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1、www shulihua net来源:www shulihua netC To stay D Stay为了在夜里取暖, 我总是把火炉填满, 然后把闹钟定在午夜, 以便我能再填满一次。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。根据上下文逻辑可知设空处表示目的, 而四个选项中只有C项作目的状语, 故答案为C项。4 (安徽卷)_in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art To found FoundingC Founded D Having founded这所学校建立于20世纪早期, 并一直激励孩子们热

2、爱艺术。非谓语动词与句子主语为逻辑上的被动关系, 故排除、D三个选项。5 (四川卷)_which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice Not knowing Knowing not C Not known D Known not(因为)不知道要上哪个大学, 这个女孩便征求她老师的意见。首先排除、D两项, 因分词的否定式为“not现在分词/过去分词”;主语the girl与非谓语动词之间为逻辑上的主动关系, 故排除C项。 6 (山东卷)_at the cafeteria before, Tina didnt wa

3、nt to eat there again Having eaten To eatC Eat D Eating因为之前在这家自助餐厅吃过饭, Tina再也不想去那儿吃了。根据语境可知空格处的动作应该发生在didnt want to eat之前, 故选项。非谓语动词作定语7 (北京卷)Volunteering gives you a chance_lives, including your own change changing C changed D to change当志愿者给了你一个改变别人和你自己的生活的机会。本题考查非谓语动词作定语。根据题干, 被修饰词chance为抽象名词, 通常情

4、况下由不定式作后置定语, 故此题选择D项。D8 (天津卷)In some languages,100 words make up half of all words_in daily conversations using to use C having used D used在有些语言中, 100个词就占了日常对话用词的50%。本题考查非谓语动词作后置定语。非谓语动词和words是逻辑上的被动关系, 而四个选项中只有D项表示被动, 故答案为D项。9 (山东卷)The room is empty except for a bookshelf_in one corner standing to

5、stand C stands D stood除了在一个角落里立着的一个书架外这个房间是空的。被修饰词为a bookshelf, 非谓语动词与bookshelf之间是逻辑上的主动关系, 故选项。不定式作定语时, 通常表示将来的动作, 若用在此处不合句意。10 (四川卷)The airport_next year will help promote tourism in this area being completed to be completed C completed D having been completed明年即将竣工的机场将有助于促进这个地区的旅游业。首先排除D项, 因为havi

6、ng been done形式不能作定语; 正被完成;C 已经完成; 即将被完成。非谓语动词作宾语11 (江苏卷)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and_to ruins, the city took on a new look reducing reducedC being reduced D having reduced在经历了一次严重地震化为废墟之后不久, 那座城市呈现出了新面貌。本题考查非谓语动词。设空处与suffering from 并列, 作介词after的宾语, 所以要用doing的形式, 排除;根据短语reduc

7、e sb /sth to sth 使某人/某事物陷入更坏的境地, 主语the city和reduce 之间是被动关系, 所以要用being done的形式, 故选C项。12 (福建卷)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from_in the South China Sea attacking having attackedC being attacked D having been attacked考查非谓语动词。句意为:最

8、近, 中国为了保护中国渔船在南海不受到袭击, 加强了黄岩岛附近水域的管辖。prevent sb /sth from doing sth 阻止某人/某物做某事, 根据句意可知, attack与fishing boats之间是逻辑上的动宾关系, 故选C。非谓语动词作表语13 (重庆卷)The engine just wont start Something seems_wrong with it to go to have goneC going D having gone发动机就是启动不起来。看来它是出毛病了。本题考查非谓语动词作表语。seem后接不定式, 排除C和D两项;根据发动机不能启动的事

9、实说明发动机已经出现了问题, 故排除项。14 (福建卷)In pril, thousands of holidaymakers remained_abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud sticking stuckC to be stuck D to have stuck四月, 成千上万的度假者由于受到火山灰的影响, 滞留国外。主语holidaymakers与stick间为被动关系, 排除、D两项;remain过去分词, 表示状态;remainto be done表示将来。综上所述, 答案为项。非谓语动词作宾补15 (新课标卷)They might just

10、have a place_on the writing coursewhy dont you give it a try? leave left C leaving D to leave在写作课程上, 他们可能还有一个名额你为什么不试试呢?本题考查非谓语动词作宾补。宾语a place与leave(剩下)为逻辑上的动宾关系, 故答案为项。来源:16 (北京卷)When we saw the road_with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home block to block C blocking D blocked当我们看到马路被大雪堵住时

11、, 我们决定在家度过假期。非谓语动词的逻辑主语为road, 两者为被动关系, 故此题选择D项。1 以下两条“黄金法则”是解决现在分词与过去分词区别的最佳方法。“八字方针”即“主动进行;被动完成”。现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或完成。“两个参照物”句子的主语和谓语动词根据非谓语动词和句子主语的主动或被动关系, 可以判断非谓语动词的形式;根据非谓语动词和谓语动词的先后关系, 可以判断非谓语动词的时态。2 to be done, done, being done的选择是考试的易错点。虽然这三者都表示被动意义, 但所表示的时间不同。done表示已经发生的动作;to be done表示将要发

12、生的动作;being done表示正在进行的动作。一、非谓语动词作主语1 动名词作主语来源:(浙江高考)Hearing how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure 聆听别人对你刚才所读的书的反应会增加额外的乐趣。It is no use crying over spilt milk (动名词短语作主语, it作形式主语)覆水难收。2 不定式作主语To see is to believe /Seeing is believing 眼见为实。It is important to respect

13、people (不定式短语作主语, it作形式主语)尊重别人很重要。二、非谓语动词作表语1 动名词作表语时, 说明主语的性质或特征。The ant queens work is laying eggs 来源:www shulihua netwww shulihua net蚁后的工作就是产卵。2 不定式作表语时, 说明主语尚未发生的动作, 或表示将来的动作。 His ambition is to go to Harvard University 他的梦想就是上哈佛大学。三、非谓语动词作宾语1 动词afford, agree, ask, decide, desire, expect, fail,

14、hope, manage, promise, pretend, plan, intend, refuse, wish等后要接不定式作宾语。 David refused to accept my invitation 大卫拒绝接受我的邀请。2 动词come, get, grow后接不定式作宾语时, 意为“逐渐地”。She has a hot temper, but you will grow to like her 她脾气很急, 但你会渐渐喜欢她的。3 动词 admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, ex

15、cuse, finish, imagine, keep, mind, miss, practise, risk, resist, suggest等后要接动词ing形式作宾语。ill suggested holding a meeting on what to do for the Expo during the vacation 比尔建议开一个关于假期期间为世博会做些什么的会议。4 动词短语cant stand, give up, feel like, keep on, insist on, look forward to, put off, devote to, object to, be

16、busy (in), get down to, have difficulty/trouble (in), have a good/wonderful/hard time (in), have fun等后要接动词ing形式作宾语。上海高考)I had great difficulty finding the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant 在那个餐馆, 我很难从菜单上找到合适的食物。5 动词like, love, prefer, hate, continue等后接不定式或动词ing形式作宾语均可。但表示经常性的动作要用动词ing形式,

17、表示具体的行为要用不定式。 I like swimming, but I dont like to swim this afternoon 我喜欢游泳, 但今天下午不想去。6 动词need, require, want作“需要”讲时, 其后要用动词ing形式的主动语态或不定式的被动语态作宾语。与此相同用法的动词还有deserve“值得”。The window needs cleaning/to be cleaned 窗户需要擦了。7 形容词worth后要接动词ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义, 它不同于worthy的用法。The Summer Palace is worth visiting/

18、worthy of being visited/worthy to be visited 颐和园值得一去。8 介词后一般要接动词ing形式作宾语。但介词but/except后接不定式作宾语时, 如前面有实义动词do, 不定式就要省略to。 Upon arriving at the airport, he delivered an important speech 刚到机场, 他就发表了重要演讲。 He has nothing to do but lie down and sleep 无事可做, 他只能躺下睡觉。9 动词find, feel, think, expect, consider, m

19、ake等后可接不定式作宾语, 但宾语后要接形容词或名词作宾语补足语, 而且要用it作形式宾语。 He found it difficult to work out the problem 他发现解决这一问题很难。10 可用动词ing, 也可用不定式作宾语, 但意义区别明显的动词:fogetregrettrygo onremembermean(2009陕西高考)I still remember being taken to the Famen Temple and what I saw there 我仍记得别人带我去过法门寺, 并记得在那里所看到的一切。 (安徽高考)I remembered t

20、o lock the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights 在离开办公室前我记住了关门, 但是忘记了关灯。四、非谓语动词作定语1 现在分词(短语)作定语与所修饰的名词之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系, 表示该动作的主动和进行。辽宁高考)Laura was away in Paris for over a week When she got home, there was a pile of mail waiting for her Laura去巴黎待了一周多的时间。当她返回家的时候, 有一大堆邮件等着她(处理

21、)。2 过去分词(短语)作定语与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上有被动关系, 表示该动作的被动或完成。湖南高考)You cannot accept an opinion offered to you unless it is based on facts 你不能接受别人提供给你的意见, 除非它有事实依据。3 不定式作定语表未做的事情;动词ing形式作定语表示此动作与被修饰词之间是主动关系;过去分词作定语时表示此动作与被修饰词之间是被动关系或已完成。His first book to be published next month is based on a true story 他下月将要出版的第一本书

22、是以一个真实的故事为依据写的。注意:表示心理状态的动词ing形式, 意为“令人的”;动词ed形式, 意为“(人)感到的”, 也可修饰体现内心感受的look, expression, tears, smile, voice等名词。五、非谓语动词作状语(一)不定式作状语1 表目的山东高考)I stopped the car to take a short break as I was feeling tired 由于感到累了, 我就停下车稍微休息了一下。2 表示结果不定式作结果状语常表示出乎意料的结果, 动词不定式前面常加only。山东高考)George returned after the wa

23、r, only to be told that his wife had left him 乔治战后归来, 却被告知他的妻子已经离他而去。(二)现在分词作状语现在分词的一般式即doing表示动作和谓语动作同时或几乎同时发生, 与句子的主语是主动关系。现在分词的完成式即having done表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。湖南高考)The sun began to rise in the sky, bathing the mountain in golden light 太阳开始在空中升起, 使山峦沐浴在金色光辉之中。新课标卷)I got to the office earlier that day

24、, having caught the 730 train from Paddington 那天我比平时到办公室的时间要早, 因为我赶上了730从Paddington来的火车。重庆高考)Having been asked to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film (被动意义, 非谓语动词的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前)我那天晚上因为被要求加班而错过了一场精彩的电影。(三)过去分词作状语过去分词作状语时, 与句子主语之间是被动关系。Seen from the top of the mountain, the city is v

25、ery beautiful 从山顶上看, 这座城市很漂亮。Seeing from the top of the hill, we find the park even more beautiful 从山顶上看, 我们发现这个公园显得更加美丽。六、非谓语动词作宾补1 感官动词(词组)see, watch, observe, look at, notice, hear, listen to, feel的宾语补足语有四种形式, 以see为例:see宾语四川高考)I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree to catch i

26、ts breakfast 我抬头看, 注意到一条蛇正沿树蜿蜒而上, 捕捉它的早餐。I heard an English song being sung by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday 昨天经过她房间时, 我听见一个小女孩正在唱英文歌。(被动, 正在进行)I was surprised to find my hometown changed so much 发现我的家乡变化如此之大我感到很惊奇。2 使役动词make, let, have, get后加复合宾语的情况:(1)make宾语(2)let宾语Dont let you

27、r child play with matches 别让你的孩子玩火柴。陕西高考)Let those in need understand that we will go all out to help them 让那些需要(帮助)的人明白我们会尽全力去帮他们(3)have宾语陕西高考)Claire had her luggage checked an hour before her plane left Claire在飞机起飞一小时前对行李进行了安检。He had the light burning all night, which made his parents very angry 他让灯亮

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