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1、1、掌握一般过去的被动语态。2、学会谈论发明的历史,会使用以下基本句子:When was the car invented? It was inverted in 1885Who were they invented by? They were inverted byWhat are they used for? They are used for seeing in the dark学习策略自学策略调动已有知识,根据情景推测所表达的意思。能用“总结”的方法,理解文章中的重要观点。合作学习策略能参与有关发明问题的讨论,表达自己的观点,听取别人的看法;能关心周围的同学和他人,主动提供帮助。重点难

2、点1.一般过去时的被动语态结构和用法。2.一些发明的使用以及对它们的描述。情感态度1、通过本单元学习使学生懂得人类的科学发明创造了丰富的物质文明。2、培养学生的创造发明的能力和愿望。任务Learn to use imagination to invent things to deal with problems and do role plays。 教学内容分析 本单元以Inventions为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕When and in what order were they invented? 这一话题展开讨论(1a)、听力(1b)

3、、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕3个inventions 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕inventions这一话题展开训练,要求列出两类不同的发明(3a)并以pair work形式对此展开讨论和对话训练(3b);第四模块设置情景alone on a tiny island,以小组活动形式讨论在该情景下什么inventions重要及原因。这部分主要训练口语、学生处理问题的思维能力和想象力。Section B第一模块是词汇的学习(1a)与运用(1b);第二模块围绕the history of chips继续进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块围绕Who

4、invented tea?这一话题展开阅读理解(3a),并要求学生能够以“From pie plate to flying disk”为题目进行应用写作训练(3b);第四模块以inventions这一话题训练学生的创造力、解决问题的能力和想象力(4a), 并且以小组讨论和角色扮演(4b)的形式展开口语训练。Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块对所学词汇进行填空训练(1);第二模块要求就不同的inventions搜集信息并进行写作训练(2)。Reading该部分共设置了5项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式激活学生相关背景知识(Section 1);第二项任务要求学生通过快速阅读获取信息

5、(Section 2);第三项任务利用填图、回答问题等练习形式进一步加深学生对阅读内容的理解(Section 3);第四项任务要求学生对“play on Chinas national basketball team one day”问题发表观点、进行口语训练(Section 4);第五项任务要求学生对某一项发明进行调查研究。 教学过程设计 采用Role playing和Discussion 的学习策略。充分利用多媒体等教学设备,设计与本课话题相关的情景,如不同种类的发明,人物,实物等等。围绕着本单元的教学目标,设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务,让学生谈论身边的发明如电话、电脑、汽车、茶叶、篮球

6、以及一些当代发明的看法;让学生根据所学知识,自己进行创新设计等等。课时计划:建议本单元用五课时来完成:第一课时:Section A:1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c第二课时:3a,3b,4第三课时:Section B:1a,1b,2a,2b,2c,3a第四课时:3b,4a,4b and Self check第五课时:Section A (1)一、 教材分析1、 教材简析 此课为本单元的第一节课,主要谈论东西的发明时间、发明者和东西的用途,它围绕着以下 三个话题展开: When was it invented? Who was it invented by? What was it used

7、for?2、 教学目标 知识目标: It was invented in. It was invented by. It is used for doing sth. 能力目标:发展学生的听及识记能力,培养学生综合语言运用 能力。 情感、态度和价值观:让学生对身边所发明的事物有所认识和了解,激发学生对创造发明的兴趣。3、 重点和难点 重点句子:When was it invented? Who was it invented by?What was it used for? 难点:被动语态的构成和用法4、 教学辅助工具:录音机,图片二、 学情分析 学生在学习第三单元时对被动语态已经有了初步的认

8、识,并能运用该语态来表达一些简单的句子,为本单元的学习打下了一个较好的基础。三、 教学方法 本课采用任务型教学法,用When was it invented?这个问句,引出谈论有关发明情况的话题。 采用提问、启发和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。四、 教学过程设计环节 教学过程学生活动教学意义Step 1Warm-upStep 2Presentation Step 3practiceStep4 Sum upStep 5Homework. Section A1. A contest: Guess who is he (she)?Teacher tells a stor

9、y of a person and asks students to guess who he/she is.He was from America.He was one of the greatest inventors in the world.He was clever but he was in School for only 3 months.His mother taught him to read and write.He built his own chemical lab when he was a boy.His first invention was the automa

10、tic telegraph repeater(电报自动转发器) . He has many inventions in his life and some inventions have changed the world.2. Talking about:The four greatest inventions in China.Teacher show some pictures of the four greatest inventions in China and talk about them with students. 1. Learn some new words and ex

11、pressions.2. Group work: Section A 1a. Ask students number the inventions according the order they were invented.3. Grammar: The passive voice.(1)The uses of the passive voice.(2)The structure of the passive voice.(3)How to change into the passive voice.1.Listening practice1b. Listen and match the i

12、nventions with the dates.2. Pair work1c. Talk about the inventions in 1b like this:A: When was the telephone invented?B: I think it was invented in 1876.2. Listening practice2a. Listen and number the inventions in the order. Languages points:“be used for”Eg: Telephone is used for talking with people

13、.2b. Listen and match the inventions with their inventor and uses.2c: pair work:Role play conversations using the information in 2b.1. Look through the grammar focus.2. Go over the whole lessons.1. Copy new words and listening materials.2. Write a passage to introduce an invention.3. Make up dialogu

14、es.Guess and find the answer.Look and talk about the four greatest inventions in China.Group work.Listen and finish the task.Read and remember.Researchand write通过竞赛活动活跃课堂气氛;并为下面的教学活动做铺垫。激发学习兴趣,培养民族自豪感。了解被动语态的用法。训练听力,提高听力水平,掌握语言目标。运用所学,巩固语言目标,开拓学生思维,养学生综合运用语言的能力。Consolidation and ExtensionStep4 Exerc

15、isesStep 6Homework Period 21. Greetings.2. revision:Show some pictures of inventions and talk about them. What is it in English? Its When was it invented? It was invented What is it used for? It is used for1. Learn new words:useful, annoyingAsk students to give some examples to show what each word m

16、eans. For example, A vacuum cleaner is helpful. A very loud truck is annoying.3a.Make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions. Then teacher can ask students to tell the reasons.T: Is the light bulb useful or annoying?S1:I think its useful. Why is it ? Well, it gives people mor

17、e time to work and play every day.3b. Discuss the opinions about some inventions with the partner like this: What do you think is the most helpful invention? I think the most helpful invention is the light bulb. Why is that?Group work4Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island. Choose five inventio

18、ns you would like to have on the island with you. Tell the group what you chose and why.Maybe you can use the following drills.Id like to have a because I couldIts used forI think the most helpful invention is But thats not going help you leave the island. I think it would be better to leaveFill in

19、the blanks with the words given:1.The work _(finish)tomorrow morning.2.The books must_(give)back on time.3.I think the telephone _ (invent) in 1876.4.Tea may _(invent) by accident.5.The ruler _(use )since I began my school life.6.The bikes are used for_(ride)on.Go over the whole lessons.1、句型转换。(1)Sh

20、e was seen to come out of the library by him.(变为主动语态)He out of the library.(2)When are trees often planted?(变为主动主态)When people often ?(3)The League founded in Guang zhou in 1992.(就画线部分提问) the League ?(4)Did the students wear the school clothes a lot?(变为被动语态)the school clothes a lot?(5)Kate took good

21、 care of the baby yesterday evening.(变为被动语态)The baby well by Kate yesterday evening.(6)His aunt bought him a bicycle.(变为被动语态)A bicyclehim by his aunt.2、汉译英。(1)计算机是何时发明的?(2)谁发明了计算机?(3)计算机是用来做什么?(4)你认为什么是最有用的发明?(5)它能够给人们更多时间工作和玩。Watch and talk.Watch and learnSpeaking practicePair workDiscuss with the

22、partner.Research and speak.Finish the exercise.Finish the work after school.展示图画,刺激学生视觉感官,激发学生学习积极性,复习所学语言知识训练听说;同时进一步让学生表达自己对创造和发明事物的认识和看法。让学生运用所学,复习旧知识,巩固新语言目标,开拓学生的思维,培养学生在解决实际问题的能力。巩固语言知识,培养运用能力。检查学生掌握知识的程度,提高应用能力。巩固所学知识点,提高语言运用能力。Warm upPresentationStep 4Practice Period 32. Free talk:Ask the st

23、udents to practices talking to each other about some inventions.I think the most helpful invention is Why do you think so? Well, it gives me1.Show some pictures of food and drink. Ask students what they are.Then ask the students to describe how food tastes. Learn some new words: sweet, crispy, salty, sour, delic

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