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1、自我描述;介绍自己的家人。第一课时Module1 Unit 1 Shes nice.一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标能够运用句型: Shes very But shes a bit能够掌握单词:nice , shy, clever, naughty, talkative, quiet, a bit.能够介绍人物,说出人物的特点。2、情感态度目标 培养学生对同伴友善的态度,了解朋友的特点和能力。二、教学重点及难点三、 课前准备教学卡片、人物头像、教学课件四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up1 GreetingHello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.S

2、tep 2 Presentations and practice1新授clever(1)由做算数题引出clever(2)进行发音教学 v v(3)引导学生不断用 Im clever.进行自我评价以巩固此单词的学习。2 复习 naughty(1) 由卡通人物Jerry的一段录像引出单词naughty(2) 用句子 Hes very naughty. 练习单词。并板书句型This is Hes very (3)出示5幅卡通图片,请学生用新学句型进行描述。3 复习nice新授a bit(1)由 Snow White 引出nice(2 )T: Whos nice in our class? Ss sh

3、ow their Wang Hong is nice. etcT: Snow White is nice ,but shes a bit shy. 引出单词shy,两人进行操练。在此基础上进一步学习短语“bit shy”操练。(3)课件出示词组,引导学生自主练说a bit a bit shy , a bit nice , a bit clever, a bit naughty4 新授talkative和quiet(1)运用句型Shes very But shes a bit描述Snow White.(2)给出3幅卡通图片,小组运用所学句型练习描述卡通人物的性格特征。(3)

4、出示影视人物的图片,学生自由谈论其特点,教师自然引出单词loud,(4)谈论影视人物引出单词quiet,并进行发音教学 qu kw T: Whos quiet in our class?S: XX is quiet. Step 3 Consolidation and extension1 Game(1)课件出示6幅卡通人物的图片及性格特征,师领读,复习单词(2)再此出示课件,一幅一幅图片出示,请学生根据记忆,说出卡通人物的特征以次练习描述人物的特征。2 Watch a dialogue(1) 让学生看教学光盘对话并且教师提出一个问题:Panpan to the dialogue and try

5、 to read it .2 Finish the activity book on page 1 and page 2.Step 6 Blackboard designModule 1 PeopleUnit 1 Shes nice This is Shes very Maomao Xiaoyong Parrot nice clever loud a bit shy a bit quietnaughtyTeaching Notes:第二课时Module1 Unit 2 Im going to like?2. Revision: Teacher do the actions and let th

6、e Ss say the words.( clever, nice shy, quiet)Step 2 Presentation and practice1.Describe a student in the class. Let the students guess who she is.Then let the students to describe their friend in the class.2.出示parrot What is parrot like?Ss: Hes loud and our story? Lets watch the video.引出课文。3.教授helpf

7、ulWho is our class?4. Whats the matter with the little girl, lets watch again. Because this little girl cant do answer.课件呈现数学题:T:What is ten plus ten?What is 7 plus 7?And one more?教授more.5.Let the students ask some math questions, and practice in pairs.6.Sum.Although parrot is loud and naughty, and

8、repeat.1. Parrot is going to pairs and then show the performance.2.Play a memory gameFirst, teacher do a demo for children. Then let the students practice in groups.Step 4 SummaryAll of you are nice and to the dialogue and try to read it .2. Finish the activity book on page 3 and page 4Step 6 Blackb

9、oard designUnit 2 Im going to t do going to help her.helpful more第二模块教学分析Module 2 London (伦敦)题材(主要)讲述将来可能发生的事情教学目标Wide old London from river clock high new roundThe river is very wide.And its very long.This is Big Ben.Its very tall.Youll see Tower Bridge.用形容词描述一处景物或一个场景使学生了解英国伦敦。通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不

10、仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知识任务用本课句型描述景点让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识,调动同学们的学习兴趣和热情,达到良好的学习效果Module2 Unit 1 Its very long.Describing things and places. 重点学习一些形容词,如wide, old, , London Eye等。通过让学生使用形容词描述国外景物,学生不仅学习了如何使用形容词,更开阔了眼界,增长了知识。同时通过介绍英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等,让同学们对国外景物形成一个初步的认识,调动同学们的学习兴趣和热情,达到

11、良好的学习效果。1、重点单词:wide, old, . Its very long.3、难 点:有关英国重要景点如River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye等知识的了解。三、课前准备1、课本及活动手册。2、一些与形容词相关(如:电视塔、长城)的图片及实物(如:新旧玩具、衣服)。3、一些有关英国伦敦的资料和地图。4、一个导游用的小喇叭,一顶遮阳帽5、有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件。6、录音机及配套的磁带。四、教学过程 (中英文相结合)1、教师热情地和学生打招呼,并带领全班做TRP活动“Say as I do, not as I say”。例如:教师说:“Im tall.”

12、同时俯身用手比着地面以上不高的位置。学生要迅速说出:“Youre not tall. Youre short.” 2、通过一些与形容词相关(如:电视塔、长城、)的图片及实物(如:带领学生回忆相关词语:big small, long short, tall short old new.老师先问中国的首都是哪里?再来引出英国的首都。并向学生出示英国的地图,请学生观察英国和伦敦的位置关系。向学生讲述有关英国重要景点的大概知识。老师拿着喇叭并戴上遮阳帽,扮成导游的样子开始讲课。Good morning! Today were going to go to London.Its the captial

13、of England.请同学们跟随老师看一看伦敦重要的三个景点。1.The frist one is River Thames.(展示课间图片)。老师问:What can you see in the picture?学生可用I can see句型回答。老师用肢体语言引导学生说出This river is very wide .And its very long.并教授wide这个单词。2.Amy和Lingling正在谈论接下来我们要去的两景点,快来听一听。听第一遍录音后,学生回答出Big Ben London Eye 这两个景点。教师使用两个景点的课间讲授他们的特点:Big Ben Its

14、very old clock. And its very tall.London Eye Its a big wheel. Its very and extension1.学生分脚色朗读课文。并请几组学生到教室前面表演课文。让学生观看有关英国重要景点的录像展示课件。3.教师提供的图片(电视塔、长城),学生刚学的句型和形容词造句。复习本课重点句型及单词。2. 请学生在黑板上,将River Thames, Big Ben, London Eye及相应的形容词配对。Step 5 Homework听并读Module2 Unit1 课文三次。用P7第三部分的三个图造句子。做AB P7。4.自愿完成 找一

15、张自己游览过的景点照片,试着用学的句型单词向家人或同学描述。 Module2 Unit 1 Its very long.River ThamesThis river is very wide .And its very long.Big Ben Its very old clock. And its very tall.London Eye Its a big wheel. Its very the London Eye.对will的理解。课前准备2、描写景物的表格。3、著名景点的照片及课件。4、录音机及配套的磁带。三、教学过程Sing a song. “The London Eye.”1、“

16、Beijing is the capital of China. We love China.” 教师向学生出示北京的照片,“In Beijing, well see the Great Wall.”教师再请学生观看长城的课件。此时在黑板上板书上“Well see the Great Wall.”重点讲述will 用于一般将来时。用来表示将来可能发生的事情,它的缩写形式是ll。2、请同学带着问题听第一遍录音,“What will Amy see in London?”带着学生回答出Shell see Tower Bridge.讲授新单词Tower Bridge.3、请同学们听第二遍录音,并且跟

17、读。了解课文内容基础上先让同桌之间分角朗读再请学生上台表演课文对话。4、请学生四人为一小组,完成课本第二部分。Ill see造句子。5、完成活动手册第一、二两部分。1、Game “Which picture?”依据课本第四部分完成此游戏。之后同桌之间用第四部分的图相互问答如A :“In this park, youll see a wide river.” B : “Its Green Park.”2、请同学根据教师提供的著名景点的照片及课件,说一说Youll see1、复习本课重点句型及单词。2、再次讲解will 用于一般将来时。并且板书“Ill seeYoull seeShell seeH

18、ell seeWell see”5.听并读Module2 Unit2课文三次。6.用P8第二部分的四个图造句子。7. 试着用学的句型单词,向家人或同学描述自己将要看到的景物。Module2 Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge.In Beijing, well see the Great Wall. IllI willIll see Youll seeShell seeHell seeWell see”第三模块教学分析Module3 future planAmy Daming 分别计划周末要去动物园和农场,并各自预想自己将要见到的动物。谈论将来发生的事情。一般将来时wil

19、l, wont, tiger, lion, school, zoo, parkT Well see lions and tigers.Will Sam go, too? Yes, t.能够仿说和运用下列句子:I shet Who willWhere dose live?Is there there?本模块主要学习一般将来时的一般疑问句及回答 :Will? Yes,will. No,wont. will.及特殊疑问句What will you?及其回答Well谈论将来发生的事情通过本课的学习,使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体验,并用本课句型与他人交流各自将要做的事情,让学生做周末活动小调查等,

20、以巩固一般将来时态的句子的使用。Module 3Unit 1 Maybe Ill go to the zoo.一、教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标能够听说读写下列句子:Well see lions and tigers. Yes, t.能听说读写的词语:能听说读下列句子I shet Who willWhere dose live? 并能用学过的句子进行询问、交流各自将要做的事情,例如到哪去,干什么?用于表达将要上的课程等。培养学生的表达及交际能力。使学生在英语学习中获得快乐的学习体验。 一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will ? Yes,will.No,wont. TAPETVHEA

21、DDRESSCARDS TEXTBOOKACTIVITYBOOK四、教学过程Good morning, boys and girls.Do you want to visit London?(computer)What will you see? Ill see(学生说出伦敦的著名城市景点 课件)Boys and girls, this weekend, I will go to the supermarket to buy lots of things. Could you tell us what you will do this weekend? S:Ill go to What wil

22、l you see at the zoo?Ill see (zoo)(板书)Boys and girls, Let look at the video:?“What will Amy, Sam and Daming do this weekend?Now, watch the video,please.Then Think it over. (课件)1.What will Amy do this weekend?2.What will Amy see?Are you ready?Lets see(go).(课件全课) (Watch TV) Headdress. The student will

23、 be Amy.Show a picture.(仅一屏)HelloAmy. What will you do this weekend?(为什么用well,请记住这个问题)。(Who wants to be Amy?) Listen carefully. S:I dont know. S: Maybe Ill(well) go to the zoo. Lets go on.What will you see? Well see lions and tigers.(板书)(为什么用well?) (read the tiger)Look at the picture:(Listen)Who is

24、,please.Amy and Sam are two children. what will you See? Ill or Well?(头像Amy and Sam) S: Well see lions and tigers.(有节奏的读)Show the computer.T:Will Daming go too?(Listen carefully.)S:No, I wont.(板书)(卡) (Read it one by one.)Now, Daming wont go to the zoo. How does Amy ask? Please listen carefully. Who will be Amy?How do you ask?Will you go too,Daming?(板书)(卡)(Try to say.)S: No, I wont.What will you do Daming? s:I will visit my grandpa in the countryside.(板书) countryside(读几遍) T: Will you see tigerslions there?No.I wont tigerslion

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