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八年级下期中复习Unit 1Unit 5文档格式.docx

1、52. 做预言53. 自给自足54. 看见某人说话55. 不尽人意的工作56. 花上.(时间)57. 电动牙刷58. 在太空站生活59. 同我最好的朋友们住在公寓里60. 未来的人们61. 和我们做同样的事情62. 观看起来趣味盎然63. 到处将有更多的机器人64. 寻找在建筑物底下的人们in 100 years=100 years later=100 years from now (一段时间+from now) live to be 200 years old live=livedstudy at home study=studiedfall in love with sth. ( Fall

2、fell掉 feelfelt感觉)keep a pet parrot keep=keptlive alone live=livedin college/high school on a space stationlook smart (look+ adj )wear a suit wear=woredress more casuallyfly to the moon fly=flewthe World Cupthe head of the companycome true come=camebe able to/canhelp with the houseworkget/be bored (o

3、f)in the future have ones own robot (ones为形容词性物主代词,如my,his,her)hundreds of (数词+hundred hundreds + of)just likeseem impossible (It seems+ that从句) seem=seemedfrom now (on)=in the futurewin the match win=wonlive in an apartmentOlympicGamesbeton bet=betpapermoney creditcardfive years ago.a piece of pape

4、r far awayit seems that.It is possible for sb. to do sthless thanmore than (a lot, a little, a bit, a great deal of)(rather)(still)(no)a lot more people(修饰形容词比较级口诀歌-四A确实仍然没有任何马骑,甚至说,怎么走远)any much even farless fictiona useful dictionary(辅音音素开头,用a)a polluted rivera pleasant daythe sa

5、me asbe different fromhere and thereover and over againtry to do sthtry doing sth尝试做(某事) try=triedmake sb do sth. Make=madefar from (far away /far away from)on the Interneton computersmake predictionswork for myself work=workedsee sb talk see sb do sth看见整个动作的全过程 see sb doing sth看见某动作正在发生 see=sawunpl

6、easant jobs.take(period of time) take=tookelectric toothbrusheslive on a space stationlive in an apartment with my best friendspeople in the futuredo the same things as usbe fun to watchThere will be more robots everywhereLook for people under buildingsUnit21. 留在外面,不进人2. 打电话给某人3. 与相同4. 为.做好准备为.作准备5.

7、 过时的;落伍的6. 与某人争吵7. 为.付款;付钱8. 向某人借某物9. 给某人提建义10. 找出11. 足够的钱12. 把作业忘在家里13. 与.打架14. 找一份兼职工作15. 与.相处好16. 用电话交谈,通过电话17. 写信给.18. 使.感到惊奇惊奇地对感到惊奇19. 谈论20. 想要做21. 一张球赛的票22. 开一个烧烤卖场23. 要., 寻求24. 给.买.25. 加入俱乐部26. 找一名家庭教师27. 邀请.做.28. 归还,返还29. 直.到才30. 有压力31. 很快吃早餐32. 各种各样33. 在小小年纪34. 有.要做35. 运动服36. 更友好37. 考试不及格3

8、8. 考试及格39. 心烦的40. 为.抱怨41. 够忙的42. 当今,现在43. 找到休闲的方法44. 做调查45. 对代,处置46. 有组织的活动47. 独自48. 该做49. 参加50. 一方面另一方面keep outcall sb.up(ring sb, up)the same as= be differentfrombe ready forget ready for(to do sth.)out of style=in styleargue with/have an argument with sbpay forborrow sth from sb =lend sth to sbgi

9、ve sb. some advice(不可数,a piece of advice)find out=look for=find find=foundenough money (enough+名词 形容词/副词+enough) leave my homework at home leave=lefthave a fight with sb get a part-time jobget on well with sbon the phonewrite (a letter)to sb write=wroteto ones surprisein surprisebe surprised (at/tha

10、t.)talk about talk=talkedwant sb to do sth want=wanteda ticket to a ball gamehave a bake saleask for ask=askedbuy sth. for sb. Buy=boughtjoin a club ( take part in/join/join in)get a tutorinvite sb to do sthgive back(return)not.untilunder pressurehave a quick breakfastall kinds ofat a young agehave

11、sth to dosports clothesmore friendlyfail the exampass the exambe upsetcomplain aboutbusy enoughthese daysfind ways to relaxdo a surveydo with=deal withorganized activitiesby oneselfIts time for sth /doing sth Its time to do sthtake part in/join/join inon the one handon the other handStay at home eve

12、ry night 每晚逗留在家Has the same haircut as I do同我的发型一样 what to do=how to do it 去做什么everyone else别的每一个 be popular at school 在学校很受人欢迎 plan sth. for sb. 为某人计划某事Lots of things you could do 你可以做的许许多多的事情need to do sth. (某人)需要做某事 doing sth. (某物)需要做某事argue with sb. 与某人争吵 about/over sth. 为某事争吵 out of style/dange

13、r 过时/脱离险境in style/danger 时尚/处于危险之中Unit31. 到达2. 一名电视台记者3. 在(外部)前面在(内部)前面4. 从 出来5. 睡懒觉6. 在图书馆7. 航空博物馆8. 买一个纪念品9. 报警10. 打电话给电视台11. 打电话给报社12. 起飞13. 一个不同寻常的经历14. 从跳下15. 给照相16. 太恐怖17. 步行上学18. 在树上(外界进入)在树上(非外界进入)19. 在医生诊所20. 理发店21. 在操场上22. 十分钟之前23. 沉默地/保持沉默24. 发生25. 成为国家英雄26. 全世界27. 轮流28. 玩得高兴29. 在月球上30. 被

14、谋杀31. 被摧毁32. 在这一天33. 听说34. 出生35. 理发36. 用造句37. 逃跑38. 骑自行车39. 上个星期天早上40. 在太空中41. 在那个时候42. 世贸中心43. 围绕飞行arrive at/in=reach=get toa TV repoterin front ofin the front ofget out of get=gotsleep late sleep=sleptin(at) the librarythe Museum of Flightbuy a souvenir buy=boughtcall the police call=calledcall th

15、e TV stationcall the newspapertake off take=tookan unusual experience(元音因素开头,用an)jump down fromtake photos of=take a photo=take photoestoo scaredwalk to schoolin the tree(如猫,鸟,蛇等)on the tree(如苹果,梨子等)at the doctorsa barber shopon/in the playgroundten minutes agoin silence keep silent/quiettake place=

16、happenbecome a national hero(黑人negro英雄hero吃马铃薯potato西红柿tomato复数加es)all over the world =in the world=around the worldin turn=take turnshave fun =enjoy oneself=have a good/great timeon the moonbe murderedbe destroyedon this day(具体时间时用on)hear about/of=hear from sb收到某人的来信be borncut hair ( have ones cut)

17、make sentences withrun awayride ones bikelast Sunday morningin (the) spaceat that timeThe World Centerfly aroundAt ten oclock in the morning 在早晨10点钟 a cat in a tree 在树上的一只猫buy sth at the train station在火车站卖东西running with another dog同另外一只狗奔跑 events in history历史上的大事件You are kidding. 胡说八道 climb up the t

18、ree 爬上树follow sb. to do sth. 跟着某人做某事 get into 进入shout at 训斥、责备shout to 向喊叫Unit41 首先2 暂时3 紧张4 向问好5 期末考试6 生气7 至力于8 不再9 擅长于10 健康11 克服12 传递给13 捎口信14 在贫困山村15 落后地区16 海平面17 悄悄举行一个晚会18 听到难过/高兴19 赚钱/亏本20 高级中学21 在市22 在贫困国家23 作为而工作24 在孩子们的一生中25 处于危险中26 在肥皂剧里27 告诉(不要)做28 大吵一架29 因公事30 关心,关爱31 假装做32 成绩单33 有待提高,做得

19、更好34 抄作业35 病人36 讲真话(实事)37 说慌38 情况怎样(你好吗)?39 家庭作业40 做感到惊讶41 艰难的时候first of all, at firstfor now=at the momentbe /get nervoussend(give) ones love to sb.end-of-year exams= end-of-year partybe (get) mad at =be angry withwork on (at)notanymore = no morebe good at = do well in in good health=keep fit/healt

20、hy=keep in good healthget overpass on totake a message in a poor mountain villagerural areassea levelhave a surprise partyIm sorry/glad to hear that make /lose moneysenior high schoolin the city ofin poor countrieswork as 身份in the childrens lives (“ in ones life”如:in my life)in danger=out of danger脱

21、险in (on)the soap operatell sb. to do sth./tell sb. not to do sth.have a big fight with sbon businesscare for (take care of=look after=take care照顾)pretend to do carddo bettercopy ones homeworksick peopletell the truthtell a lieHow is it going?= How goes it?=How are things going?a homework

22、projectbe surprised to do sth.have a hard/difficult time1. be mad at/with sb. for sth. 因为某事对某人发火2. be mad about/on sth./sb. 对某事/某人很着迷3. pass ( on ) sth. to sb. 把某物递给某人pass on (代词放中间)4. be supposed to = should 应该5. be good/better/best at 擅长于 do well/better/best in6. the disappointing result 令人失望的结果 t

23、his semester=this term 本学期7. be in good/poor/bad/ill health 健康状况好/不好/糟糕/病着8. get/be nervous of sth./doing sth. 对某事/做某事感到紧张9. Its just that 这只是由于10. have a hard time with sth. 在某事上/做某事处境困难 doing sth.11. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 doing sth. 忘记做过某事12. open up 打开 care for 照顾Unit51. 玩得很高兴2. 参加晚会3. 乘汽车4. 呆

24、在家里5. 难过,遗憾6. 让进来7. 为考试而学习8. 一半的学生(全班的一半)9. 举行晚会 10. 在晚会上11. 想要做12. 拿走,没收13. 在晚会期间14. 学校大扫除15. 探访敬老院16. 上大学17. 周游全世界18. 挣很多钱19. 接受教育20. 成名21. 以而著名22. 作为著名23. 加入运动队24. 参军25. 入党26. 加入俱乐部27. 真正努力学习28. 成为一名职业运动员29. 做你喜欢做的事30. 将能够31. 全世界32. 捐资给慈善机构33. 谋生34. 做运动谋生35. 受伤36. 事实上37. 到处跟着你38. 讥笑,嘲笑39. 小心。当心40

25、. 在图书馆(室)41. 到月球度假42. 在地球上43. 长胖,变胖44. 观看录像45. 在周末46. 马上,立刻47. 别的什么48. 金钱不是万能49. 一直,总是50. 闻到烟味51. 有机会52. 快餐53. 为了54. 希望工程55. 给我们做些食物56. 度长假57. 顺便说一下have a great timego to the partytake the busstay at homebe sorryletinstudy for the testhalf the classhave a partyat the partywant sb, to do sth。take awa

26、yduring the partyschool clean-upold peoples home visitgo to collegetravel around the worldmake at lot of moneyget an educationbe (become) famousbe famous forbe famous asjoin a sports teamjoin the armyjoin the Partyjoin a clubwork really hardbecome a profession athletedo something you lovewill be able toAll over the worldgive money to charitiesmake a livingplay sports for a livingget injuredin factfollow you everywherelaugh atwatch outin the libraryhave vacation on the moonon the earthget fatwatch a videoon (the)weekendsright now/right away

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