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1、英语面试常见问题英语面试常见问题外企面试常见问题回答技巧1.Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you? # K4 f* M* S5 s$ k3 j3 A: It depends on the circumstances. 2.What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended? A: Talk about books, sports or films to show that you have balance in you

2、r life. 7 U+ p5 l/ E0 Y D$ 8 j: c3.What is the toughest part of a job for you? A: Be honest. Remember, not everyone can do everything. 4 I. p# q 7 b8 E4.Are you creative? A: Yes. Give examples that relate to your current job. 3 D5 E T d9 Q6 p( M5.How would you describe your own personality? A: Balan

3、ced is a good word to use, but remember the type of company you are interviewing at. Some companies may want someone who is aggressive and a go-getter. $ d% |1 d2 v! q/ i! g6 m6.Are you a leader? 8 Q# o$ D+ i9 w8 A: Absolutely! Cite specific examples using your current job as a reference point. * X)

4、 F$ n0 J6 i7.What are your future goals? A: Avoid, I would like the job you advertised. Instead, give long-range goals. 9 B6 q& m! L7 o ?4 E8.What are your strengths? 4 Y! o6 Q* o# M/ qA: Present at least three and relate them to the company and job you are interviewing for.4 $ H/ 5 x. Z5 A8 c# k3 S

5、4 P, D9.What are your weaknesses? 2 G+ p# |7 a% C- b4 4 BA: Dont say that you dont have any. Try not to cite personal characteristics as weaknesses, but be ready to have one if the interviewer presses. Turn a negative into a positive answer: I am sometimes intent on completing an assignment and get

6、too deeply involved when we are late. 关于你的职业目标 ( $ J& O8 l% 2 e7 s1. If you could start your career again, what would you do differently? ; d/ R/ 0 Z# v8 k0 oA: Nothing . I am happy today, so I dont want to change my past. ) o: H- f7 g: l* m0 j: M$ k, c1.What career options do you have at the moment

7、? . | x1 _/ T1 OA: I see three areas of interest. Relate those to the position and industry. 4 : H; h B- J. u* o0 h7 K; T2.How would you describe the essence of success? According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far? A: Think carefully about your answer and relate it t

8、o your career accomplishments.你的工作习惯与方式+ A4 y+ P% B) u0 u: N6 X( n1. If I spoke with your previous boss, what would he say are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? A: Emphasize your skills, and dont be overly negative about your weaknesses. Its always safer to identify a lack of a skill as an are

9、a for improvement rather than a shortcoming. H; 1 b5 U9 W9 J1.Can you work under pressures, deadlines, etc.? + 7 f4 Z9 z% T4 6 z) h, u% VA: Yes, its a way of life in business. Be sure to cite examples of your success. & E d$ m& b- N8 Q |0 D- a: d- c7 E4 h( J2.How have you changed the nature of your

10、job? A: Explain how you have improved the efficiency, productivity, and the like. 3 Z, U- 4 u# F) q) O$ A% t& o3.Do you feel you might be better off in a different size company? Different type company? 6 G4 X W& X9 G VA: It depends on the job - elaborate slightly. 0 G$ B O+ | F3 b5 R: Q9 8 c; # j4.H

11、ow do you resolve conflict on a project team? 1 A9 s7 |/ u G: b0 v1 SA: Explain that communication is important, and that you would first you discuss the issues privately. oV; v* K4 t4 ?4 J5 / D9 5.How much do you expect, if we offer this position to you? A: Be careful; the market value of the job m

12、ay be the key answer, e.g., My understanding is that a job like the one youre describing may be in the range of _. ) I* u; M; ?3 N7 u0 # k* V! ; IA: Have a specific figure in minddont be hesitant经验与管理类问题7 n( C2 f. O4 i2 : / O1.You may be overqualified for the position we have to offer. ) I. P* : M;

13、0 E; % A: Strong companies need strong people. A growing, energetic company is rarely unable to use its employees talents. Emphasize your interest in a long-term association, pointing out that the employer will get a faster return on investment because you have more experience than required. 9 b - 6

14、 H! G C8 R- D2.What is your management style? A: (If youve never thought about this, its high time you did.) Open-door management is best . And you get the job done on time or inform your management. 5 v+ c! d1 B3 L7 O- u1 z0 u8 _9 d5 M $ _3.Are you a good manager? Give an example. Why do you feel y

15、ou have top managerial potential? , H! Z O8 F% E1 pA: Keep your answer achievement- and task-oriented; emphasize management skills - planning, organizing, interpersonal, etc. 4.What do you look for when you hire people? 1 P A G8 H8 2 4 h8 Z8 V* m3 M! 3 % a7 W9 f5 m5.What is your biggest weakness as a manager? A: Be honest and end on a positive note, e.g. I dont enjoy reprimanding people, so I try to begin with something positive first. 关于离职、跳槽的原因# j3 N4 y/ p5 ; w7 N! g& I K! 9 E1 y1 m0 h1. Why are you leaving your present job? 4 t0 R K& x! c. o; DA: Refine your answer b

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