesting the Rewards In spring we sow the

18、seeds in the soil. We look after them and cut off seeds for them. And in autumn, we are very happy to get harvest. A students success in university study follows the same pattern as that of farming. The teachers are the seeds in our mind by giving lectures to us. We can get nothing without hard work

19、ing. That is to say “No pains, no gains.” First, if we hope a harvest, the seeds play the fundamental role, or we can say that it is very important to listen carefully to the teachers. In my point of view, it is the teacher who sows the seeds. What is seed? It is knowledge. Some students sleep in th

20、e class. They carry nothing with them when they leave the classroom. That is to say they dont get seeds from the teachers. They are not interested in the lectures. They like to stay up all night to review the lesson. Now it seems that they are working hard in a field, which has no seeds in the soil.

21、 It sounds ridiculous, isnt it? Therefore, to absorb in class is very important. Second, nurturing growth is the key point in farming, or we can say that hard working for the students themselves is the most important. We can imagine that we sow the seeds in the soil and then dont pay attention to th

22、em any more. Then how can we get a harvest? If we dont water the seeds, they will dry and can never become a plant. If we dont get rid of the seeds, the plant will die of malnutrition. It is the same in study. Listen carefully to the teachers and get the seeds in our mind and notebooks. But we must

23、review the lesson. We must grasp the knowledge. We should borrow more books which are relevant to the class from library and absorb the knowledge. This is the most important process in study. When you say: “ Oh, the knowledge is mine now. It doesnt belong to the teachers any longer,” you finish the

24、hard work process in study. Third, harvesting is also an important process. That is to say that you must learn to use what you have studied to get a good result in examination. Some students work all day long. They usually fail in the exam. They are worried before exam and forget everything when ent

25、er the classroom for exam. They got the seeds, they devoted all their energy to the field but they dont know how to harvest their rewards. So lets learn the skill of harvest and get our rewards. To sum up, the three processes are all important if we want to be a successful student. Without one of th

26、em, we will fail in our study. Try to improve yourself in the three aspects; you can certainly become an excellent student.参考答案(1998)1.C3.D4.C5.C9.D10.A11.C12.B13.D14.B15.D(1)dialect(2).merchant businessman(3).Middle(4).distinctive special(5).public(6).pronunciation accent(7).higher upper(8).expansi

27、on growth(9).regional local(10).American U.S.1.any改为any other2.have改为has3.pay改为call4.of改为after5.in改为at6.them改为themselves7.删除the8.be改为is9.genetic改为genetically10.such改为such a18.C19.A20.A22.C23.B24.C25.A27.A30.D33.D34.C35.A36.A39.DHasty as it was, the short visit to Taiwan with an aim of interchange ha

28、s enabled us to see quite a few places, meet old friends and make new ones. When we came together, a major topic we talked about was the prosperity of the Chinese nation in the coming 21st century. Although the youth in Mainland and in Taiwan are living in different social circumstances and have dif

29、ferent life experiences, their hearts are all imprinted with the splendid tradition of the Chinese civilization and filled with the common ideal to invigorate the Chinese nation. At the great meeting time of two centuries, our motherland is heading for prosperity and is becoming stronger and stronger, and the exchange

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