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阅读教程四 复习重点Word下载.docx

1、9. It is widely believed in Singapore that caning is a deterrent to crime. 威慑力量,制止物10. We can incorporate a few chapters of the former book into the new book. 把合并11. The old man had to write when he was found to suffer from senility.高龄,衰老,年老糊涂12. Scientists have invented an electronic device to alle

2、viate back pain. 减轻13. Diligence and intelligence are not mutually exclusive; as you may need a bit of both to achieve success in your studies.唯一的,排外的,除外的,全部的14. The recovery from his illness will be entirely conditional on his cooperation with his doctors.以为条件15. The differences between educated, s

3、killed and highly-paid workers on the one hand and unskilled, illiterate of unemployed workers on the other may well outweigh what they have in common. 超过16. My nerves were so strained I was probably on the point of hysteria.情绪爆发,情绪激动17. He knew her too well to think that she would allow affection t

4、o outweigh her sense of right and wrong.18. Our policy is to promote wider participation and more opportunity in higher education. 促使,促进19. Her oval face with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long, graceful neck.20. Within a few years, their firm had become a leader in the move to

5、one of Wall Streets stellar performers.主要的,显著的21. Uncle Giles became a sort of surrogate rather to them after the accident.代理者,代理人22. Their friendship is regarded with suspicion and hostility.敌意23. If we travel together we can split the cost of the petrol.分担24. His amazing recovery confounded the me

6、dical specialists.使困惑,使混乱,混淆25. She fainted upon hearing the horrifying news.26. Her husbands extra-marital affairs left her in a state of profound shock and anger.深深的,深刻的27. He abolished slavery and segregation and brought about freedom for his citizens.28. Many people tend to attribute their succe

7、ss to external causes such as luck.29. The book will be dispatches from our warehouse to your address tomorrow.30. The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.31. The test is supposed to reveal major character traits; whether a person is generally pessimistic or optimistic, introve

8、rt or extrovert, etc.32. The aborigines peered at our cameras with malevolent curiosity. 有恶意的,坏心肠的33. Dont panic! This is just a simulation of fighting, not a real war scene.34. The country is preoccupied with inventing some sort of potent new weapons.强有力的35. I counted up my years of working in this

9、 factory and felt sad that I had to retire before my time.36. The villagers took their revenge by setting fire to his mill.37. You need to free up some space on the hard disk to run this program on your computer.38. The mans malevolent stare makes me shudder.39. You are wrong if you imagine that mar

10、ried life will be idyllic.田园诗的,牧歌的40. The medical community should not flinch in the face of this challenge.畏惧,退缩41. John was propelled by both guilt and the need to turn himself in to the police. 驱策,42. There has been a long spell of rainy weather.一段时间了43. He was writing his autobiography for the b

11、enefit of posterity.后裔,子孙,后代44. Physics appears a strong, fundamental discipline; computing; a strong, pervasive one;普遍的45. We have to decide on what constitutes a majority votewhether it is at least 50%or 60% of those present.制定,制定46. The time will come when we are reaping the full benefits of this

12、 new scheme.47. The baby was strapped to a highchair so he could safely watch us cooking. 用带绑住48. They figured it was better not to say anything about it for the time being.认为49. Many people in the SAR-affected areas are viewing the world with a mounting paranoia.偏执狂50. Paranoia antique古老的 bloodshed

13、流血,杀人 strap censorship审查(制度),审查员 serve count up simulation figure infringe违反,侵犯 revenge perception感知,认识,洞察力 legitimate合法的,正当的,使为合法 flinch idyllic reap 1. Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh, and only become accustomed to it after strenuous effort by their parents. Para1Many children at

14、 first refuse to eat animal flesh. They later become used to eating it just because their parents try hard to persuade them to eat it.1. Its time to reap the rewards, to count up the ways were benefiting from his death. Para1Now we can enjoy the benefits and list in what ways we benefit from his dea

15、th.5. Maybe the benefit we got from killing Harding is less tangible. Para 25 Perhaps the benefit we got from killing Harding is not easy to see.1. Some form of participation in a gun-safety program should be mandatory, particularly for first-time purchasers. Para4A gun safety program should be made

16、 a must for gun owners, especially those who buy guns for the first time.2. The truth is when you keep a gun for self-protection, you live with constant paranoia. Para8When you keep a gun to protect yourself, you live in constant fear and worry.1. I have doubts, based on personal experience, concern

17、ing the depth and fullness of relationships that result from the need to become more effective against a common enemy. Para2From my own experience, I dont think that we can develop deep and full relationships by trying to compete and win against a common enemy.2. I begin to see my self-worth as cond

18、itional on how much better I am than so many others in so many activities. Para.5I start to see that my confidence in my personal value and worth is dependent on how much better I am than so many others in so many activities.3. They view cc as an ethical dry run for human cloning, and they are troub

19、led by how the rehearsal is going. Para11They regard cc as a test of how much people may tolerate human cloning ethically, and they worry because this trial 试验的experiment has been received so well.2. That such couples have other options is not an argument for denying them the right to clone.para2The

20、 fact that infertile不孕的 couples have other choices does not give us the right to prevent them from trying cloning.3. In a democratic society we dont usually pass laws outlawing something before there is actual or probable evidence of harm. Para6Democratic societies generally only ban things when the

21、re is convincing evidence of harm that they may bring.1. But now I know that nuclear weapons are monstrous instruments that threaten to obliterate life on our beautiful planet. Para 5But now I know that nuclear weapons are terrible and frightening instruments that can completely wipe out all forms o

22、f life on planet Earth.5. In medicine, for example, “gene therapy” may give us treatments for those diseases attributed, in part, to a persons genetic make-up. Para 15Gene technology, when applied in medicine, can help treat diseases partially caused by ones genetic structure结构.2. Surely they must g

23、ive pause to those who insist on their”right” to own guns. Para2(The figures and cases of gun accidents and killing) surely will make people think twice before they insist on having their right to own guns.3. Opponents also liken gun control to censorship. If I couldnt speak, perhaps my quality of l

24、iving would be reduced, but I would still be breathing. Para5Opponents of gun control also think that gun control is similar to censorship. However, with censorship, when I cannot speak certain things, my quality of life may be lowered, but I will still be alive.4. He refused and predicted that some

25、day I would appreciate the unwisdom of my request. Para1The doctor turned down my request of discontinuing the life-supporting services and said that someday I would understand the request was not wise.4. I dread imposing on my family and friends another grim round of misery similar to the one my fi

26、rst attack occasioned. Para 4I am scared that I would suffer from another heart attack or stroke and make my family and friends suffer what they suffered during my first attack.5. To some extent, my views reflect what I have seen happen to the aged and stricken who have been so unfortunate as to sur

27、vive crippling paralysis. Para9 In a way, my views reflect the reality of those old and sick people who, unfortunately, survived, but are now paralyzed.使麻痹When my father died 15 years ago, my brother and I inherited the old Midwestern farmhouse our grandparents had purchased in the 1930s. I was the

28、one who decided to give up my harried existence as a teacher in New York City and make a life in this idyllic village, population 350, in northern Michigan.A full-time job in the English department of a nearby college quickly followed. I settled into small-town life, charmed by a community where you

29、r neighbors are also your friends and no one worries about locking a door. Eventually I forgot about the big-city stress of crowds, noise and crime.I felt safe enough to keep my phone number listed so colleagues and students could reach me after hours. I was totally unprepared when I returned home o

30、ne evening to an answering machine filled with incoherent无条理的 and horribly threatening messages. I could identify the voiceit belonged to a former student of mine. Shocked and frightened, I called 911, and an officer arrived in time to pick up the phone and hear the man threaten to rape and kill me. The cop recognized the caller as the stalker潜行而近者 in a similar incident that had been reported a few years b

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