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1、现在完成时考点难点全剖析考点、难点全剖析 现在完成时 一、现在完成时的含义 表示到目前为止已经完成的动作或存在的状态。二、现在完成时的结构主语 +have/has+ 动词的过去分词肯定句 :主语 + have/ has + 过去分词 done否定句: 主语+ have/ has + not + 过去分词 done一般疑问句: Have/ Has + 主语 + 过去分词 doneYes, 主语 + have/ has.No, 主语 + havent /hasn t(划重点,这个经常在单选中出现)过去分词:1 、规则动词: 规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。四点变化规则

2、:1一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”:work-worked-worked ,visit-visited-visited2以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ dlive-lived-lived以 “辅 音字母+ y“ ed ”:” 结尾 的 动 词,将 y 变 为i , 再 加study-studied-studied,cry-cried-cried重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加edstop-stopped-stopped drop-dropped-dropped2. 不规则动词AAA型burst burst bursthurt hurt hurtlet le

3、tletcut cut cutitcost cost cost hit hit hput put putset set set shut shut原形和过去分词shutspread spread spread read read read(read发音为 /ri:d/, 过去式发音为 /red/)AAB 型beat beat beatenABAbecome became become run ran runcome came comeABB型bring brought brought uilt builtburn burnt burnt g dugfeel felt felt d found

4、found hear heard heard keptlay laid laid lostmake made made soldshoot shot shot stood stoodsweep swept swept old toldthink thought thoughtABC型buy bought bought build bcatch caught caught dig dufight fought fought finhold held held keep keptlead led led lose lostmeet met met sell soldsit sat sat stan

5、dteach taught taught tell twin won wonbegin began begunblow blew blownbreak broke brokenrove drivenwrote writtenive gave giveniddenshook shakenswam swumthrow threw thrown理本或者笔记本上!(注意哦,一定要记在一起啊,记得在笔记本上预 留他们的专属位置哟)三、常见用法(重点)1.表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,有以下四大标志词 :1already, just 和yetHe has already got he

6、r help. 他已得到她的帮助。He has just seen the film. 他刚刚看过这场电影。(看电影这 个是已经完成的)He hasnt come back yet. 他还没有回来。(没有回来,对现在造 成了影响)2ever 和 neverThis is the best film I have ever seen. 这是我曾经看过的最好的 一部电影。He has never been to Beijing. 他从没有到过北京。3以动作发生的次数为标志He says he has been to the USA three times.4so far , before, rec

7、ently, latelyHe has bought a new car recently.I haven t heard from him Jane lately.2.表示动作或状态在过去某一时刻就已经开始,且持续到现在, 常 与 for (+时间段) ,since (+时间点),或 how long 连用 :1for + 时段Mary has been ill for three days.2since + 过去一个时间点 (自从以来)He has been a teacher since 1998.3since + 时段 + agoHe has studied English since

8、 4 years ago.4since + 从句(过去时)I have lived here since I was born.5It is + 时段 + since + 从句(过去时)It is three days since he arrived here.四、易错考点 +难点(重点) 注意:现在完成时表示动作从过去某个时候开始一直持续到现在, 与一 段时间连用时应注意肯定句中的谓语动词应是延续性动词, 非延续性动 词不可和一段时间连用。1、表示短暂意义的动词 (即非延续性动词) 如 open, go, come, arrive, leave, lose, fallleave, retu

9、rn, join, die, buy, borrow 等的完成时,在肯定句中不能与 for 或 since 等引导的时间段连用, (因为它们 表示的动作是短暂的,而时间段并不是短暂,所以不匹配)。例:他到这里三天了() He has arrived here for three days. () He has been here for three days.() It is three days since he arrived here. () It has been three days since he arrived here. 敲黑板,划重点! 这一块是经常会考到的内容, 一定要注

10、意, 一定要注意, 一定要注意! 重要的事情说三遍!转化延续性动词buyhavecomebe herediebe deadgobe thereleavebe awayarrive/reachbeopen/closebe open/be closedwake upbe awakeborrowkeep那么问题来了,如果非要把非延续性动词与一段时间连用要怎么办嗯,这个嘛,其实有三种方法:非延续性动词转化为延续性动词将时间状语改为过去时间,并用一般过去时代替现在完成时 如: She left Changchun 2 years ago. 她两年前离开长春。3用“It is+一段时间+since 从句”

11、表示。 从句中的谓语动词用非延续性动词的过去式 如: It has been three days since he arrived here. 他到这儿已经三天了。2、现在完成时不能和明确指出时间的状语连用,如 yesterday, lastyear, in 1976, two days ago, just now, when I came in ,等连但可以和不明确指出时间的状语,如 already, yet, sometimes, always,often, before, lately, recently, once, twice, ever, never例如:She has alre

12、ady come.她已经来了I haven t read it yet.我还没读过这个I have met him before.我从前曾见过他。我经常在街上看见他I have often seen him in the street.我近来没看到他They have never been to Yan an. 他们从未去过延安。I havent seen him lately.3、 have (has) been 和have (has) gone 的区别: 表示“曾到过某地” 要用 “have (has) been ”; 表示“已经去某地”要用 “have (has ) gone试比较:Wh

13、ere has he been 他刚才到哪里去了(已经回来了)Where has he gone 他上哪儿去了(人不在)They have been to Canada. 他们到过加拿大。(现在已经不在加拿大)They have gone to Canada. 他们到加拿大去了。专项练习题现在完成时一、用 since 和for 填空。1. two years3. last month5. yesterday4 hoursyears ago4. 19996. 4 o clock8. an hour agofor since since since since since for since、选用

14、 have, has 填空1.I told him the news. have2.She come back from school. has3.You won the game. have三、用 never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since 填空。1.I have seen him before, so I have no idea about him.never2.Jack has finished his homework. already3.Mr. Wang has taught in this school ten years.4. “Have you seen the film ” ever“ No, I have seen it. ” never5. “Has the bus left ” yet“ Yes, it has left. ” already四、单项选择。1.Dad, where is mom She the supermarket.A. has gone to B. has been toC. is going to D. went to2.By the time I graduate next year, I will _years.A

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