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1、Teaching Procedures:I. Pre-reading Activities1. Background information: author, intelligence test, I.Q., aptitude test2. Introductory remarks: It is hard to answer the question raised by Asimov. There can be quite a few different answers to it. As we know, somebody who scores high on paper tests mig

2、ht work poorly with his hands. Someone who may not be a top student at school succeeds in a career after school. He is not intelligent but smart. The author of this article is highly educated. But is he really intelligent? Lets see what his interpretation is.3. Warm-up questions(1) What is an intell

3、igence test?(2) Some people maintain that IQ tests are just for fun. Others argue that they are indeed testing mans intelligence. Whats your opinion?(3) Do you agree that the more education one receives, the more intelligent he becomes?(4) What other factors besides IQ do you think are equally or ev

4、en more important for a person to be successful? Give your reasons.4. Key words and expressions:1) aptitude:natural ability or skillExample: She has an aptitude for dealing with people.Make the students notice the spelling form of following three words: aptitude; altitude; attitude2) figure:a) numbe

5、r, symbol for a number, esp. 0 to 9 She got a starting salary of six figures.b) shape or outline of sb. or sth. 1 saw a figure 20 feet away from me in the dim street light.c) important person The young students argued over who was the most influentialfigure in the 20th century.d) human form The fash

6、ion model exercises daily to keep her figure.e) diagram; drawing to illustrate sth. The figures in the book will help you understand the theories better.3) register:a) v. write in a list or record The old church hooks registered all the births, marriages and deaths in this small town.b) n. record or

7、 list You might find some Chinese names on the US immigrationregister of the 19lh century.4) highly: in or to a high degree It is highly probable that he changed his name to avoid beingtracked down by the police.5) worthy of: deservingExamples: a worthy enemy a worthy cause He is a poet worthy of th

8、e name. The place is worthy of a visit.6) explore:a) search or examine thoroughly To write his graduation paper the sociology student explored all the major libraries in the city.b) travel into or through a region for the purpose of learning about it A robot was recently sent to explore the surface

9、of Mars.7) suppose: I suggest; if Suppose we put off the meeting till next week.8) foist on:impose upon by coercion or trickery Stores should not foist defective goods on customers.9) whereupon:upon that; immediately following that The unsuspecting teacher pulled out the drawer; whereupon, adozen fr

10、ogs leaped out.10) for sure:without doubt; for certain, surely or certainly I did not know for sure which bus to take.E.g. I also heard that he was involved in the matter but do you know it for sure?b) sure enough to be sure make sureE.g. Sure enough, he won the race. Hes not bright, to be sure, but

11、 he always works hard. To make sure that the letter was delivered to the address, I registered it.11. normal :a) (n.) the usual state or levelE.g. Sam was scolded because he hot a score below normal in the English mid-term exam.b) (adj.) usual, regularE.g. His behaviors do not seem normal to me.12.

12、simply :adv. a) only, merelyE.g. I took that job simply because the office is near my home.b) in a plain mannerE.g. The old man lives simply and is dressed simply.c) completely, absolutelyE.g. I simply cant understand you.13. estimate a) (n.) judgment or opinion about how much, how many, how good, e

13、tc.E.g. They held totally different estimates of her character.b) (v.) form a judgment aboutE.g. The write estimated that she would need three more months to finish her novel.c) by ones estimateE.g. By my estimate, your plan will not work.14. grant:v. a) agree to give, allow (sb.) to have (sth.)E.g.

14、 The government granted land to those who were willing to farm it.b) agree (that sth. is true)E.g. I grant that he is intelligent. take for granted : regard it as true or as certainE.g. George took for granted all that his parents did for him.15. hastena) (vi.) go fast, be quick to do or say sth.E.g

15、. Finding he was a little late, he hastened to the office.b) (vt.) cause to move with speed, cause sth. to happen quicklyE.g. Chemical fertilizer hastened the growth of plants.derivative haste : (n.) hurryE.g. They left in great haste.16. determine:a) decide (on)E.g. I found it hard to determine whi

16、ch side was right just by hearing them quarrel.b) find out preciselyE.g. The explorer determined his location by using the compass.c) make up ones mindE.g. He determined to learn how to operate the machine in two days time.17. jokea) (n.) sth. said or done to cause amusementE.g. Dont play jokes on h

17、im. He cant take the joke.b) (v.) make jokest take it seriously. He is only joking with you.18. dumb :adj. a) unable to speakE.g. She was dumb from birth and was very kind to dumb animalsb) temporarily silentE.g. The audience was struck dumb when the magician ate fire.19. smart :adj. a) cleverE.g. T

18、his is a smart answer.b) well-dressed, bright and fresh in appearanceE.g. You look smart in this suit.20. make a (big / great) fuss over / about :treat with great or excessive attentionE.g. Grandparents usually make a great fuss over their grandson.22. make upa) put together, prepareE.g. People made

19、 up parcels of clothes and sent them to the flood-stricken areas.b) form, constituteE.g. The committee is made up of seven members.c) inventE.g. Bob makes up stories to amuse his little sister.23. pick out :select, choseE. g. It took a long time to pick up a new dress at the store.5. Synonym Discrim

20、inationworthy worth worthwhilea) All can be used as an adj. But Only worthy and worthwhile can be used as attributive.worthy : deserving respect or honorworthwhile : useful or interesting; worth the time, money or effort spentE.g. He is a worthy gentleman. Certainly, there are many worthwhile progra

21、ms on TV. b): Worth can be used as predication. worth + n. / V-ing worthy + of n. / of being done / to be doneE.g. She was not worthy of the honor given to her. This thing is worthy to be done. This thing is worthy of being done. This thing is worth doing. While-reading Activities1. Ss have the sile

22、nt reading on the text (10 mins)2. T explains the text in detail.Lines 1-51. Language PointsWhat is intelligence, anyway?a) anyway : in any case ; whateverE.g. That wasnt my fault, anyway. Anyway we choose will involve danger. against a normal of 100, a) against : in contrary to / withE.g. We have n

23、ow 100 machines against 20 five years ago.2. Questions for Discussion(1) What is an aptitude test?-Aptitude test is a kind of test used to predict the future performance of a person in his field of study or work.(2) What are the responsibilities of a KP? Does a KP need high intelligence?-IN the US a

24、rmy, KP is for very low ranking soldiers or sometimes used as punishment. One on KP has to prepare the food and do the washing in the kitchen. (3) Why did the author mention his rank and duty in this paragraph?-He was trying to show that a persons higher score in intelligence test does not necessari

25、ly mean he has a higher position or holds more responsibilities in the society.Lines 6-11people with intellectual bents similar to mine?a) bent : natural tendency or inclinationE.g. Picasso showed hie bent for arts at a early age.(1) Do you think a person who scores high in intelligence tests is hig

26、hly intelligent? Give your reason.-Although the answers require intelligence, the scores do not reflect the real abilities of a person.(2) Do we usually regard people who score high in such tests as being very intelligent?-Yes, and some of them are really intelligent in their daily work and their academic life。(3) What kind of people makes up the intelligence test?-Professors, experts, scholars, etc.(4) Do you agree with the author that he scored high in such test because his intellectual tendency was similar to those who made up the tests?Lines 12-271.

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